wrestling / TV Reports
411’s Deep South Wrestling Report 04.11.07
All right so I am back with the Deep South recaps! Sorry for the delay, I had taped a few but with all of the UFC and other stuff I just got behind. I have opted to skip the recaps of those episodes and will just jump into where we are now. Also, I think I am done with the NWA Showcase Show. It bores me to tears, I tried to recap the latest episode, but I couldn’t do it. As bad as WWE and or TNA can get, it is still way better than that. I am still covering the “Learning the Ropes” documentary, but they have been repeats the last few times, so I don’t know if there are actually more episodes coming.
Now, as far as Deep South goes, the big news is that the tag titles have left the Majors Brothers and are now in the possession of Urban Assault, who not only has G RILLA with them, but also AFA Jr. They are now feuding with the Gymini, who have “The Queen Diva” Angel Williams as their valet/manager. The Deep South title scene is revolving around champion Bradley Jay, former champions Derrick Neikirk and Ryan O’Reilly as well as Mike Knox. Oleg Prudius and Dan Rodimer are also still getting their pushes and they still suck.
-We get clips of the last episode.
-Rebecca is with DSW GM Krissy Vaine. She has granted the Gymini a rematch for the tag titles, due to Urban Assault having outside interference. She’s throwing Angle a bone, since they were friends and all. Also, she says the Gymini have a big surprise for tonight.
Big Bully Douglas and Billy Blade vs. Henry Godwin and Ray Gordy
Ray Gordy does look like a little farm hand guy. He defiantly didn’t get size from his dad, he’s short. Oh lord, Freakin Deacon and the Bag lady are ringside. Blade and Bully attack before the bell, Godwin and Gordy lay them out and do the lame do see do dance, and then with the ref. It’s a fucking hoot nanny! Gordy takes down the Bully, works a front facelock and then grabs an arm bar. Tag to Godwin, clubbing shots to Bully. Works a wristlock, Godwin isn’t in the best of shape, he is bigger than he used to be, fat wise. Tag to Gordy and he picks up Gordy and tosses him onto the Bully. Gordy dances with the ref, low blow by the Bully who is busted open from that double team move above the eye. Blade and Bully double team Gordy with elbows and Blade covers for 2. Blade works the leg now with elbows and a single leg lace. Gordy escapes and gets the mild tag to Godwin. Clotheslines for Blade. A sloppy backdrop follows. Pump handle slam to Blade, top rope splash by Gordy and that is all.
Winner: Godwin and Gordy @ 3:50 via pin
-We go to Tracy Taylor and the “TT” bar. She interviews a slutty looking Rebecca and they discuss bikini contests and make sexual innuendo. I approve.
-The Gynini and Angle Williams cut a promo. They have a big surprise. You know, they really should have had Williams with the Gymini. She can talk and has a tremendous attitude and presence.
-Jake Hager cuts a horrendous promo about dominating opponents, and stutters about 10-times. Please learn to talk.
Jake Hager vs. Dan Rodimer w/Brooke Adams
Brooke is the hot bitch from Extreme Expose who does the sweet ass dance every week. Rodimer cuts a horrendous promo before the match; the only thing worse was Rebecca’s negative charisma.
They talk shit and start throwing rights to begin. It’s breaking down already! Well, not really. Snap mares by Hager, hip toss and then a slam. He covers for 2. Rodimer backs off, a right to Hager and then a clothesline. Slam by Rodimer and a cover for 2. Rodimer lays the boots to Hager and then chokes him out. Shoulder blocks in the corner by Rodimer. Rights by Rodimer, now lefts. Hager gets a sloppy roll up for 2. Clothesline by Rodimer, elbow drop and then another and a cover for 2. Neck vice by Rodimer, and Oleg Prudius comes out and randomly sings the Russian National Anthem. Hager slams Rodimer and then gets pissed and tries to stop Oleg, eats a HEAD BUTT for his troubles and Rodimer covers for the win. That sucked.
Winner: Dan Rodimer @ 4:20 via pin
-O’Reilly cuts a pretty good promo about his title match. He says the gold belongs to him, and he will get it back tonight.
-Jay comes to the ring and says since he defended the title last week, due to the rule, he doesn’t have to defend for another 30-days so tonight’s match is NON-TITLE. That’s tremendous, good heel stuff there.
NON-TITLE MATCH: Bradley Jay © vs. Ryan “Rough House” O’Reilly
O’Reilly attacks at the bell before Jay could take off the title. Rights by O’Reilly, boots to Jay and more rights follow. Jay blocks a shot and slams O’Reilly to the corner. They trade shots for a while, O’Reilly gets the advantage and slams Jay to the corner. He works the back of Jay with clubbing shots and gets a reverse bear hug. Jay escapes battles back and knees O’Reilly to the head. He covers for 2. Jay is busted open by the mouth and then gets a suplex for 2 on O’Reilly. Jay mounts him and rains down with rights, covers for 2. O’Reilly battles back, rights to Jay and then a boot by Jay and he clubs down O’Reilly. Cover for 2. Knees to the head by Jay and then chokes out O’Reilly on the ropes. He now chokes him out in the corner and then lays the boots to him. More choking here, I am bored. Rights are exchanged mid-ring and O’Reilly is down. Knees to the head by Jay, and a cover for 2. Jay works a headlock, O’Reilly escapes and rights to Jay. Chops by O’Reilly, rights exchanged and Jay is down. O’Reilly has him rocked, off the ropes, and a flying clothesline by O’Reilly, cover for 2. Jay with a vicious clothesline and covers for 2. Jay looks for an ankle lock, countered and then tries for the single leg crab. O’Reilly rolls through and gets a scary looking overhead belly to belly on Jay, damn son, on his head. O’Reilly covers for 2. O’Reilly tries for the Rough House, countered as Jay looks for the kamikaze roll, countered again and O’Reilly nails the Rough House! 1…2…3!
Winner: Ryan O’Reilly @ 8:15 via pin
-Urban Assault cuts a promo, they aren’t afraid of the surprise that the Gymini have in store for us.
-The Gymini hit the ring, and then Urban Assault. Some music hits and the big surprise is that BILL DEMOTT, who has a hate relationship with the Gymini is going to even the odds for them. He stands off and stares down G RILLA. SURPRISE~! Demott did a good job on commentary of never giving it away. The only mistake here is that they bill RILLA as 7-foot and 400lbs, and when he stand off with Demott, that totally blows that image.
DSW Tag Team Title Match: Urban Assault (Siaki and Perez) © w/G RILLA vs. The Gymini (Jake and Jesse) w/Angel Williams
The Gymini hit the ring and brawl with Urban Assault. I liked when they didn’t have names, so I could make new ones up every week. Damn you Deep South. They beat down Siaki, then Perez and get a cover for 1. Lots of 4-way brawling to begin, double shoulders and then elbows by the Gymini. Finally down to regular tag stuff and Jesse tags in and beats down Perez. Suplex on Perez and a cover for 2. Tag to Jake, shots to the ribs and then jabs to Perez. Butterfly suplex on Perez for 2. Chinlock applied on Perez, he escapes, off the ropes and a DDT by Perez. Tag to Siaki and they beat down Jake in the corner. They boot him to the floor and Demott looks on and keeps G RILLA away. Perez to the floor and lays the boots to Jake. He rams him to the ring apron and then tosses him back in, Siaki covers for 1 as Jake had a foot on the ropes. Chops by Siaki, snap mare and a basement dropkick gets 2. Irish whip and a tag to Perez. They double-team Jake in the corner, snap mare and boots by Perez. He chokes out Jake, forearm shots now. Off the ropes and a sunset flip by Jake gets 2. Good clothesline by Perez and Siaki in now as Jesse distracts the ref. Urban Assault gets the beat down on Jake as we head to commercial @ 4:30.
Back from commercial @ 6:10 with Perez working a front facelock on Jake. Elbow drop now and boots by Perez. Siaki in and they double team Jake with elbows, and then fool Nick Patrick to think they made the tag. Cover for 2. Perez back in, front facelock applied again. Jake battles to his feet, exchanges rights with Perez but gets slammed to the corner. Siaki tags in and a slam on Jake turned into a roll up for 2. A clothesline by Siaki and a cover for 2. Boots by Siaki, chokes out Jake and then tags in Perez. He works on Jake with the facelock again, Jake to his feet and elbows out. Off the ropes and a sit out hip toss by Jake. Makes the tag to Jesse and he slams Siaki. Russian Leg Sweep gets 2 as Perez makes the save. He tosses Perez, works over Siaki and Perez attacks Demott from behind! He holds Demott, he moves and RILLA takes out Perez. RILLA AND BILL BRAWL~! AFA Jr. is out and then double-teams Bill, but the Gymini hit the CROSS TRAINER on Siaki! 1…2…3~!
Winners: and NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS THE GYMINI @ 11:20 via pin
After the match the Gymini celebrate with Angel. They go to check on Bill as the show ends.
THE 411: For the most part, not a good show kids. The opener sucked, but we got to see young Ray Gordy, who looked pretty good. The Hager vs. Rodimer match was bad; and the Oleg stuff was annoying. O’Reilly vs. Jay was bland, but the angle stuff is good so that’s a push. The main event was good stuff, decent match and good story stuff so at least we ended on a good note. What’s funny, yet sad, is that a WWE Developmental Program is doing tag team wrestling so well, when the company doesn’t give a shit about it on the whole. While the teams aren’t the greatest, they have 4 established teams that have all had the titles and are fighting amongst each other. High Impact, The Majors, Urban Assault and The Gymini. Thumbs in the middle show, due to good angle work and the fine main event.
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