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Csonka’s Impact Xplosion Review 2.22.20

February 24, 2020 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Eddie Edwards Impact Image Credit: Impact Wrestling
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Csonka’s Impact Xplosion Review 2.22.20  

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Csonka’s Impact Xplosion Review 2.22.20

– The Deaners defeated oVe @ 5:50 via pin [**½]
Ladder Match From TNA Against All Odds 2011: Jeff Hardy defeated Champion Mr. Anderson @ 18:15 [***]
From Impact Wrestling 2.18.20: Eddie Edwards [1] defeated Michael Elgin [2] @ 13:00 via pin [***¾]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

oVe vs. The Deaners: Fulton attacks before the bell, working over Cousin Jake on the floor as Cody works over Crist in the ring. Cody follows with a dive, heads up top and Fulton catches him and oVe follow with the doomsday cutter. Cousin Jake makes the save and clears out Fulton, and then works ground and pound. Crist cuts him off with a superkick, tags in Fulton and he lays the boots to Cousin Jake. He follows with a suplex, takes out Cody and Cousin Jake starts to fire back until Fulton hits a chokeslam for 2. Crist tags in, delivers strikes as Fulton follows with stomps and double teams. Crist grounds things until Cousin Jake powers up into a suplex. Fulton stops the tag, chokeslams Cody on the apron and Crist follows with a flurry of kicks on Cousin Jake until he accidentally hits Fulton. Cousin Jake hits a dive, and Cody tags in and cradles Crist for the win. The Deaners defeated oVe @ 5:50 via pin [**½] This was a solid match that I think could have been better with a bit more time.

We go around the ring with Gabby interviewing Katie Forbes. Forbes talks about working out a lot to make her legs and ass look good. When not wrestling, she loves modeling and doing photo shoots as well as dancing. She and RVD loving in Vegas. She knew she’d be famous one day, loves the west coast and specifically Vegas. RVD teaches her a lot, but he’s rough on her in training. Forbes greatly enjoys making out with him on camera and just being together all the time.

Champion Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy: They stand off and point to the title, and Jeff spits at Anderson. It’s on. Anderson nails Jeff with a right, and Jeff bails to the floor. He goes for a ladder, and Anderson attacks. He slams Jeff to the railing, and Jeff tries a twist of hate, but gets slammed into a ladder. Kick to the head by Anderson, grabs a ladder but Jeff stops that. They play tug of war with the ladder, and Anderson slams it into Jeff, trapping him against the ring. He then slams Jeff to the steps and lays the ladder in the ring. Jeff catches Anderson on the way in and gets a neck breaker onto the ladder. Jeff celebrates, and then grabs the ladder and sets it up. Jeff climbs, Anderson stops that and gets a neck breaker. Anderson grabs the ladder, tries to climb, and Jeff pulls him down. Mule kick by Jeff, corner dropkick follows. Jeff slams Anderson in the crotch with the ladder, which had to suck. Jeff sets the ladder in the corner, beats down Anderson, but Anderson back with the Russian Leg Sweep onto the ladder in the corner. Anderson grabs another ladder and tosses it into the ring. He sets it up, climbs, but Jeff is up and gets the sunset flip powerbomb onto Anderson. BOTH men are down here, Jeff to his feet first, slams Anderson down. Up top, and Jeff does the leap over the ladder but MISSES the leg drop. Anderson to his feet, Jeff up and misses a charge. Rights by Anderson connect, a whip, countered and Jeff backdrops Anderson onto the ladder in the corner. Jeff sets a ladder upside down, and now chokes out Anderson in the ropes. Anderson back with chops, rights as well. Kicks away at the knee but Jeff tosses him to the floor. Basement dropkick by Jeff, and he slides to the floor. Jeff grabs his painted up ladder, and tries to toss it at Anderson, but Anderson caught it and tossed it back at Jeff. Jeff manages to fight back and slams Anderson into the steps. Jeff then runs off the steps and hits poetry in motion on Anderson. Anderson rolls into the crowd and Jeff hip tosses him over he railing. Back into the ring they go, and Jeff tries a suplex, countered and suplexes Jeff onto the upside down ladder. THAT had to suck. Both guys work to their feet, Anderson up and has a ladder. Sets it up and climbs. Jeff to his feet, pulls Anderson down and gets a cutter on Anderson. Jeff asks the ref for his painted ladder, and he gets it. Jeff walks around a bit, grabs Anderson, but Anderson gets the Finlay roll onto the ladder! Anderson up top, SWANTON MISSES as Jeff rolled and Anderson hit his head on the ladder. Jeff sets up another ladder, so we have two set up, and he climbs. Anderson up as well, they battle on the ladders, and they climb higher. They trade rights, Jeff slams Anderson face first onto the ladder, Jeff grabs the title, Anderson stops him, he swings the title away from Jeff and goes for a mic check, but Jeff grabs the title, Anderson flies off, but Jeff cannot pull it down as he fell as well. I think that was the finish there. Jeff kicks Anderson to the floor, climbs again for the ladder, Anderson back in, but Jeff pulls down the title and wins. Jeff Hardy defeated Champion Mr. Anderson @ 18:15 [***] Overall, the match was good despite some points of extreme dullness and the finish looking all kinds of messed up, and coming off as completely anticlimactic. These two did not have great chemistry as opponents, Anderson isn’t that good and Jeff was really hit or miss during this time for… many reasons.

Best of Five Series Match: Eddie Edwards [0] vs. Michael Elgin [2]: They go at it right at the bell, trading and Edwards follows with an overhead suplex and suicide dive. Back in and Edwards hits the lariat, tiger diver and covers for 2. Elgin counters back, hits a German and sliding lariat. Edwards to the apron, Elgin follows and hits an apron DVD. Back in and Elgin covers for 2. He follows with the back elbow, clubbing strikes but Edwards fights off a powerbomb until Elgin lights him up with strikes. Edwards fires back, they trade and Edwards is down. Edwards fights to his feet, they trade again and Edwards is down. Elgin talks shit, Edwards fires up and delivers strikes. He follows with chops, Elgin fires back and cuts him off. He follows with clotheslines but Edwards cuts him off and dumps him. Elgin cuts off the suicide dive with a forearm strike, looks to powerbomb him on the ramp but counters into a RANA. The Boston knee party follows and back in, Edwards follows with the top rope double stomp for 2. They trade, Elgin levels him and does the deal with the falcon arrow for 2. The bucklebomb follows but Edwards counters into a cradle for 2. Crossface by Elgin but Edwards counters out and hits a Boston knee party. Lariat by Elgin, hits another and covers for 2. They work up top and Elgin looks for a burning hammer, but Edwards counters and they trade enziguris. Edwards follows Elgin back up and Elgin counters into a super bomb but Edwards counters into a cradle and picks up the win. Eddie Edwards [1] defeated Michael Elgin [2] @ 13:00 via pin [***¾] This was a very good, physical match that played well off the previous meeting and also mixed in some new twists as Edwards finally wins one.

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The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 93. On the show, Ian Hamilton joins Larry Csonka for a long-form discussion on NXT UK, Mark Radulich helps preview WWE Super Showdown, & Steve Cook joins for a retro TNA Lockdown 2009 review. The show is approximately 181-minutes long.

* Intro
* NXT UK: The Birth, Lack of Growth, & Issues With The Brand: 3:10
* WWE Super Showdown Preview: 1:26:06
* Retro TNA Lockdown 2009 Review: 2:19:10

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* Spotify
* Stitcher
* Google Play

– End Scene.

– Thanks for reading.

The final score: review Good
The 411
This episode of Impact XPLOSION was an enjoyable show and an improvement over recent weeks.