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Winfree’s AEW Dark: Elevation (Ep. 78) Review 8.29.22

August 29, 2022 | Posted by Robert Winfree
AEW Dark: Elevation Image Credit: AEW
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Winfree’s AEW Dark: Elevation (Ep. 78) Review 8.29.22  

Hello everyone, time for another episode of AEW Dark: Elevation. Tonight we’ve got a third part title match in the main event when Hikaru Shida defends her Regina di Wave title against Emi Sakura. Elsewhere on the card Matt Hardy is in action, as is Serena Deeb, Julia Hart, Dante Martin, and more. The last few episodes have been very squash heavy so hopefully we get a few more competitive bouts this time. Once again Excalibur and Matt Menard are on commentary, they’re a bit more podcast style commentary than athletic commentary but the difference is largely just preference.

Match #1: Dante Martin vs. Wes Barkley

They tie up and Martin starts out wrestling Wes before we wind up in a standoff. Dante grabs a side headlock then some rope play before Martin lands a shotgun drop kick. Clothesline from Wes gets a 1 count but Martin fires up with running attacks then lands a kick from the apron and hits a cross body for a 2 count. This time Martin manages to not hurt his opponent with the cross body. A bit of evasive moves from Martin before he catches Wes in his new half nelson slam finisher to get the win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Dante Martin won in 2:00

Rating: Aurantia. . . SQUASH

Decent squash, and Wes kept up with Martin rather admirably.

Match #2: Julia Hart vs. Arie Alexander

Hart again starts a match by staring daggers at her opponent, then she starts laying in strikes. Chop from Hart, her chops definitely need work, but she follows up with a front flip clothesline then misses a corner splash and Alexander lands some strikes of her own. Hart fights back with a snapmare then a kick to the back of the head and a standing moonsault. Sliding clothesline to the back of the head, then Hart locks in her Rings of Saturn variant to get the tap.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Julia Hart won in 1:56

Rating: Black futsu. . . SQUASH

Hart still struggles a bit with connective tissue for a match, but she’s smoothed out a lot of her mechanics. That chop didn’t look great though. Also please, name your finish already. Post match Matt Menard calls her finish the Heartless Lock, so thank you for that.

Match #3 – Tag Team Match: Marina Shafir and Nyla Rose w/ Vickie Guerrero vs. Skye Blue and Queen Aminata

Blue and Rose start us out, Blue lands some kicks while avoiding Rose, but Rose gets her in the corner then misses an avalanche. Some kicks from Blue but Rose catches her and hits a spinning powerslam then cheap shots Aminata. Shafir tags in, but Blue fights back and drops Rose onto Shafir’s knees then tags in Aminata who chops Shafir leading to a knee from Blue. Aminata hits a suplex then a kick to the back and a running knee to follow up. Shafir starts landing strikes then hits an arm drag and a kick. More kicks from Shafir then a uranage and she tags in Rose. Rose with a running splash and Blue has to break up the pin. While Blue and Rose bicker Shafir chokes out Aminata in the corner behind the refs back. Shafir tags back in and Aminata takes a leg kick then Rose follows up with a senton. Aminata fights back with a jawbreaker and tags in Blue, Shafir avoids a kick then hits a German suplex and tags in Rose. Rose and Shafir with a 3D that that has Shafir hit a DDT instead of a Cutter and that lets Rose get the pin.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Nyla Rose and Marina Shafir won in 3:40

Rating: 2 stars

Shafir is still coming along, her offense seems to be a little less stiff (in a good way) and Skye Blue continues to try and find a way to actually get a win over Nyla Rose.

Match #4: Matt Hardy vs. RSP

They tie up, and RSP drives Hardy into the corner. Hardy shoves him and demands to be hurt with a Raven pose, RSP obliges with strikes then misses a splash in the corner and Hardy lays in punches of his own. Some more corner offense from Hardy then he grabs a sleeper hold and Private Party head to the entrance stage to watch things. RSP fights back with strikes but Hardy cuts him off and hits a neckbreaker. Hardy tries a Side Effect, RSP is too big though and is able to fight back with an enziguri. RSP heads up top but Hardy avoids his senton then Hardy hops up to hit a second rope elbow drop. Hardy wants the Twist of Fate, he gets it and we’re done.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Matt Hardy won in 3:16

Rating: Caserta. . . SQUASH

Not a bad squash, but more about the brief interaction between Hardy and Private Party.

Match #5: Serena Deeb vs. Katie Arquette

Matt Menard on commentary again predicts under 3 minutes for the match. Deeb grabs an arm right away and hits an arm breaker. Katie escapes the arm wringer but Deeb avoids a single leg and lays in chops. Deeb grabs an Octopus hold, Katie fights free but Deeb then hits an uppercut to the back of the head. Some elbows from Katie then a headbutt but Deeb avoids a corner attack and hits a spinning neckbreaker then hooks the Serenity Lock to get the tap.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Serena Deeb won in 2:03

Rating: Casertaosa. . . SQUASH

Delicious squash, but I do wonder what we’re building towards with Deeb.

Match #6: Frankie Kazarian vs. Andrea Guercio

They tie up and Frankie gives a clean break out of the corner, then Guercio curses him out in Italian. Another tie up, Guercio tries a cheap shot but Frankie avoids it and hits some arm drags then starts working the arm. Guercio fights into an arm wringer, Frankie counters and hits another arm drag then lays in a few chops. Russian leg sweep from Frankie gets a 1 count and Guercio rolls to the apron then snaps Frankie over the top rope. Kicks from Guercio get a 1 count but Frankie lays in more chops then a few running attacks as Frankie fires up. Scoop slam from Frankie then his second rope leg drop. Crossface chicken wing applied by Frankie and that gets the submission win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Frankie Kazarian won in 2:50

Rating: Casertara. . . SQUASH

Always nice to see Frankie Kazarian get some work in.

Match #7 – Trios Match: Rush, The Butcher, and The Blade w/ Jose vs. Elijah, Zach Nystrom, and Chase Oliver

Rush starts things off with a flying forearm to Nystrom and proceeds to abuse him for a bit. Corner attacks from Rush then he fakes a running drop kick and kicks Nystrom in the face then poses. Oliver tags in as does Butcher, and Butcher just no sells his offense and then wipes him out with strikes. Corner strikes from Butcher then a pump handle suplex and Blade tags in. Blade with strikes of his own then Oliver flips out of a back suplex and tags in Elijah. Elijah with strikes but Blade cuts him off with a clothesline and tags in Butcher. Drag the Lake to Elijah then they take out the guys on the apron, tag in Rush who hits the Bulls Horns and we’re done.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Rush, Butcher and Blade won in 3:20

Rating: Delicata. . . SQUASH

Delicious squash.

Match #8 – Regina di Wave Title Match: (c) Hikaru Shida vs. Emi Sakura w/ Ballyann Akki

Before the bell Emi brains Shida with her crown and they start brawling as the match officially begins. Emi slams Shida’s head into the corner then corner chops but Shida follows her when she tries to set for the corner cross body and slams her in the corner but takes too much time mocking Emi. Emi tries a suplex, Shida counters with a suplex of her own. 10 punches in the corner from Shida then a drop kick on the way down. Emi with a chop as Shida’s on the apron, then a cross body that drives Shida to the floor but when Emi heads to the apron Shida kicks her legs out and face plants her on the apron. Shida sets up a chair and tries a jumping knee but Emi avoids it and hits a back suplex onto the chair. Nasty looking spot. Back in the ring and Shida is nearly out but Emi wants another move before the cover and hits a Tiger Driver for a near fall. Now Emi heads up top and hits a moonsault for another near fall. Emi grabs at the Queen’s Gambit but Shida kicks her to break free. Shida heads up top, Emi tries a powerbomb but Shida counters with a hurricanrana then hits a running knee strike and both women are down. Shida fires up and opens her shirt to call for chops from Emi, Emi obliges and they start trading strikes and Shida gets the better of things then hits a sliding elbow. Up top goes Shida then a Meteora to a seated Emi gets a near fall. Shida wants the Katana but Emi pulls the ref into the way then rakes the eyes but Shida avoids a Queen’s Gambit and hits a Falcon Arrow but Emi counters the pin into a Victory Roll for 2, then she grabs a Magistral Cradle for another near fall. Emi tries the Queen’s Gambit but Shida back drops her out, hits a springboard knee then a wicked elbow and a running knee strike for another near fall. Now Shida’s had enough and hits the Katana to finally put down Emi.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Hikaru Shida retained the title in 6:30

Rating: 3 stars

Solid match, these two obviously work well together got to have a physical match here. They put a lot into six and a half minutes but did get a few believable near falls worked in down the stretch.

The final score: review Good
The 411
The main event pushes this above Average and into Good territory. The main event is worth a watch but per usual they leaned heavily into squash territory. Nyla Rose beating Skye Blue again is a nice little running gag though.