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Earl Hebner Believes the Montreal Screwjob Was a Work

– Earl Hebner has gone on the record as saying he believes the Montreal Screwjob was a work. Hebner, who was the referee for the infamous 1997 Survivor Series match, appeared on Busted Open Radio and discussed his being featured in this week’s Dark Side of the Ring episode about the Screwjob.
Asked if he thought Hart knew before the match that Michaels was going to put him in the Sharpshooter, Hebner said, “I’ve had my thoughts off and on for what — eighteen, nineteen years?…I think both of ’em knew, to be honest with you. Why would you let a man put you in your own finish and — you know what I’m saying?”
When asked by Bully Ray to clarify if he belived the whole thing was a work, Hebner said, “Yeah, I really do. I’m not gonna lie about it anymore. I’ve been trying to protect Bret. But I can bet you 100%, 110% that Shawn Michaels knew what was going on.”
If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit Busted Open Radio with a h/t to 411mania.com for the transcription.
Breaking: After last night's episode, referee Earl Hebner said in an interview today that he believes Bret Hart had prior knowledge of the #MontrealScrewjob before it went down. https://t.co/LSpmnYrmcR
— Dark Side of the Ring (@DarkSideOfRing) April 18, 2019
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