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Raw Retrospective: Summerslam Spectacular 08.22.93

December 31, 2010 | Posted by Trace Aber
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Raw Retrospective: Summerslam Spectacular 08.22.93  

WWF RAW Summerslam Spectacular
August 22, 1993
Taped from Poughkeepsie, New York
Hosts: Jim Ross and Gorrilla Monsoon

We see a bunch of clips of Yokozuna squashing jobbers, and then clips from the Yoko-Duggan match from a couple of months ago on RAW. It ended with Yokozuna squashing Duggan, by the way. Interesting commentary team tonight, with two of the best at getting matches over working together. Though apparently a lot of heel wrestlers hated Monsoon on commentary, so what do I know? Both commentators are wearing American-themed ties and announce that they have hopped on board the Lex Express. What took them so long?

Yokozuna Vs Hacksaw Jim Duggan [Non-Title Match]
Jim Cornette is nowhere to be seen at the start of things. Duggan gets a huge pop, more than one would normally get for just being a supporter of America. Big USA chants to open the match, but Yokozuna doesn’t seemed phased. Duggan attacks Yoko from behind and pounds away in the corner. He grabs the 2×4 but the ref prevents him from using it. The distraction allows Yokozuna to hit some chops and choke Duggan on the middle rope. Fuji then hits Duggan in the gut with the flag pole, but he’s the one who wanted to use weaponry so I don’t feel bad for him. Yokozuna tends to the crowd’s chant while Fuji chokes Duggan out behind the ref’s back. Yoko headbutts him and tosses him to the outside. Duggan gets a second breath and feeds off the crowd’s energy and hits a series of “All-American rights and lefts” but gets taken down with a single punch and stays down with a leg drop. Duggan gets caught in a bearhug, fights out and goes for a bodyslam but the weight is too much and gets pinned for two. We come back from a commercial break with Duggan attempting to fight out of another bearhug, though nothing seems to work. He finally escapes it by biting his nose, but Yokozuna tosses him off easily. Yoko chokes him in the corner and they have a contest to see who can make the wackiest facial expression. The USA chants power up Duggan once more and a series of punches nearly topple the champion, but he regains his composure and takes over once more. He misses a big splash and goes down to one knee. Yoko works his way back to both feet, and Duggan hits three clotheslines to send the big man down! Duggan celebrates and goes for the three point stance, but Fuji trips him up. Yokozuna takes advantage by splashing Duggan and hitting the Banzai splash for the three at 8:30. **1/2 Not a bad little match between these two, with Duggan never giving up but not quite having what it takes to keep the big man down. And, when he finally did get him down, evil heel tactics came in and reigned supreme. After the match, Yokozuna goes for another Banzai drop but officials come and pull Duggan away from harm.
Winner: Yokozuna

Vince McMahon is in the back with Yokozuna, Fuji and Jim Cornette. Cornette says that Luger did not awaken the sleeping giant in Yokozuna, but he did whip him into a frenzy and is ready to chew Luger up and spit him out. Luger is taking the chance and now must take responsibility for what Yokozuna will do to him. Yokozuna has no pity, no fear, and no compassion. Yoko is trying to make evil faces but instead looks confused on how to poop. Cornette says Luger will be begging to Fuji to stop Yokozuna, but Fuji can’t stop him. Nobody can. And after three Banzai drops, the career of Luger, along with the hopes and dreams of his fans, will die. BANZAI! Damn good promo that did more than any of those stupid Luger interviews. By the way, did they just quit doing those? I’m not complaining, but they just stopped all of a sudden. I think they only did two of the five parts.

Razor Ramon Vs Blake Beverly
Whatever happened to Blake’s brother? He just disappeared and I don’t think they’ve mentioned anything about it. I guess I could look it up, but I’m not too worried about the Beverly Brothers. They stare one another down until Ramon throws the toothpick at Beverly. This infuriates Blake so much he goes right for a grapple! They end up in the corner with Blake slapping the Bad Guy a couple of times in the corner. Ramon’s face afterwards is just great. More chops in the corner, but Ramon takes over and hands out some VICIOUS chops. He tosses him in the ropes but Blake sneaks outside. Ramon chases after him but gets caught in the ring with some stomps. Beverly locks in the headlock as they mention that even Razor Ramon is wearing red, white and blue, which means he’s joined up with Lex Luger. Too bad he’s not on the show where everyone is supporting him. Ramon fights out of the headlock and they go back to staring one another down, which leads to a test of strength. Beverly kicks Ramon before it goes too far, but Ramon fights back before getting back body dropped over the top rope. Beverly rips the turnbuckle pad and hits a neckbreaker after Ramon crawls back in the ring. Beverly whips Ramon in the EXPOSED STEEL TURNBUCKLE and hits a backbreaker. Powerslam gets two. Beverly yells “THAT’S IT!” which, of course, calls for a…turnbuckle shot? Karma strikes back as Ramon tosses Beverly into the EXPOSED STEEL TURNBUCKLE and hits the Razor’s Edge for the three at 6:10. ** Beverly was in control for most of the match, but it was entertaining enough. Ramon looks good going into his match with Dibiase at Summerslam, so there you go.
Winner: Razor Ramon

Jerry Lawler is chilling with Elvis Presley in a 1959 Cadillac. Lawler is upset that Hart is going around and calling himself the King of Wrestling, and the fake Elvis can relate to this due to impersonator’s ruining his legacy. He even had a talk with JFK and Marilyn Monroe about it the other day. It makes Lawler’s blood boil, and he’s going to break Hart in half at Summerslam. This was awful.

Bret Hart is in the back and has said that Lawler has crossed a line that nobody has crossed before. He’s pissed because he brought family into this, which is apparently where the line was crossed. Not bring in Elvis impersonators, which is where he crossed my personal line. The Summerslam match isn’t going to be pretty, it’s going to be a mutilation. The Hart family wants to be there so they can see the damage he’ll do. I love how Hart calls Summerslam “The Slammerslam.”

The Smoking Gunns and Tatanka Vs Barry Horowitz, The Brooklyn Brawler and Reno Riggins
Tatanka is really over with the crowd tonight, though seeing Billy Gun do the tomahawk chop should have got a bigger response. Horowitz sticks a thumb in Billy’s eye but gets taken down with a kick to the head. Riggins tags in but eats an arm drag. Bart tags in, ducks a pair of clotheslines and hits a huge arm drag. Brawler gets tagged in, eats a knee, then Tatanka hits a tomahawk chop from the top rope. Crowd is eating this up. Brawler ducks a chop before getting caught in a powerslam. Billy gets tagged in and continues the work on the arm. Horowitz gets a tag and hits a northern lights suplex for two. Neckbreaker follows and gets two as well. Are these jobbers getting offense? Riggins comes in with a sidewalk slam for two. Horowitz comes in with a jawbreaker and drives his knee in the sternum. A couple of close calls follow, leading to the crowd getting behind Gunn, though this does nothing. Brawler continues his offense (what?) before tagging in Riggins. He rakes the eye of Billy, whips him into the ropes and Gunn hits a sunset flip for two! Triple team by the jobbers in the corner as the commentators are making excuses for the Gunns and Tatanka. I just realized two cowboys and a Native American are teaming together. The jobbers make frequent tags, hitting a move or two before tagging out. Riggins tosses Gunn into the ropes and is caught with a flying forearm, and he tags in Tatanka! He takes out all three men with multiple chops and the crowd is going crazy! All six men are in the ring, Horowitz and Brawler eats dropkicks from the Gunns while Tatanka hits a HUGE back body drop on Riggins. Tatanka hits a crossbody from the ropes and gets the three at 7:00! Perfectly acceptable wrestling here, saved by the fact that the stars let the jobbers get offense in. **
Winners: The Smoking Gunns and Tatanka

Undertaker comes out for a very special interview segment, to answer the question on everybody’s mind – what the hell is a “rest in peace” match? Taker’s entrance is under a minute, and the lights just come on. Nothing dramatic at all. Undertaker explains – at Summerslam, Giant Gonzalez must be held accountable for his actions. He has tried to destroy what cannot be destroyed (at this point they zoom in on a confused looking girl holding an urn…so she must be indestructible). As for the match…“it’s when the Undertaker takes your flesh and drives his hand deep into your carcass and extracts every living organ that you have. And before, before this night is finished, when I return to the depths of the darkside, I will possess the sole of one Giant…Gonzalez.” Oh, ok. That sounds fair. Giant Gonzalez comes out and promises that Undertaker will not get up and will rest in peace. Taker takes off his coat and is all, “bring it bitch.” Gonzalez is all, “bitch, Ima’ bring it when I want” and then leaves. I’ve said it before, but Gonzalez’s biggest problem was he looked like such a nice guy…he just happened to be super tall and have muscles spray-painted on his ass.

Shawn Michaels(c) Vs Bob Backlund for the WWF Intercontinental Championship
Diesel is in leather as opposed to denim. This would prove to be a wise choice. Shawn comes out first, which is odd considering Backlund didn’t even have music at the time. If you were to tell me in 93 that Diesel and Backlund would be world champions before Shawn Michaels I would have told you that you were a damn fool. Except I wouldn’t curse, because then I’d get in trouble. Shawn starts things off with a scoop slam and is quite proud of himself. Shawn repeats this and takes a rest on the top rope. I always thought that was awesome as a kid. I stand by that statement. Shawn’s looking a little pudgy tonight. Backlund has had enough of the games and hits a big scoop slam, tossing him across the ring. He goes for the backslide, gets two and Michaels runs out of the ring. Shawn spits at Backlund, luring him to the outside. They run around the ring as we cut to break. Back in, Michaels is taking his shots against Backlund, who is on his knees. Michaels climbs the top rope and hits an axe handle. Shawn applies a front face lock and looks completely bored in the process. Backlund works his way to his feet and puts Shawn on the top rope before slapping the spit out of his face. Michaels charges and gets taken down with a back body drop, a dropkick and a swinging neckbreaker for two. Michaels misses a wild punch and Backlund hits a LONG stalling atomic drop. He goes for the cover but Diesel gets on the apron to distract the ref. Backlund goes after him, which allows for Michaels to get the most awkward, groin-pulling pin in the history of wrestling at 6:20. * Shawn seemed genuinely bored, though Backlund had some good energy.
Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion: Shawn Michaels

Vince is in the back with Ludwig Borga, who calls Americans stupid. This is his first Summerslam, but it’s going to be Jannetty’s last. He’s not only fighting Jannetty, he’s fighting America at the same time. That’s impressive. The pain he’s going to give is not going to go away. He doesn’t want titles, he just wants to destroy.

Marty Jannetty Vs Duane Gill
Jannetty works the arm, hits a monkey flip, and continues work on the arm. Gill whips him in the ropes but gets taken down with a headscissors and we’re back to the arm. Gill hits a backdrop but Jannetty reverses it into a roll up for two. Superkick sends Gill down. They promote a WWF radio program, which I don’t recall. I’m sure it was just terrific. Jim Ross has the balls to say that Duane Gill is not in the same league as Ludwig. Pfft. Reverse DDT off the top rope and a fist drop finishes thing for Jannetty at 3:14. * They put Jannetty over strong on commentary, and that was the point.
Winner: Marty Jannetty

The Steiner Brothers(c) Vs Money Inc. for the WWE World Tag Team Championships in a Steel Cage
Both team members have to escape the cage to win the match. No tagging, pinfalls or submission. The Steiners double team Dibiase as IRS tries to climb out. They manage to stop him but Dibiase tries to do the same, with similar results. Dibiase eats steel and the Steiners attempt to climb out. Money Inc bring them both down, with Dibiase hitting a backdrop from the top rope on Scott. With the Steiners down, Money Inc takes their turn trying to climb, leading to the Million Dollar Ass being shown. The Steiners grab IRS by his tie, which brings him back to the ring. Rick gets tossed into the cage and IRS crotches Scott on the ropes. Dibiase tries to climb out but Rick just squashes his balls. Effective, I suppose. Rick does the same to IRS, and at this point these guys should know better than to climb out. Scott tries to climb out but IRS is holding on to him. Scott takes him down but Dibiase hits a suplex from the outside of the cage to the inside. It’s tame by today’s standards, but for 93 looked pretty cool. Money Inc double team Scott, giving Rick a chance to climb out. Shockingly, this doesn’t work. They do a big bump with IRS suplexing Scott off the top of the cage! We cut to break and come back with Money Inc climbing out, but both Steiners follow them. IRS gets back body dropped back into the ring. Scott manages to get on the outside of the ring but Money Inc catches his head in one of the squares and chokes him out. They bring him back over. Scott hangs on the top of the cage for quite a while, actually. Rick nearly climbs out but Dibiase brings him back in the most awkward way possible. Scott chokes IRS out with his own tie on the top of the cage, but Dibiase saves his partner. Money Inc pound away on the Steiners. They whip the Steiners towards one another but Scott reverses it and Dibiase hits Rick! Both IRS and Scott Steiner climb out of the cage and it’s down to Ted Dibiase and Rick Steiner. IRS climbs back into the cage and prevents Rick from getting out. Scott begins to climb and hits a double axehandle off the top to IRS! Gorilla informs us that both men getting back in the cage essentially restarts the match. The Steiners make a run for the cage but Dibiase chokes Rick out with IRS’ tie! IRS stops Scott but ends up getting his ass kicked for the effort. We go to break and come back with Scott climbing out of the cage…and immediately climbing back in. Indecisive bastard. IRS manages to sneak out, and Dibiase nearly gets out but Scott and Rick manage to bring him back in and locks the Million Dollar Man’s legs in the holes in the cage. The Steiners climb the cage but IRS manages to get back in and take them down just in time. Rick climbs out for the first time in the match, leaving Money Inc with Scott. Scott ducks a double clothesline and hits a double clothesline of his own. Dibiase and Scott fight on the top rope as IRS climbs out on the other side, but Rick holds him up on his shoulders. Dibiase climbs out as well and tries to take Rick out so IRS can touch the ground but Scott manages to climb out at 17:58 for the win! Everyone climbing in and out of the cage got a little old, but the match itself was fun and the ending was really creative. ***1/2
Winners and STILL WWF Tag Team Champions: The Steiner Brothers

The 411: This show was a great way to promote Summerslam, with most of the major players being there. What confuses me is why Lex Luger wasn’t present at the show. They mentioned him more than anybody else, and had all of the wrestlers wearing red, white and blue to support him, yet there was nothing. They did say there would be an in-depth look at the life of Luger, but that never came into fruition. For having the entire show dedicated to him, you’d think he could at least give a speech or something. The wrestling on here was fine, with a couple of real fun matches. The Summerslam Spectacular ended up being on par, perhaps even a little better, than Summerslam itself. Worth checking out.
Final Score:  8.0   [ Very Good ]  legend

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Trace Aber

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