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WWE NIL Signees Sign Deal With Controversial AI Company

March 21, 2023 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
WWE NIL - Next in Line, Cavinder Twins Image Credit: WWE

WWE NIL signees Haley and Hanna Cavinder have signed a new deal with a controversial AI company. Fox News reports that the twins signed a deal with Caktus AI, which is a text generation AI that professes to help students save time from supposed meaningless writing assignments.”

Caktus has been criticized for its advertising, which entices students to use it to get around writing assignments. After influencer and LSU gymnast Olivia Dunne signed a deal with the company, LSU issued a statement warning that using it could lead to academic suspension. The statement from LSU read:

“At LSU, our professors and students are empowered to use technology for learning and pursuing the highest standards of academic integrity.

“However, using AI to produce work that a student then represents as one’s own could result in a charge of academic misconduct, as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct.”

The company was founded by former Notre Dame football player Harrison Leonard. The Cavinder twins helped the #9 seed Miami Hurricanes upset #1 seed Indiana on Monday night in the NCAA Women’s basketball tournament.

article topics :

WWE NIL, Jeremy Thomas