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Sam Houston Says Jake Roberts Should Have Been Inducted Into The Hall of Fame Sooner

March 23, 2014 | Posted by Joseph Lee

In an interview with Who’s Slamming Who (Via PWInsider), Jake Roberts’ brother Sam Houston said that The Snake should have been inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame a lot sooner. Here are highlights:

On Jake Roberts’ Hall of Fame induction: “It was earned. I’m so happy that my brother finally got it. It’s something that should have happened, probably, a long time ago. But I can understand both sides of the story but it should have happened a long time ago. When I was in [the] WWF, he was like the #3 guy there on top. It was Hogan, Savage, and Jake. He’s my brother, and yes I may be biased, but the guy is phenomenal. He has a mind like no other for this wrestling business. No matter what any problems [he had] – this, that, or the other – that you might travel through on your journey, you still need your props. You still deserve your respect.”

On his own highs and lows: “One night I came back from the ring and Paul Ellering was sitting there. He was watching my match through the curtain. I come up the steps and he goes, “Sam, do you know why I love watching your matches?” And I said, “No.” And he said, “Because you go that one step further.” I lost that somewhere along the way … I don’t know if I got lost in my addiction after I got injured. I lost that somewhere along the way and I became complacent. I became comfortable with just doing enough to get by. It took those years of incarceration that I spent to get that back in myself.”

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Joseph Lee

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