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WWE Reportedly Set To Make Changes To Production Going Forward, Will Use AR Less

April 13, 2024 | Posted by Joseph Lee
WWE Logo Titan Tower Office Image Credit: WWE

PWInsider reports that WWE is set to undergo changes to production going forward, which include limiting the use of Augmented Reality (AR). The company is planning to scale back how much it uses AR, as it used to be used weekly on RAW and Smackdown. Now it will only happen occasionally, possibly just for PPV events. Last night’s Smackdown is believed to be the last time it will be used regularly.

WWE is also planning to use a smaller stage setup, as they did on RAW, at TV taping. This would allow them to fit more fans into the shows by opening up more seats.

The WWE plans to cut back on how many staff members and how much equipment are brought to shows for lighting and production. They will also cut back on the number of production trucks.

article topics :

WWE, Joseph Lee