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WWE News: Dijak & Eddy Thorpe Break Off Turnbuckle On NXT, Dory Funk Jr. Visits Show

December 12, 2023 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Donovan Dijak Eddy Thorpe WWE NXT Image Credit: WWE

– Dijak and Eddy Thorpe broke the ring on this week’s NXT, knocking the top turnbuckle off its spot. The two faced off in a match that began before the bell started, with the two brawling during Thorpe’s entrance. The match started once they got into the ring but went on for less than a minute before Dijak slammed Thorpe into the corner on two occasions, with the top turnbuckle coming off on the second slam.

Dijak then attacked Thorpe with the turnbuckle for the DQ and continued the assault until officials came out to break it up. Even then, Dijak wasn’t done and he returned to the ring after a moment to grab Thorpe and slam him down ribs-first onto the second turnbuckle.

PWInsider reports that wrestling legend Dory Funk Jr. was at tonight’s episode of NXT. Funk was visiting at the show along with his wife Marti.

article topics :

Dory Funk Jr, WWE NXT, Jeremy Thomas