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411’s Buy or Sell 4.23.10: CHIKARA King of Trios Roundtable Special
Welcome everyone to Week 154 of BUY or SELL. For those of you who haven’t been with us since the beginning, here’s the Reader’s Digest version of what this column is all about. BUY or SELL is very much like 411’s long-running Fact or Fiction column. The main difference is that BUY or SELL focuses on topics like the U.S. Independent scene, Lucha Libre, Japanese Wrestling and pretty much anything else that isn’t mainstream wrestling, WWE and or TNA. This allows for these areas to get a bit more press and for you, our loyal readers, to learn even more about the sport of professional wrestling.
Questions are sent out on Monday Night.
(Special thanks to Jasper Gerretsen)
Aaron Hubbard: BUY. I suppose CHIKARA could throw us for a loop and have them face each other, which would likely end in a forfeit from Donst, Dorado and Pink Ant. This could make the tournament easier for Claudio, Ares and Tursas to dominate the competition. But even if they do that, they still aren’t wrestling each other. There’s no reason to have the stable have any in-fighting at this point.
Ari Berenstein: BUY. Why would BDK, which has thus far presented a united front, want to fight each other? They have all of the gold in CHIKARA right now and with no signs of in-fighting the King of Trios tournament would not be enough to cause a facture in the dominant stable. Both teams will not reach the finals, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Claudio and Ares threatened that if that happens one team would forfeit and they would just declare BDK the winners of the tournament by default.
Chad Nevett: BUY. It doesn’t seem likely, but could be interesting. It seems too soon to have two parts of the group face one another and there’s little point in doing so unless the plan is to create a rift within the group.
Jasper Gerretsen: BUY. There’s really no reason for them to. The Castagnoli/Ares/Tursas team will probably make it pretty far into the tournament, while the Sanchez/Donst/Dorado team will probably go out in the first or second round. There has been absolutely no sign of any dissension in the BDK so far, so logically that would mean that the B-team would lie down for the A-team if they were to meet. While CHIKARA’s booking has usually been very logical, I can’t see them doing a screwy finish like that in the biggest tournament of the year.
Kevin Ford: BUY. And why would they? Since Director of Fun Dieter VonSteigerwalt is the Director of Fun and a member of the BDK, wouldn’t he create the brackets so that the only option of either team facing each other is the Finals? Otherwise it wouldn’t make sense!
Steve Cook: BUY. Like the CHIKARA Special man Mr. Ford said, BDK has all the stroke around CHIKARA and there’s no reason they’d book themselves to meet each other before the final. I have a feeling that only one BDK team at most will be reaching this final, as Team Frightning, the Colony or another group of white-meat technicos will take one team out and possibly face the other in the finals. CHIKARA may have no BDK team make the finals in order to swerve the people, but they don’t strike me as the kind of folks to book something just to surprise people.
Aaron Hubbard: SELL. Curry Man is perfect for CHIKARA, and having him be the hot and spicy counterpart to Los Ice Creams is inspired. Cabana would be fine with or without the mask, but the Matt Classic character is terrific and fits in perfectly with his partners The Throwbacks. Everyone who would go to this tournament knows who is under the masks, so there’s no harm done. The only thing I have to complain about is that they aren’t facing each other!
Ari Berenstein: SELL. CHIKARA is the perfect place for Daniels and Cabana to doff their masked alter-egos. First of all, the tournament sells itself, so CHIKARA doesn’t need Daniels or Cabana’s name value to sell tickets to the independent fan base…and TNA fans will easily recall the Daniels / Curry Man connection as well, so if they’re interested enough to attend, then they will on the name “Curry Man” alone. Next, CHIKARA’s more light-hearted atmosphere will allow for the Curry-Man and Mat Classic characters to truly come to life. Expect some real fun moments and interactions with other CHIKARA wrestlers in their brackets. Finally, if Cassandro couldn’t make it because of injury, then a team consisting of Los Ice Creams and Curry Man is just about a perfect fit, as is Mat Classic’s spot on the Throwbacks. If CHIKARA isn’t the place for these characters, then where?
Chad Nevett: SELL. I don’t see why not when CHIKARA fans all know who both men are no matter what name/costume they’re wearing. and CHIKARA is a place where goofier, fun stuff like this doesn’t just work, but is part of the promotion. Seems like the way to go.
Jasper Gerretsen: SELL. I really doubt there’s going to be anyone in the building on any of the three nights who don’t know who are working under the masks. If they were working in a new territory they might draw more people as Daniels and Cabana, but in this case they won’t miss out on ticket sales because of both men working under their lesser known gimmicks. Furthermore, the lighthearted style of CHIKARA is perfect for the alternate gimmicks, and we should see some great comedy this weekend.
Kevin Ford: SELL. I’d much rather see The Future is Now or The Colony win. Frightmare is the only guy in Frightning is the one with the most future stock (not taking anything away from Hallowicked or Quack), and his future is in singles competition as the Young Lions Cup champion.
Steve Cook: SEL-wait, what? This question makes no sense! Bauer, are you telling me that Christopher Daniels & Colt Cabana are in fact Curry Man & Matt Classic? That’s the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard. We all know that Daniels & Curry trained together in the New Japan Dojo many years ago, and Cabana was trained by the grizzled veteran Matt Classic during Classic’s lengthy sabbatical from active competition. It’s a shame that all four of these men can’t be in attendance, but Cabana needs to be in Chicago for his street fight at ROH’s Saturday show while Daniels will be at home taking care of the Cactus. I think somebody here did a little too much celebrating on Tuesday, if you know what I mean..
Aaron Hubbard: SELL. Not with The Colony, F.I.S.T., The Future is Now and both Bruderschaft teams in the mix. Each of those teams I could easily see beating Team Frightening. Heck, I wouldn’t be shocked if Team Big Japan beat them in an upset in the first round. Frightmare may be a great performer and 411’s Rookie of the Year, but he just screams out to me “I’m here to get pinned in the match where we lose.” I want to see them get to the finals, just because there is so much talent on the team, but ultimately, I think this is Ares, Tursas and Claudio’s tourney to lose.
Ari Berenstein: BUY. Quackenbush and Hallowicked certainly have the King of Trios experience necessary to make a strong run deep into the tournament. Quackenbush has won one KoT already and he is the lead representative in the battle against the BDK, so you’d have to expect that match to happen at some point in the brackets, either during the semi-finals or finals. Meanwhile, Frightmare is a little unchained hellion and while small he has the talent and ability to support the two bigger guns on his team. I expect this team to make it and likely win, although given the overall strength of several trios squads in this tournament, the odds are closer than you’d think.
Chad Nevett: BUY. That doesn’t mean I think they’ll win necessarily, just that I don’t see any other team as being more likely to win. Team Frightning has the experience and a strong line-up that puts them among the best teams in the tournament, probably the best. But, then again, how often do the odds-on favorites actually win? It’s a weird paradox that, by being the odds-on favorite, the team becomes more likely to lose… whatever, they look like they have the best shot of winning.
Jasper Gerretsen: BUY. They are at least the odds-on favourite technico team. They’ve really been pushing Frightmare hard the past few months, and the exciting rookie is joined by a former campeón des parejas and a former King of Trios winner. While Quackenbush only began to team with the Incoherence members this year, the team should easily make it at least to the semifinals.
Kevin Ford: SELL. I’d much rather see The Future is Now or The Colony win. Frightmare is the only guy in Frightning is the one with the most future stock (not taking anything away from Hallowicked or Quack), and his future is in singles competition as the Young Lions Cup champion.
Steve Cook: SELL. I think the BDK has to be looked at as favorites for this tournament…as long as Claudio Castagnoli & Ares are able to escape Europe. Last I’ve read on Twitter is that both men are still over there due to the ash cloud and lots of people in line to leave on airplanes. Hopefully all will be OK and they’ll make it, but it looks up in the air (pun somewhat intended) at this point. Without all of that in mind, the BDK has been pushed very strongly and there’s no reason to think that they can’t win it. CHIKARA technicos may not get their revenge until later in the season.
Aaron Hubbard: BUY. With some very good competition in the form of Frightening vs. Big Japan, Colony vs. Jack of All Trios, and possibly F.I.S.T. and the Throwbacks. Don’t underestimate the potential goodness of Team Osaka Pro vs. The UnSTABLE either. While I feel that Jackson Three and The Future is Now will be the best, I wouldn’t bet money on it. This tournament is very strong.
Ari Berenstein: SELL. That match could certainly be a lot of fun and does have a chance to be the best of the first round. The Jackson brothers can create a fantastic tag match of non-stop action and Ricochet can certainly match them. However, looking at the brackets, I expect Team Frightning vs. Team Big Japan to impress in a huge way as well as The Colony vs. Team AIW, with Gargano, Lyndon and Flip Kendrick poised to steal the show.
Chad Nevett: SELL. Looking over the line-up of first-round matches, several stand out as great match-ups. I’ve really liked what I’ve seen of the Jack of All Trios group in their work with Dragon Gate USA in the Fray matches, so them going up against the Colony is one I think has a lot of potential. Team Big Japan Wrestling/Team Frightning is another that stands out as a possible first round stealer. None of the match-ups look particularly weak either, so who knows, some of the others could surprise.
Jasper Gerretsen: SELL. I think that of all the first round matches, this one definitely has a decent chance of being the best. However, there are simply too many matches that could also be the best (Frightning/Big Japan, F.I.S.T./Throwbacks, etc.). Still, this should be a very good match. Malachai has definitely been improving a lot, and while he might not have the experience of his older brothers he’s certainly a decent high flyer in his own right. Of course Helios and Jigsaw should have no trouble keeping up with the Jacksons, and Equinox has certainly gotten very good at working smart with his faster team mates and opponents.
Kevin Ford: BUY. It’s certainly the one I am most looking forward to. On paper however I think Gargano/Aerform vs. The Colony and BJW vs. Frightning give it a run for it’s money. But I have faith that these two teams will bring the goods.
Steve Cook: SELL. It may be if you’re into the flippy floppy thing, but I see a couple of more intriguing matches on the slate for Round One. Team Deliciso vs. the Perros looks like fun because any match with Curry Man & Los Ice Creams will be fun. Team Frightning vs. Team Big Japan looks like it has potential. And if Claudio & Ares are there, I think they could have a fun match with Team Mexico. Lots of good stuff to look forward to here.
Now, we also asked everyone to make their brackets for this tournament. Now, CHIKARA has only announced first round matches, so anything could happen here.
* Team Delicioso (Curry Man & Los Ice Creams) vs. Team Perros del Mal (El Oriental/Alebrije/Cuije)
* Team Osaka Pro (Atsushi Kotoge/Daisuke Harada/Tadasuke) vs. The UnStable (Vin Gerard/STIGMA/Colin Delaney)
* F1rst Family (Arik Cannon/North Star Express) vs. Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Tim Donst/Lince Dorado/Pink Ant)
* Team Big Japan Wrestling (Daisuke Sekimoto/Kankuro Hoshino/Yuji Okabayashi) vs. Team Frightning (Mike Quackenbush/Hallowicked/Frightmare)
* F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma/Icarus/Chuck Taylor) vs. The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield/Sugar Dunkerton/Matt Classic)
* The Future is Now (Jigsaw/Equinox/Helios) vs. TNA stars Generation Me/The Young Bucks + Malachi Jackson
* The Colony (Fire Ant/Soldier Ant/Green Ant) vs. The Jack of All Trios (Johnny Gargano/Flip Kendrick/Louis Lyndon)
* Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Claudio Castagnoli/Ares/Tursas) vs. Team Mexico (El Valiente/Turbo/Skayde)
Aaron Hubbard:
Team Delicioso def. Team Perros Del Mal
Team Osaka Pro def. The UnSTABLE
BDK (Ant, Donst & Dorado) def. The F1rst Family
Team Frightening def. Team Big Japan
F.I.S.T. def. The Throwbacks
The Future is Now def. The Jackson 3
The Colony def. The Jack of All Trios
BDK (Castagnoli, Ares & Tursas) def. Team Mexico
Team Frightening def. BDK (Ant, Donst & Dorado)
F.I.S.T. def. Team Delicios
The Colony def. Team Osaka Pro
BDK (Castagnoli, Ares & Tursas) def. The Future is Now
Team Frightening def. F.I.S.T.
BDK (Castagnoli, Ares & Tursas) def. The Colony
BDK (Castagnoli, Ares & Tursas) def. Team Frightening
Ari Berenstein:
First Round
Team Delicioso (Curry Man & Los Ice Creams) def. Team Perros del Mal (El Oriental/Alebrije/Cuije)
Team Osaka Pro (Atsushi Kotoge/Daisuke Harada/Tadasuke) def. The UnStable (Vin Gerard/STIGMA/Colin Delaney)
Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Tim Donst/Lince Dorado/Pink Ant) def. F1rst Family (Arik Cannon/North Star Express)
Team Frightning (Mike Quackenbush/Hallowicked/Frightmare) def. Team Big Japan Wrestling (Daisuke Sekimoto/Kankuro Hoshino/Yuji Okabayashi)
F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma/Icarus/Chuck Taylor) def. The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield/Sugar Dunkerton/Matt Classic)
The Future is Now (Jigsaw/Equinox/Helios) def. TNA stars Generation Me/The Young Bucks + Malachi Jackson
The Colony (Fire Ant/Soldier Ant/Green Ant) def. The Jack of All Trios (Johnny Gargano/Flip Kendrick/Louis Lyndon)
Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Claudio Castagnoli/Ares/Tursas) def. Team Mexico (El Valiente/Turbo/Skayde)
Quarter Finals
Team Osaka Pro (Atsushi Kotoge/Daisuke Harada/Tadasuke) def. Team Delicioso (Curry Man & Los Ice Creams)
Team Frightning (Mike Quackenbush/Hallowicked/Frightmare) def. Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Tim Donst/Lince Dorado/Pink Ant)
F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma/Icarus/Chuck Taylor) def. The Future is Now (Jigsaw/Equinox/Helios)
Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Claudio Castagnoli/Ares/Tursas) def. The Colony (Fire Ant/Soldier Ant/Green Ant)
Semi Finals
Team Frightning (Mike Quackenbush/Hallowicked/Frightmare) def. Team Osaka Pro (Atsushi Kotoge/Daisuke Harada/Tadasuke)
Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Claudio Castagnoli/Ares/Tursas) def. F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma/Icarus/Chuck Taylor)
Team Frightning (Mike Quackenbush/Hallowicked/Frightmare) def. Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Claudio Castagnoli/Ares/Tursas)
Chad Nevett:
Round One
Team Delicioso (Curry Man & Los Ice Creams) def. Team Perros del Mal (El Oriental/Alebrije/Cuije)
The UnStable (Vin Gerard/STIGMA/Colin Delaney) def. Team Osaka Pro (Atsushi Kotoge/Daisuke Harada/Tadasuke)
Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Tim Donst/Lince Dorado/Pink Ant) def. F1rst Family (Arik Cannon/North Star Express)
Team Frightning (Mike Quackenbush/Hallowicked/Frightmare) def. Team Big Japan Wrestling (Daisuke Sekimoto/Kankuro Hoshino/Yuji Okabayashi)
F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma/Icarus/Chuck Taylor) def. The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield/Sugar Dunkerton/Matt Classic)
The Future is Now (Jigsaw/Equinox/Helios) def. TNA stars Generation Me/The Young Bucks + Malachi Jackson
The Jack of All Trios (Johnny Gargano/Flip Kendrick/Louis Lyndon) def. The Colony (Fire Ant/Soldier Ant/Green Ant)
Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Claudio Castagnoli/Ares/Tursas) def. Team Mexico (El Valiente/Turbo/Skayde)
Quarter Finals
Team Delicioso (Curry Man & Los Ice Creams) def. The UnStable (Vin Gerard/STIGMA/Colin Delaney)
Team Frightning (Mike Quackenbush/Hallowicked/Frightmare) def. Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Tim Donst/Lince Dorado/Pink Ant)
The Future is Now (Jigsaw/Equinox/Helios) def. F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma/Icarus/Chuck Taylor)
Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Claudio Castagnoli/Ares/Tursas) def. The Jack of All Trios (Johnny Gargano/Flip Kendrick/Louis Lyndon)
Team Frightning (Mike Quackenbush/Hallowicked/Frightmare) def. Team Delicioso (Curry Man & Los Ice Creams)
Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Claudio Castagnoli/Ares/Tursas) def. The Future is Now (Jigsaw/Equinox/Helios)
Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Claudio Castagnoli/Ares/Tursas) def. Team Frightning (Mike Quackenbush/Hallowicked/Frightmare)
Jasper Gerretsen:
First Round
Team Perros del Mal over Team Delicioso
The UnStable over Team Osaka Pro
The F1rst Family over Team BDK 2
Team Frightning over Team Big Japan Wrestling
Team F.I.S.T. over The Throwbacks
The Future is Now over The Jackson Three
The Colony over The Jack of All Trios
Team BDK 1 over Team Mexico
The Unstable over Team Perros del Mal
Team Frightning over The F1rst Family
Team F.I.S.T. over The Future is Now
The Colony over Team BDK 1
Team Frightning over The Unstable
The Colony over Team F.I.S.T.
Team Frightning over The Colony
Kevin Ford:
First Round
Team Perros del Mal (El Oriental/Alebrije/Cuije)def. Team Delicioso (Curry Man & Los Ice Creams
Team Osaka Pro (Atsushi Kotoge/Daisuke Harada/Tadasuke) def. The UnStable (Vin Gerard/STIGMA/Colin Delaney)
Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Tim Donst/Lince Dorado/Pink Ant)def. F1rst Family (Arik Cannon/North Star Express)
Team Frightning (Mike Quackenbush/Hallowicked/Frightmare) def. Team Big Japan Wrestling (Daisuke Sekimoto/Kankuro Hoshino/Yuji Okabayashi)
F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma/Icarus/Chuck Taylor) def. The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield/Sugar Dunkerton/Matt Classic)
The Future is Now (Jigsaw/Equinox/Helios) def. TNA stars Generation Me/The Young Bucks + Malachi Jackson
The Colony (Fire Ant/Soldier Ant/Green Ant) def. The Jack of All Trios (Johnny Gargano/Flip Kendrick/Louis Lyndon)
* Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Claudio Castagnoli/Ares/Tursas) def. Team Mexico (El Valiente/Turbo/Skayde)
Second Round
Team Frightning def. Perros del Mal
Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Tim Donst/Lince Dorado/Pink Ant) def. Osaka Pro
The Colony (Fire Ant/Soldier Ant/Green Ant) def. F.I.S.T
Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Claudio Castagnoli/Ares/Tursas) def. The Future Is Now
Third Round
The Colony def. Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Tim Donst/Lince Dorado/Pink Ant)
Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Claudio Castagnoli/Ares/Tursas) def. Team Frightning
The Colony def. Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Claudio Castagnoli/Ares/Tursas) to win King of Trios 2010
Steve Cook:
First Round
Delicioso over Perros
Colony over Jack of all Trios
Osaka Pro over Unstable
Claudio/Ares/Tursas over Mexico
Donst/Lince/Pink over F1rst
Frightning over Big Japan
Future is Now over Jackson 3
FIST over Throwbacks
Colony over Delicioso
Claudio/Ares/Tursas over Osaka Pro
Frightning over Donst/Lince/Pink
FIST over Future is Now
Colony over Claudio/Ares/Tursas
Frightning over FIST
Frightning over Colony
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