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Truths & Lies: Vince McMahon Returns, TNA/Spike TV Myth, More

November 11, 2014 | Posted by Justin Watry

Another week. Still no 2015 TNA Impact Wrestling television announcement.

Imagine that, huh? For at least another seven days, my massive in depth column on the situation waits. Again, nobody to blame but myself for putting trust into online reports. Or TNA. Or anybody involved with the never ending debacle surrounding TNA in 2014 and their TV deal. Until something changes with that situation, nothing changes.

As for this week, my first inclination was to dust off the “I Was Wrong” gimmick. However, I can only think of two more topics, so I should probably save them. Plus, it only truly works when the wrestler in mind helps out (like Matt Morgan did a few weeks ago). Otherwise, it is just more drunk ramblings from myself about nothing. Thus, we are back for another round of “Truths and Lies” discussing all the latest in the world of wrestling. Everybody loves that idea, right?


Putting The Authority’s job on the line at WWE Survivor Series was a smart move and made sense.

Truth – I say this seemingly every year, but the entire Survivor Series concept is outdated. Vince McMahon was right a few years ago in wanting to tweak or even get rid of the show. Who is going to shell $50 for a big tag team match in 2014 as the main event? Twenty years ago, it was cool to see all the oddball pairings. Twenty years ago, there was not hours of wrestling nearly every single night of the week. Twenty years ago, pay-per-views were used in a much different light than present day. Without a big stipulation or hook (job on the line), it is a glorified tag team match with John Cena battling the heels…for a price. Obviously, this event coincides with the “FREE OFFER” going, but my point stands. WWE needed to add a little flavor to Team Cena vs. Team Authority, and they did. Before I did not care who win. Now I care.

Lie – It felt awkward on RAW. Maybe that was the point but yikes. I really believe Vince McMahon was dragged out on Monday night because WWE had no idea how to get from point A to point B. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon were not going to voluntarily put their power on the line. Zero logic there. On the flip side, how could John Cena goad them into the stipulation? Well, just have Vince walk out and do it. YEAH! For motivational purposes or something…I think. That being said, is the added hook going to add WWE Network subscriptions (past the month of November) or even PPV buys for those still holding out? Tough call. My gut instinct says that viewers, like myself, just want to entire concept of the ‘authority figure’ in ALL of wrestling to go away for awhile and may actually PAY to see it happen at Survivor Series. I guess the answer will come when the buy rate is released (and WWE Network numbers) in a few months to know if it was a smart move or not. Yeah, the Survivor Series 2014 pay-per-view buy rate is going to VERY interesting indeed.

WWE Smackdown moving to Thursday nights will help the Blue Brand long-term, not just short-term.

Truth – Well, I wrote a few weeks ago about my desire to see Smackdown STAY on Friday nights because there was no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow on Thursday nights, like many think. Now that the move is official, we may as examine the next step for the Blue Brand. It has been said that there are better advertising dollars to be made on Thursday than Friday. Makes sense. WWE was pretty clear earlier in 2014 that moving Smackdown (or making it live) was possible with television network they were negotiating with. Obviously more money is always a plus. Thursday is the most watched night of TV – another good thing compared to Fridays. While it may only be for the ‘premiere’ episode in January, you know WWE will load up Smackdown with big name talent and big matches right out of the gate. Long-term push or not, I appreciate the extra effort to making the Blue Brand relevant.

Lie – That is the problem. We know WWE will give Smackdown a boost come January when it moves to Thursday. I am sure Hulk Hogan will appear, Edge will make a cameo, a big title match will be the main event, etc. No doubt. However, what about the next week? Or a few months after? Or when NFL kicks into high gear in September? WWE could proudly claim nearly every single week to be the most watched cable show Friday nights. In their official press release, they claimed 3.1 million viewers per week, which included DVR numbers. Will that be the case on Thursdays? Worse ratings? Better ratings? Well, Pawn Stars is down to 2.4 million viewers (last week numbers) for new episodes, so it seems their dominant run in the ratings is nearing an end (used to be in the 5-6 million viewership range). Football, sports, and other major events only come SOME weeks. Honestly, Smackdown may have a great chance at succeeding on Thursdays – not much else is on cable that night doing big numbers. On the flip side, changing nights is still a tricky situation for any show. Even when the show does find its footing after a couple of months past WrestleMania 31 season, will the company still put in the effort or let it rot away? I remain cautious about this. Like I said, I would have just kept it on Fridays, but time will tell how much attention WWE gives Smackdown over the long haul in 2015…surely, it will be treated as an equal to RAW…

WWE Network failing to launch in the UK will prove to be costly.

Truth – Twitter was none too happy when the WWE Network did NOT launch in the UK as planned. I know Twitter is only one form of feedback, but when even MY account is getting comments about something happening overseas, you know the reach was big. There are already reports of fans not being very forgiving of Vince McMahon apologizing for the mishap during their current tour across the pond. Trust me, I would not be happy either. Literally minutes before the launch, it is cancelled. Imagine walking down the stairs on Christmas morning, nothing but smiles, ready to open your gifts, and Santa walks in to the room and says you have to wait another week. Grabs the presents and leaves the house. That would suck. The WWE Network is on shaky ground as it right now. Botching the Rogers/Canada deal is one thing. Doing it AGAIN in similar fashion to another large fanbase? Especially when you are just under 300,000 subscribers from hitting the magical one million mark?!?! I understand the free month trial. Netflix does it, Hulu does it, NBA League Pass does it. That just goes with pay services. However, pulling the rug out from under the UK fans mere minutes beforehand? Ouch. Not a good look WWE. Not a good look at all.

Lie – Be honest. For alllll the complaining and alllll the whining from the UK fans, when the WWE Network DOES become available, will you subscribe? Come on, do not lie. After all the anger dies down and frustration ends, the WWE Network will launch in the UK at some point. My guess is you will be there for it and happily pay the $9.99 price tag…or whatever it is. Same thing with the never ending shouting and screaming over an episode of WWE RAW or some garbage PPV finish. It is all just noise. You will be right back the following Monday night watching RAW, back online ripping the show, and return for more the following week, so on and so on. A never ending cycle. Now whether it was the fault of WWE or some potential legal action threatened by Sky, the UK will get their day. It will come. The WWE Network will be made available, and all will be right with the world again. The only question is if the anger and outrage over the mess last week will deter fans from subscribing…or make them want it even more. For the sake of WWE, they better hope it leads to hitting one million subscribers. If not, well, then this easy slam dunk for WWE has turned into an EPIC FAIL!

Spike TV replacing TNA Impact Wrestling with a movie in two weeks is just because of the Thanksgiving holiday.

Truth – Yep, it is because of the Thanksgiving holiday. TNA is going grrrrreat these days, and 2015 will be OUR year! Just you watch. TNA is set to take off like never before and reach new heights. Anybody who says otherwise are just ‘haters’ and big smelly poopy heads!!!

Lie – TNA has aired on Thanksgiving in the past. Yet, now it is an issue? Why was it not a problem last year? Or the year before? Or the year before? Spike TV aired Impact Wrestling then, so why is it suddenly being replaced with a movie of all things? I call BS here. Something smells fishy, and it is not Shark Boy. Spike TV has aired TNA on Thanksgiving before. Pardon me if I do not buy into the “Well, we have to air a movie instead because of the holiday!” nonsense being thrown out there. On top of that, here are a few cold hard facts from PWTorch for you all…

TNA viewership on Thanksgiving 2013: 825,000 viewers

TNA viewership on Thanksgiving 2012: 1.187 million viewers

TNA viewership on Thanksgiving 2011: 1.405 million viewers

TNA viewership on Thanksgiving 2010: 1.262 million viewers

TNA viewership on Thanksgiving 2009: 1.3 million viewers

TNA viewership on Thanksgiving 2008: 1.6 million viewers

TNA viewership on Thanksgiving 2007: 1.4 million viewers

TNA viewership last week…

*drumroll please*

A mere 930,000 viewers, up from the previous week’s 911,000 viewers!!!

…so yeah, spare me the tired holiday excuse. There are far more issues going on for TNA than Thanksgiving coming up soon. During a time when TNA has no DVD distribution, no live events set through 2014, only two more TV episodes left, a movie replacing them (!!!) on the schedule, near invisible PPV numbers, falling ratings, and STILL no TV deal for 2015, the last thing I want is more excuses. At some point, somebody has to look in the mirror.

Self-Promoting Finale

Thanks to everybody who joined me for my third ever live tweeting session a few weeks ago during WWE RAW! Not my cup of tea admittedly, but I said if I reached 600 Twitter followers I would live tweet again, so I did. When will I live tweet again you ask? Well, I will get back to you when I reach 650 Twitter followers. Only 39 away! You can do it.

Follow me on Twitter @JustinWatry

Go check out my Jay’s Ways column over at the NoDQ website…

…and finally…

Click it. Read it. Love it: http://winifredjac.com/