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Welcome to 411’s WWE Survivor Series 2016 Report. We are LIVE from the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Renee Young, Lita, Booker T & Jerry Lawler are your panel for the evening. We are kicking off the show with a Cruiserweight Division six man tag team match plus Kane vs. Luke Harper.
We get a video package for the men’s Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown match. The panel discusses Shane McMahon’s inclusion in the match. Booker T thinks it’s a conflict of interest while Lita thinks Shane will go all out for the team.
The panel next discuss the women’s Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown match, going in depth on Charlotte and Nikki Bella’s roles as leaders in the match. Booker predicts a victory for SmackDown in this one.
Mick Foley meets with Sami Zayn and Zayn thanks Foley for the opportunity tonight. Foley reminds Zayn he earned his opportunity and tells him that his son first told him of Zayn and Zayn has lived up to the hype. Zayn says he was a kid with a dream, inspired by Mick Foley to become a wrestler and tonight, he will become WWE Intercontinental Champion.
The panel discusses the Miz vs. Sami Zayn match when the Miz & Maryse appears. The Miz talks about how Daniel Bryan has not been on his side, as he couldn’t even come to root for him tonight despite him representing SmackDown. He talks about wanting to be WWE Intercontinental Champion since he was a kid and tonight he will be victorious. After hearing his rant, the panel are unanimous in predicting a Miz victory tonight.
The panel discusses the tag team Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown match, focusing on Sheamus and Cesaro being the X-Factors in the match since they are not a regular tag team. Lawler is concerned their individual personalities will affect their chances at success tonight. Lawler & Booker predict a Team Smackdown victory in this one while Lita goes with Raw.
Video package for Brian Kendrick/Kalisto airs.
The panel discusses the Kendrick/Kalisto match, Lawler thinks Kendrick is a man on the brink of snapping and thinks Kalisto has everything to gain and nothing to loss while Kendrick faces mounting pressue.
Becky Lynch tell Nikki Bella to watch her back tonight, as she doesn’t trust anyone in the match. Charlotte confronts them and claims she was ambushed last week on Smackdown. Nikki Bella can’t wait to smack that stupid look off her face and she promises to burn her kingdom down to the ground. Charlotte says she will have no problem putting Nikki back in a neck brace a second time.
Tom Phillips interviews WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens. Phillips tries to ease the tension by comparing the colors of their outfits but Kevin Owens claims he only put blue to copy the style of the Toronto Blue Jays so he can sell more merch tonight. He says Phillips ignored the presence of his best friend, so he calls in Chris Jericho to join the interview. Owens says this is the Kevin Owens show and the graphic appears on the screen. The first twitter question asks if Kevin Owens would wear Jericho’s scarf if he presented it to him, and Jericho immediately does so. They get asked about James Ellsworth and they claim he is a worm. Owens asks Phillips why he left Raw for Smackdown and he claims he got a new opportunity, but Owens claims they already had too many announcers. Owens and Jericho are asked about being sole survivors and they don’t care if they’re the sole survivors, as long as they survive. Owens is asked if Jericho wrote Owens’ name on the list and Jericho says the guy who asked that stupid question is now on the list. The production guy takes down the twitter handle before they can spell it, so now he joins the list as well.
Kickoff Match
Ariya Daivari, Drew Gulak and Tony Nese vs. Noam Dar, Rich Swann and TJ Perkins
Nese and Swann start. Swann goes on the attack and he catches Nese with a dropkick. Tag to Perkins and he hits the Hilo. Punches in the corner by Perkins and he hits a spin kick. Suplex into a back suplex by Perkins gets 2. Octopus by Perkins but Nese breaks with a reverse suplex. Tag to Gulak and Perkins catches him with a dropkick. Swann and Perkins double team Gulak, each nailing him with a basement dropkick. Gulak fights back with some forearms on Perkins but Perkins catches Gulak in the knee bar. Nese and Daivari break it up as we go to break.
Back and Daivari catches Dar with a super kick for 2. Gulak and Nese work over Dar and Nese hits a delayed vertical suplex for 2. Tag to Gulak and he begins to work over the leg of Dar. Dar fights back and he clips the leg of Gulak. Tag to Daivari and he charges at Dar but misses and gets caught in the ropes, allowing Dar to clip him as well. Tag to Swann and he cleans house. Double stomp to the back by Swann and he takes Daivari off the top with a standing Frankensteiner for 2. Rolling elbow by Daivari and he hits a neck breaker for 2 as Perkins and Dar save. Suicide dive by Dar to Gulak and Nese follows with the Fosbury Flop. Perkins looks to dive but the ref stops him. The ref scolds everyone on the outside, allowing Perkins to hit a summersault plancha over the ref and to the floor!!! Spin kick by Swann to Daivari and he hits the standing 450 splash for 3.
Winners- Noam Dar, Rich Swann and TJ Perkins **1/2 ( Solid match to get things rolling. They didn’t have much of a crowd to work as the arena was still half full but they got time to work a solid, legthy match and in the last few minutes, the fans were really into the high flying action. Rich Swann has a star presense and completly stood out from everyone else in the match. He should be the focal point of 205 Live and the cruiserweight division going forward. )
Kickoff Match
Kane vs. Luke Harper
Kane catches Harper with the chin lock right away but Harper is able to escape. Back suplex by Kane and he rams Harper shoulder first into the corner. Back elbow by Kane and Harper pulls him to the floor to get some seperation. Suicide dive to the floor by Harper and back in, he hits a Hilo for 2. Big boot by Harper gets 2 as we go to break.
Back and Harper has a chin lock on Kane. Harper throw some knees to the head as Kane attempts to fight out and he goes up. Kane stops him and follows up. Superplex by Kane and both men are down. Kane cleans house and he hits a sidewalk slam for 2. Super kick by Harper gets 2. Dropkick by Harper gets 2. Sunset flip by Harper gets 2. Big boot by Kane and he hits a DDT for 2. Black Hole Slam by Harper gets 2. He goes for the discus clothesline but Kane counters into the Chokeslam for 3.
Winner – Kane *** ( This match was really fun. Luke Harper worked his ass off in this match, working almost a crusierweight style in contrast to the slower pace, physical style of Kane and it made for one of the more entertaining in-ring efforts invovling Kane in some time.)
Video package for Brock Lesnar/Goldberg ends the Kickoff Show.
Main Show
Survivor Series Elimination Match- Team Raw (Bayley, Alicia Fox, Nia Jax, Sasha Banks and Charlotte) w/Dana Brook vs. Team Smackdown (Becky Lynch, Naomi, Alexa Bliss, Carmella and Natalya)
Nikki Bella’s music hits but they head backstage and Nikki seems to be injured. Apparently she was hit from behind by someone and she isn’t going to be cleared to compete. Natalya offers to take her place and Bryan accepts, so Natalya’s in. Fox and Carmella start. Dropkick by Fox and she hits a Northern Light’s suplex for 2. Tilt-a-whirl head scissors by Carmella and she hits a seated senton in the corner for 2. Lynch tags in and Bayley joins as well but Charlotte is quick to blind tag in. Banks does the same, leading to a shoving match between the two. Everyone comes in to brawl and Jax manages to clean house by herself. Backslide by Banks gets 2 and Charlotte blind tags again. Lynch works the arm and goes for the Disarmer but Charlotte quickly gets to the ropes. Tag to Jax and she rams Lynch into the corner. Carmella and Bliss each try to take on Jax to no avail. Naomi goes for a cross body off the second rope but gets caught. Jax trucks her and now Natalya comes in. She and Carmella both charge at her but Jax comes back with a double clothesline. Tag to Fox and Carmella tosses her into the corner. She misses the corner seated senton and Fox hits the Scissors Kick for 3. Carmella is eliminated.
Bliss attacks Fox and goes up. Corkscrew splash off the top by Bliss gets 3. Alicia Fox is eliminated.
Jawbreaker by Naomi to Charlotte and she knocks Team Raw off the apron. She goes up and hits a crossbody to the floor onto Jax!!! Jax prevents Naomi from entering the ring and rams her into the post before tossing her to the floor. Naomi gets counted out. Naomi is eliminated.
Bliss stands on the back of Banks and Natalya stomps away in the corner. Banks fights back and she hits the guillotine double knees onto Bliss. Meteora off the apron to the floor onto Natalya by Banks. Back in, Bliss saves Natalya from the backstabber and Natalya rolls her up for 3!!! Sasha Banks is eliminated.
Charlotte chops away on Natalya but Natalya answers back. Discus clothesline followed by a release German suplex by Natalya. Charlotte takes her down by the hair and goes up but Natalya takes her out of the corner with the Liger Bomb for 2 as Jax saves. Sharpshooter by Natalya but Charlotte makes the ropes. Big boot by Charlotte gets 3. Natalya is eliminated.
Urinage by Lynch to Charlotte and Bliss blind tags in. Lynch and Bliss argue as Jax comes charging. She misses and they attempt a dobule suplex but Jax counters into her own. Lynch hits a missile dropkick driving Bliss onto Jax for 2. She grabs the Disarmer on Jax and Jax taps!!! Nia Jax is eliminated. Jax is pissed and she rams Lynch into the barricade after her elimination.
Back in, Charlotte hits a big boot onto Bliss for 3. Alexa Bliss is eliminated.
Charlotte stomps away on Lynch in the corner for 2. Lynch cleans house and hits an Exploder suplex on Charlotte. Lynch goes up and hits a leg drop off the top for 2. Tag to Bayley and she gets a jackknife roll-up for 2. They trade blows and Lynch hits a pumphandle suplex for 2. Leg drop misses and Bayley hits a basement lariat for 2. Suplex by Bayley and he goes for the arm but Bayley counters with Belly to Bayley for 3. Charlotte lays out Bayley after the match and tosses her around ringside.
Sole Survivors- Bayley and Charlotte *** ( Solid start to the show. First off, there were only two moments of dysfuction and both moments didn’t have any direct influence on the match, so I was happy about that. There were some communication issues which is to be expected but nothing horribly botch or ugly. The action was solid throughout the match, with Nia Jax looking like a monster throughout the match and Lynch got a nice boost thanks to tapping her out. I liked the idea of saving Bayley for the final portion of the match and giving her the big clutch victory to set her up as the next challenge for Charlotte. )
The Club confront James Ellsworth backstage and they make fun of Ellswroth’s chin. Mick Foley comes to his aid and The Club gets one more crack in before leaving. Ellsworth reminds Foley of some of his worst moments but then brings up Foley beating the Rock to get back on his good side. Foley says he’s a fan of Ellsworth and offers him a spot on Raw but Ellsworth says he’s team blue. Foley says he will change his tune when Raw beats Team Smackdown. Foley leaves but Ellsworth walks into Braun Strowman, who scares Ellsworth away.
WWE Intercontinental Championship Match- The Miz w/ Maryse (c) vs. Sami Zayn
Zayn gets an inside cradle on Miz for 2 and he works the arm. Leg lariat by Zayn and Miz bails. Zayn catches Miz with a springboard moonsault press off the barricade. Maryse distracts him, allowing Miz to clip Zayn. Back in, Miz goes up and hits a double axe handle to the back. Miz works over the leg of Zayn but Zayn fights back. Punches in the corner by Zayn but Miz clips the leg, sneding Zayn crashing down to the mat. Zayn low bridges Miz, sending him crashing to the floor. Miz drives Zayn’s leg off the post a few times and back in, he covers for 2. They trade blows and Zayn drills Miz with a lariat. Zayn clotheslines Miz to the floor and he hits the summersault plancha to the floor!!! Back in, Zayn hits the Michinoku Driver for 2. Miz goes for the Figure-4 but Zayn counters with a small package for 2. DDT by Miz gets 2. Corner dropkicks by Miz and he hits a corner lariat. Miz goes up and leaps but Zayn moves and hits the Blue Thunder Bomb for 2!!! Miz snaps Zayn’s neck off the ropes and he goes for the Skull Crushing Finale but Zayn counters with a wheebalrrow roll-up for 2. Exploder suplex into the corner by Zayn and he goes for the Helluva Kick but misses. Figure-4 by Miz but Zayn turns it over. He rolls into the ropes to force the break. Kicks to the chest by Miz but Zayn comes back with a Figure-4 of his own!!! As Miz is fighting for the ropes, Maryse rings the bell repeatedly. Zayn thinks he won and the distraction allows Miz to roll Zayn up for 3!!!
Winner and Still WWE Intercontinental Champion- The Miz ***1/2 ( This was a hell of a match but my god did that finish suck. Zayn’s selling off the injured leg was fantastic and the match was building to the moment where Zayn fought his way out of the Figure-4, which really got the crowd to a fever pitch. The ring bell distraction is beyong stupid and makes Zayn into a giant moron for falling for that trick, killing all the goodwill that was built up throughout the contest. )
AJ Styles confronts Dean Ambrose backstage and tells Ambrose is he follows his lead, they will win tonight. He says Ambrose won’t get a win at TLC but Ambrose says his fantasies will become a reality in two weeks. Shane McMahon comes in to break up the arguing and tells both of them to get on the same page.
Survivor Series Elimination Match – Team Raw (Enzo and Cass, The Shining Stars, The Club, Sheamus and Cesaro & The New Day) w/Xavier Woods vs. Team Smackdown (Heath Slater and Rhyno, Breezango, The Usos, The Hype Bros & American Alpha)
Big E and Fandango start. Fandango hands out fashion tickets but New Day immedatly hit the assisted Big Ending on Fandango for 3. Breezango is eliminated.
Jimmy Uso hits a super kick on Kofi for 3!!! The New Day is eliminated.
Gallows hammers away on Jimmy and Cass tags in. He works Jimmy over and Epico tags in to do the same. Jimmy fights back and tags Ryder who hits a flap jack. Tag to Rawley and he hits a football tackle on Epico for 2. Epico dropkciks the leg of Rawley and Anderson tags in. Rawley catches him with a crossbody and Ryder tags in. Second rope dropkick by Ryder and Gallows saves Anderson from the Bro Kick. Double baseball slide by Ryder and back in, Anderson catches him with a knee as he was coming back in. Tag to Gallows and they hit the Magic Killer for 3. The Hype Bros are eliminated.
American Alpha hit double dropkicks on The Club but Sheamus cuts Gable off, allowing Team Raw to get control. Slingshot elbow drop by Epico gets 2. Tripleta by Epico gets 2. Tag to Primo and Gable is able to fight back against the Shining Stars. Tag to Jordan and American Alpha hits the Doomsday Bulldog onto Primo for 3. The Shining Stars are eliminated.
Everyone brawls and Rhyno and Slater are left with Enzo and Cass. Cass tosses Enzo onto everyone on the floor!!! Enzo hits a big boot to Rhyno, taking both men to the floor. Slater goes up and hits the Stage Dive to the floor!!! Sheamus cuts off a Gable dive attempt and Jordan hits an overhead belly to belly suplex. CESARO SWING~!!! Gable breaks that up with the Chaos Theory. Jordan HITS AN OVERHEAD BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX SENDING GABLE ONTO EVERYONE ON THE FLOOR!!! Jordan looks to dive but Gallows cuts him off. Magic Killer on Jordan gets 3. American Alpha is eliminated.
Slater attacks the Club but Anderson ends that run with a spine buster. Tag to Sheamus and he works over Slater. He refuses to tag Cesaro in but he charges in the corner and misses. Gallows tags in and he slams Slater before dropping some elbows. He accidently nails Enzo as he attempted to run the ropes and the distraction allows Rhyno to hit the Gore for 3. The Club is eliminated.
Big boot by Cass and Enzo goes up. Boom Shaka Lakka onto Rhyno gets 3. Heath Slater and Rhyno are eliminated.
Enzo fires away on Jimmy but he runs into a super kick. Tag to Jey and he hits the Samoan Splash for 3. Enzo and Cass are eliminated.
Knee lift by Sheamus and he delivers the Irish Clubs to Jey. Fireman’s Carry roll by Sheamus but Jey answers back with an enzuigiri. Tag to Jimmy and they hit a double super kick onto Cesaro after he shoves Sheamus out of the way. Brogue Kick by Sheamus gets 2 as Jey saves. White Noise off the top by Sheamus but Jey immediatly catches him with a Samoan Splash for 2 as Cesaro saves with the double stomp. Tag to Cesaro and he cleans house with some uppercuts. Springboard European Uppercut by Cesaro and he dropkicks Jimmy to the floor. 619 by Cesaro and he hits a running uppercut onto Jimmy on the floor. Crossbody off the top onto Jey gets 2. CESARO SWING~!!!!! Cesaro goes for the Sharpshooter but Jimmy clips him. Suicide dive to Sheamus by Jimmy and Jey catches Cesaro in the Tequilla Sunrise. Cesaro rolls through into the Sharpshooter and Sheamus cuts Jimmy off with a Brougue Kick. Jey taps!!!
Sole Survivors – Cesaro and Sheamus *** ( The number of men in this match caused a very chaotic and messy body of the match. There was just way too much going on but once they started trimming some of the fat, the match progessivly got better and the crowd was getting more into it. The final segment between the Usos, Cesaro and Sheamus was excellent and if those two teams had a straight up match it probably would have stolen the show. )
Stephanie McMahon and Mick Foley celebrate Raw’s success so far and they plan to reward Sheamus and Cesaro with a Tag Team Championship match tomorrow night on Raw. They’re excited about the final two Raw vs. Smackdown matches and believe they’re in a good position.
Video package for Kendrick/Kalisto airs.
WWE Cruiserweight Championship- Brian Kendrick (c) vs. Kalisto
If Kalisto wins, the Cruiserweight Division moves to Smackdown. Kalisto catches Kendrick with a summersault plancha and back in, he hits a springboard crossbody for 2. Springboard twisting press by Kalisto gets 2. Leg lariat by Kendrick and he hits a Saito suplex for 1. Wheelbarrow roll-up by Kalisto gets 2. They trade some roll-ups for near falls and Kendrick finally cuts him off with a back elbow. Tilt-a-whirl head scissors by Kalisto and he hits a corner dropkick. Kendrick rolls Kalisto into the corner and he sandwiches Kalisto between the steps and the post, proceeding to drive the steps into Kalisto. Suplex by Kendrick gets 2. Cravat by Kendrick but Kalisto is eventually able to roll through. Kendrick pulls Kalisto neck first into the ropes and they fight on the apron. KALISTO HITS THE SPANISH FLY OFF THE APRON TO THE FLOOR!!!! Back in, Kalisto covers for 2. Suicide dive by Kalisto and he hammers Kendrick on the floor. Back in, Kalisto goes up but Kendrick stops him and follows up. Kendrick rakes the eyes to block the super Solida del Sol and he takes Kalisto off the top into the Captain’s Hook. Kalisto is able to fight his way to the ropes. Kalisto throws some kicks and he hits the DVD. Seated senton to the back by Kalisto and he hits a snap hurricanrana. Solida del Sol gets 2 as Kendrick gets his foot on the ropes. Kalisto goes up but Baron Corbin comes out and attacks Kendrick. He catches Kalisto coming off the top and he hits the End of Days. Kendrick gets the DQ win since Corbin attacked him first.
Winner by DQ and Still WWE Crusierweight Champion- Brian Kendrick **3/4 ( I was enjoying the match but man the crowd could not have cared less. I give these two props for going all out to try and get the crowd into it, but they were put in the death spot and the crowd treated it as such. Unfortunaly, right now with the state of the cruiserweight division, if they aren’t the opener of the PPV, they’re going to constantly have to deal with flat or dead crowds no matter how hard they tried. Another crappy finish BUT I give them props for having Corbin attack Kendrick first so they he got to lay out his rival AND cost him the match. It’s a nice little detail that WWE usually wouldn’t think through on an interference spot like that. )
Daniel Bryan confronts Baron Corbin about his actions and Corbin says Smackdown doesn’t need anymore little pests like Kalisto running around. Bryan says he’ll deal with him on Tuesday.
Video package for the men’s Raw vs. Smackdown Survivor Series match airs.
Survivor Series Elimination Match- Team Smackdown (Shane McMahon, Bray Wyatt, Randy Orton, AJ Styles & Dean Ambrose) w/James Ellsworth vs. Team Raw (Braun Strowman, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Chris Jericho & Kevin Owens)
Styles and Owens start. Styles misses a dropkick but Owens misses the back senton. They trade blows and eventually they reach a stalemate. Tag to Jericho and he throws his shirt at Styles, allwoing the chance to attack. Dropkick by Styles and Jericho tags Rollins in. Styles decides to tag Ambrose in and they have a counter exchange until they reach a stalemate. Jericho tags in and he chops away on Ambrose. Enzuigiri by Jericho gets 1. Ambrose fires back with punches in the corner and Shane tags in. He throws some jabs and Jericho bails. Back in, Shane hits a back elbow and he charges in the corner but eats boot. Second rope dropkick by Jericho and Rollins tags in. Suplex by Rollins gets 2. Tag to Reigns and they wishbone Shane. He hits some rapid corner clotheslines on Shane and Rollins tags in. Chin lock by Rollins but Shane fights out and hits a backdrop. Tag to Owens and Ambrose and Ambrose cleans house. Suicide dive by Ambrose and back in, he goes up. He leaps but Owens moves and hits a super kick. Ambrose counters the power bomb with a hurricanrana and Jericho saves Owens from the Dirty Deeds. Strowman tags himself in as everyone comes into the face for a face off. Everyone brawls and Ambrose tries a slingshot pescado but Strowman catches him. Strowman carries him until Styles connects with a slingshot forearm to the floor. Owens goes up and hits a summersault plancha to the floor!!!! Orton hits a back suplex onto the barricade on Owens and Shane goes up. Strowman shoves him back into the ring and he attacks Shane but Styles and Ambrose save. Shane clotheslines Strowman to the floor and Styles and Ambrose lay out Reigns and Rollins. Styles and Ambrose argue and Styles slaps him, causing Ambrose to go after him. Shane breaks it up but Styles nails him from behind. Strowman hits the running power slam on Ambrose for 3. Dean Ambrose is eliminated.
Strowman tossses Shane into the ring and Shane fires back with jabs in the corner. Avalanche in the corner by Strowman ends that and Styles goes for the Phenominal Forearm but Strowman blocks and shoves Styles to the floor. He lays out Orton and goes to charge at him but Bray Wyatt blocks his way. Jericho tells Strowman not to listen to Wyatt so Strowman grabs both. He decides to hit a clothesline on Wyatt and he dropkicks Wyatt to the floor. Orton catches Strowman with an RKO onto the announce table!!!! Orton and Wyatt put Strowman on the announce table and Shane goes up. FLYING ELBOW DROP OFF THE TOP THROUGH THE TABLE BY SHANE!!!! Strowman tosses Shane back in the ring and he tries to follow but he can’t and gets counted out!!! ELLSWORTH GRABED HIM BY THE LEG FROM UNDER THE RING!!!! Strowman stalks Ellsworth up the ramp but Ellsworth trips. Strowman TOSSES ELLSWORTH OFF THE STAGE THROUGH A TABLE!!!! Braun Strowman is eliminated.
Jericho covers Shane for 2. Back senton by Owens gets 2. Tag to Jericho and he hits a dropkick for 2. Chin lock by Jericho but Shane fights out. Shane misses a dropkcik and Jericho goes for the Lionsault but eats knees. Small package by Shane gets 2. Codebreaker by Jericho and he hits one on Orton as well. He covers Shane for 2!!! Tag to Rollins and he stomps away on Shane. Tag to Jericho and he goes up. Flying splash misses and Styles gets the tag. He cleans house and hits the DVD back breaker on Jericho for 2. They trade counters and Styles catches Jericho in the Calf Crusher. Jericho escapes and tries the Walls but Styles catches him in a small package for 2. Styles goes for the Styles Clash but Owens breaks it up with Jericho’s list. He hits the Pop Up Powerbomb on Styles but Owens is DQ’ed for nailing Styles with the list. Kevin Owens is eliminated.
Jericho tries to save his list but he walks into the RKO from Orton for 3. Chris Jericho is eliminated.
Orton catches Rollins with a power slam for 2. Tag to Wyatt and he hits an avalanche in the corner for 2. They work over Rollins in the corner and they go up. Superplex by Orton and Reigns tags in along with Styles. Reigns cleans house and he hits a Samoan Drop on everyone. Splash Mountain by Reigns gets 2. Styles blocks the Superman Punch with an enzuigiri and Shane tags in. Shane fires away and catches Reigns with a DDT. Shane catches Rollins with a clothesline and he rams Rollins’ head against his own knee. Spinebuster to Rollins and Shane sends Reigns shoulder first into the post. Shane goes up and GOES FOR THE COAST TO COAST BUT REIGNS BLOCKS WITH A SPEAR!!!!! Reigns covers but the ref stops his count. Doctors check on Shane and decalre that he’s done. Shane McMahon is eliminated.
Back senton by Wyatt to Reigns gets 2. Reigns comes back with a clothesline and both men are down. Tag to Rollins and he cleans house. Blockbuster on Styles and Rollins hits an enzuigiri from the apron. Springboard knee strike by Rollins and he hits a suciide dive onto Wyatt!!! Back in, he goes up with Styles but Styles escapes his clutches. Rollins catches Styles with the enzuigiri and he goes back up. Superplex followed by the Falcon Arrow by Rollins gets 2 as Orton saves. Rollins looks to dive but Orton blocks. He goes for the Apron DDT but Reigns saves. Reigns and Rollins tear apart the announce table but Styles saves. Dean Ambrose returns and he attacks Styles from behind. Officials and securtiy have to froce Ambrose away but Rollins and Reigns attacks the security guards!!!! THE SHIELD POWERBOMB STYLES THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!!!! Back in, Rollins covers Styles for 3. AJ Styles is eliminated.
Out of nowhere, Luke Harper appears and the Wyatts surround Rollins and Reigns. They knock Harper off the apron but it gives Orton and Wyatt the chance to strike. Harper lays Reigns out on the floor with a super kick as Rollins hits the Sling Blade on Wyatt. Summersault plancha to the floor onto Harper by Rollins. Back in, Rollins hits the enzuigiri on Orton and he hits a basement super kick on Wyatt. Rollins goes up for the Frog Splash but Orton catches him with the RKO on the way down!!!! Wyatt covers Rollins for 3!!! Seth Rollis is eliminated.
Reigns takes Orton off the apron with a Superman Punch and he dumps Wyatt to the floor. Reigns works them over on the floor and Reigns hits the Spear on Harper on the floor. Back in, Wyatt goes for Sister Abagail but Reigns blocks. SUPERMAN PUNCH~!!!! Reigns goes for the Spear but Orton saves Wyatt and takes the shot. Sister Abagail on Reigns by Wyatt gets 3!!!
Sole Survivors- Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton ***1/2 ( There’s going to be alot of arguements from fans over this one. They tried to stuff way too much storyline stuff into the match as many feared. Dean Ambrose getting eliminated first and causing damage to his own team going after Styles and alligning himself with Raw was incredbly stupid and there’s no incentive to cheer or like the guy from a character standpoint after this. This went way too long, as it dragged several times during the match after significant moments. That being said, the in-ring action for the most part was very good and this did have the feel of an epic civil war between the two brands with everyone fighting tooth and nail to the bitter end. Braun Strowman came across like a beast and they used Ellsworth perfectly in this match, getting Strowman eliminated without making him look like an idiot and getting killed by him in the aftermath. Shane did well in his role too, doing everything in his power to survive and just went he somehow got an advantage, he got killed taking one too many risks. Some people are going to hate this match, some people are going to love this. For me, I was incredibly entertained by it but it clearly had it’s faults, so I can see both sides of the arguement on this one. )
Video package for Lesnar/Goldberg airs.
Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman vs. Goldberg
Brock rams Goldberg into the corner but Goldberg shoves him away. Spear by Goldberg!!!!! A second one by Goldberg!!!! Jackhammer by Goldberg gets 3!!!!!
Winner- Goldberg NR ( I loved the booking of this so much. This is the ultimate feel good story. Goldberg returns to the ring to face the cocky, arrogant, unstoppable monster and he caught Lesnar with that one good shot and laid waste to the beast. Goldberg strategy was to go all in right from the start and it WORKED. You can get tons of mileagle out of Brock Lesnar becoming obsessed over the loss and leading to a rematch at WrestleMania. It was risky doing a short match like this after the hype but the crowd lost thier minds over it and the risk paid off. This was awesome. )
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