wrestling / TV Reports
Jeremy’s WWE Backlash 2023 Review

Hello, everyone and welcome to our live WWE Backlash coverage right here on 411! I’m Jeremy Thomas, and tonight WWE is in Puerto Rico for a show that, while a bit superfluous considering Night of Champions is coming up, at least doesn’t have the unwieldy “WrestleMania Backlash” name anymore. Look, we find the small victories where we can.
Tonight’s show has a lot of action on tap including both Women’s Championships and the US Championship, the latter of which will be defended in a triple threat bout. Plus Bad Bunny takes on Damian Priest in a San Juan Street Fight, Seth Rollins faces Omos, and Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn join forces with Matt Riddle against The Bloodline. And of course, Cody Rhodes will seek his revenge against Brock Lesnar. Should be some fun matches in there, so lets get right into it.
As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.
* The cold open looks over San Juan, and Bad Bunny says Backlash is coming. Usual montage stuff, with Bunny narrating and saying on his island, revenge is the soundtrack. Sometimes it feels good to be bad.
* We’re LIVE in San Juan, with a cool drone shot coming into the building. And we’re kicking off the show with the Raw Women’s Championship match.
Raw Women’s Championship Match
Bianca Belair vs. IYO SKY
Lock up to start, IYO gets backed into the ropes and turns it around. Bianca backs IYO to the middle of the ring, wristlock which IYO reverses. Belair with a bodyslam but IYO escapes, only to be taken down with a headlock. IYO with a headscissors, Bianca flips out, gets taken down and counters with a headscissors that IYO flips out of. Trip by Bianca, cover for one.
Belair runs IYO over with a shoulder tackle, they trade handsprings and IYO monkeyflips Bianca into the corner, Belair goes up and leaps over before dropkicking IYO. Bodyslam and another, she goes for a third but IYO escapes to the apron and snaps Bianca’s arm against the top rope. IYO goes up top and grabs Bianca, straitjacket submission for five. She grabs Bianca’s arm and leaps into a stomp on it from the top.
IYO goes after the arm but Bianca kicks her off. IYO with kicks to the gut, she works over the arm in the ropes. Double stomp to the elbow by the challenger. IYO takes Bianca down, Bianca escapes an arm submission and bodyslams IYO. INto the ropes but IYO traps Belair’s arm and lays in some shots, she sends Bianca shoulder-first into the corner. Right back to the shoulder into a dragon sleeper takedown, followed by a kneedrop to the arm. Belair kicks IYO away but gets laid against the bottom turnbuckle. IYO charges but Belair moves, she avoids another charge and grabs IYO but IYO counters into a stomp to the gut. IYO covers for two.
IYO with a shot to the head, they start trading punches on their knees. Belair up and batters IYO, IYO into the ropes and goes for a rana but Belair catches her — backbreaker! Belair can’t cover because her arm is hurting too bad from that. Bianca back up, IYO standing and gets clotheslined down twice and dropkicked. Delayed vertical suplex by the champ, who kips up! She charges into a shoulder to the gut, then grabs IYO for a middle rope punch 10 count. IYO shoves her off but Belair with a shot to the head, she grabs IYO and picks her up for a military press — WITH ONE ARM! She drops IYO headfirst into the mat, handspring moonsault and cover for a nearfall.
Belair picks IYO up, IYO slides out but gets snapmared. Belair charges but IYO moves, IYO with several strikes and then she runs up the corner and onto the apron, snapping Belair’s arm against the ropes. Springboard missile dropkick, and Belair is sent outside of the ring. IYO up top but Belair pushes her down and goes up — 450 but IYO gets the knees up! Crossface by IYO, but Belair escapes and gets to her feet — powerbomb attempt by Bianca, countered into a facebuster for a nearfall.
IYO very frustrated now, she goes to the corner and charges in for double knees. Double underhook suplex but Belair escapes, IYO rolls through and stomps but Belair dodges, KOD attempt but IYO escapes and sends Belair to the outside. Belair pulls IYO down and gets shoved back, Bianca runs in for a handstand but IYO with a knee to the gut to counter the slam. Moonsault by IYO to the outside onto Belair! IYO rolls Bianca in and covers for two.
IYO charges in to Belair in the corner and sets the champ on the top. She climbs up but Bianca shoves her to the apron. IYO right back up and sets up for the superrana but Bianca holds on! She stands up — sitting powerbomb! Cover for only two-plus though.
Dakota Kai and Bayley are out and they distract Bianca, IYO grabs Bianca’s ponytail but gets shoved into KOD position. BIanca knocks IYO into Kai on the apron but IYO rolls Bianca up for almost three! Bianca staggers to her feet nd pulls Bayley in the ring, throwing her to the outside. She goes after IYO but IYO pulls Bianca into the ropes. She sets up Bianca for the Moonsault and Bayley is caught holding Bianca’s braid. That distraction gives Bianca time to recover, she rolls out of the way and hits the KOD for the pin.
Winner: Bianca Belair (18:00)
Rating: *** 1/4
Thoughts: Very good match to kick us off. We had Bianca and IYO go hard at each other and deliver for most of the match without interruption, and the Damage CTRL botched interference was inevitable but came off well.
* Rey Mysterio comes into Bad Bunny’s locker room and they trade compliments in Spanish. Then Savio Vega shows up with a Puerto Rico-themed kendo stick and he talks with Bunny in Spanish.
* Cole and Graves run down the Draft results and hype the weird-ass crossbrand format of the tournament to determine the new World Heavyweight Championship that will be exclusive to Raw.
Omos vs. Seth Rollins
Omos shoves Rollins before the match starts. Bell rings and Omos runs Rollins over, then splashes him in the corner. Omos stands on Seth’s chest, then whips him hard chest first into the corner. Rollins out onto the apron now and Omos grabs him but Rollins leaps off the apron to hang him. Rollins up top and leaps but Omos decks him in the gut.
Omos showboats, then picks Rollins up with one hand and facepalms him in the corner. Omos drags Rollins out to the center of the ring and shoves him over the top rope. Omos outside and he grabs Rollins, putting him on the shoulder but Rollins slides off and sends Omos into the ringpost. Rollins inside the ring and dives onto Omos, he tries again but Omos catches him and chokeslams him onto the apron. Omos grabs Rollins and picks him up into a military press, throwing him over the ropes from the floor.
Omos back in now, he grabs Rollins and picks him up on his shoulder. Snake eyes in the corner, big boot. Omos mocks Rollins and soaks in the boos, then grabs Seth and picks him up — but ROllins slides onto his back for a sleeper. Omos flings him off, Rollins with an enzuigiri in the corner and a springboard knee to the head. Kicks to Omos’ thigh, ROlls into the ropes for a dropkick to the knee and a superkick! Omos going for the Pedigree but no luck, Omos backdrops him.
Rollins in the corner and Omos charges, but Rollins escapes to the outside. He grabs Omos and slams him into the ringpost, Tornado DDT! Rollins goes up top, BIG frog splash, cover for one. Rollins looks shocked.
Rollins with fists to the head of Omos, Omos goozles him but Rollins escapes and hits an elbow, up top for a knee to the back of the neck. Rollins goes for the curb stomp but Omos blocks it and hits a chokeslam for two. Omos grabs Rollins for a choke bomb, Rollins escapes and jumps on Omos for a sleeper. Omos briefly escapes but Rollins reapplies it in the center of the ring. Omos fades for a bit but manages to stand up and turns it into a side slam.
MVP on the apron now to distract referee Jessika Carr, Rollins hits the stomp and then superkicks MVP. Rollins preps, hits a second stomp and covers for two. Rollins on the apron and climbs up top, Omos is up to his knees and sits up, TOP ROPE STOMP! That’s enough for the three.
Winner: Seth Rollins (10:32)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: This was exactly the kind of big man vs. little man match you’d expect. It never got out of first gear, not that it was ever going to. Nothing was actively bad here, but it was a bit lacking for a PPV match.
* We’re reminded of Damian Priest and Bad Bunny getting physical at the Backlash press conference on Friday.
WWE United States Championship Match
Austin Theory vs. Bronson Reed vs. Bobby Lashley
Theory goes after Lashley and gets knocked down to start. Lashley takes it to Reed and beats him in the corner, Theory run into a back elbow, Lashley throws Theory into Reed but runs him over before he can hit a DDT. Lashley goes for the Hurt Lock, but Theory breaks it up and sends Reed toi the outside before beating on Lashley.
Lashley counters a suplex with one of his own. Lashley charges at Theory but the champ escapes to the outside and trips Lashley, Reed splashes him. Reed sends Lashley into the corner and splashes him Theory splashes Lashley too. Theory and Reed agree to work together and beat on Lashley, snapmare by Theory and a cannonball by Reed. Theoy puts Lashley in the corner and clotheslines him to show Reed how it’s done, and gets run over by Reed. Lashley back and he slams Reed, then runs over Theory. SPEAR!
Cover but Reed pulls Lashley out of the ring. Reed dodges a clothesline and takes Lashley down, then gets on the apron for a Vader Bomb TO THE OUTSIDE onto Lashley! Red grabs Lashley and rolls him in, then goes up top — Theory crotches him.
Theory grabs Lashely for A Town Down, but Lashley escapes and locks in the Hurt Lock. Theory springboards off the ropes to knock Lashley down and bridges to force the break, Reed with a Tsunami to Lashley! But Theory breaks up the cover.
Reed and Theory now trading shots, Theory with a rolling Blockbuster. He picks Reed up on his shoulders! But Reed slips down and hits a powerslam. Reed goes up top, moonsault but Theory moves. Lashley with a spear but Theory chucks him and covers Reed for three.
Winner: Austin Theory (6:51)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: Too short for a PPV-level triple threat match to mean much of anything. Theory retained his title as expected and everyone worked at this, but it felt like a weekly TV match and not a PPV one.
* We get an ad for WWE Night of Champions.
Smackdown Women’s Championship Match
Rhea Ripley vs. Zelina Vega
Zelina is so ridiculously over here. Rhea and Zelina jaw a bit, Rhea lunges and Zelina dodges. Rhea catches Zelina but Zelina escapes through the ropes, grabs a chancla from her mom and THROWS IT at Rhea! YES! Zelina up top for the rana, but Rhea catches her for a powerbomb for two. Rhea lays in a fist and then slams Zelina’s head into the mat. More manhandling, Zelina thrown into the corner and Rhea with shoulder thrusts to the midsection. Whip across the ring, Zelina hits the mat and Rhea does the Eddie shake to heel it up.
Zelina lays in some punches but Rhea stops her short and throws her into the corner. Whip across the ring again, Zelina back to the mat. Rhea grabs Zelina for a backbreaker and plays to the crowd before a gutwrench pickup into a modified Gory lock in the center of the ring. Zelina manages to escape and tries for the whip into the corner, Rhea reverses and charges in but Zelina moves and Rhea hits her shoulder hard.
Zelina with strikes to Ripley, she gets thrown into the corner but blocks a punch and comes off the ropes with clotheslines. Rhea doesn’t go down and she hits a headbutt on the third run in. Rhea for the Riptide but Zelina counters with a DDT! Rhea in the ropes, Zelina with the 619! Zelina up to the middle rope, shoulder shake, Meteora and cover for two!
Zelina up and she lays in fists to the head, off the ropes but Rhea with a kick to the head. Rhea grabs Zelina, Riptide and that’s it.
Winner: Rhea Ripley (7:11)
Rating: ** 3/4
Thoughts: The crowd being CRAZY hot for this match helped it out. Zelina looked great as the underdog babyface and Rhea bumped well for her before the inevitable happened. The ending was never in doubt, but you can’t help but feel good for Vega in terms of getting this match.
After the match, Zelina gets to her feet and the crowd cheers her as the hometown hero like there’s no tomorrow. Vega is overcome with emotions.
San Juan Street Fight
Damian Priest vs. Bad Bunny
Bad Bunny is INSANELY over, to no shock. Priest stares at Bunny from the center of the ring and Bunny walks right up to him, only to get shoved down. Bunny back up and goes face to face, and Priest puts Bunny in the corner, faking a hit and laughing when Bunny flinches. Bunny fires back with a punch, then hits a Michinoku Driver for one!
Bunny escapes to the outside and grabs two kendo sticks, selecting one. He slides into the ring when Priest goes out, Priest comes in and grabs Bunny to slam him into the corner. Priest grabs the stick and snaps it over his knee. Bunny with a shot, Priest fires back and bodyslams Bunny. Casual kick to the side of the head, Priest plays to the crowd and then locks in a wristlock. Bunny with a right and gets his wrist wrenched. Bunny with another right and gets knocked down — Bunny with a thumb to the eye and gets shoved away. Priest moves in but is hit with a jawbreaker, Bunny climbs up in the corner for two punches before Priest pulls him away, but Bunny rolls him up for two.
Priest with a clap to the ears and a big shot to the dome. He backs up and comes in for a Stinger Splash. South of Heaven, cover but Priest pulls Bunny up at two. Priest goes outside and gets into the weapons for an axe handle. He comes back into the ring but throws the axe handle out when Bunny rolls to the outside. Priest goes to leap over the ropes but Bunny throws a chair in his face! Bunny back in with a kendo shot, but Priest catches him. Bunny up on the top but grabs Priest for a Tornado DDT, followed by a clothesline over the top! Bunny climbs up — crossbody dive to Priest on the outside!
Bunny grabs a couple trash can lids and starts waffling Priest with them, including smashing them both on either side of his head. Another kendo stick, we’re back in and Bunny swings away. Priest eventually catches a shot and throws Bunny off — but Bunny with a splash in the corner and a clap to the ears. Falcon Arrow, cover for two.
Priest has escaped to the outside, and he’s bled a tiny bit now. Bunny taunts him to get in the ring and Priest turns to leave. Bunny grabs a garbage can and charges, and Priest turns around and big boots the trash can. Trash can to a downed Bunny, and Priest grabs the can lid to waffle Bunny with it. Priest with the Puerto Rico kendo stick, and he smacks Bunny across the back with it.
Priest grabs Bunny and throws him into the timekeeper’s area. He grabs Bunny and decks him, shoving him past the guardrail. They’re fighting in the audience and Bunny takes a few shots but is mostly battered. Priest grabs Bunny and sets him on a trunk in the tech area, then climbs up. He grabs Bunny and pulls him up — Bunny is fighting back. Priest with a shot to Bunny and picks him up — BROKEN ARROW OFF THE TRUNK THROUGH A TABLE!
Adam Pearce is now out to check on Bunny as Priest crawls away and gets to his feet. Priest says Bunny isn’t done because he isn’t and grabs Bunny, putting him on his shoulder and carrying him back to the ringside area. He dumps Bunny and climbs over, then delivers a kick to the chest. Another kick to Bunny against the ringpost, and a spin kick — but Bunny moves and Priest kicks the post! Priest calls for the official and gets in the ring — Bunny follows with a kendo stick and lays into the leg. Priest knocks Bunny back for a breather, Bunny charges in and Bunny gets the boot up but Bunny catches it and drops down to snap it against his shoulder.
Priest is saying his leg is not okay and Bunny grabs him, slamming the leg around the ringpost. Fists to a downed Priest and another leg slam into the post. Bunny grabs a chain and smacks Priest with it, then uses it to yank Bunny’s leg into the post as Priest begs off. Bunny grabs a chair and waffles Priest’s leg with it!
Priest is rolling in pain and Bunny is in the ring, backs the official off and goes to swing, but Priest begs. Bunny hesitates and Priest decks him. Priest back to one leg and grabs the chair, he goes to swing and Bunny hits a low blow! Bunny has the chair — and here comes Dominik and Balor. They attack Bunny and lay him out with boots, Balor sets the chair in the corner.
AND HERE COMES REY! Mysterio comes for the save but Dominik and Balor beat him down —
AND HERE’S CARLITO! Carlito comes into the ring and lays out Dominik, then Rey takes out Balor. BACKSTABBER to Balor! Carlito takes a bit of his apple, Dominik attacks from behind. WHip into the ropes but Rey trips him and hits the 619! Apple spit in Dom’s face! Rey and Carlito chase Balor and Dom back — AND HERE COMES SAVIO VEGA! The LWO is looking stacked tonight!
Balor and Dom look between Vega and Carlito, they stare down Vega and — IT’S THE LWO! It’s a full-on Judgment Day beatdown on Dom! Balor turns around right into Vega, and Vega with the overhand chops! Back kick takes Finn out, and Vega turns to Dom to beat him down. The LWO chase the Judgment Day to the back.
In the ring, Priest tries to kick Bunny as he turns around but his leg gives out and Bunny locks in the Figure Four! Priest is fading, he lets the shoulders down for two. Bunny lays into the knee, Priest nearly taps but manages to escape with a chokehold. He goes for the chokeslam, but Bunny counters with a roll-up for two. Priest dives at Bunny and goes into Chekhov’s corner chair, Bunny with the Sliced Bread for two!
Bunny grabs a chair from the outside and lays into Priest’s back repeatedly. He goes wild with the chair and then gets the crowd hyped up, kicks Priest in the gut — CANADIAN DESTROYER! That finishes it!
Winner: Bad Bunny (25:56)
Rating: ****
Thoughts: This was a car crash and overbooked effort that accomplished exactly what it needed to. Bunny held his own and looked great, Priest carried him very well and the LWO and Judgement Day stuff was great for the drama, including the Carlito and Vega appearances. This was just a wild, entertaining mess in the best way.
Bunny celebrates with the LWO, Carlito and Vega in the ring after the match as Priest looks on upset from ringside.
Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn & Matt Riddle vs. The Bloodline
Sami and Jey start off and lock up. Jey with a headlock, gets shot into the ropes and runs Sami over. The Usos grandstand for the audience for a moment and then back into the lockup. Jey with a headlock, shot into the ropes and Sami runs him over now. Jey back into his corner and tags in Jimmy, who invites Sami to tag in Owens.
Owens tags in and batters Jimmy into the corner. He mocks Solo and then eats a right hand, but knocks Jimmy down with a back elbow and hits a senton. Riddle tags in and beats on JImmy in the corner, Irish whip reversed but Riddle up and over for a kick to the head and a gutwrench suplex. Sami tags in and sends Jimmy into the turnbuckle, elbow drop off the second rope. Jimmy escapes to his corner and Solo tags himself in.
Solo and Sami stare off, lock up and Solo puts Sami in the corner before laying in punches. He gets backed off but goes right back in and batters Sami to the ground. Sami tossed into the ropes for a big back elbow. Solo throws Sami to the ground in the hostile corner and calls for Jimmy to tag in. Jimmy in now and drives shoulders into Sami’s gut, Jey tags in and hits a leaping forearm in the corner.
Sami fights back but is pushed into the hostile corner. Jimmy tags in and batters Sami until Solo tags himself in. Kick between the legs to Sami and then a headbutt and choke against the ropes. Jimmy with a kick to the head as the ref backs Solo up. Jimmy tags in and wishbone to Sami, Jimmy follows up with a chinlock. Sami to his feet and tries to get the tag but Jimmy slams him down and superkicks Riddle on the apron. Sami into the ropes and leaps over Jimmy, clothesline and he crawls for the tag. Jey tags in but Sami sends him out of the ring, Sami goes for the tag but Jimmy knocks KO off the apron and slams him back first into the steps.
Riddle tries to come in but that allows Jimmy and Solo to manhandle Sami behind the ref’s back. Sami fights out of the corner and tries to get the tag, Jey blocks him and sends him into the ropes for a Samoan Drop. Cover but Sami’s shoulder is up. Solo wants in and gets the tag, he nails Sami. Headbutt in the corner and then a shot to the gut. Solo sets Semi on the top and swings but Sami blocks and hits a punch, boots to the face and a Tornado DDT! Jimmy tags in but Riddle tags in hot! He takes out both Usos, ripcord knee to Jey and he charges at Jimmy and then Jey with leaping forearms. SUplex to each Uso and a standing moonsault to them. He’s on the apron as the Usos go to the outside, kick to Solo on the apron and a spinning dive to all three!
Back in the ring and Jimmy stops Riddle trying a Buckshot lariat with a superkick, cover for two. Jimmy goes up top but Riddle runs up and grabs Jimmy for a suplex. KO tags in and goes up top, Swanton and cover for a nearfall. KO goes for the Stunner but it’s blocked, Jimmy with the superkick dodged, Owens with a superkick. Jimmy goes for a superkick but hits Jey! KO kicks Solo and hits the pop-up powerbomb for two!
Owens up top for the Swanton but Jey gets the knees up! Both men are slow to get up but eventually fight their way to standing and trade punches. KO takes over with punches, Stunner blocked and Jey with a superkick. KO with a superkick, Jey fires back but is hit with a clothesline!
Sami gets the tag, so does Jimmy. Blue Thunder Bomb by Sami for a nearfall. Zayn goes up top, but Jimmy with an enzuigiri and another. Jey tags in, The Usos go up for a superplex but Sami is fighting them off. Jimmy is down, Jey is down and Sami leaps off INTO A DOUBLE SUPERKICK! Cover for a nearfall.
Jey is talking shit to Sami, saying Sami’s breaking his family up and it’s Sami’s fault. The shirt is off and thrown at Zayn. Jey gets ready to charge, but Solo tags himself in. And Jey tags HIMSELF in in response! Jey says he’s got it. and he manages to duck a Helluva Kick, which hits Solo! Exploder on Jey, Helluva Kick, cover but Solo breaks it up!
Solo now stands ovrr Sami and Jey, and turns to Jey but Riddle with a superkick. Stunner by Owens, Solo with the Samoan Spike. Jey grabs Solo from behind and Solo nearly Spikes him! He looks like he might do it anyway and Jey gets in his face — Sami runs over Solo and gets rolled up for two. Superkick from Jey, who goes up top to dive but Sami gets the knees up. Cover for two, Jey superkicks Sami who tags in Riddle on the way down. Riddle takes over and hits the Bro Derek, but Solo had made the blind tag. Solo takes out Riddle for the pin.
Winner: The Bloodline (22:03)
Rating: *** 3/4
Thoughts: Great drama, decent action. The division between the Bloodline members was played well and the ending puts them in an interesting position. I’m not mad at this at all.
* We get a vignette on Gunther to break up the action.
Cody Rhodes vs. Brock Lesnar
Cody dives to the outside on Brock before the bell starts! He beats Brock with the booth top and then grabs the ringsteps, smashing them into Brock’s head twice — and a third time! Cody grabs a chair from under the table and lays waste to Brock’s back repeatedly. Brock rolls into the ring and Cody comes with, the match starts.
Cody pounds on Brock in the corner but Brock grabs Cody and carries him across the ring. Drop punch, two Disaster kicks from Cody. Cody springboards off the ropes but is caught by Brock into a release German suplex.
Brock up now and he isn’t happy. He grabs Cody but Cody drops and hangs Brock on the ropes, nailing a punch and kick. Crossbody off the top, caught by Brock into a fallaway slam. Brock begins the Suplex City trip with the second release German. A third release German follows, sending Cody into the corner. Brock kicks Cody and stands over him, kicking at the ribs. Brock with another release German to Cody.
Brock is taking his time now and kicks Cody, then nails a vertical suplex, then another. Cody pulls the turnbuckle pad off as Brock hits his seventh suplex. He stands over Cody and grabs him for a bear hug, Cody is trying to elbow free. Belly to belly from Brock, who starts driving Cody in the corner with shoulder thrusts. Brock backs up and goes to charge in — Cody with a drop toe-hold and Brock hit the turnbuckle! He’s busted open, Cody with the Cutter! Cody back to his feet, he nails the Disaster Kick and starts laying into Brock’s face! Another Cody Cutter! Cody sets up — Cross Rhodes! And another! He covers, Brock kicks out at two-plus.
Cody is hyped up now, he tells Brock to get up and goes for the Cross Rhodes — Brock with the F5! He covers, Cody kicks out at two-plus! Both men slot to get up, Cody with a shot to Brock’s head and another. Brock goes for the Kimura Lock, Cody is trying to fight it off. He pushes Brock’s shoulders back and gets the pin!
Winner: Cody Rhodes (9:40)
Rating: *** 1/2
Thoughts: That ending was really anti-climactic and took this down a slight notch, and beyond that this was a typical Brock match. It’s great to see Cody get the win against all odds, it’s a great moment for him even if it was sort of an underdog pinfall win.
And with that, we’re done for the night!