wrestling / Video Reviews
BG Says: PWG All Star Weekend 2 – Electric Boogaloo, Night Two
November 19, 2005 – Los Angeles, California
Disco Machine and TARO tackle commentary, and as usual be sure to switch the audio channel over to hear them. Don’t worry, Excalibur replaces TARO on commentary half way through the show.
Human Tornado & TJ Perkins VS. Alex Koslov & Ronin
Ronin and Tornado start. Tornado dances circles around Ronin so Ronin slaps him. Tornado comes back with a dropkick and a leg lariat. He kicks Ronin’s knee and his face for 2. Perkins and Koslov tag in and lock up. Koslov goes after Perkins’s leg and rolls through a monkey flip to put on a hammerlock. Perkins comes back with an armbar but Koslov gets to the ropes. Koslov hangs Perkins over the top rope and hits a European uppercut. He puts on a headlock but Perkins goes to the corner and slaps Koslov across the face. Koslov gets a backslide for 1. Perkins cradles him for 2. They trade armdrags and go for dropkicks at the same time. Tornado tags in and hits a vertical suplex and a legdrop. Perkins tags in and hits a bodyslam and a slingshot senton for 2. Koslov hits a powerslam and tags to Ronin. Ronin opens up with forearms and hits a back elbow for 2. He puts on the stretch plum and tags to Koslov. Koslov whips Perkins hard into the turnbuckle and then puts on the Mexican surfboard in the ropes. That’s pretty crazy. He hits a cobra clutch legsweep but Tornado breaks up the cobra stretch. Koslov puts on his Kyle Broslovski hat and does a Russian dance for you! He hits a dropkick so Tornado runs in and hits the Pounce. Ronin and Tornado tag in and Tornado hits a head scissors takedown. He hits the Shoryuken on Koslov so Koslov hits Perkins with a gutbuster against the apron. Tornado dives out onto Koslov and blocks a dive from Ronin with the Shoryuken. Back in the ring he hits Ronin with the House Party and Jade Chung runs in to hit the Bronco Buster on Ronin. That just makes Ronin smiles. He comes back with a big lariat for 2. Koslov tags in and goes for a legsweep but Perkins runs in and kicks him around. He hits a butterfly suplex and Tornado hits a frog splash. Perkins puts on a modified cloverleaf but Perkins isn’t legal. Tornado comes in and adds a chinlock to the cloverleaf for the win at 15:08. Despite the fact that the finish wasn’t legal at all this was kind of fun for an opener with a debuting evil foreigner gimmick.
Rating: **¼
Joey Ryan VS. Jack Evans
Evans grabs a headlock to start. Ryan slams him to the mat and puts on a hammerlock. Evans counters to the headlock and then a sleeper hold. He hits a dropkick and a back elbow. He hits a bodyslam but the standing phoenix splash misses. Ryan ties him in the ropes and kicks his head. He puts on a chinlock and really pulls back on it. Evans misses a handspring elbow and Ryan hits a DDT for 2. Evans comes back with a neckbreaker. He hits an atomic drop and a dropkick. He hits the handspring elbow and a springboard knee kick for 2. He hits a modified falcon arrow for 2 He misses a slingshot senton and Ryan hits a superkick for 2. Evans dropkicks the knee and hits a reverse hurricanrana for 2. Ryan elbows him to the floor but misses a suicide dive. Evans hits a 450 splash off the apron to the floor but the crappy camerawork misses the contact. Back in the ring Evans gets 2. Evans climbed the ropes but Ryan crotches him and goes for the Mustache Ride. Evans blocks it and goes for a hurricanrana but Ryan counters that to a second rope sit-out powerbomb for 2. Ryan goes for a roll up with a handful of ropes but the referee catches him. He tries again but the referee catches him again. He dodges a knee kick and hits a northern lights suplex and puts his feet on the ropes for the win at 12:11. Evans’s offense looked especially contrived in this match. He hadn’t really started his rapid improvement at this point. The finish was cute and Ryan actually looked motivated for once, so that was nice.
Rating: **½
Scott Lost VS. Scorpio Sky
Lost attacks Sky with a shiny, silver chair during his entrance. He hits a vertical suplex on the chair and a bodyslam on the floor. He throws Sky through rows and rows of chairs and tosses him into the ring. The bell rings and Lost gets 2. He works over Sky’s back in the corner and drags him to the floor. He tosses Sky onto the concession table and then flips it over for 2 back in the ring. He puts on a chinlock and hits a leg lariat for 2. He stomps on Sky’s face and then works over his neck. Sky gets to the ropes. Lost hits a vertical suplex for 2. He puts on a sleeper hold but Sky escapes and hits a snap back suplex. He hits a clothesline and a kneelift. He hits a neckbreaker for 2. Lost kicks his face but runs into a spinning Ace Crusher. Lost blocks an avalanche and hits the Ode to Bruce Lee. He hits a vertical suplex into a neckbreaker for 2. He hits a gutbuster for 2. Sky counters a spear to a DDT and climbs the ropes. A frog splash hits Lost’s knee, getting 2 for Lost. They trade strikes and Lost suplexes Sky and himself to the floor. That was really scary. They fight over the silver chair and Lost beats Sky around with it. Back in the ring Lost puts on the Sharpshooter and pulls Sky from the ropes. Dino Winwood jumps on the apron all upset that Sky has been in the hold for so long and throws in the towel at 14:43. Better than their first match for sure, but I hope they can finish the feud with a little more style.
Rating: ***
Super Dragon & Davey Richards © VS. Excalibur & Disco Machine [PWG Tag Team Championship Match]
Richards powers Disco to the corner to start. He puts Disco on the mat and stretches him out until Excalibur makes the save. Disco gets a pair of pin attempts for 1. Richards works over Disco’s arm and then puts on a bridging cravat. Dragon tags in and puts on the Mark Nulty Special. Disco gets to the ropes. Dragon hits a snap suplex for 2. He hits a butterfly suplex for 2. Richards tags in and kicks Disco down for 2. He hits a back suplex for 2. Disco kicks Richards’s knee, sending him to the floor. Excalibur tags in and dives onto Richards. He hits a bodyslam on the floor and sandwiches his leg between the post and the ring steps. Disco beats Richards’s leg up with a chair and Excalibur rolls him back into the ring. Excalibur stays on the leg and tags to Disco. Disco hits a vertical suplex for 2. He puts on a chinlock and then a figure 4 leglock. Dragon breaks it up by punching Disco in the face. Excalibur tags in and dropkicks Richards’s chest. He puts on a leglock and hits a knee kick for 2. He hits a vertical suplex and tags to Disco. Disco puts on a chinlock and then floats into a cloverleaf. Excalibur tags in and gets hit with a tiger suplex. Dragon and Excalibur tag in and Dragon takes Disco down with forearms. He hits a back elbow for 2. He hits a dragon screw and a double stomp to the leg. He hits a back suplex for 2. Excalibur runs in so Dragon hits him with the dragon screw and an elbowdrop. He climbs the ropes but Disco knocks him down. Dragon hits both opponents with a dropkick and then follows them to the floor with a topé con hilo. Back in the ring Richards puts Disco in a crossface. Dragon hits Excalibur with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on the floor as Disco hits the Disco Bomb on Richards for 2. He goes for the Chokebreaker but Dragon makes the save. Dragon forearms Disco down for 2. He goes for the Psycho Driver but Disco counters to a dropkick. Excalibur hits Dragon with the Air Raid Crash for 2 when Richards saves. Richards hits a northern lights suplex on Excalibur but can’t hold the bridge. He hits Disco with an enziguiri and Dragon follows with a German suplex for 2. Dragon hits Excalibur with the Curb Stomp and Richards follows that with a standing 450 splash for 2. Dragon powerbombs Excalibur into a lungblower from Richards for 2 when Disco saves. Richards dropkicks Disco and then holds him over his knees for a top rope senton from Dragon for 2 when Kevin Steen runs out and distracts the referee. Dragon goes after Steen and Richards climbs the ropes. Excalibur sort of counters Richards’s shooting star press to an Ace Crusher for 2. Richards hits a backdrop on Excalibur and the DR Driver on Disco. Excalibur hits Richards with the Tiger Driver ’98 for 2 when Dragon saves. Dragon hits the Supernatural Driver on Excalibur for the win at 22:33. A lot of this match was quite meandering and the finish was a total cluster. After the match Kevin Steen hits Dragon with the package piledriver on a chair and hits Richards’s leg with a chair.
Rating: **¾
Jimmy Yang VS. Rocky Romero
Yang gets a headlock takedown to start. They trade holds to a stalemate. Romero puts on a headlock but Yang counters with a judo takedown for 2. Romero hits an armdrag into an armbar but Yang comes back with the tiger flip. Romero kicks him to the floor and follows him out with a crossbody. Back in the ring Romero hits a springboard dropkick for 2. He puts on a chinlock and when Yang escapes he puts on the octopus stretch and rolls him up for 2. Yang blocks Romero’s second rope DDT with a leg lariat for 2. He puts on the kimura and hits a leg lariat in the corner. He hits a side Russian legsweep and goes back to work on the arm. Romero comes back with a dropkick but Yang drops his head on the top rope. They fight to the floor and Yang pushes Romero into the wall, getting 2 back in the ring. He puts on the hanging Mark Nulty Special and then releases to climb the ropes. He hits a double axe handle but Romero comes back with a dropkick. He hits a pair of big boots but Yang counters a crossbody to a gutbuster. Yang misses Yang Time and Romero comes off the second rope with a head scissors takedown into a cross armbreaker. Yang gets to the ropes. Romero hits the tiger suplex for 2. He hits a flying knee kick but Yang blocks a blind charge and hits Yang Time for the win at 11:31. This started off strong but then got kind of weird after the axe handle from Yang.
Rating: **½
B-Boy VS. El Generico
They lock up and Generico grabs a leglock. B-Boy counters to a cross armbar but Generico quickly gets to the ropes. Generico bails and makes a call on a fan’s cell phone. B-Boy does the same on another fan’s phone and they both get back in the ring. B-Boy grabs a headlock but runs into an armdrag. He kicks Generico’s head to escape an armbar. Generico hits a leg lariat for 2. He hits a backbreaker and a standing moonsault for 2. B-Boy kicks Generico’s face and yanks at his neck. He hits a neckbreaker over the top rope and kicks Generico’s back. He lays in knees to Generico’s head and puts on a hammerlock. Generico gets to the ropes. B-Boy blocks the Yakuza kick and hits a legdrop off the second rope. He holds on with the head scissors but Generico gets to the ropes. He dropkicks the back and drops Generico’s face on the top turnbuckle. He hits a dropkick to the face in the corner for 2. He hits a neckbreaker and holds on to hit another. He keeps holding on and clubs Generico’s chest. Generico bails so B-Boy follows him out and hits a snap suplex on the floor. Back in the ring Generico hits a dropkick. He hits a hanging Lionsault and a pair of clotheslines. He hits a backbreaker and a big boot to the floor. He dives out after B-Boy with a handless back flip. Back in the ring he hits a crossbody off the top for 2. He hits a Michinoku driver for 2. B-Boy blocks another Yakuza kick and hits an exploder into the turnbuckle. He hits a swinging neckbreaker but Generico comes back with a crucifix pin for 2. B-Boy hits a DVD and puts on a double underhook crossface. Generico gets to the ropes. He hits the swinging DDT for 2. B-Boy hits a dropkick but Generico comes back with the half nelson suplex and a Yakuza kick for 2. B-Boy hits the Cross Special Brainbuster for 2. He climbs the ropes but Generico crotches him. B-Boy fights him off and hits the Shining Wizard and the Storm Cradle Driver for the win at 21:43. They certainly didn’t need all that time. B-Boy dusted off a horrifying finisher that was completely unnecessary in a match like this.
Rating: **¼
Chris Sabin & Frankie Kazarian VS. Petey Williams & Hardkore Kidd
Williams and Kazarian start. Williams grabs a wristlock but Kazarian escapes and hits an armdrag. Kidd tags in and gets hit with a dropkick. Kazarian hits a springboard back elbow and tags to Sabin. Sabin dropkicks the face and Kazarian hits a neckbreaker for 2. Sabin hits another dropkick for 2. Kidd puts on a wristlock and lifts Sabin over his head. Sabin comes back with a hurricanrana and asks for Williams. Williams tags in but bails right away. Kidd hits Sabin from behind and Williams runs in and hits a backbreaker for 2. He spits at Kazarian and then switches with Kidd who gets 2 on Sabin. Kidd puts on a chinlock and tags to Williams. Kazarian tags in and cleans house. He hits a bicycle knee on Williams and then knocks him into Kidd’s crotch. He hits the momentum kick on both opponents and hits a leg lariat on Kidd for 2. Kidd counters a springboard back elbow to a German suplex and tags to Williams. Williams holds up Kazarian’s hair and Kidd hits a legdrop. He spits on the mat and bodyslams Kazarian on the spit. Kidd tags in and hits a bodyslam and a legdrop for 2. He hits the Alabamaslam for 2 and tags to Williams. Kazarian puts on a choke but Williams gets to the ropes. Kidd tags in and distracts the referee while El Jefe and Williams choke Kazarian in the ropes. Kazarian blocks a springboard maneuver with a kick to the chest. Sabin tags in and hits a head scissors takedown. He throws Williams into Kidd and hangs him in the Tree of Woe. He hits a forearm on Kidd and a dropkick to Williams’s face. He hits a swinging DDT on Kidd for 2. Kazarian tags in and superkicks Williams into a German suplex from Sabin. Kazarian hits the worst Edge-O-Matic ever on Kidd for 2. He hits the Wave of the Future on Williams for 2 when Kidd saves. Kidd hits a full nelson facebuster on Kazarian but Sabin hits him with the Cradle Shock for 2 when Williams saves. Williams hits a low blow on Kazarian but Sabin climbs up Kazarian’s back and hits an enziguiri. Kazarian hits a reverse piledriver on Williams for 2. Kidd goes low on Sabin so Sabin dumps him to the floor and follows him out with a suicide dive. Kazarian pulls Williams up top and hits the Flux Capacitor for the win at 17:15. Kidd’s sucktitude wasn’t enough to keep the other three from turning this into a fun match.
Rating: ***¼
Kevin Steen © VS. Chris Bosh [PWG Championship Match]
Bosh reveals that in a post-masturbatory hallucination G-d told him that he wouldn’t get into heaven unless he beat Steen for the PWG Championship. Steen attacks Bosh during the introductions. He hits a gutbuster and a senton for 2. He grabs Bosh’s balls but Bosh comes back with a hurricanrana. Steen bails and counters Bosh’s head scissors takedown to a facebuster on the floor, getting 2 back in the ring. Bosh hits a side Russian legsweep and a kneelift. He hits a short-arm clothesline but Steen boots him down. He hits the somersault legdrop for 2. He gets distract by a very ugly young lady in the crowd but manages to run back in and hit a dropkick for 2. Bosh comes back with a swinging DDT on the apron. He goes for one on the floor so Steen suplexes him into the apron. Jesus. Steen hits a fall away slam into the wall and then messes a fan’s world up by stealing his water and just generally bullying him. Back in the ring Steen gets 2. He puts on the Gory Special and hits a backbreaker for 2. He gets distracted by big green mohawk in the crowd but somehow stays in control with a kick to the back and a surfboard stretch. He does some push ups and then drives his knee into Bosh’s throat. He hits a dropkick to the face for 2. Bosh counters the pumphandle neckbreaker to a stunner. He hits a clothesline and they slug it out. Steen hits a back suplex and climbs the ropes. The Swanton Bomb hits knees and Bosh hits a backdrop driver for 2. He hits his backbreaker and a traditional backbreaker for 2. He hits the Chris Bosh Special so Steen responds with a low blow. Scott Lost and Joey Ryan run out and Ryan superkicks Bosh! We don’t get to see Lost’s reaction but the commentators say he’s still on Bosh’s side. Steen gets 2 on Bosh. He climbs the ropes and hits a 450 splash for 2. He climbs again but Bosh crotches him. Steen fights back and hits a super package piledriver for the win at 20:36. When Bosh was bumping around like a pinball this was a really good time. Admittedly Steen was flighty but sometimes it’s nice to see annoying fans get what’s coming to them. That finish was brutal too.
Rating: ***½
The 411: The main event was the best match of the night which is always nice. The rest of the show was pretty tame however. The semi-main tag match was good but not great. Aside from the previously mentioned matches and Lost vs. Sky nothing was even really worth watching. Much like the night before this show did not live up to its All Star name. |
Final Score: 6.5 [ Average ] legend |
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