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Kevin Smith Plans To Do ‘Fowl Things’ With New Howard The Duck Series
Both Kevin Smith and Dave Willis spoke with, Kevin Smith and Dave Willis spoke about how they will adapt the Howard the Duck comics into an upcoming animated series for Hulu. According to the press release, the series follows Howard “trapped in a world he never made” as he “hopes to return home with the help of his unstoppable gal pal Beverly before the evil Dr. Bong can turn him the crispiest dish on the menu.” Naturally, Smith resorted to a series of duck puns.
Smith said: “The times we’re living in deserve an orator who can identify all the quacks in the system – a straight-shooter who won’t leave us holding the bill. Thanks to Marvel & Hulu, I get to do fowl things to one of my all-time favorite comic book characters in animation! Let’s be honest: I’m not talented enough to handle any of the Avengers but Howard is definitely in my wheelhouse! However, the real brains of our operation is a legit cartoon genius: the great Meatwad himself, ‘Aqua Teen Hunger Force’s’ Dave Willis! So prepare to get Ducked hard!””
Willis added: “I’m looking forward to working with Kevin on bringing Howard to the flat screen. And I know if I screw this up, I’ll never be able to show my face at Comic-Con ever again. Nerds will hunt me the rest of my days.“