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South Park Review: 23.06 – “Season Finale”

Yup, we’re at the end of the season already.
The “season finale” addresses the big complaint I, and many fans, have had with the season and last; Randy Marsh and Tegridy Farms have taken over South Park. Randy has been the star of the show for many seasons now, and while his stardom is valid, he’s become overwhelming in recent seasons. The Tegridy Farms storyline started off cute but it took away from the interactions we’ve grown to love in South Park.
Member Stan and all his relationships?
As I mentioned last week, Randy is feeling guilt over what’s happened this season. He thought he need to kill Pooh, burn homegrown farms, and slaughter cows but now he’s seeing the consequences of his actions. Or he just needs to get a little high. Just not with that shitty ass weed.
Mr. Garrison remains President and reminds us that the world is fucking crazy because Mr. Garrison is President. It’s good that they haven’t gone to the Garrison well many times since the abomination seasons 19 and 20. The current state of the White House is such a joke and depressing that it’s nearly impossible to make a bigger joke out of it without reminded people of the depressing part. Do it too often, and you basically become a Saturday Night Live sketch where there’s no actual material, you’re just recalling true events but people are sort of laughing because the show is presented as comedy.
Matt & Trey took aim at Trump and Rudy Giuliani, making some obvious jokes but really just pointing out how big of sleazeballs both men are. I’d be fine if neither man was ever mentioned again. South Park or otherwise.
Of course, the whole Randy story was a shot at Trump with Randy finally getting locked up for his crimes with only the Whites on his side. Of course, Randy has some self-awareness in what he’s doing. Not sure we can say the same about Trump.
The other storyline tied in the Mexican Joker story from episode one and showed just how hard the Whites have it in South Park. Yup, no one has it worse than the Whites. The interactions between The Whites and their new adopted family did have me cracking up. Alejandro turning into Mexican Joker ultimately saved Randy, proving that the Whites remain undefeated. If only he had been adopted by Token’s family.
Even though the season if over for Tegridy farms, it looks like season 2 will be happening at some point. Until then, there are plenty of loose ends to wrap up in the final four episodes of the actual season.