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Joey Ryan Files Two More Lawsuits Over Sexual Assault Allegations

October 9, 2020 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Joey Ryan

Joey Ryan is continuing his shotgun approach of suing everyone associated with accusations that he sexually assaulted women, filing two more defamation lawsuits. PWInsider reports that Ryan filed a lawsuit on October 7th in the United States District Court, Central District of California against a woman living in Texas, and another on September 30th in Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles – Central Judicial District against a California woman.

The woman living in Texas referenced another woman’s story of sexual assault and, in the lawsuit’s words, “implied she had the same type of experience” with Ryan. The lawsuit contains much of the same background information on Ryan as presented in the other three lawsuits that he has filed over the allegations against him and says that he had consensual sex with the woman. The lawsuit claims:

“Defamatory Statement is, and was, false, including that Plaintiff did not assault [name deleted] in any way shape or form, sexual or otherwise. Any intimate acts between Plaintiff and [name deleted] were made with [deleted]’s clear consent and was bragged about by [deleted] to other persons. Plaintiff and [deleted] were involved in a sexual encounter with another woman and was unequivocally made with the consent of all person’s involved.”

Meanwhile, the lawsuit against the woman in Las Angeles is regarding direct claims that she was abused or assaulted by Ryan. Instead, the woman is a freelance writer (not named by PWInsider because she has identified herself as a sexual abuse survivor, just not by Ryan) who wrote about the allegations against Ryan. Ryan claims that her posts to Twitter regarding the allegations are particularly defamatory “because of the presumption and duty that writers who write about newsworthy stories have verified sources and conducted investigative diligence, before making factual statements.”

Ryan claims that the woman made six different defamatory statements against him online and told those reading her tweets not to support videos from Bar Wrestling because they would support Ryan. He states that she called him “the Harvey Weinstein of wrestling” on a podcast. He is asking in the case against the Los Angeles woman that in addition to damages, he is asking the court to decleare that the allegations she made against him are false as follows:

“Plaintiff prays that this this court declare as false statements that 1) Plaintiff assaulted women; (2) Plaintiff committed a sexual battery on women; (3) Plaintiff committed (1) and (2) in a manner that would be considered a felony;(4) women engaged in sexual acts with Plaintiff without the consent of those women; and/or (5) women were forced by Plaintiff to engage in sexual acts with Plaintiff, forced meaning the use of fear, threat and intimidation, including Defendant’s false statement that Plaintiff had, and used, business power in professional wrestling.”

In addition to that, Ryan is asking the court for $25,000 or more per allegation she levied against him, non-economic damages, an injunction preventing the woman from making such statements, order all websites who published her comments to remove them, reimburse legal costs, and award punitive and exemplary damages. In the Texas case, he’s asking for the same that he’s asked in some of other lawsuits: “$200,000.00 per month in economic damages starting 6/21/20 based on his loss of revenue,” $5 million in non-economic damages, as well as an injunction “permanently restraining and enjoining defendant” from making and publishing her allegations as well as ordering her to retract them, to direct “any, and all, websites that defendant posted the defamatory statements” to delete the statements, and pay for his legal fees.

He has requested a jury trial in both cases.

article topics :

Joey Ryan, Jeremy Thomas