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Tremendous Tirades Throwback: TNA’s Bound for Glory 2005

October 22, 2006 | Posted by Larry Csonka
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Tremendous Tirades Throwback: TNA’s Bound for Glory 2005  


Tenay and West welcome us to BOUND FOR GLORY! JJ, AMW and Gail all arrived earlier today. JJ says “somebody” is leaving in a casket, and they even have a hearse.

Tenay says Nash wasn’t cleared to wrestle, but there will be an NWA Title match tonight. Tenay tells us Nash had to call 911 and went to the hospital.

Match #1 Alex Shelley vs. Roderick Strong vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Austin Aries

Here we go. They do rock, paper scissors to begin and Shelley and Strong to begin. Lock up and a wristlock by Shelley. Reversal by Strong and Shelley with a trip and odd lucha roll up deal. Front face lock by Shelley, reversals and Strong with a swank run up reversal and they break. Dutt tagged in now and Shelley takes him down and covers for 2. Dutt hops to Shelley’s shoulders, back flips off and then gets a little ropewalk then drop down to the arm of Shelley. RANA by Dutt. Some reversals now and a stand off. Slap by Shelley and he runs now. Back in and a basement dropkick to Dutt. Tag to Strong and Dutt with an arm drag. SWANK tilt a whirl by Dutt and Strong is down. Knee by Strong and now chops to Dutt. Aries with a blind tag and nails Strong. Cover and gets 2 as Shelley saves the pin. Boots by Aries now and an Irish whip, elbow by Aries. Nails Shelley and then nails Strong. Dutt slingshots in with a RANA to Strong. Off the ropes and Dutt to the apron. Shelley rammed to the Light rigging and a back breaker by Strong to Dutt gets 2. Chops to Dutt and then boots to Dutt. Strong covers for 2 again. Tag to Shelley and he gets the pendulum on Dutt. STF now and rolls into a full nelson on his back. Strong breaks it up. Shelley works Dutt’s arm now and Aries tags in. Side slam to Dutt gets 2. Slam and the pendulum elbow by Aries gets 2. Strong tags in and gets a SICK gut buster to Dutt. Strong and Shelley start to slap the piss out of each other now! Strong with a neck tie, Shelley with a figure four on strong, and Aries with a cross face, 4 way submission! SWANK! They break and all 4 men are in. Dutt and Shelley in control and then collide mid-ring. Forearms by Aries to Strong, fights back with chops. Aries to the floor. Shelley nails Strong’s knee and a spin kick now. DDT and Dutt then flies in and nails Strong. Shelley with the final cut to Strong for 2. Aries with the Finlay forward slam, but Dutt with an Enziguri! Elbow drop to Aries. Shelley in and Dutt gets the Asai DDT (Ultimo Dragon Style) for 2 as Strong breaks it up! GUT BUSTER to Dutt, cover and Strong gets 2 as Aries breaks it up. BRAIN BUSTA BY ARIES! Up top now… Shelley tries to knock him off… Shelley knocked to the floor. Aires knocked to the floor by Dutt. Strong up…Superplex try, Strong knocked off…DRAGON RANA BY DUTT and that’s all!

Winner: Sonjay Dutt @ 12:45 via pin ***

Shane Douglas with AMW and Gail Kim. AMW says pictures tell the story much better, and we see AMW win the titles. Video botch as it plays twice. Shane says they must be proud, but they are now the hunted. AMW says the belts are where they belong and the tag division has always been built around them. Harris says they are in the advantage tonight. Shane talks about Team 3d, and AMW mocks them and says they are dead. They rolled them out of TNA and the power lies with them and JJ. They go in champs and leave champs.

Tenay and West hype the card. Larry Z says all wrestlers must be ready to go tonight. Raven is out! Raven says it is crazy that Larry has power. He is a puppet. Either way he has his destiny in his hands. Larry has 10-seconds to come out and answer Raven. Raven says he was the champ before he was robbed by AMW and JJ. Raven says the show must go on, and it should be he vs. JJ. Larry runs him down and Raven says it is the biggest show and he is the biggest star in the company. Larry will make the decision his way. Raven attacks Larry and here is Rhino! Rhino says to look at Raven, he is not the Raven from 5 years ago. He would have knocked Larry out. He crucified a man, he took a man’s family, what happened Raven? Did a girl get into your head? He says Raven is pathetic and he doesn’t deserve it, he does! Cassidy Riley talks shit to Rhino as Raven is taken out…GORE GORE GORE to Riley! Rhino comes back and GORES him again!

Shane Douglas with AJ Styles. AJ says Daniels is like Florida and he is Georgia. He can never really pull away from him. Daniels is one of the best, and tonight AJ says we will see if Daniels can step up to be simply “phenomenal.”

Tenay and West hype more of the card.

Earlier today the Samoan Dance team dances for Joe’s arrival!

We see Liger getting ready in the back, they kick off the pay portion of the show!


A sweet PPV start video recapping the last year of TNA, very cool.

Tenay and West officially welcome us to Bound for Glory!

Joe comes out with the Samoan Dance Troop! Dancing Joe! SWEET! Joe was in a dance troop for the Olympics opening one year I believe.

STEAMERS~! Simon Inoki is in attendance.

Match #2 Samoa Joe vs. Jushin “Thunder” Liger

Lock up to start and Joe shoves Liger down. Lock up and Liger shoved away again. Lock up, Liger with a headlock…off the ropes and stopped by Joe. Joe knocks him down as Liger came off the ropes. Drop toehold by Liger and a basement dropkick by Liger. Off the ropes and an elbow by Joe. Liger side steps and Joe to the floor. Liger teases a dive, then kicks Joe back down. Cross body off the top by Liger to Joe on the floor. Back in the ring now and Liger up top…Joe catches him and slams him down with a fall away. Off the ropes and Joe with the running knee to the corner. Liger down and picks him up, snap mare and a chop then the kick by Joe. High knee drop gets 2 for Joe. Rear chinlock by Joe. Liger to his feet…elbows out. Off the ropes…quick powerslam by Joe gets 2. Another rear chinlock by Joe now and Liger has to battle out. He does and gets to his feet, knees by Joe and misses the corner knee. Liger with a suplex try, blocked and FISHERMAN to Joe get 2! Liger up top…FROG SPLASH gets 2. Enziguri by Joe as Liger missed the palm thrust. Liger set in the corner…Joe up top as well…LIGER BOMB gets 2 on Joe. Palm thrust by Liger. Another and Liger covers for 2. Liger up top again…KICK by Joe. Joe has him…MUSCLE BUSTA! Joe gets the “you’re my bitch” locked in… Liger fights…but passes out!

Winner: Samoa Joe @ 7:14 via Submission **½

Highlights of the fanfest from this weekend are shown.

Tenay and West put over the fanfest. TNA “gut check” winners are in attendance and will train at the New Japan Dojo.

Shane Douglas with Simon Diamond. He is sick of losing and he believe in them and they need to win tonight.

Match #3 The Diamonds in the Rough (Simon Diamond, Elix Skipper and David Young) vs. Sharky, Apollo and Sonny Siaki

Simon and Sharky to start. Chops by Sharky and then Simon takes him down. They exchange rights and Sharky with the knee to face buster. Off the ropes, and a clothesline by Simon and a cover for 2. Rights to Sharky and a running clothesline gets 2. Boot by Sharky and he tries the DSD, but Simon slams him down. Sharky with the shark bit to Simon. Tag to Elix who gets taken down. Side headlock by Sharky, Elix escapes and gets a wristlock. Tag to Apollo and Elix elbows out. Reversals and Apollo slams Elix down and covers for 2. Chops by Apollo and then a boot. Full nelson slam into a face plant by Apollo. Young up top and nails Apollo as Simon distracted the ref. Young in and they do a R&R Express double leg take over. Elix with a low shoulder block to Apollo and covers for 2. Elix off the ropes…Apollo tosses him up and gets a cutter. Tag to Young and Siaki is in. Levels everyone and gets the leg lariat. Samoan Drop to Young gets 2. Elix in and they chop each other. Kick by Young, corner whip and Apollo in with the TKO on Young. Elix runs up Young’s back and botches a RANA on Siaki. Sharky with a Plancha to Elix on the floor. Young with a cool Asai moonsault to the floor. Superkick by Apollo. Running plancha by Apollo to the floor. They brawl on the floor now and Elix and Siaki back in the ring. Elix tosses Siaki and Young catches him for a Spine Buster and that is all.

Winners: Diamonds @ 7:20 via pin

The crowd shit on that.

We get highlights of the X Division 4-way.

Highlights of Raven demanding the NWA Title shot earlier.

Shane Douglas with JJ and Gail. Shane wants to know who he’ll face. JJ looks very happy. JJ says Nash, the hospital? He didn’t believe it. He says Nash is avoiding an ass whooping. He says Larry has his work cut out for him. He says to draw a name from a hat, it doesn’t matter. He says screw Hardy, Rhino, Abyss, Sabu and Raven. What about him? Screw him! Monty is here and says SAY THAT TO MY FACE! JJ says he wouldn’t say that. SILENCE says Monty. He smells the fear on JJ. Sooner or later he will get his chance. Then he will TAKE that title. JJ tells him to impress Larry. Monty says he will take out Hoyt with the POOOOOOOUUNCE! JJ says this is the playoffs and Monty can’t afford to lose.

Tenay says the PPV is dedicated to the Crusher, who passed away today.

Match #4 Monty Brown vs. Lance Hoyt

Some shots to piss each other off to start. Off the ropes and a shoulder block and clothesline by Hoyt. Flapjack almost KILLS Monty as he got dumped on his head. They brawl on the floor now. Hoyt tossed HARD into the steps. Monty teases the ram into the barrier, and then Hoyt gets the cross body to the floor. Back in the ring and Monty catches him on the way in. Hoyt rammed to the corner and chops by Monty. Hoyt battle back and chops Monty now. Corner mount punches by Hoyt. Monty flops down! Hoyt up top…and Monty shoves him off to the floor! Monty in control now and a suplex on the floor by Monty. Back in the ring now and Hoyt tries to fight back, but Monty with the fall away slam. Off the ropes…BOOT by Hoyt. Hoyt up top…moonsault to Monty gets 2! Off the ropes, reversal…elbow by Hoyt. Monty catches him off the top…ALPHA BOMB!!!! 1…2…NO! Monty calls for the end…Off the ropes…reversal and a rock bottom by Hoyt gets 2. Rights by Hoyt, off the ropes, no Monty stops him. They exchange rights. Off the ropes…reversal…POOOOOOOOOUUUUUUNNNNNCE! That’s all!

Winner: Monty Brown @ 6:30 via pin

Footage of TNA stars in India is shown.

Shane with the 3LK. BG says they stick together and fight together. Kip James is here and wants to help to counter Scott D’Amore. Killings and BG like it but Konnan doesn’t. Kames says he offered and leaves. The 3LK argues.

Match #5 Team Canada (A1, Eric Young and Roode) w/D’Amore vs. The 3LK (Konnan, BG and Ron Killings)

3LK mic work.

Konnan and Eric to start. Some reversals to begin and Konnan gets control and slams Eric down. A1 in and Konnan tosses him. Rolling thunder to Roode. Tosses Eric and throws a shoe. Nizzie leg drop by Ron on Roode. Ron and Roode in and Roode gains control. Head butts by Roode. Off the ropes and Ron with a SWANK tilt a whirl head scissors. Kip James in on the entrance ramp watching on as Ron in still in control after a 3LK double team. Leg lariat to Roode. Cover and he gets 2. Ron fights off all of TC but Roode gets the full nelson slam for 2. Tag to A1 and he kicks away at Ron as the crowd chants “New Age Outlaws.” Running powerslam by A1 gets a 2 count. TC with a gang beat down as BG and Konnan tried to get in. Roode in now and unloads with rights on Ron. Off the ropes, reversal and a forearm by Ron. He crawls for a tag…BG and Eric in. BG cleans house, juke and jive punches to Eric. Boot to Eric and then the shaky knee drop for 2. Everyone is in now and Roode sends Ron into the post. BG tries the slam, but Roode with the hockey stick nails BG and that’s all.

Winners: Team Canada @ 6:10 via pin

Kip James runs down and pulls out BG. He hits the ring with the chair and they want him to hit Konnan. He KILLS A1 with the chair! He clears the ring and Konnan is shocked!

Shane with Larry. Shane wants to know who will be in the NWA Title match. Larry says he is waiting for a call from management. He tells Shane to give him time, and he will let him know.

Ultimate X Promo is shown.

Match #6 Ultimate X: Matt Bentley w/Traci vs. Petey Williams w/Coach D’Amore vs. Chris Sabin

Here we go. They brawl to begin. Sabin and Bentley double team Petey and slam him down. Running dropkick to Petey by Sabin. RANA by Sabin to Bentley. Sabin climbs…but Petey chops away and pulls him down. Elbow by Sabin and tries a suplex, reversed by Petey and gets one of his own. Bentley with rights to Petey now and off the ropes, reversal and a German by Bentley. Sabin is climbing now and Bentley up top…and leaps, catches Sabin and a big atomic drop. Traci distracts Petey, she pulls his face in her tits and Bentley climbs! Enziguri by Sabin to Petey and then Sabin pulls Bentley off and that looked painful. Sabin takes down Bentley, then a running knee in the corner. Sabin had Petey…RUNNIGN LIGER BOMB INTO BENTLEY! DDT on Petey by Sabin! Sabin climbs… Bentley grabs his legs…pulls him down and Petey in on the apron and Sabin tries the sunset flip powerbomb to the floor and Petey drops down on him. Petey gets a RANA to Sabin on the floor and Petey looks like his leg is a bit hurt. Sabin back in and they battle, Bentley in and a neck breaker stunner combo by Bentley on both men. All men are down now and try to battle up to their feet. Bentley is up and starts to climb. Bentley goes across the cable…Sabin up as well. They kick at each other. Bentley wraps his legs around Sabin’s head…POWERBOMB BY SABIN FROM THE CABLES! Sabin to his feet and now he climbs. Petey is there as well and they exchange rights. Petey up top with him. Petey slammed off the rigging. They still battle it out, and Sabin hits the rigging. Petey kicks him and Sabin is caught in the tree of woe! OHHH CAAAANNNNAAADA NUT STOMP! Bentley up and knocks Petey all the way to the floor! Sabin is still caught and Bentley climbs. Sabin finally out and tosses Bentley to the floor! Sabin up to the top rope…Petey is back up and gets tossed off. SABIN MOONSAULTS TO THE FLOOR and takes out both men! Sabin rolls back in the ring and climbs. Across the cable he goes… Bentley rolls in and leaps up and tackles Sabin off the cable! The damn X FELL! Shit. DUCT TAPE PEOPLE! Bentley attacks Petey to keep the action going, good man. They go to the floor. The crowd wants the guys to use the ladder! Sabin rams Petey to the rigging and he is down. Bentley and Sabin battle now and Bentley chases D’Amore. Bentley in the ring and Sabin up as well. They go across and kick at each other and fall. The X is dangling and it falls into Petey’s hands and he wins!

Winners: Petey Williams @ 13:50 ***

The crowd chants bullshit!

Highlights of JJ defeating Raven in Canada and AMW’s heel turn.

Match #7 NWA Tag Title Match: AMW © (Storm and Harris) vs. The Naturals (Douglas and Stevens)

The Naturals attack before the bell and are pissed! To the floor and they brawl all over. Douglas had a bandage on, nice touch. Stevens and Strom in the ring and off the ropes, Storm tries to skin the cat, Stevens out grabs him and POWERBOMBS him into the steel railing! They have Harris cornered now and he begs off. They kick the shit out of him and toss him to the floor and he runs. Douglas clotheslines him in the back of the head and they beat him down on the ramp as Storm is still down. Harris rammed to the railing now. Then again! They continue to work on Harris on the floor as Storm looks hurt. Gail is out and Storm is able to ram Douglas into the post. Then rams his head off of the belt on the table and Douglas is busted open. Harris works over Douglas in the ring now and Storm is in the match now and beats down Douglas. Whirly bird to Douglas gets 2. Storm nails Stevens and Harris tags in. Quick tags and they work over Douglas and try to open up the cut more. Douglas gets a tag to Stevens now and takes out AMW. Back drop to Harris. Harris misses Stevens and nails Storm! High knee by Douglas and Stevens covers for 2. Storm misses a super kick but Stevens gets one and covers for 2. Gail tosses in the baggie of powder! It got kicked into Harris’s face. CATATONIC ON HIS OWN PARTNER! The Naturals nails Harris with the Death Sentence! 1…2…NO! They have Storm…Natural Disaster try, Gail distracts the ref and Douglas chases her. Harris grabs him and handcuffs Douglas to the steel railing! Storm works over Stevens in the ring but he fights back. Suplex to Harris. Enziguri to Harris! Gail up top, ref distracts her…BEER BOTTLE nails Stevens. Harris goes up top…Death Sentence to Stevens and that’s all.

Winner: AMW @ 10:35 via pin **½

Harris nails Douglas after the match with a chair for good measure.

Promo for the Monster’s Ball II match.

Shane is with James Mitchell. Abyss is in the background as Shane talks to Mitchell. Mitchell says for the others to be diminished, but Mitchell says Abyss spent his childhood in these circumstances, and this is like inviting a combat vet to a paintball game. This may bring up some repressed memories and Sabu, Rhino, Hardy…ask yourselves…how do you think the weapon of mass destruction will play this game?

Match #8 Monster’s Ball II: Abyss w/James Mitchell vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Rhino vs. Sabu

Rhino brings some nice toys to the ring in a trashcan of fun! Abyss has his chain and thumbtacks. Sabu has his chair of course. Jeff has his freak paint.

They start to brawl, and Sabu tosses a chair into Abyss’ face. Rhino to the floor and AIR SABU onto Rhino. Jeff leaps off the chair onto Abyss. Abyss to the floor, triple jump dive by Jeff onto Abyss. Rhino and Sabu brawl through the crowd. Abyss and Jeff do as well. Abyss rammed into the bleachers and Sabu is busted open over the eye. Jeff with a dive off the bleachers onto Abyss. Sabu kicks the hell out of Rhino as Jeff and Abyss exchange rights. In the ring Jeff gets some toys and Abyss attacks. Sabu in the ring, sets the chair…triple jump dive onto Rhino. Jeff gets the run up Moonsault and did it well! Abyss snatches him up…SHOCK TREATMENT! Sabu covers Jeff for 2. Rhino in and he nails Sabu. NASTY chair shots by Rhino to all! Poetry in motion by Jeff off of Sabu! Standing Arabian Face Buster to Jeff by Sabu! Rhino goes bat shit with the kendo stick! Abyss is killing Abyss. Sets, but Abyss with the choke slam for a close 2. Sabu decides to grab a table. Sets it up on the floor and Jeff chokes out Abyss. He grabs a ladder! Abyss nails him as Rhino whips Sabu with a weight belt. Rhino to the floor and Abyss and Jeff battle back by the ramp. Abyss sets up a table. And now another. Sabu sets up a table between the ring and barrier. Jeff with chair shots to Abyss and he is on the tables. Rhino on the table at ring side….AIR SABU kills Rhino! Jeff has the ladder on the ramp! He goes up top of the set! SUPR SWANTON TO ABYSS!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT THAT WAS FAR! Sabu in the ring works over Rhino. But Rhino nails him with the kendo stick. Off the ropes…and a reversal and Rhino eats the chair placed in the corner. Triple jump moonsault to Rhino! 1…2…NO! Abyss crawls back to ringside. Sabu up top…SUPER ARABIAN FACE BUSTER TO RHINO! Jeff is up and Sabu covers for 2. Jeff looks hurt and Abyss has a table set in the corner. Sabu with a chair and nails Abyss. Abyss catches Sabu…and tosses him belly first through a table at ringside! THUMBTACK TIME! GORE GORE GORE THROUGH THE TABLE by Rhino! Jeff is back in and battles Rhino. Rhino up top…Jeff follows, SECOND ROPE RHINO DRIVER and that’s all!

Winner: Rhino @ 11:50 via pin **** (Great for the style of match)

Shane is backstage with Larry. Larry says to make it fair he will make a 10 man over to top gauntlet, and the winner gets the title shot! JJ says he isn’t happy, and he wants to know the 10 guys. Larry says too bad, it is in destiny’s hands.

Video highlight for the Iron Man match.

Match #9 30-Minute Iron Man Match: AJ Styles © vs. Christopher Daniels

Daniels attacks at the bell. Forearms to AJ and Daniels is in early control. Chops by Daniels, then head butts. Press slam by Daniels. AJ battles back, but Daniels back with rights. Reversals and rights by AJ. Arm drag by AJ. Side back breaker to Daniels. Daniels rolls to the floor and AJ runs, Daniels catches him with a right and levels AJ. Off the ropes, reversal and a dropkick by AJ. Daniels on the apron and kicked into the railing and over. AJ with forearms on the floor and the ref then checks on Daniels. AJ runs, off the steps and over the railing with a flying forearm to Daniels. Chops by AJ and Daniels falls to the floor. Back in the ring and AJ covers for 2. Headlock by AJ now… Daniels to his feet, but AJ keeps the hold. Off the ropes, but AJ holds on. Daniels tries a back suplex, but AJ holds on still. Daniels escapes and AJ back to the headlock take over. Daniels escapes again, but AJ back to the hold. Daniels escapes and gets an arm bar on the mat. AJ to his feet and Daniels rips at the arm. AJ with a neat escape and gets a wristlock. Reversals and another headlock take down by AJ. Off the rope snow and Daniels misses the leg lariat and AJ covers for 2. Forearm by AJ and a cover for 2. Chops to Daniels now and then AJ rams him to the corner. Then another. A 3rd! A 4th. A 5th! Then finally the 6th corner! AJ covers for 2. Rights by AJ and then boots to Daniels. Rear choke in the corner by AJ, and he breaks. He grabs Daniels leg and pulls at it. Reverse Indian death lock with the bridge by AJ. Daniels reaches for the ropes… Daniels bites his hand to escape!

10:00 in now. Daniels sent to the apron, AJ over as well and tosses Daniels in the ring. AJ off the top…Rock Bottom by Daniels as he caught AJ! Both men are down now…back up, off the ropes and Daniels with a clothesline. Snap mare and Daniels twists the neck of AJ. Again Daniels twists the neck of AJ. Cover by Daniels gets 2. Tilt a whirl back breaker by Daniels gets 2. AJ battles back, AJ rolls him up for 2. AJ tries again…KOJI CLUTCH on AJ! AJ is trapped mid-ring. He gets on all fours but falls down. Tries again…and gets the ropes. Elbow by Daniels. Slam by Daniels, split legged moonsault gets 2 for Daniels. Daniels is frustrated now and clubs away at AJ. Picks him up…reversals and ASAI DDT by AJ! Both men are down again and the ref counts. To their feet and AJ kills Daniels with a lariat. Spin kick and Daniels flops down. AJ with a SICK back drop suplex with the arm hooked gets a close 2. Pump Handle slam by AJ into a gut buster gets 2. AJ to the ring apron…springs in Daniels snatches him up…DVD and covers for 2! AJ set up top…rights by Daniels. Splash Mountain by Daniels gets another close 2! Daniels tries a neck breaker, reversal and a suplex/neck breaker combo by AJ gets 2. AJ tries the Asai DDT again, BLUE THUNDA DRIVA by Daniels gets another 2! BEST MOONSAULT EVER! 1…2…NO! Daniels picks AJ up, go behind, AJ elbows out…boot to Daniels. Back Breaker by AJ! Slams him down and covers for 2.

20:00 in now and both men are struggling to their feet. Irish whip, AJ misses the charge and flies over the ropes and crashes into the steps on his way down. SUICIDE DIVE BY DANIELS! Back in the ring…PELE by AJ and Daniels flies to the floor. AJ off the ropes…SWANK PLANCHA by AJ! AJ crawls back in the ring as does Daniels, but AJ grabs him…tries to suplex him in, Daniels fights…BACKDROP SUPLEX FROM THE APRON TO THE FLOOR BY DANIELS! Both men down again and they pull themselves up.

Back in the ring and we have 5:00 left. Daniels kicks AJ to the floor and he struggles to get back in. Daniels tells AJ to bring it! Chops by Daniels, shops by AJ! Forearms exchanged. AJ with repeated shots, roll up by Daniels gets 2. AJ had a huge bruise on his leg from the fall on the steps. AJ with a quick roll up for 2. Roll up with a bridge by Daniels gets 2. Back spring elbow by AJ into a GERMAN by Daniels! Daniels picks him up…CLOTHESLINE BY AJ and both are down. AJ with a desperation cover for 2.

2:00 left in the match. Irish whip and AJ skips over the ropes…Cross body and Daniels rolls through for 2! Forearm shots by AJ, then by Daniels. AJ with a suplex try… Daniels fights but AJ gets an Enziguri for 2! Running Enziguri by Daniels, Angels Wings, countered and AJ gets 2. Roll up counters…STYLES CLASH! 1…2…3! @ 29:59.

Winner: AJ Styles @ 30:00 via pin 1-0 ****

Video highlights of the match are shown.

A promo for “Genesis” is shown.

Tenay says they don’t even know who the 10-men are for the gauntlet.

Match #10 10-Man Gauntlet: Winner Faces JJ for the NWA Title

#1 is Samoa Joe. #2 is Ron Killings. They stare down and Ron dances and mocks Joe. Joe smacks a bitch and then the running knee. Face wash…OLAY and Ron is dead! Ron up top and gets a blockbuster! Rights to Joe, reversals and a flatliner by Ron. He tries to toss Joe and Joe refuses. Rights to Ron and #3 is SABU! Chair in hand and SMASHES JOE! Then Ron. Triple jump moonsault to Ron. Then a corner leg lariat to Joe. Sabu kick away at Joe, sets the chair…and nails Joe again. #4 is Hoyt. Rights for all by Hoyt. Joe and he go toe to toe and Hoyt with a boot to Joe. Sabu is opened up again and Hoyt tries to toss Ron. Joe levels Ron and then a SICK DDT to Sabu. #5 is Abyss! He is holding his hand, they say he may have broken it. He and Joe stare down and CHOP BATTLE! GOOZLE ON JOE! GOOZLE BY JOE! Ron nails them and they all brawl.

#6 is Jeff Hardy. He limps out to the ring and Joe works over Hoyt. Jeff with rights to about everyone. Sabu and Jeff battle and then Jeff attacks Abyss. #7 is Monty Brown! POOOUNCE TO SABU! Monty and Jeff eliminate each other! Mitchell tries to help Abyss as Ron tries to toss him. #8 is Rhino. He walks slowly as he is bloody as well. He and Hoyt battle and Rhino tosses Hoyt! Joe with stiff kicks to Sabu. Abyss chokes out Rhino, #9 is…Kip James! Sabu has been tossed! Clothesline to Abyss by Kip. Corner splash by Kip to Abyss. Fameasser to Abyss and Sabu has NOT been eliminated. Kip with a dropkick to Joe and now Sabu has been eliminated.

#10 is…AJ STYLES! The man cane barely walk to the ring! AJ battles with Abyss and Abyss clubs him down. AJ whipped hard to the corner. Everyone looks dead tired as Kip gets a jawbreaker to Joe. Joe back up and tries to toss Ron, but can’t. Rights by Ron to Joe. Match really slow now and AJ nails Kip with an Enziguri. AJ tries to toss Ron…but Kip gets tossed as he tries to toss them. AJ NAILS Ron with a PELE and AJ tries to toss Ron, but Kip James helps Ron, but he is gone! Joe, AJ, Rhino and Abyss left. AJ and Joe pair off and Abyss and Rhino battle. AJ and Joe with wild shots and Joe gets a standing choke…and Abyss tosses both Joe and AJ! GORE GORE GORE by Rhino to Abyss. He tosses Abyss

Winner: Rhino @ 14:25 ***

JJ calls out the guys with a casket. Who’s in there?

Match #10 Rhino vs. Jeff Jarrett © w/Tito Ortiz as Special Ref

JJ attacks Rhino and here we go. Dropkick by JJ. JJ chokes him out and then nails him with a right. JJ in control and takes Rhino to the floor and rams him to the barrier. Again and Rhino is down. JJ rams Rhino off of the announce table. JJ grabs a trash can and nails Rhino now. Slams Rhino off of the casket. Ortiz tells JJ to bring it back in the ring. Rhino slammed into the casket again. In the ring, JJ up top…clothesline off the top by JJ. JJ up top again…another clothesline by JJ. JJ up top a 3rd time… Rhino grabs him KICK to the junk! Gail is out now and Rhino sets…MISSES the Gore! Gail up top…leaps and Tito catches her. She tries to slap him and he takes her to the floor. JJ has the guitar…misses, Rhino charges…JJ KILLS HIM with it. Tito is still with Gail and JJ covers and Tito back in 1…2…NO! Rhino tires to get to his feet as AMW comes out. Another guitar for JJ. Tito nails AMW…GORE GORE GORE! 1…2…3!

Winner: and NEW NWA CHAMPION RHINO @ 5:50 via pin

Rhino wins Monster’s Ball, wins the gauntlet and wins the NWA Title!

JJ and AMW beat down Rhino now. The 3LK is out and they all brawl. Team Canada is out now and the numbers are too much for the 3LK. The wheel over the casket, and put it in the ring. They open it and put a bloody Rhino in the casket after another guitar shot. They seal him up and the super heel team stands tall…wait…TEAM 3D IS HERE! They hit the ring and we have another brawl! Team 3D and the 3LK stand tall and Eric Young eats a 3D and then is placed in the casket.

The 411: While this wasn’t the “huge homerun” show that TNA wanted, it was another very strong show in a line of strong shows last year. There is also the memorable moment of Rhino winning the NWA title in a shocking moment and the excellent Iron Man and Monster's Ball Matches that make this a highly recommended show.
Final Score:  8.1   [ Very Good ]  legend

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Larry Csonka

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