wrestling / Video Reviews
ROH – Honor Reclaims Boston DVD Review
ROH – Honor Reclaims Boston – Braintree, Massachusetts – November 3, 2006
BG says: Steve Corino is the host of the video wire this time around. He’s going to finish off Homicide in Philadelphia in a Fight Without Honor. A clip is shown of Joe’s win over Danielson in Chicago. Joe wants a Steel Cage World Championship match the next time ROH goes to Chicago. Danielson isn’t wild about Joe’s fat sloppy Samoan challenge, and on the next video wire he’s going to prove why he’s the best. Corino hypes up the six-man tag to happen at ROH’s return to Boston, just so that it doesn’t get lost in the shuffle and replay Corino’s plastic bag attack on Homicide. Corino annoyingly talks like he’s watching dirty sex over the clips. Jimmy Rave caps off this video wire by declaring that the Embassy is done for. He berates Sal Rinauro, telling him that he’s out of his good graces if he doesn’t beat Bryan Danielson on the next video wire. Of course that match took place at Suffocation and Sal was soundly beaten so don’t get your hopes up if you’re a fan.
JZ says: Does anyone want to create a little website with all my star ratings for the reviews I’ve done (principally ROH, but TNA would be nice too)? Anyone who wants to do this would be compensated in some way of course. Just drop me an e-mail.
MATCH #1: Nigel McGuinness vs. John Walters
BG says: Nigel McGuinness comes out sporting a serious Bart Simpson haircut. I mean more than usual. He gets on the microphone and thanks the Boston area fans for making ROH’s return a success. He shows his thanks by revealing that his opponent is hometown wrestler John Walters.
They lock up and Nigel pushes Walters to the corner. They trade wristlocks and Walters hits an armdrag. Nigel hits a hiptoss but Walters comes back with an armdrag into an armbar. They trade strikes and Walters hits a crossbody off the top for 2. He puts on an armbar but Nigel tosses his shoulder into the post. He suplexes Walters by his arm for 2. He puts on a cobra clutch but Walters counters to a hammerlock with a kneedrop. He hits a tornado armbreaker for 2. Nigel comes back with his corner combo for 2. He stomps on Walters’s wrist and hits a hammerlock back heel trip. He puts on the cobra clutch and unwinds it into a lariat for 2. Walters hits a sit out spinebuster and a back bodydrop. He hits a clothesline and climbs the ropes. He hits a missile dropkick for 2. Nigel hits a hammerlock DDT and goes for the Tower of London. Walters fights him off and hits a crotch thrust. He hits an inverted lungblower and puts on and inverted cross armbreaker. Nigel gets to the ropes. Walters hits a neckbreaker for 2. He climbs the ropes but Nigel crotches him and hits the Tower of London for 2. Well I definitely bought into that pin. Nigel hits a running European uppercut and the rebound lariat for 2. I bought into that one too. Nigel crotches Walters on the top rope and hits the second rope lariat for 2 when Walters grabs the bottom rope. He hits the Tower of London again for the win. For the most part this did its job in getting the crowd into the show but the finish was a bit anti-climactic.
Rating: ***
Lacey told Jimmy Jacobs to stay home tonight because she’s in a bad mood. There’s a women’s match on this show and she’s not in it. She thinks she’s the greatest woman wrestler in the world. BJ Whitmer is making his big comeback tonight but she’s not scared. His return will be short lived. She promises to spend whatever it takes to make sure Cabana meets the same fate Whitmer did a few months back.
JZ says: This would be Walters’s first appearance since dropping the ROH Pure Title to Jay Lethal back on March 5, 2005. Walters gets a pretty decent pop and he looks to be in tremendous shape. Dave Prazak and Jared David are the hosts tonight, and McGuinness is making his return from a successful tour of NOAH in Japan. They do some arm drags and other like maneuvers in the early going. Nigel soon gains control and goes to work on the wrist. Walters recovers and his focus is on the shoulder. Walters hits a cool sky-hi powerbomb / spinebuster. Walters hits a missile dropkick but can only get two. Nigel regains control and goes for the Tower of London. Walters blocks that and puts on an arm submission but Nigel reaches the ropes. Nigel eventually does hit the Tower of London but Walters kicks out. Walters makes a brief comeback and Nigel nixes that with the Rebound Clothesline. Walters kicks out at two and the crowd is popping huge. Nigel hits a second Tower of London to get the pin at 13:56. That was a solid opener and shows that Walters can keep up. I always liked him.
Rating: ***
Lacey is backstage to mention that Jimmy Jacobs is not at the show tonight, she’s not in the women’s match on the card, and that she’s not afraid of BJ Whitmer. She closes by warning Colt Cabana that he’s going to end up in the hospital, and she has the money to get that done.
MATCH #2: Mercedes Martinez vs. Daizee Haze
BG says: They lock up and Martinez powers Haze to the corner. She does it a second time so Haze stomps on her foot. Haze gets a headlock takedown and a pair of armdrags. He hits a hurricanrana but Martinez comes back with a facebuster for 2. She hits a vertical suplex for 2. Haze blocks a blind charge but runs into a spinebuster. It gets 2 for Martinez. Martinez hits a big boot for 2. Haze hits a chinbreaker and a facebuster. She hits a pair of dropkicks for 2. She hits a bulldog for 2. She hits the heart punch but Martinez catches her with the fisherman buster for the win. There were a few too many loose flips and flops but this was a decent women’s match.
Rating: *¾
Lacey comes out after the match and berates Haze for losing. She deserved the spot against Martinez tonight. She laps Haze and takes a powder to escape retaliation.
JZ says: Martinez’s battle cry frightens me. Martinez overpowers the much smaller Haze in the early going. Haze fights back with some highflying stuff. Martinez puts a stop to that with a facebuster that gets a two count. Martinez hits some hard chops. A big spinebuster follows and gets two. I think it’s time SHIMMER got a title so these matches could be with something on the line. They trade finishers but Martinez’s is the one that sticks as a fisherman buster is enough to finish off Haze at 4:30. That was okay but there wasn’t really enough time given to really see what they can do. After the match Lacey comes out to put the badmouth on Daizee Haze. She even slaps her in the face and the crowd demands retribution but gets none!
Rating: *½
MATCH #3: Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Hero
BG says: Daniels hits a pair of armdrags to start and Hero bails. Back in the ring Daniels grabs a wristlock. He gets a headlock takedown but Hero escapes and gloats. Daniels gets his wristlock back on but Hero escapes again and goes on a comically long boast session. Daniels, unimpressed, slaps him out of the ring. Claudio kisses him on the cheek and makes it all better. Back in the ring Claudio distracts Daniels and Hero attacks him from behind. Daniels dodges a blind charge and hits a back bodydrop. He hits a clothesline for 2. He puts on a chinlock and then hits a leg lariat for 2. He rams Hero’s head into each turnbuckle twice around but Claudio grabs his foot and Hero catches him from behind for 2. Hero hits a bodyslam for 2. He hits a double axe handle for 2. Daniels gets a beautiful backslide for 2. He gets a roll up for 2. Hero goes to the eyes and hits an atomic drop for 2. He slams Daniels down and hits a senton for 2. He climbs the ropes but Daniels slams him down. Daniels hits a forearm and a clothesline. He hits the STO and the Arabian press for 2. Hero hits a back suplex and sets Daniels up top. He brings him down with a cravat suplex for 2. He hits a release vertical suplex for 2. Daniels hits the uranage and the triple jump moonsault. Claudio distracts the referee but Daniels regroups and gets a roll up for the win. Solid match all around. Claudio and Sydal are already in the ring so their match starts now.
Rating: **¾
JZ says: Daniels is accompanied by Matt Sydal and Allison Danger. Daniels dominates with good old fashioned mat wrestling in the early going. Hero fights back and goes for the wrist, but Daniels continues to outwrestle one half of the ROH World Tag Team Champions. Hero keeps trying to cheat for the advantage but Daniels continually has answers. Hero controls for several minutes and cuts Daniels off every time he tries to come back. Daniels hits the Best Moonsault Ever but Claudio distracts the referee and no count is made. A series of pinning combinations and reversals ends with Daniels holding Hero down in a cradle at 14:38. That was technically fine but not terribly exciting. I also sense a segue here.
Rating: **¾
MATCH #4: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Matt Sydal
BG says: Sydal tries to shove Claudio down but he’s too big. Sydal gets a roll up for 2. So far they’re a step off. They fight over a backslide and Claudio rams Sydal into the corner. Sydal comes back with a dropkick for 2. Claudio hits a facebuster for 2. He chokes Sydal on the ropes for 2. He hits a bodyslam and a legdrop for 2. He puts on a chinlock but Sydal escapes and hits an enziguiri. Claudio hits a big boot and shoves Sydal to the floor. He follows him out and rams him into the barricade. Back in the ring Claudio gets 2. Sydal hits a back heel kick and a hurricanrana. Claudio hits a back elbow and a gutwrench powerbomb for 2. He hits a clothesline and pounds Sydal down for 2. Sydal hits an armdrag and a leg lariat. He dropkicks Claudio to the floor and follows him out with a big dive. Back in the ring he hits a hurricanrana and a clothesline in the corner. He climbs the ropes but Claudio catches him with a European uppercut on the way down for 2. Sydal jumps off of Claudio’s chest and hits a head scissors takedown for 2. He hits a hurricanrana for 2. Claudio hits the Ricola Bomb for 2. He sets up for a Ricola Superbomb but Sydal fights him off and hits a shooting star press for the win. They really stuffed in a lot of substance into a short amount of time.
Rating: ***
Austin Aries and Roderick Strong feign sadness about KENTA leaving ROH for a while after this weekend. They both lost to KENTA a few months back and were sore afterwards. Tonight they’re going to beat KENTA and Davey Richards and tomorrow night they’re going to get their tag titles back.
JZ says: Hero and Daniels fight off into the crowd as the partners are going to have their scheduled match. Sydal uses his speed to take an early advantage, while Claudio tries using his size. Sydal does some pretty cool stuff to try and counteract the size difference. They do a pretty complicated spot involving dives to the floor, and Sydal comes out on top. Sydal tries a top rope DDT but Claudio catches him with a huge European uppercut. Sydal comes back with an awesome armdrag followed by a dragon rana. Castagnoli hits the Ricola Bomb but Sydal kicks out. Claudio tries a top rope Ricola Bomb by Sydal back drops him off and hits a beautiful Shooting Star Press to get the pin at 10:42. That was a little better than the prior match, it was just more energetic and I’m interested in seeing the match between these two teams, assuming Hero and Castagnoli retain the Tag Team Titles.
Rating: ***
Austin Aries and Roderick Strong are backstage to talk about their big tag team match with KENTA & Davey Richards tonight. They also promise to win the ROH World Tag Team Titles back tomorrow night.
MATCH #5: Homicide, Samoa Joe & BJ Whitmer vs. The Briscoe Brothers & Steve Corino
BG says: How nice of Whitmer to put his personal business with Jimmy Jacobs aside for the night to help out his buddy Homicide. It’s an all out brawl to start as the Briscoes take on Joe and Whitmer on the floor and Homicide takes it to Corino in the ring. Somehow Whitmer’s haircut makes him look more like Jesus. The crowd reacts like something amazing happened but the camera doesn’t catch it. Corino tries to escape Homicide but his teammates keep throwing him back into the ring. The match finally starts to regain a semblance of organization with Homicide tagging in Whitmer. Whitmer hits a back elbow for 2. Joe tags in and hits a forearm and an enziguiri. Corino escapes a face wash but Homicide follows him to the floor. Back in the ring Joe tags to Whitmer who hits a leg lariat for 2. Mark hits Whitmer with a clothesline and a slingshot double stomp. Jay tags in and hits a dropkick for 2. Mark tags in and hits a fistdrop for 2. He puts on a chinlock but Whitmer fights out. Mark hits a butt strike and a yelping springboard splash for 2. He hits a kneedrop and tags to Jay. The Briscoes hit the double hiptoss and Jay hits a legdrop. He puts on the stretch plum but Homicide breaks it up. Mark tags in and hits a leg lariat for 2. Corino makes an illegal tag and hits the STO for 2. Whitmer hits an exploder suplex and tags to Homicide. Homicide hits a clothesline in the corner and his running knee. Joe washes Corino’s face and Whitmer hits him with a side suplex. Mark can’t hit the double stomp on Homicide but he does hit a DDT. Jay hits a double stomp to Homicide’s back for 2. Mark tags in and they clobber Homicide down. Mark hits a vertical suplex for 2. Jay tags in and they hit the double shoulder tackle for 2. Jay hits a snap suplex and Corino tags in illegally. He hits a superkick and tags to Mark. Mark hits a gutwrench suplex and a kneedrop for 2. Jay comes in and puts on a camel clutch. Mark tags in and the Briscoes hit an elevated legdrop for 2. Corino tags in as J-Train knocks out Shane Hagadorn for taunting him. Corino hits a clothesline on Homicide for 2. Homicide comes back with an Ace Crusher and tags to Joe. Mark tags in and gets leveled with forearms. Joe hits a Manhattan drop and a big boot. He hits a senton for 2. He hits the STJoe on Jay and a powerslam on Corino. Jay tags in and they hit a Yakuza kick/side suplex combo on Joe for 2. Whitmer tags in and hits a brainbuster for 2. Corino hits Whitmer with an enziguiri and Jay rolls him up for 2. Homicide tags in and hits a swinging DDT on Jay. He hits a Manhattan drop on Mark. He goes for the Cop Killer but Corino hits him in the stomach with a foreign object and the Briscoes hit him with the spike Jay Driller for the win. The heel cheating was pretty dull and the babyface comeback was sloppy. This was just incredibly disappointing, much like everything from Corino since his return.
Rating: **½
Christopher Daniels dubs his team with Matt Sydal the Lords of the Ring because lords are greater than kings. He lists all the guys he’s won tag titles with and promises to do the same with Sydal. We are blessed with some Sydal talk to round it out. The way Daniels is using the term lords (seemingly referring to feudalism) he is actually putting himself lower than the Kings of Wrestling. A lord would only be a noble with ownership of land while kings would control whole kingdoms. The kings too were lords, but lords at the top of their hierarchy. At the very best Daniels and Sydal could only hope to be vassals to Hero and Claudio. He should have called the team something related to emperors. Okay, that should round out my smart-ass quota for this review.
JZ says: This is Whitmer’s return to the ring after being injured by Jimmy Jacobs back in August. This one starts off hot right away, as Homicide goes directly after Corino. They brawl outside the ring for several minutes before any order is restored. When it is, Corino is in the babyface corner taking a beating. The Briscoes finally get tired of obeying the rules and take Whitmer down and now they go on offense. The commentators talk about Jim Cornette a lot and how out of control he is. Whitmer finally makes a comeback and hits a t-bone suplex on Corino and tags Homicide. We break down to a brawl with all six guys for a minute. The Briscoes soon retake the advantage with some sick stuff on Homicide. Joe finally tags in to save this match from dying a slow boring death. Corino is able to hit Homicide with brass knuckles and the Briscoes hit the spike Jay Driller to get the win at 19:50. Of course Homicide needs to get hit with a weapon and the deadliest finisher in the company to get pinned. Corino promises to kill Homicide tomorrow night. That was just a big bowl of dull.
Rating: **
Christopher Daniels, Matt Sydal, and Allison Danger are backstage to talk about the ROH World Tag Team Champions Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli. Daniels channels Dean Douglas and gives a lesson on the chalkboard. He declares them the Lords of the Ring, and Sydal says that just like the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy (how nerdy), someone will wind up with their shoulders to the mat 1-2-3. I LOVE it when wrestlers count out the 1-2-3. I also don’t remember anyone getting pinned in “The Return of the King,” but maybe I missed it. That promo was funny on so many levels, and actually made me want to see the Tag Team Title match less after the Sydal vs. Castagnoli match earlier made me want to see it.
MATCH #6: Colt Cabana vs. Jimmy Rave
BG says: Rave’s new entrance music is awful. No play by play here or for the next match because once again my computer crapped out on me before I had a chance to save. Luckily my memory isn’t completely useless and I can remember what I thought of the match I watched an hour ago. This was a whole lot more dull than the match they had in New York. Actually my memory might be garbage because that’s all I recall thinking about this.
Rating: **
JZ says: Rave just does not get the same amount of heat without Prince Nana. He still gets the toilet paper treatment though. Cabana gets a pretty big pop and I remain stunned that WWE has not tried to sign him yet. These two have wrestled a number of times over the years, in singles, tags, and multi-purpose matches. Cabana outwrestles Rave in the early going, so he bails while the crowd chants “Rave’s a pussy.” Cabana whips a roll of TP at Rave and continues to hold the advantage. Rave makes the comeback and goes on with his usual offense. They fight outside the ring and Rave tries unsuccessfully to ram Cabana’s head into the ringpost. Back in the ring Rave continues to beat on Cabana. Cabana makes the comeback and both guys start going for their big moves. Rave hits the former Ghanarea for two. Cabana fights back with the Billy Goat’s Curse, and Rave taps out to it at 11:29. That was a solid match that put over Rave’s new lack of direction and just kept Cabana strong.
Rating: **¾
MATCH #7: ROH World Title Match – Bryan Danielson vs. Delirious
BG says: This featured a fair amount of solid mat wrestling and a more aggressive than usual Delirious. The story is that he’s more confident now that he’s won Survival of the Fittest, but Danielson cheats quite a bit by eye gouging using the masked man’s tassels to choke him. Danielson pick up the win when Delirious puts on the Cobra Stretch and Danielson uses the Bret Hart corner counter to get the 3 count. Their first two matches were both more entertaining than this, but it had its merits.
Rating: ***¼
Daizee Haze tells Lacey that she had better watch what she does and what she says. That’s all.
JZ says: Bryan Danielson has been champion since 9.17.05, and this is his thirty-seventh defense. This is Delirious’ third shot at the title; he lost to Danielson on 4.22.06 and 5.13.06. He earned this shot by winning Survival of the Fittest back in Cleveland in October. Delirious foregoes his usual laps around the ring to go for a quick pin and almost gets it. Danielson soon regains his bearings and we’re back on even ground. A test of strength is won by Danielson and now he goes to work. Delirious fights back with the Panic Attack and tries Shadows over Hell and gets it but Danielson kicks out at two. Delirious uses the Roots Clothelines but Danielson is able to stop them. He then controls the match for several minutes until Delirious comes back with a dive knocking Danielson into the guardrail. Back in the ring Delirious stays in control and hits a leaping lariat for two. Danielson hits a German Suplex into a rolling cradle for two. Danielson tries the elbows to the head but the masked man hits his own elbows and rolls into the Cobra Stretch. Danielson reaches the ropes. Delirious hits a cool neckbreaker assisted by the ropes. They trade strikes for a bit and later Danielson locks on the Cattle Mutilation. Delirious escapes and hits the Chemical Imbalance II for two, and then locks on the Cobra Stretch. Danielson gets up and climbs up the ropes and pins Delirious with the Bret Hart/Roddy Piper WrestleMania VIII finish to retain the title at 21:07. That was probably my least favorite of their three matches but it had a lot of good stuff and I really enjoyed it. The crowd did as well, and they show their appreciation for Delirious.
Rating: ***½
Daizee Haze: “Lacey! You better watch what you do and what you say!” That was it.
MATCH #8: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs. KENTA & Davey Richards
BG says: I wanted this match to happen when Aries and Strong were the tag champs because I thought KENTA had earned a tag title shot by pinning each champion in singles matches, but this should still be good. Richards & Strong start. Strong grabs a wristlock but Richards counters to a hammerlock. Richards puts on a leglock but Strong gets to the ropes. They knuckle up and Strong suplexes Richards into an armbar. Richards kicks the shoulder to escape and they trade forearms. Richards gets a roll up for 2 and puts on an armbar. KENTA and Aries tag in. They lock up and KENTA slaps Aries across the face. Aries returns the favor and they trade strikes. KENTA opens up with very stiff kicks and a boot to the face. Aries hits his basement dropkick and tags to Strong. Strong hits a bodyslam for 2. KENTA kicks back and tags to Richards. Richards kicks the chest for 2. He puts on a chinlock but Strong counters to a hammerlock. Aries tags in and hits a slingshot senton. He hits an elbowdrop for 1. Strong tags in and hits a dropkick for 2. Aries tags in and hits a slingshot splash for 2. He puts on a chinlock and hits a gourd buster. Strong tags in and chops Richards down. He puts on the leggy nelson and rolls over for 2. He puts on a camel clutch but KENTA breaks it up. Aries hits a dropkick to Richards’ face getting 2 for Strong. Aries tags in and they hit a double atomic drop. KENTA tags in and kicks his opponents down. He hits a dropkick on Strong but Aries catches him from behind. He hits a springboard dropkick on Aries & Strong. Richards kicks Strong down and KENTA puts a chinlock on Aries. Aries hits a back suplex to escape and tags to Strong. Richards tags in and puts on a cravat. He hits a running chest kick and tags to KENTA. KENTA hits a kick to the throat and slaps Strong across the face for 2. He puts on the Mark Nulty Special but Strong gets to the ropes. Richards tags in and hits a snap suplex. KENTA hits the afterthought kick and Richards hits a dropkick. KENTA tags in and puts on a chinlock. Strong tosses him out of the ring and tags to Aries. Aries hits the corner elbow and a slingshot splash. He hits a moonsault press on Richards and a frog splash on KENTA for 2. Strong comes in and they hit a double backbreaker. KENTA hits a fisherman buster on Aries. Richards hangs Aries on the top rope and holds him for KENTA to hit a kneedrop for 2. Aries comes back with the shinbreaker/back suplex combo. Richards hits Aries with the handspring kick but walks into Strong’s uranage backbreaker. KENTA hits Strong with the Busaiku knee kick and everyone is down. Aries hits Richards with the Heat Seeking Missile and so KENTA follows him out with a dive from the top turnbuckle. Back in the ring Aries hits the corner dropkick on KENTA for 2. Richards and KENTA hit a Doomsday Busaiku knee kick for 2 when Strong saves. Strong hits a turnbuckle powerbomb on KENTA but Richards hits him with a side suplex. KENTA hits a super falcon arrow on Aries for 2. Richards climbs the ropes but his shooting star press hits knees. Strong hits Richards with the gutbuster and the Sick Kick for 2. Aries and Strong take out KENTA with their combos and focus on Richards. Richards rolls Aries up for 2. Strong hits the half nelson backbreaker. Aries hits Richards with a double stomp and a soccer kick. Strong hits the Alabamaslam and Aries follows up with the 450 splash for the win. Not much rhyme or reason here, just balls to the wall action.
Rating: ****¼
Aries gets on the microphone and thanks KENTA for all he’s done in ROH the last year. He calls Richards the future of ROH before promising to win the tag titles back tomorrow night.
JZ says: KENTA beat both of his opponents in singles matches back in June in Detroit and Chicago, respectively. Strong and Richards start it off, and both are aggressive right away. They have a pretty cool exchange that Richards wins and KENTA is tagged in. He wants to fight Aries, and the crowd wants to see that too. It doesn’t take long for Aries and KENTA to start kicking the shit out of each other. Strong comes in and unleashes chops on KENTA. KENTA comes back and he and Richards both unload kicks on Strong. This is brutal and awesome. Aries and Strong take over and go to work on Richards. KENTA finally makes the hot tag and takes out both Strong and Aries. The former World Tag Team Champions soon regain control, but KENTA just won’t have it. Strong gets isolated in the KENTA/Richards corner now. Strong continues to get abused. Strong dumps KENTA over the ropes and goes over to tag Aries. Aries is on fire and Strong is back in and this match rules. Everyone comes in and hits someone with something and all four are down. Everyone gets knocked to the floor and KENTA hits a plancha on Strong and Aries. Aries takes a sick version of the Doomsday Device. Strong breaks up the party and hits a corner powerbomb on KENTA. Richards dumps Strong on his head and KENTA hits Aries with the top rope falcon arrow for two. Richards the Shooting Star Press but eats knees and then gets killed some more. All four men in the ring now, and KENTA is soon dumped. Richards tries the D.R. Driver but Aries and Strong block it and kill Richards dead to get the win at 24:37. That was a million kinds of awesome and totally redeems the rest of the show right there. Aries of course has to cut a promo after the match.
Rating: ****½
BG says: The masked man from the last DVD is indeed revealed to be Konnan who tells Homicide he has his back against Cornette.
Jimmy Rave is mad that ROH fans still throw toilet paper at him even though he was trying to start a new chapter in his career. Something is going to have to change right now!
JZ says: Konnan says he will have Homicide’s back like a car seat. I don’t get it.
Jimmy Rave is pissed off that fans are still throwing toilet paper at him.
BG says: I’m going to go with Austin Aries because I felt he stood out in the main event more than anyone else.
JZ says: All four guys in the main event did stellar work, and since Brad gave it to Aries I’ll give it to KENTA just to give it to someone from the opposite team.
You can pick up this show, as well as all other ROH shows at ROH Wrestling Dot Com.
Coming soon will be our review of THE BITTER END!
The 411: BG says: There’s a good opener, some good matches throughout the show and then a bang up main event. The main event more than makes up for the disappointing six-man tag so I’d call this one an easy recommendation.
JZ says: The main event alone makes this one worth picking up, but there’s some solid stuff sprinkled throughout the show. Just fast forward through anything involving Steve Corino. |
Final Score: 7.5 [ Good ] legend |
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