wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWF Raw Is War Report 5.28.01
411’s WWF Raw Report
May 28, 2001
LIVE from Calgary
Your announcers are JR and Heyman
Report for 411 by Sean “Beantown” McCluskey
I’m still recovering from TLC3, and now 411 calls on Beany to do the Raw report for this week… You’re killin me Smalls!!!! Hopefully Raw follows up well after one helluva match…
We see The Dudleyz will be facing The Hollys tonight in a tables match…
JR mentions a letter he received talking about the Undertaker…
Here comes Vincent K. McMahon To kick off tonight’s program. Vince gets some heat… Canadian style… I wonder if everyone in the crowd can understand what Vince is saying. Y2J’s countdown cuts Vince off, and here comes one baaaadddd mama jama. Jericho’s mic won’t work, and he has to go to the back to get another one. Vince calls it a Canadian mic. Jericho says that he wants Austin in a WWF Title match tonight. Jericho rips into Vince, and says that he is wearing one of the worst toupees he’s ever seen. Now Jericho shows footage from the ’87 Slammys with singing Stand Back. Good raughs. Here is Benoit. YES!!! Huge Benoit chant!!! Benoit wants a WWF Title shot tonight as well. Now Benoit shows more footage from the same event, and Vince is trying to dance. JR is laughing his ass off. Jericho is facing Big Show for the HC title tonight, and Benoit has to face Rhyno. Vince then says that the person that performs the best in their respective match, which Vince himself will determine, that person will get a WWF Title shot against Austin tonight on Raw! Benoit tells Vince not to be angry, but to… “STAND BACK!”, and Vince’s Slammy video hits again.
Fink introduces Stu Hart and the Hart family. No sign of Bret… Too bad… What a baby…
The Hardyz w/Lita & Guerrero Vs Justin Credible & X-Pac w/Albert
Credible gains control early on Jeff Hardy and tags in X-Pac. Jeff arm drags X-Pac, then tags in Matt. Action spills to the outside, and X-Factor work on Matt outside of the ring. Now we’re back in the ring and X-Pac goes for the Bronco Buster, and lands it on Matt. Now Lita trips up X-Pac in the corner behind the ref, and squashes his balls on the steel pole. Now the hot tag is made to Jeff Hardy. Poetry In Motion on Credible. They go for the same move on X-Pac, but he moves and Jeff goes down hard. Now Guerrero trips up X-Pac, and Matt lands the TOF. He covers but Credible makes the save. Now Jeff comes in and lands the swanton and covers X-Pac for the win. No tag needed I guess…
Winners: Hardyz
Albert goes for a Baldo Bomb, but Eddie breaks it up with a dropkick.
Tajiri is back with Regal. Tajiri is looking for a place to put a picture of the Queen, but Albert storms in and makes him drop it. Albert demands a match against Guerrero tonight, and Regal agrees.
God Is Benoit Vs RHYNO
Rhyno lands a gorilla suplex early to gain control. Now Benoit comes back with a series of german suplexes. He lands a final one with a bridge, but only gets two. Now Benoit applies the Crossface, but Rhyno grabs the ropes. Now Rhyno Gores the hell out of Benoit, and sends him outside of the ring. Kick ass Benoit chant. Now we’re back in, and Benoit regains control with two more german suplexes. Now Benoit lands a superplex off the top rope, then covers, but Rhyno kicks out at two. Rhyno takes control back with a spinebuster. Now Rhyno sets up for a Gore, but Benoit rolls into it and locks in the Crossface! RHYNO TAPS OUT! Heyman says that that was the first time Rhyno has ever tapped.
Winner: Benoit
The losing streak continues for Rhyno…
Steve Blackman & Trish Vs Perry & Terri
The guys rumble for a bit, now the girls go at it. Terri has control early, but Trish gains control after a short while here. Trish goes off the ropes, but Saturn catches her by the hair. Now the guys are back in. Nice northern lights suplex with a bridge by Saturn, but Blackman kicks out. Blackman lands his bicycle kick on Saturn. Terri comes in and tries to take out Blackman. Blackman starts spanking her. Now he tosses her behind him, but Saturn is there to catch her. What’s this??? IT’S LANCE STORM!!!! HE LANDS A SUPERKICK ON SATURN!!! Blackman makes the cover, and he gets the three!
Winner: Blackman & Trish
We see Lance meet up with Shane outside, and they hop into a limo and celebrate.
Vince tears into security, and says that if they let another WCW-ite interfere again tonight, that he will see to it that they are fired.
Spike and Molly Hotty are chatting it up backstage. They go to kiss, then Angle comes over and tells them about the birds and the bees. Spike and Angle get into it again, and Angle slams Spike into some metal pipes. Molly goes after the Dudleyz, and she tells them to come help. They come out of their locker room, but the Hollys are walking right behind them, and they jump the Dudz.
The Dudleyz argue about the Hollys and Molly…
Hardcore Title Match
The Big Show(c) Vs Y2J1
Action starts outside of the ring. Jericho tries to gain control earl, but Show punches a chair into Jericho’s face. Now Show launches Jericho into the steel steps. Big Show tosses some HC materials into the ring, including steel steps. Now Show hangs Jericho on the barricade. Show brings Jericho back into the ring with him. Show wedges a trash can between the ropes. Show drops Jericho head first into the trash can, looked like Jericho slammed his head on the bottom turnbuckle as well. I just got a call, so I missed some of the match here. We pick up with Jericho propped up on the top rope. Show goes to ram the steps into him, but Jericho dropkicks the steps into Show, and then he follows it up with a Lionsault, and Jericho gets the tre!!!
Winner and NEW Hardcore Champ: Chris Jericho
Jericho is at the top of the ramp, and Rhyno comes out from behind the curtains and Gores Jericho! Here’s a ref, and Rhyno pins for the three count!
Winner and NEW Hardcore Champ: RHYNO
KOTR Flashback: Bret Hart winning the KOTR, and Lawler beating him up afterward, claiming to be the only King in the WWF.
Albert Vs Eddie Guerrero
Guerrero lands a flurry of punches, but Albert decides to dominate, and takes control. Albert lands a backbreaker, holds it, another backbreaker, holds it, and then a gorilla press, and he holds that as well, not letting Guerrero hit the mat until he sends him down from the gorilla slam. Nice power there. Hm, here comes Lita, and before she even makes it down, Guerrero reverses into a rollup, and he gets the three. Hmmm… someone missed a spot…
Winner: Eddie Guerrero
We see Mick Foley promoting Foley Is Good…
The video cuts to a camera showing Undertaker’s wife Sara. The voice is muffled over… Ughhh…
Vince catches Benoit and Jericho in the back. He says that Austin wants to face both of them tonight, but Vince won’t allow it. Vince gives the match to Benoit. Jericho gets Benoit ready, and says that he will be the first in line when he wins the WWF Title.
Table Match
The Hollys w/Good Golly Sweet Molly Vs The Dudleyz w/Spike
The Hollys gain control early, and they grab a table and set it up. Bob Holly powerbombs D-Von. Buh Buh moved the table like 4 minutes ago, I guess that was supposed to be closer. The Hollys set D-Von up in the corner in front of the table, and Hardcore launches Crash into him, but he moves and Crash runs into the table. The table didn’t break at all, and Crash is down and out. Now they do a flying nut buster on Bob Holly. The Dudz get some more wood, and Bob dropkicks the table into The Dudleyz. Now D-Von reverses an irish whip, and the Dudz land a 3D on Bob through the table.
Winners: The Dudleyz
After the match, Buh Buh grabs Molly and D-Von sets up another table. Spike objects, and then lays on the table so the Dudleyz won’t powerbomb Molly through it. The Dudleyz still powerbomb Molly into Spike, and through the table.
Vince tells Regal that he has something special planned for tonight for the main event…
Spike and Molly are getting stretchered out of the ring and wondering how the other is.
We go into HHH’s injury situation. We see when HHH tore the muscle during the match. HHH talks about the injury, and they go over things with Dr. Andrews. We even get to see HHH’s leg getting operated on… ick… They are hoping he will be back in 4 months or so. JR and Paul wish HHH a speedy recovery.
That was refreshing… It was a real injury, and the WWF was real about it. Nice to see they would show one of the greatest workers in the business that kind of respect. Kudos.
WWF Title Match
God Is Benoit Vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) w/Vince McMahon
Fink introduces the ref and both competitors. Different… The ref goes over some rules, and he checks the boots… old school!
The two grapple into the corner, and Austin gets a few cheap kicks in. Benoit fights back with some WOOOOOO chops. Austin regains control and drives his shoulder into Benoit’s ribs multiple times. Austin goes for a clothesline, and Benoit tries to reverse it into a Crossface, but Austin knees Benoit in the ribs. Now Austin whips Chris into the ropes and lands a knee to the ribs. Stone Cold covers, but Benoit kicks out at two. Now Benoit is up and cracks Austin with some more WOOOO chops. Now both men jockey for a pinfall, but Benoit rolls into a Crossface! Austin inches over to the ropes, and grabs a hold of them. Action spills to the outside now, and Benoit rams Austin into the announce table. Now Austin gains control and sends Benoit into the stairs. We head back into the ring, and Benoit trips up Austin and applies a Sharpshooter! He holds it for quite a while, but Stone Cold finally makes his way to the ropes. We’re back outside of the ring now, and Austin suplexes Benoit, and lays him out, ribs first, over the barricade. Now The Rattlesnake suplexes Benoit into the announce table, and it didn’t budge. Austin tosses Benoit back into the ring, and he covers, but only for a two count. Another cover, and another two count. Austin has an abdominal strech on Benoit, and is using the ropes as leverage. The ref breaks his leverage, and Benoit lands an arm drag. Now Benoit props Austin up on the top rope, but Austin is able to fight off Benoit with a flapjack type suplex. Now Austin lands a superplex on Benoit. Austin covers, but Benoit kicks out at two! Now Austin goes for the belt, but the ref grabs it. Vince and the ref argue outside the ring, and the ref places the belt inside of the ring. Austin lands a Stunner on Benoit, but the ref is still arguing. Now Benoit is back up, and lays out Austin with the belt. He covers, and the ref counts, but Austin kicks out at two!!! Now Benoit has the Crossface on Austin, but Vince pulls the ref out of the ring, and Earl pushes Vince to the floor! Austin again is able to reach the ropes. Now Austin applies the Crossface on Benoit, and Vince calls for the bell to be rung, and for Fink to announce Austin as the winner via submission!!! Screw that!
Winner and Still Champ: Stone Cold
Here comes Jericho! Jericho applies the Walls Of Jericho on Austin, and Benoit locks in a Crossface on Vince in the ring! The crowd is loving it, Benoit’s music hits as we fade…
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