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Seth Rollins On Wearing Shield Gear For Royal Rumble Match With Roman Reigns

July 21, 2022 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Seth Rollins Roman Reigns WWE Royal Rumble Image Credit: WWE

Seth Rollins went old-school with his Shield gear for his match with Roman Reigns at the Royal Rumble, and he discussed how that came about in a new interview. Rollins donned his old gear for the match against Reigns at the January PPV and talked about the decision during his discussion with Digital Spy. Some highlights are below:

At the WWE Royal Rumble earlier this year Seth Rollins, surprised the fans by appearing in his old Shield ring gear, coming out to the group’s old music and entering through the crowd. Rollins was, of course, competing against his former Shield-mate, Roman Reigns, for the WWE Championship that night, meaning he could justify his nostalgic presentation as “mind games.” But he recently revealed to Digital Spy that it was a last-minute decision, and oddly enough, something his mother helped make happen.

On wearing his Shield gear for his match against Reigns: “Fortunately the event was in St. Louis, which is a short drive from my home in Iowa where I kept all my old stuff,” Rollins said. “So I had a few friends coming up for the show, and so I had to have them put it in a backpack. My mom packed it and delivered it to the guys, and they brought it down.”

On how it felt to slip the gear back on: “It’s very warm, it’s cumbersome. I’m so used to wrestling with a shirt off now that when I’ve got all those layers on, the vest and pants and all that, it’s very warm, very much warmer than I would like it to be.”

On whose idea it was for him to wear the old gear: “I actually can’t tell you whose idea [it] was. It was a collaborative idea, I will tell you that much, but I can’t divulge that, that’s for a documentary somewhere down the line. ”