wrestling / Live Coverage
411’s Live Raw Report – FOLEY
Foley comes out to a big pop and anoither big Foley chant. Foley basically talks about how let go of the business. He talks about how he made a big mistake in accepting that match with Orton in the first place. Foley rambles on and on about how Orton owes him a favor. Foley calls Orton down to the ring and he tells him comes alone. Orton comes out, alone, and asks what the hell Foley could want from Orton. Foley asks Orton to spit in his face again. Orton is freaked out. Foley goes crazy and slaps Orton DEMANDING her spit in his face. Orton does it twice. Foley starts punching himself in the face, drawing blood. He says he will NOT allow a little bastard like Orton to tarnish his legacy. Foley attacks Orton! Foley beats Orton down, then Flair. Batista takes Foley down but Foley goes and grabs a chair. Chair shot for Flair! Chair shot for Batista! Evolution bails! Foley stands tall in the ring, hitting himself in the head with the chair!
End of Show.