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Slimmer’s WWE Money in the Bank 2024 Review

July 6, 2024 | Posted by Scott Slimmer
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Slimmer’s WWE Money in the Bank 2024 Review  

Welcome to 411’s WWE Money in the Bank 2024 Report. We are LIVE in beautiful Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Not gonna lie to y’all, I got a little confused about what time the Kickoff Show started, so I’m a little late to the party tonight. The production team is having all sorts of problems with the audio at the moment, but hopefully they get it all figured out before the show begins.

Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Jey Uso vs. Carmelo Hayes vs. Andrade vs. Chad Gable vs. LA Knight vs. Drew McIntyre

Chaos ensues as soon as the bell rings. Knight catches Hayes with a power slam and then squares off with Uso. Gable and Hayes slide ladders into the ring but eat dives from Knight and Hayes. Gable and McIntyre climb a ladder, and Gable locks in an arm bar at the top of the ladder. Andrade connects with a springboard leg drop to Gable but lands awkwardly on a ladder. Andrade begins to climb, but Hayes catches him with a springboard clothesline that takes him back down to the mat. Hayes positions Andrade on a ladder and heads for the ropes, but Andrade springs up and hits a springboard Spanish fly onto the ladder. That was gorgeous AND horrifying. Uso heads back into the ring and spears McIntyre. Uso positions a ladder in the corner, but Gable catches him with a German suplex. Gable delivers a German suplex to McIntyre and then follows up with Chaos Theory to Hayes. Gable begins to climb, but Knight pulls him back down to the mat. Knight sets a ladder on its edge and delivers a neck breaker to Hayes on the edge of the ladder. Knight uses a ladder to bridge the ring apron and the announce table. Knight tries to send Hayes through the bridging ladder, but Hayes escapes and begins to climb. Gable climbs a second ladder and locks in the Ankle Lock on Hayes. Andrade climbs the opposite side of Hayes’ ladder, but Gable knocks him back down to the mat. McIntyre pulls Gable off the ladder and powerbombs him onto a ladder in the corner. McIntyre lands a Claymore that sends Andrade to the outside. Uso heads up top and connects with an Uso Splash to McIntyre. Uso and Knight climb a ladder and slug it out at the top. Uso gets a hand on the briefcase, but Hayes tips the ladder and sends both Uso and Knight back down to the mat. Hayes heads up top and connects with Nothing But Net to Uso. Andrade uses a ladder to bridge the ladder in the middle of the ring and the second rope. Andrade climbs the ladder as Hayes climbs the opposite side. Andrade hits Hayes with a sunset flip powerbomb through the ladder. Knight climbs, but Gable pulls him back down to the mat. Gable delivers a gorgeous belly-to-belly suplex over the top rope and through the bridging ladder at ringside. Gable climbs and grabs the briefcase, but Uso pulls the ladder out from under him. Gable falls to the mat and eats a spear from Uso. Uso climbs and gets his hands on the briefcase, but McIntyre LAUNCHES a ladder into Uso’s face. Uso falls to the mat, and McIntyre connects with a Claymore to send him to the outside. McIntyre climbs the ladder and retrieves the briefcase to win the match.

Match Result: Drew McIntyre retrieves the Money in the Bank briefcase to win the match.
Match Length: 16:30
Slimmer’s Rating: ****

Intercontinental Championship Match
Sami Zayn (Champion) vs. Bron Breakker

Zayn and Breakker circle each other to start, but Breakker quickly catches Zayn with a belly-to-belly suplex. Breakker slips behind Zayn and slams him to the mat. Breakker gives Zayn a free shot, so Zayn slaps Breakker across the face. Breakker retaliates and works over Zayn in the corner. Zayn dumps Breakker to the outside and hits an Arabian Press to Breakker on the outside. Zayn rolls Breakker back into the ring, but Breakker goes to work with the ground and pound offense. Breakker hits a belly-to-belly suplex and then repeatedly slams Zayn’s face into the top turnbuckle. Zayn regains control and hits a top rope tornado DDT for a two count. Zayn clotheslines Breakker to the outside and then heads to the outside himself. Breakker whips Zayn to the barricade, but Zayn leaps up and goes for a moonsault off the barricade, but Breakker catches Zayn in the air and slams him into the ring post. The action briefly returns to the ring before Zayn once again whips Breakker to the outside. Zayn charges at Breakker on the outside but gets caught with a spear. Breakker rolls Zayn back into the ring and goes for a spear, but Zayn catches Breakker with a knee to the face. Zayn hits the Blue Thunder Bomb and gets a two count. Zayn heads to the top, but Breakker leaps up and hits a Frankensteiner. The action spills to the outside and Breakker goes for a spear, but Zayn leap frogs him. Breakker slams Zayn’s head into the announce table and then hits a diving clothesline off the ring apron onto Zayn and the announce table. Breakker rolls Zayn back into the ring, but he may have injured his knee on the diving clothesline. Zayn hits an exploder suplex into the corner, but Breakker fights back with a guerrilla press slam. Breakker goes for a spear, but Zayn counters with a front kick. Zayn hits the Helluva Kick and finally gets the three count.

Match Result: Sami Zayn defeats Bron Breakker with the Helluva Kick.
Match Length: ****¼
Slimmer’s Rating: 13:15

Trish Stratus, the host of Money in the Bank, comes out to the stage and announces that JOHN CENA IS HERE! Cena comes out and makes his way down to the ring. Cena has a “The Last Time is Now” towel and a “After This U Can’t See Me” shirt. Cena says that tonight he officially announces his retirement from WWE. He knows that we might have a lot of questions. Like, why here? Why Toronto? He wants to talk about Canada, and he wants to talk about Canadians. He’s seen waves of prosperity during his career, but he’s also seen hardship when no one knows your name, no one wants to be your friend, and only the most dedicated fans stand by your side. During his entire career, he’s learned that whether WWE is hot or cold, Canadians always show up. But why now? Because it’s Money in the Bank, the ultimate symbol of opportunity. Cena’s farewell is filled with opportunity. The Royal Rumble 2025 will be his last. The Elimination Chamber 2025 will be his last. And WrestleMania 2025 will be the last WrestleMania he will compete in. Cena tells everyone that if you want some, come get some, because the Last Time is Now.

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Damian Priest (Champion) vs. Seth “Freakin” Rollins

Rollins goes for a quick Pedigree, but Priest blocks. Rollins goes for a vertical suplex, but Priest counters into a Broken Arrow. Priest traps Rollins in the corner and follows up with a Flatliner for a two count. Priest charges at Rollins in the corner but gets caught with Sling Blade. Rollins dumps Priest to the outside and hits a suicide dive. Rollins charges back into the ring and hits a second suicide dive. Rollins connects with a third suicide dive and sends Priest tumbling over the announce table. The action returns to the ring, and Rollins connects with a springboard swanton followed by a springboard moonsault for a two count. Priest fights back with a headlock driver and goes for South of Heaven, but Rollins counters into a hurricanrana. Priest goes for a Razor’s Edge, but Rollins slides out the back. Rollins heads up top and connects with a frog splash for a two count. Priest takes Rollins up top and heads up top to join him. Rollins slides between Priest’s legs and carries him across the ring for a Buckle Bomb. Priest and Rollins slug it out in the middle of the ring and then trade kicks. Priest sets up for South of Heaven, but Rollins tries to counter into a Pedigree, but Priest counters into a back body drop. Rollins hits the ropes and connects with a Stomp for a two count. Priest fights back with a Razor’s Edge for a two count. Priest heads up top, but Rollins springs up top and hits a superplex into a Falcon Arrow for a LOOONG two count. HERE COMES DREW MCINTYRE!!! McIntyre cashes in MiTB to make this a Triple Threat Match. McIntyre charges at Rollins but eats a super kick. McIntyre goes for a Claymore, but Priest catches him with a clothesline. HERE COMES CM PUNK!!! Punk charges into the ring and chases McIntyre out of the ring. Punk grabs a steel chair and beats McIntyre to the ground. Punk chokes McIntyre with an equipment cable and then lands another chair shot. Punk grabs the title and slams it into McIntyre’s face. McIntyre stumbles into the ring, but Priest hits him with South of Heaven for the three count.

Match Result: Damian Priest defeats Drew McIntyre with South of Heaven.
Match Length: 15:48
Slimmer’s Rating: ****

Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Iyo Sky vs. Chelsea Green vs. Lyra Valkyria vs. Tiffany Stratton vs. Naomi vs. Zoey Stark

The action spills to the outside as soon as the bell rings, and Green is left alone in the ring. Green tries to jump up to grab the title, but she’s… quite a bit short. Green grabs a ladder and uses it to knock Stark off the apron. Sky hits a springboard missile drop kick into Green and the ladder. Sky drop kicks Stratton into a ladder in the corner and then follows up with a double knee shot into Stratton and the ladder. Valkyria launches Sky into the ladder in the corner and then delivers a fisherman’s suplex to Sky onto the ladder. Sky sets up a ladder but eats a springboard missile drop kick from Stark. Stark follows up with a clothesline to Valkyria and then hits a Samoan Drop onto a ladder. Stark goes for a slingshot tornado senton onto Valkyria on the ladder, but she overshoots and hits the back of her head on the edge of the ladder. Naomi takes advantage and connects with a split-legged moonsault onto Stark on a ladder. Stratton delivers an Alabama Slamma to Naomi onto a ladder and then heads up top to hit a swanton onto the other competitors on the outside. Green sets up a ladder and begins to climb, but Sky pulls her back down to the mat. Sky climbs the ladder, but Valkyria knocks her down to the mat. Valkyria climbs, but Sky ties her up in the tree of woe in the ladder. Sky climbs over Valkyria, but Valkyria pulls herself up and hits a spider suplex. Naomi does the splits between two ladders and hits Stark with a tornado DDT. Naomi pulls a ladder out from under the ring, but Green whips her into the ring steps. Green and Stratton set up to ladders at ringside. Two ladders get set up under the briefcase, and Valkyria and Sky begin to climb. Two more ladders get set up as bridges between the central ladders and the ring ropes. Valkyria gets a hand on the briefcase, but Stark slams her down onto one of the bridging ladders. Naomi climbs a ladder, but Green hits an Unpretty-her onto the bridging ladder. Sky and Stark climb, but Sky slams Stark onto the other bridging ladder. Green climbs and gets her hands on the briefcase, but Stratton climbs the adjacent ladder and tips Green’s ladder, sending her flying over the top rope and through the two tables at ringside. Stratton retrieves the briefcase to win the match.

Match Result: Tiffany Stratton retrieves the Money in the Bank briefcase to win the match.
Match Length: 16:37
Slimmer’s Rating: ****½

Six-Man Tag Team Match
Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton & Kevin Owens vs. The Bloodline

It’s going to be Rhodes and Sikoa to start the match, but Sikoa wants no part of Rhodes and makes the tag to Tonga. Tonga muscles Rhodes to the corner and works him over. Tonga whips Rhodes to the opposite corner, but Rhodes fights back with a running bulldog. Rhodes makes the tag to Owens, and Owens takes the fight right to Tonga. Owens makes the quick tag back to Rhodes, and Rhodes delivers a front suplex to Tonga. Rhodes tags Orton, but Tonga manages to make the tag to Fatu. Fatu charges at Orton, but Orton whips him out of the ring and then hits his patented rope-assisted DDT. Orton turns to set up for the RKO but find that Fatu has sprung right back up to his feet. Fatu drags Orton to the corner and makes the tag to Solo. Solo works over Orton in the corner and then chokes him across the second rope. Tonga makes the tag and hits a slingshot splash on to Orton. Tonga catches Orton in a side head lock, but Orton counters into a back suplex. Orton makes the hot tag to Owens, and Owens stomps a mudhole in Tonga. Owens heads up top and hits a swanton for a two count. Fatu gets the tag and goes to work with the ground and pound offense. Fatu makes the tag to Sikoa, and Sikoa blocks Owens from making a tag. Sikoa chokes Owens across the bottom rope and works him over in the corner. Sikoa tags Fatu, and Fatu delivers a vicious hip attack in the corner. Tonga gets the tag and beats Owens to the corner in the middle of the ring. Sikoa gets the tag and continues the assault. Sikoa works over Owens in the corner and then slugs it out with Owens in the middle of the ring. Sikoa misses a hip attack in the corner but manages to make the tag to Fatu. Fatu goes for a running splash in the corner, but Owens slides out of the way and FINALLY makes the hot tag to Rhodes as Fatu tags Sikoa. Rhodes takes control of Sikoa and levels him with a Disaster Kick. Tonga charges into the ring, but Rhodes catches him with a Cody Cutter. Rhodes connects with a suicide dive to Sikoa on the outside and then does the same to Tonga Loa. Rhodes back body drops Fatu over the barricade and then heads back into the ring. Rhodes sets up for a Pedigree, but Sikoa blocks and accidentally takes out the referee. Rhodes hits the Cross Rhodes, but the referee is down. Owens hits a frog splash from the top, and Orton follows up with the RKO, but the referee is still down. Rhodes, Orton, and Owens set up Sikoa for an Shield Powerbomb through the announce table, but Fatu breaks it up. Owens hits Fatu with a stunner and then hits a frog splash onto Fatu through the announce table. Owens rolls Tonga into the ring and goes for a package piledriver, but Tonga Loa slides into the ring and low blows Owens. Orton charges into the ring and RKOs both Tonga and Loa. Sikoa hits Orton with the Samoan Spike, but Rhodes delivers two Cross Rhodes to Sikoa. Rhodes sets up for a third Cross Rhodes, but Fatu dives off the top to break it up. Fatu holds Rhodes as Sikoa hits the Samoan Spike. Fatu rolls the referee back into the ring, and Sikoa covers Rhodes for the three count.

Match Result: Solo Sikoa defeats Cody Rhodes with the Samoan Spike.
Match Length: 25:00
Slimmer’s Rating: ****½

The final score: review Amazing
The 411
Money in the Bank was a great show that benefited immensely from only having five matches on the card. Bron Breakker looked phenomenal even in loss, and Tiffany Stratton’s ascent continues. Some may say that having Drew McIntyre win Money in the Bank and then unsuccessfully cash it in the same night was a waste of MitB, but it served as even more fodder for McIntyre’s inevitable explosive showdown with CM Punk. The biggest news of the night may be Solo Sikoa pinning Cody Rhodes in the middle of the ring, setting up a potential singles match with Rhodes as well as a truly epic showdown with Roman Reigns whenever he does finally return.