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Tony Schiavone Recalls How Much He Respected Gorilla Monsoon

May 25, 2024 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
WWF Prime Time Wrestling Bobby Heenan, WWE Network, Gorilla Monsoon Image Credit: WWE

– During a recent edition of What Happened When, AEW broadcaster Tony Schiavone discussed working with the late WWE Hall of Famer Gorilla Monsoon while Schiavone worked in WWE in 1989. Below are some highlights (via WrestlingInc.com):

Schiavone on how respected Gorilla Monsoon was: “The studio, back in the locker room areas, just so respected by everybody… And the way he handled himself –- the way he talked? One of the greatest men ever. Truly, one of the nicest, greatest men ever.”

On Monnsoon’s confidence: “Some people don’t give a f***, and you can tell they don’t give a f*** because of the way they put their effort into their work, but Gorilla Monsoon just knew who he was and knew – he just carried himself around like a, just a… Gigantic larger than life person.”

On learning from Monsoon: “I can’t say enough about him, how much I respected him, how much I really loved him, and I say that honestly… And he was one of those guys that I worked with; he and JR [Jim Ross] taught me a lot about announcing and how to put things over and how to sell things.”