wrestling / News
Updated Schedule of WrestleCon Events Over WrestleMania 33 Weekend
– Here is the updated list of events being presented by WrestleCon during WrestleMania 33 weekend…
* WrestleCon Kickoff Party with Ric Flair & Sting will be a live event on Thursday, March 30th at 4:00 PM
* Wrestle Pro will hold a live event on Thursday, March 30th at 8:30 PM
* Rev Pro (UK) will hold a live event on Friday, March 31st at 4:00 PM
* WrestleCon SuperShow will hold their annual live event on Friday, March 31st at 8:30 PM
* The Wrestling Revolver will be live on Saturday, April 1st at Noon
* WrestleCon Women’s SuperShow will be live on Saturday, April 1st at 4:00 PM.
* Women’s SuperShow will be FREE with your Saturday WrestleCon Admission.
* Combat Zone will be live with “Best of the Best” on Saturday, April 1st at 8:30 PM.
Credit: Pwinsider.com