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411’s WWE Smackdown! Report 03.27.09
Welcome to 411’s Weekly Smackdown! Report. I am JP Truss your play-by-play man for Smackdown! You’ll have to forgive me in advance if this report is below my usual quality. It was a long road this week to get to Friday and really all I want to do is relax with some NCAA basketball and a Romeo y Julieta, however, first and foremost I am a businessman. And besides, looks like it’ll be a decent card tonight so let’s get down to it!
J.R. and Tazz are at ringside!
8 Man Tag Team Match
Team A: CM Punk, Mark Henry, MVP and Kofi Kingston vs. Team B: Kane, Finlay, Shelton Benjamin and Christian
Kofi Kingston and Christian are set to start this one off. They trade wristlocks with Christian taking control for a moment before a double leap frog from Kofi leads to a big back elbow. Kofi goes for an early pin and gets a one count. Kofi goes after Christian but Christian stops him with an uppercut. Christian whips Kofi to the corner but Kofi counter whips him. Kofi charges but Christian swings out of the way. Christian attacks Kofi from the middle rope with a double boot and slingshots the back of Kofi’s head off the top rope. Kofi’s stunned and Christian takes advantage, hitting the reverse falling DDT. Christian goes for the pin and gets a two count.
Christian pulls up Kofi, but he breaks out of it with a big European Uppercut. Kofi brings Christian to his corner and tags CM Punk. Kofi hits the snap suplex and Punk catapults himself across the top rope, nailing Christian with the somersault. CM Punk is in control now, taking it to Christian with stiff shots to the face but Christian ducks under the last one and sends CM Punk to the corner. Christian charges but Punk counters with a Can Opener, using the ropes. The ref begins the count and Punk breaks the hold. Christian stumbles across the ring and gets caught with a cross body from the top by Punk. Punk holds on for the pin and gets a near fall.
Punk pulls Christian up but Christian takes him down with a few well placed rights. Christian tags in Finlay who immediately takes him down with a few clothesline. Finlay forces him into the corner, stopping Punk’s resistance with another replaced shot. Finlay whips Punk across the ring but gets counter whipped into the corner. Punk charges but Finlay gets his boots up. Finlay charges but Punk tosses Finlay with a back body drop. Punk goes for the GTS but Kane comes in and takes them both down with a big boot! Kane tosses Finlay into the corner as we got to commercial break.
We’re back and Shelton Benjamin is trying to keep Punk from reaching his corner but Punk breaks out and tags in Mark Henry. Benjamin immediately tags in Kane and the two stare each other down for a moment. Kane goes for a tackle but it barely budges Henry. Kane finally staggers the World’s Strongest Man with a big uppercut. Henry stops him with an Irish Whip, following it up with a big splash to Kane in the corner. Henry drags Kane to his corner and tags in MVP, who gets in a few shot to the ribs.
MVP now takes it to Kane with a series of rights but Kane puts a stop to him with a hard shot. J.R. gives us a World Baseball Classic update, although he and I were probably the only ones watching it (Tazz for some reason going for the Netherlands). Kane tags in Shelton Benjamin who immediately goes on the attack.
Benjamin pulls MVP to his feet and whips him hard into the corner, following it up with a kick to the ribs. Benjamin continues the attack with a Fireman’s Carry into an arm bar and MVP’s team tries to rally him to his feet. MVP gets to a vertical base and finally breaks out of the hold but Benjamin answers back with a big back body drop. Benjamin drags MVP to his corner and tags in Kane who attacks with a straight elbow to the face. Kane sets MVP up in the corner and goes on the attack again with shots to the head and body. Kane whips MVP to the ropes but MVP counters with a Face breaker and tags in CM Punk! CM Punk comes in and is a house of fire, knocking Kane to the corner and hitting the big Running Knee Lift. Punk goes for the Bulldog but Kane catches him and goes for a back suplex, but Punk flips out of it and nails Kane with a huge Roundhouse Kick. Kane answers back with an Irish Whip but Punk blocks and goes to the apron. Punk goes for Springboard Clothesline but Kane catches him! Choke slam ends this one!
Winners: Team B (Pinfall via Choke slam) ** An interesting way to start off the night. Although in the early going it felt like everyone was just going through the motions, they hit a good stride around midway and delivered an decent match.
With the match over all hell breaks loose. While everyone is beating each other down Christian retrieves a ladder from the under the ring. The Instant Classic is about to send a message! Before Christian can reach the top Hornswaggle distracts him, giving Finlay enough time to push the ladder over and send Christian flying into the other six individuals on the outside! Finlay and Hornswaggle celebrate on the top of the ladder as the others try to regroup.
– Before we go further, as mentioned by J.R. next week Shelton Benjamin gets his rematch and will face MVP for the United States Championship on Smackdown.
– Later tonight we’ll get a replay of the attack on Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, as orchestrated by Randy Orton, on Raw. I won’t go into it, but as far as I’m concerned this is how the entire feud should have gone. No fancy chase vignettes or home invasions; just plenty of heavy ring work.
– We get a trailer of 12 Rounds as we head to commercials.
Big Show vs. Jesse and Festus
And to think these two had promise at one point. Oh well. We also get a replay of Show taking out Chavo and Edge last Monday night. In any case! This is two on one handicap rules; because, you know…he’s the Big Show.
Festus bell’s up but the Big Show doesn’t care. Show takes down Festus with ridiculous ease and goes after Jesse. A big chop sends Jesse out of the ring and Festus tries to take it to his advantage, but is stopped by Show. Show stops him with a knee to the gut and a big overhand chop. Show whips Festus across the ring and nails him with a mule kick and uses the ropes to stand on Festus’ throat until the referee makes him back off. Festus tries to fight back again but Show’s attacks turn even more vicious and he sends Festus to the outside.
Festus, because he doesn’t know when to quit, gets back in the ring and Show whips him to the corner and charges, but Festus gets his boots up! Jesse goes to the top rope and shakes Big Show with a Flying Tackle. Festus follows it up with a Bicycle Kick that sends Show to the mat. Festus goes for the pin but doesn’t even get a one count. Big Show is up;
Show takes down Festus with a Roaring Fist and nails Jesse with a big Chokeslam. Show gives Jesse a Roaring Fist for his trouble and pins…I think…Jesse for the three count.
Winner: Big Show (Pinfall via Roaring Fist) *. Big squash; not much else. It broke down near the end and the camera angle destroyed any illusion of both shoulders being down. Nothing to see here folks…move along.
– We’re back and we get a recap of the Hardy feud so far. Good work, as usual, by the WWE Production department.
Matt Speaks
Matt is in the back with a dog: a Jack Russell Terrier no less. ((Ladies and gentlemen, Matt is officially at the top of the mountain.)) Matt taunts Jeff about the fire that destroyed his home while showering the dog, Ryan apparently, with as much affection as he possibly can. The dog even looks disgusted with Matt! Matt says that he’s been looking forward Wrestlemania 25 for his entire life and promises to put out the fire in his little brother and then Jeff will realize what he really is; a pathetic, underachieving child. Every time you think Matt can’t raise the bar for himself he pushes it up a notch. Brilliant work here; go check it out if you haven’t seen it.
Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero
J.R. and Tazz pimp the International Championship match at Wrestlemania as the two enter the ring. Chavo takes control immediately with a hammerlock that brings Rey to the mat. Rey gets to his feet and breaks out with a snap mare takeover. Rey leapfrogs over Chavo but Chavo stops him with a kick. Chavo goes for an Irish Whip but Rey takes control mid-move and sends Chavo to the outside. Rey charges under the ropes, going for a baseball slide but Chavo catches him which Rey reverses into a head scissor takeover.
Rey rolls Chavo back into the ring and goes for the top turnbuckle but Chavo stops him. Chavo steps up and hits the Fraken steiner from the top rope. Chavo goes for the pin and gets a two count. Chavo attacks Rey with kicks to the midsection and goes into a gut wrench. Rey struggles but Chavo keeps him grounded, switching into a rear chin lock. Finally Rey fights out and gets to his feet, attacking Chavo with kicks to the back of the leg. Rey goes for a moonsault from the middle rope but Chavo catches him and sets him up in the Tree of Woe in the corner. Chavo chokes Rey with his boot and steps back, going for a tackle but Rey flips up letting Chavo crash into the ring post. Rey lands on the apron and nails Chavo with a slingshot senton. Rey, quickly back on his feet, hits Chavo with the springboard cross body! Two count for Rey! Chavo gets to his feet first and goes for a Sunset Flip but Rey counters with a low dropkick. Rey goes for the pin and gets another two count!
Rey pulls Chavo up and goes for an Irish Whip but Chavo reverses it into a Gory Bomb. Chavo goes for the pin and gets a near fall. Chavo measures Rey but Rey counters with a headscissors takedown sending Chavo into the ropes. Rey goes for the 619 but Chavo ducks out of it and hits the vertical suplex! Chavo hits two of the Three Amigos, but Rey counters the third one, but Chavo counters with a back suplex. Chavo heads to the top; he’s feeling froggy! Chavo goes for the Frog splash but Rey rolls out of the way! Rey again sends Chavo into the ropes and successfully hits the 619! Rey goes to the top and hits a huge Diving Splash! Rey gets the three count!
Winner: Rey Mysterio (Pinfall via Diving Splash) ** 1/2. Fast paced and full of action. This is exactly the TV match Smackdown needed at this point. Good work by both men
Rey is ready to celebrate but eats a Big Boot from JBL! JBL leaves Rey and Chavo out in the ring as we get a recap of John Cena’s ‘Get Well Card’ to Vickie Guerrero. Moving on…
John Cena Speaks
BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR IN YOUR NOSE!!!! Okay maybe it sounds a little more like this than Apple Pie. Your thoughts?
Big ovation from the Smackdown faithful for John Cena who begins pimping Wrestlemania. We get a brief history of Wrestlemania for the fans and Cena explains that the fans know that Wrestlemania is the grandest stage of them all and the one night where all issues are settled. Some business: some personal. For Cena, he feels like he is stuck on the outside of a love triangle looking in at the World Championship. Edge, Big Show, and Vickie have all tried to keep Cena out of Wrestlemania but Cena got in using blackmail.
Cena explains that the Edge/Vickie/Big Show Jerry Springer-esque triangle has taken the World Championship hostage and while Show and Edge are fighting for Vickie he is going to Wrestlemania to win and become the World Heavyweight Champion!
Big Show comes out and doesn’t seem pleased at all. Show explains that while Cena mocks his and Vickie’s relationship, it only makes him stronger. He challenges Cena to a match at Raw and Cena…being the crazy SOB that he is…accepts! Show vs. Cena at Raw!
Show tries to leave but when he’s straddling the top rope Cena grabs his foot and shoves him to the floor! Show is irate as Cena pumps up the crowd. An interesting little segment that keeps Cena a big story in the match-up at Wrestlemania.
R-Truth vs. Matt Hardy
R-Truth still cannot walk down a staircase and rap. That is all. Matt comes out and appears ready to do his trademark entrance but stops halfway. A little thing: but something that continues to build his heel credentials. JR and Tazz replay Jeff’s match on Raw and the destruction of Dolph Ziggler before we head back to the ring.
Matt and Truth start it off with a collar-elbow tie up with Matt getting the better of it. A brief slugfest ends with Matt going for an Irish Whip but Truth gets out of the corner with his patented back flip/leg split. Truth tries to counter the hip toss but Matt counters with a Wheelbarrow Suplex. Matt sends Truth into the corner and goes on the attack with elbow shots to the head and follows up with an axe handle from the middle rope. Matt goes for the pin and gets a two count.
Matt pulls up Truth and whips him into the corner, nailing a clothesline and instead of hitting the usual bulldog simply hurls Truth to the mat. Again, the little things count. Matt pulls Truth again but Truth sends Matt flying into the corner. Truth hits a series of rights and takes Matt down with a clothesline. Truth goes for the cover and gets a quick count. Truth whips Matt into the corner but Matt gets his boots up. Matt goes for another axe handle but Truth counters with a dropkick. Truth goes for the Corkscrew Attack but Matt ducks under it. Matt goes for the Twist of Fate but Truth fights out of it and hits a Calf Kick on Matt. Good enough for a two count.
Truth sets up Matt for the Axe Kick but Matt ducks out of it. Matt hits the Twist of Fate and gets the three count!
Winner: Matt Hardy (Pinfall via Twist of Fate) ** 1/2. Another solid match up here with a deliberate pace that gave them plenty of time to work. Truth will not be hurt by the loss and the story of Matt’s ego going wild continues so, well done.
– Tonight, Shawn Michaels like many before him will pay tribute the Undertaker’s streak. But that’s later! Now, to commercials!
WWE Tag Team Champions Primo and Carlito Colon and Brie Bella vs. World Tag Team Champions John Morrison and The Miz with Nikki Bella
The Belle Twins are wearing different clothing; finally. Now I can tell them apart. The Twins get in each others’ face and it takes the men of each team to break them up. Primo and The Miz start it off with Primo taking over wit a hammerlock. Miz breaks out of it and Primo gets taken down with a cheap shot from Morrison. Miz sets up Primo and Morrison tags himself in for the patented backbreaker/elbow drop combo. Morrison is in control and takes his time, delivering some vicious kicks to Primo before going for a pin. Morrison gets a two count.
Morrison tries to pull him up but Primo breaks out of it with a jawbreaker. Primo tags in Carlito who goes on the attack with left hands. Carlito nails Morrison with the Million Dollar Knee lift, following it up with a clothesline. Carlito goes for the Springboard Elbow but Morrison avoids it BUT Carlito lands on his feet. Carlito hits the Swinging Neck breaker but Miz breaks up the pin. Miz and Morrison go for a double Irish Whip but Carlito counters with a kick to Miz and dropkick to Morrison! Primo comes off the ropes with a Springboard Dropkick that sends Miz to the outside! Nikki tries to interfere but Brie takes her down! Morrison goes for a roll-up in the confusion but Carlito kicks out at two. Morrison goes for a vertical suplex but Carlito reverses it into the Backstabber! Carlito gets the three count!
Winner: The Colons and Brie Bella (Pinfall via Backstabber) ** 1/2. As someone that’s been following this rivalry, I can tell you with a degree of faith that this was simple the abridged version of the matches they’ve had so far. It was a decent enough TV match however that kept the night going. And it keeps the build for their match at Wrestlemania strong so everything that needed to be done was done. Outside of that, we can move on.
– We go to commercials after a tease of a replay from Monday night’s attack on HHH and Steph.
– “So Hot” from Kid Rock is the official theme song for this years Wrestlemania!
Jeff Hardy Speaks
Jeff’s hair is hiding his face…so I can only assume he has some new freakish designs to show off. Jeff talks about Matt being his older brother, being there to witness his birth and what not. Jeff comments that things were hard at first before he realized that Matt was sick and now he has to be Matt’s healer. Jeff flips his hair back and, surprise, no paint! Matt took everything away from Jeff and now it was time for Jeff to take something from him. They are not brothers; not on that stage…not anymore. Jeff seems so natural playing off Matt in this angle, which is one of the many reasons it’s worked so well so far.
– J.R. and Tazz run down the Wrestlemania card so far as we prepare for our next match!
Divas Championship Match
Michelle McCool vs. Maryse
Maryse is hot; as usual. J.R. puts his money on the blonde; well done J.R.
The women start off with a tie up and neither gets the upper hand with it eventually spilling out of the ring. The ref begins the count until Maryse tells him the shut up and they both slide back into the ring. Michelle gets the upper hand with a shot to the gut and hooks her with an Abdominal Stretch, ending it with an odd take down that looks particularly painful. Good for a two count. Michael begins attacking Maryse’s knee and Maryse eventually sends her to the outside. Both ladies go the outside and Maryse hammers Michelle. Maryse slides Michelle back and nails a kick to the back of Michelle’s head gets a two count. Michelle gets the upper hand with a low dropkick to Maryse’s knee but WAIT!
GAIL KIM! GAIL KIM is on the top rope! Gail Kim nails Michelle with a Missile Dropkick! Kim takes down Maryse with a Cross face Neck breaker before celebrating with the Divas Championship. I guess that means she’s coming back at Wrestlemania?
Winner: No Damn Clue (DQ via Kim-ference) *1/4. Strictly done in order to introduce Gail Kim; so it’s gets at least a star from that. If you were expecting something else I’m sure you were disappointed. Other than that, there wasn’t really much to judge.
Shawn Michaels’ Tribute to the Undertaker
Okay, I’ll come out and say it now. Usually this happens every year with someone pulling up a coffin or some other symbol of the Undertaker’s and trying to go on the Undertaker’s level. This time, is severely different. Attempting to recreate here is pointless because it’s something, I think, you have to see to believe. So! We got to the video tape!
Final Thoughts : Overall, this show had some decent TV matches that are easily forgettable. The build to Wrestlemania, however, was well done with the Hardy feud, the World Championship match, and the Michaels-Undertaker match getting fantastic pushes. Especially with HBK as we shall soon see here. I foresee a strong finish from the Blue Brand as the Road to Wrestlemania comes to a close.
Don’t forget Tuesdays I’m back with the Worst Wrestler of the Week and to keep up with all of the updates not only from me but from the site, make 411 Mania your homepage and Bookmark it to receive instant notice of news and commentary from the best professional wrestling resources in the USA. Until next week, JP is DONE SON.
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