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Csonka’s TNA One Night Only December 2016 Review

Csonka’s TNA One Night Only December 2016 Review
– Trevor Lee defeated Braxton Sutter @ 11:10 via pin [**½]
– Rosemary defeated Jade @ 10:45 via pin [***]
– Eli Drake vs. Grado [*]
– James Storm defeated Robbie E @ 10:10 via pin [**½]
– Lashley defeated Jessie Godderz @ 10:57 via pin [**¾]
– Mahabali Shera defeated Aiden O’Shea @ 7:51 via submission [DUD]
– Bram vs. Moose went to a double count out @ 9:00 [*½]
– EC3 defeated Aron Rex @ 8:55 via pin [DUD]
– Eddie Edwards defeated Mike Bennett @ 13:20 via pin [**]
– Mathews and Borash are on commentary.
Trevor Lee vs. Braxton Sutter: After a quick back and forth. Sutter sent Lee to the floor. We got lots of stalling by Lee, complaining about Sutter using a closed fist. Back in the ring and more stalling and ballyhoo as they did their best to do a little as possible. Lee eventually sent Sutter to the floor and then hit the PK off the apron. Uppercuts followed, back in the ring and Lee worked over Sutter with rights. Lee then yelled at Sutter, Sutter tried to fire up with some chops but Lee grounded him and made a lot of mean faces as Sutter tried to fight back. Lee hit a hip toss, maintaining control. Sutter connected with chops, and then rights but Lee sent him to the corner and grounded him with another chinlock. Sutter again with rights, trying to pick up the pace and hit the powerslam for a near fall. A neck breaker followed for another 2. Sutter up top , but Lee cut him off with an elbow and German suplex. Sutter then hit a knee strike, and another neck breaker for 2. Lee fought off the roll up and hit God’s last gift for the win. Trevor Lee defeated Braxton Sutter @ 11:10 via pin [**½] This was a very average match with little energy.
Rosemary vs. Jade: Lock up to begin, Jade worked kicks and a head scissors followed by a running boot. Missile dropkick by Jade followed, and then mounted strikes. Rosemary then planted her with a German suplex and mounted rights. Rosemary then licked her face and choked out Jade. The clothesline followed by Rosemary, and it got a near fall. Forearms and chops by Jade followed, but Rosemary cut her off and worked a full nelson with her legs, and turned it into a cradle. Jade escaped into a submission of her own, but Rosemary again cut her off with a clothesline. Clubbing forearms by Jade, but she ran into a big boot and Rosemary worked the tarantula, Jade countered out and connected with a series of strikes. They did a double down, and traded strikes center ring and then Jade hit a German suplex and laid in kicks. Rosemary fired up and cut her off with a capture suplex into the ropes. Rosemary went for repeated covers, Jade escaped the red wedding into a tornado DDT for the near fall. Rosemary bailed to the floor, and MISTED Jade, scored a roll up and picked up the win. Rosemary defeated Jade @ 10:45 via pin [***] That was a good back and forth match, with a good sense of urgency, and the feeling that both women were doing everything they could to win.
Eli Drake vs. Grado: Drake took the time to make fun of Grado before the match started. Grado then mocked Drake’s “Dummy, yeah” deal. Grado then polled the crowd, who said that Drake sucked. Drake then attacked Grado and worked him over in the corner. They did some back and forth, leading to Grado getting tired because he’s fat, you see. Grado then took control, they did a criss cross spot, Grado slapped Drake and hit a hip toss. They brawled to the floor, back in and drake cut off Grado and worked the arm. Grado attempted to work the arm, but Drake no sold it. They are attempting comedy, but it’s not good comedy. More floor brawling as Drake filled time on the mic. Back in the ring and Grado scored a few pin attempts. Drake survived, and worked a chinlock, seemingly for minutes. Grado then hit a jawbreaker, missed a charge and hit jabs and elbows. Grado then hit a RANA off the corner and then the cannonball. Grado tried a chokeslam, Drake escaped into a stunner for the win. Eli Drake vs. Grado [*] This was no good at all, but at least the crowd cared about Grado and made some noise.
James Storm vs. Robbie E : Storm is in DCC mode here. They locked up and worked around the ring for control, Storm then took Robbie down with the side headlock. Robbie tried to work the head scissors, Storm escaped and they traded strikes center ring. Storm then bailed to the floor, Robbie then got on the mic and offered to wrestle, fight or drink beer. Storm attacked, refusing the beer bash and then choked out Robbie in the corner. Storm connected with a series of knee strikes and clotheslines, taking the heat on Robbie, hitting some corner clotheslines. Robbie eventually moved and Storm crotched himself in the corner. Robbie fired up, hit the corner splash, hit the boom drop and covered for 2. Storm then hit a neck breaker and clothesline, and the cover got 2. Whirly bird by Storm countered, enziguri by Storm and then a RANA of the top by Storm. Robbie then hits the tornado DDT for a near fall. Robbie up top now, misses the high cross, but blocks the superkick into s cradle for 2. Superkick by Storm and that is all. James Storm defeated Robbie E @ 10:10 via pin [**½] This was solid, but the first half was really boring. Thankfully it picked up down the home stretch and overall wasn’t bad.
Lashley vs. Jessie Godderz: Lashley offered to make Godderz’s career, saying he looks like a star and could be his little protégé or take an ass whooping. I love give no fucks Lashley. Godderz opted for the ass whooping. They did some basic back and forth, with Lashley controlling with his power. Godderz made a comeback, working the Adonis lock but Lashley got the ropes for the break. They traded rights; Godderz tripped up Lashley and then ate a knee to the eye. Godderz bailed to the floor, frustrated as Lashley kept taking control of the match. Back in and Lashley hit some shoulder blocks and then Godderz hit a dropkick, sending Lashley to the floor. They then brawled on the floor for a bit, Lashley controlled most of the way, but every time he got overconfident, Godderz took advantage as Lashley gave him a lot in this match. With that being said, it was just missing something. Technically it was a fine match, but it just lacked that special something to take it to the next level. Godderz hit an overhead suplex and then clotheslines; the Angle slam followed but Lashley cut him off. Godderz hit the big dropkick, Lashley then hit the spear to put him away. Lashley defeated Jessie Godderz @ 10:57 via pin [**¾] I was surprised with how much Godderz got in the match, but it was a refreshing change. Godderz has improved a ton over the last two years, I just wish he worked more dates because he’d get even better; he has a ton of potential. Pretty good match overall, but it peaked early, like if you’re turning up the volume it stopped at about 6 or so and it never picked up.
Mahabali Shera vs. Aiden O’Shea: O’Shea yelled a lot, called Shera a mutt and repeatedly shoved him around. Shera attempted to fire up and sent O’Shea to the floor. O’Shea quickly returned and took control, throwing punches that mostly missed as Shera flailed around, trying to sell, it was embarrassingly bad. For a guy that’s supposed to be a street thug, O’Shea throws some horrendous punches. He also works that shitty heat, where he yells a lot and does very little in terms of offense or making it look believable. O’Shea then worked a three-minute chinlock as Shera laid there. O’Shea then missed a charge, clothesline by Shera and then a slam. Shera then locked in the camel clutch for the win. Mahabali Shera defeated Aiden O’Shea @ 7:51 via submission [DUD] That was a completely embarrassing performance by both men
Bram vs. Moose: Bram is in DCC mode like Storm. Commentary says the winner gets a future world title shot, since it’s the only match of importance shouldn’t it be the main event? They traded chops early, Moose then went on the attack hitting the dropkick and taking control. To the floor for WALK AND BRAWL BRAM, it never fails. My word this is so lethargic, in other words it’s every Bram match ever. Bram sent Moose to the steps, rolled him back in and kept control. Short-armed clothesline by Bram and then elbows followed. Moose slowly made his comeback, hit some head butts and then a corner splash. Bram then countered the game changer with a leg lariat, but Moose fought back and hit punches and uppercuts. Bicycle kick by Moose, dropkick and that sends Bram to the floor. Back to the floor for both men, and they did a double count out. Why in the hell would commentary even mention the title shot deal if they were just going to do a shit finish? Moose laid our Bram post match. Bram vs. Moose went to a double count out @ 9:00 [*½] This was lazy and lifeless, and ultimately frustrating due to the lack of finish.
– We go back to TNA One Night Only: Live 1.08.16 to see highlights from (X-Division Title Match: Champion Tigre Uno defeated Mandrews, DJ Z and Crazzy Steve @ 10:21 via pin [***]).
EC3 vs. Aron Rex: Rex claims he’s here to compete and be himself. EC3 challenges him to an “Orlando Hurricane First Blood Death Match.” Rex declines, and falsely claims people paid to see him. EC3 then called him a silly goose, and a chicken. Fucks sake. We get lots of stalling and ballyhoo to begin, with both guys doing cartwheels to waste time. Two minutes in and they have done next to nothing as Rex keeps running from EC3 every time he gets any offense in. Rex eventually gets a cheap shot in on EC3, takes control and sends EC3 to the floor repeatedly; there is an amazing amount of nothing going on here. Rex has turned into such a lazy worker, and he isn’t even getting heat for it. EC3 finally made a comeback and it was nice to see actual action take place. EC3 hits the corner splash and sends Rex to the floor, Rex tries to walk out and EC3 cuts him off and brings him back in, one percenter countered as Rex bails. Rex then misses the elbow drop and EC3 rolls him up for 2. One percenter connects and EC3 wins. EC3 defeated Aron Rex @ 8:55 via pin [DUD] Absolutely horrible, it would have been different if Rex’s deal would have generated any heat, but this felt like the laziest match I have seen in ages. Whoever approved that layout should be embarrassed, as both men came away looking bad.
– Bennett keeps talking about his “movement,” that’s one way to describe his run.
Mike Bennett vs. Eddie Edwards: Bennett stalled early, they brawled to the floor and he attacked the taped up shoulder of Edwards. Back in the ring and Edwards picked up the pace, but ran into the spinebuster. Bennett then argued with Earl Hebner, which allowed Edwards to make a comeback. Edwards then missed a charge and posted himself, allowing Bennett to attack the shoulder again as they brawled on the floor again. Back in and Bennett kept control, grounding Edwards and working the arm. Edwards slowly fought back with rights, countered the suplex and ran into a right. Bennett then missed a corner charge, allowing Edwards to slam him to the buckles. Atomic drop by Edwards, he then sends Bennett to the floor and Edwards hits the suicide dive. Back in and Edwards runs into a boot, but hits the backpack stunner for the near fall. Edwards misses a double stomp, and Bennett hits the cutter for 2. Bennett gets a chair, brings it in and misses, it rebounds off the ropes and Bennett hits himself and Edwards rolls him up for the win. Eddie Edwards defeated Mike Bennett @ 13:20 via pin [**] This was an acceptable, but bland match. Despite controlling 90% of the action, at no point was it believable that Bennett could win. There was no heat, no drama and it was flat. I was begging them to make me believe one time that Bennett could win.
– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.

“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”
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