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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 5.05.23

Hey there people, time for the last episode of WWE Smackdown before Backlash tomorrow. This is also the last night of the old rosters as the super serious Draft took place recently and totally changed the game, right? Losing Imperium and getting Austin Theory still hurts my soul, almost as much as keeping Poochie around. Anyway we’re in San Juan, Puerto Rico tonight because Backlash will come from the same location tomorrow. To that end Bad Bunny and Cody Rhodes will both be on the show tonight in some capacity. As for in ring action we should be looking at Karrion Kross vs. Shinsuke Nakamura, Nakamura will be moving to RAW on Monday and Kross could use a win here. Last week the OC showed up and beat down the Viking Raiders, leading to a match tonight where I’m sure the Raiders will continue their losing ways. Rhea Ripley will be moving to RAW on Monday as well, so she’s either losing her title tomorrow to Zelina Vega or we’ll get her and Bianca Belair trading belts, but this is the last shot at selling Vega vs. Ripley so both women will have some kind of interaction. Everyone who’s got a match for Backlash scheduled should be on hand tonight, so I imagine we’ll see a fair number of unscheduled stuff. Last week the Usos failed to reclaim the tag team titles from Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, while Jimmy and Jey are staying on Smackdown with the rest of the Bloodline there will likely be fall out from that next week when Roman is finally booked for a show. Expect a lot of filler this week for our go home show, which is kind of the usual. Anyway that’s the preamble so let’s get to the action.
Up first here comes Rey Mysterio, there’s no entrance stage in place so I imagine no pyro either. After Rey here comes the LWO and they all head to the ring for promo time. Rey speaks Spanish to put over the Backlash card tomorrow then introduces Zelina Vega as the next champion. Vega is overwhelmed but she’s interrupted by Judgement Day before she can speak. Rhea Ripley, Finn Balor, and Dominik Mysterio are here, no Damien Priest yet. Dom has a mic and speaks some truly horrible Spanish which the crowd boos. Eventually he tells Rey he’s a deadbeat dad, Rey cuts him off by tell him he talks too much. Next he reminds everyone that he beat Dom’s ass at WrestleMania. Rey wants a rematch with Dom. Ripley, protected by broadcast TV rules about men hitting women, steps to Rey and asks for a match with him. Vega gets in front of Rey and steps to Ripley, and Dom wants a mixed tag team match. Rey and Vega agree. Dom with a cheap shot before they head out. More for the live crowd than doing anything of use for the general audience, and we’ve seen this a lot lately so it’s just kind of rehashing stuff that’s been done recently.
We get a recap of the OC wiping out the Viking Raiders last week. That sets up the OC coming out for a tag team match after this break.
Match #1 – Tag Team Match: The OC (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson) w/ Michin and AJ Styles vs. Viking Raiders (Erik and Ivar) w/ Valhalla
AJ Styles has joined commentary for this match. Anderson and Erik start us off, they tie up and Ivar tags in and Anderson gets clubbed down. Erik tags in, as AJ Styles tries to put over the world title that he’s unable to compete for as meaning something. Anderson with chops to Erik then a low kick to the knee. Both men tag out and Ivar and Gallows go face to face. Ivar with a flurry of strikes in the corner then Gallows lays out Ivar with a move missed by a camera cut. Gallows with a flurry of strikes in the corner then tags in Anderson for a boot assisted Russian leg sweep. Anderson with a 10 punch in the corner, can’t get all the way to 10 and they trade strikes before Valhalla distracts Anderson allowing Ivar to knock him to the floor. Michin and Valhalla stare off as we head to break.
We come back to Anderson making a hot tag to Gallows. Gallows runs wild on everyone for a bit, then Erik punches him and tags in Ivar. Gallows with a chokebomb to Ivar but only 2. Ivar lands a back elbow and tags out. Erik and Gallows trade strikes for a bit, then Erik hits a one armed powerbomb and tags in Ivar. Ivar goes for the Iceberg Splash, hits it but Anderson breaks up the pin. Everyone gets their stuff in before Valhalla distracts Gallows. Michin hits a shotgun dropkick to Valhalla as Gallows hits an ugly head kick. Anderson tags in, Magic Killer and that’ll do it.
Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: Really hot crowd, Backlash is going to be nuts for atmosphere, but the action was just kind of every Good Brothers match. They’re always solid but rarely great.
Commentary tells us the rules for the two tournaments for the World Heavyweight Title. RAW will have a tourney as will Smackdown, the winners face off at Saudi Blood Money for the title. So if you really want to get off of Smackdown winning that belt will do it.
Next is RAW women’s champion Bianca Belair. After this break Belair will talk.
Post break WWE pats itself on the back via a video package of headlines from their recent European tour.
Belair is still in the ring and finally gets to talk. She puts over the European crowds, then sucks up to the local crowd. She says Smackdown has a special place in her heart, she made history winning the Smackdown women’s title, then puts over Iyo Sky for Backlash but Belair has defended her title all over the world and no matter where she is she delivers. If she beats Sky tomorrow she’ll tie the record for the longest title reign of the modern era, and on Sunday she’ll be the longest reigning champion of the modern era. Damage Control interrupts this and Bayley talks as they walk to the ring. Bayley runs down how she made Belair on this show. She says Belair should focus more on Sky who’s about to end her title reign. After Iyo wins the RAW women’s title Bayley and Dakota will go for the women’s tag team titles and everything will belong to Damage Control. Belair fights off Dakota Kai and Bayley, then stares off with Iyo. Belair actually just solo wrecks Damage Control before there’s a timing issue for Iyo landing a drop kick to finally drop Belair. Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez are here to even the odds and Damage Control has to run away from the trio of champions.
Karrion Kross video, he talks about how being prepared leads you to be complacent, up until they lose one little thing then it all falls apart. Tonight he plans to take the honor of Nakamura. Tick tock.
The Street Profits head to the ring, they’ll take on Imperium after this break.
Post break, a video recap of Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens defending the tag team titles against the Usos last week and Matt Riddle probably stopping Solo Sikoa from crushing his brothers. You know, if Roman allowed Jimmy and Jey to watch the shows back this whole thing would be going differently.
In the back Solo tapes up his thumb as Jimmy and Jey walk behind him. They’re here to handle business, Jimmy and Jey are ready for tomorrow while Solo just keeps wrapping up his hand. Jey is staring daggers at Solo, he knows what’s coming. Solo heard them, and tomorrow he’s doing his part, and Jimmy and Jey better do theirs. Jey knows there’s physical pain in his future, he’s failed Roman before.
Imperium are walking to the ring for our next match.
Match #2 – Tag Team Match: Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins) vs. Imperium (Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci)
No Gunther as I believe he’s still on his honeymoon after getting married over the week. Kaiser tags in Vinci right away and they run wild knocking Dawkins off the apron then unloading on Ford. Vinci dives onto both ford and Dawkins, then hits a Finlay Roll in the ring and a moonsault onto Ford for 2. Kaiser tags back in and lays in strikes to Ford. Gamen giri from Kaiser then a font headlock suplex. Ford fires up with strikes but Kaiser cuts him off only to eat a back suplex and both men are down. Both men tag out and Dawkins runs wild on Vinci. Corner splash and Ford tags back in, Ford goes From the Heavens and that’ll end things.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Street Profits won
Rating: 2 stars
Thoughts: Borderline squash, Imperium deserve better.
In the back Cody Rhodes walks, he’ll talk after this break.
Post break we see the LWO preparing for their match later.
After that we get a video highlight for Cody Rhodes vs. Brock Lesnar. That took a while, but after that here comes Cody Rhodes. Cody has a mic, and wants to know what Puerto Rico wants to talk about. Well let’s talk about Brock Lesnar, the most decorated athlete in all of combat sports, cowboy and coward. He could attach all kinds of nicknames to Brock, but the only thing that comes to his mind in gatekeeper. Cody’s old coach double A told him that when you really make it, when you get to the kingdom someone’s going to stand in front of it and keep you out. If you work for WWE you don’t have to fight Brock, you can do all kinds of other stuff and avoid Brock, but Brock picked a fight with Cody and has offered no explanation. Maybe tomorrow when Cody beats it out of him Brock will make known why he did it. He just saw the same video package we all did, and in that package he mentioned being afraid of Brock, and that’s still true as everyone should be afraid of Brock. Well Cody fights Brock tomorrow and he doesn’t have time to be afraid, tomorrow he brings the pain, it’s a fair fight and he leaves this lovely island with the memory etched on his heart of getting back on the path to finishing the story and claiming his kingdom. Decent promo from Cody but there’s not a lot here to actually sink your teeth into so it remains just decent.
Shinsuke Nakamura is at gorilla getting ready, and Kayla finds him. She asks about being attacked by Kross last week, Nakamura has things to say to Kross, “come on”. Nakamura heads to the ring, after this break he’ll take on Karrion Kross. Also, I’m going to miss Samantha when she moves to RAW on Monday.
Post break we see Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Matt Riddle in the back. Riddle says there’s more drama in the Bloodline than in Succession, and talks about the momentum they have against the Bloodline going into Backlash. Sami agreed with everything Riddle said, and there’s nothing left for him or Owens to say on the matter. Riddle is pleased with himself.
Back to the ring and here comes Karrion Kross with Scarlett.
Match #3: Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett
Kross looks more defined, like he cut a bit of water weight lately. Quick offense from Kross, but Nakamura counters with kicks in the corner but Kross clobbers him with an elbow. Running knee from Nakamura sends Kross out of the ring. Nakamura stalks Kross on the outside but runs into a kitchen sink knee lift then Kross powerbombs Nakamura on the ring post to send us to break.
Kross is still in control as we come back. Some trash talk from Kross, Nakamura goes head to head with him then they start trading strikes before Nakamura lands a running kick. Nakamura calls Kross on and unloads with a series of strikes. Kross eats a kick to the back of the head then Nakamura sets him on the ropes for a knee to the body, that gets 2 on a cover. Scarlett distracts Nakamura and the ref leading to Kross hitting a T-Bone suplex for a 2 count. Kross wants the Kross-jacket, Nakamura throws him off with it and tabs a flying armbar, he switches to a triangle choke but Kross heaves him up only for Nakamura to switch to a guillotine choke but Kross counters with a suplex, Nakamura lands a knee though and a wheel kick. German suplex from Nakamura and he sets for the Kinshasa but Kross intercepts with a clothesline. Kross tries the Saito suplex, but Nakamura counters into a rollup for 2, then Kross lands a knee strike then a Doomsday Saito suplex but that only gets a 2 count. Now Kross sets for the Kross Hammer, but Nakamura lands a kick, then a tornado kick to the head and the Kinshasa connects to end things.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Shinsuke Nakamura won
Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: Well that pretty much puts a fork in the run of Kross, but the match was fine and if Nakamura is in the upcoming World Heavyweight Title tournament then keeping him hot after returning was a good call.
That sends us to break.
Post break we get a video highlight for the NXT talent coming to Smackdown. Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn, Cameron Grimes which I’m sure will thrill LA Knight, Pretty Deadly are a good little comedy duo, and Grayson Waller who I’m sure they’ll pair up with Austin Theory for maximum snooze inducing doucheness.
In the back Cameron Grimes talks with Adam Pearce, then Baron Corbin interrupts things. Corbin brings up how Grimes was last picked, Grimes reminds Corbin that no one picked him. Grimes is willing to fight Corbin next week to see who’s actually relevant. Pearce makes that official, and Grimes is hyped for his first Smackdown match.
Commentary runs down the Backlash card, and we get a clip of Bad Bunny and Damien Priest from the press conference. Bad Bunny really thought about throwing a stage speaker at Priest.
Back to the ring and here come Rey Mysterio and Zelina Vega for our main event. We cut to commercial as they’re in the ring.
Post break we’re reminded that Roman Reigns will show up next week, so presumably something will happen. Also a reminder that Smackdown has participants in the RAW exclusive world title coming up. Also next week Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez will defend their titles against Bayley and Dakota Kai.
Anyway here comes Judgement Day. Someone explain why Rey and Vega didn’t bring the rest of the LWO while Dom and Ripley did bring Balor.
Match #4 – Mixed Tag Team Match: Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio w/ Finn Balor vs. Rey Mysterio and Zelina Vega
Vega and Ripley start, Vega with some leg kicks and avoiding the offense of Ripley. Ripley tries to grab Vega but can’t get a hold of her and Vega hits a hurricanrana and sends Ripley to the other corner. Rey tags in, which means Dom is default legal. Dom tries an arm wringer, Rey counters and they hit the ropes with Rey landing a kick. Cheap shot from Ripley but Rey is undeterred and arm drags Dom then tags in Vega. That should make Ripley legal, Vega goes for a 619 on Dom but Ripley boots her down to send us to break.
Ripley is in control of Vega as we come back. Vega with a crucifix for a 1 count. Dom pulls Rey off the apron to prevent a tag. Chin lock from Ripley then she slams Vega down. Vega avoids a powerbomb and hits a jawbreaker but can’t tag out yet. Vega flips out of a back suplex, then avoids a charging Ripley who winds up posting herself, and Vega makes the hot tag. Rey runs wild on Dom for a bit then tries a 10 punch but has to do it from an Electric Chair position then Dom with a Snake Eyes and a Michinoku Driver but Vega breaks up the pin. Ripley tosses Vega then Rey sets for a 619 on Dom but Ripley stalls that out. Vega sends Ripley into the barricade, Rey hits the 619 and goes for the Frog Splash but Finn Balor stalls that. Dom catches Rey on the top rope and hits a suplex, then goes for the 3 Amigos but Rey catches him in a Small Package to get the 3 count.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Rey Mysterio and Zelina Vega won
Rating: 2 stars
Thoughts: Nothing interesting to see here, we’ve seen this a lot and this was just a safe iteration to remind people of matches tomorrow.
Post match Judgement Day attack and here comes Damien Priest finally. Rey takes the three on one beat down before Bad Bunny shows up for the save. Bunny leads the rest of the LWO, Bunny still wielding a kendo stick. LWO dispose of Dom and Balor leaving Bunny and Priest to have the big in ring moment. Priest calls on Bunny, Bunny obliges but here’s Dom to take a couple of kendo stick shots and provide cover for Priest to scuttle away. The LWO stand tall in the ring as the episode ends and Bad Bunny dons the Puerto Rican LWO shirt.
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