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The Undertaker Recalls Rooming With The Iron Sheik On the Road, Being Kept Up All Night

The Undertaker recently recalled a story of rooming with the Iron Sheik on the road and being kept up all night by the Sheik’s antics. Taker looked back on the experience on his Six Feet Under podcast, and you can see highlights below (per Fightful):
On Sheik waking him up one night: “I ended up back in my hotel room around 1:30 in the morning. Sheik comes in, I don’t know, maybe another 30 or 45 minutes after. I’m just right there on the edge of getting some good sleep and he goes, ‘Excellent, Marky, bubba. You getting good rest? That’s excellent, brother.'”
On Sheik waking up later to Sheik doing squats on the balcony at 4:30 AM: “[He said] ‘Bubba, it’s good for the lungs’… ‘Oh my gosh, what have I got myself into?’ I’m just trying to wrap these little thin blankets — I don’t know where we were, we were out of roadway or something. I mean, the covers were thin. I’m trying to just wrap myself up like a burrito to create some friction. Finally, I’m trying to fall back asleep and I hear the sliding glass door shut and I was like, ‘Oh, my God.’ Instantly, the room was warmer. I’m looking at the clock and I was like, ‘Man I’ve got another two hours that can sleep before we got to get up and get on the road again.
“So the next thing I hear, the shower is on. He’s in there taking a shower and I mean, it’s the longest shower I’ve ever heard a human take. Actually, I’m getting a little pissed but I’m still a greenhorn, I’m still a rookie. I got no say and he could twist me up in a knot anyway. He’s a veteran. He had already had his big run with Hogan, it’s the Sheik, dude. Didn’t mean I’m not mad but I also got to pay respects to the guys that came before me.”
On Sheik then using a blow drier: “He’s blow-drying his mustache. ‘Excellent, bubba. Makes mustache look good’.. From that point forward, unless I absolutely had to, or it was Godfather or Brian Adams, those are the only two guys that I should have room with.”
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