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Kris Statlander On Growth Of AEW’s Women’s Division, Competing For TV Time With Men

August 16, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Kris Statlander AEW Dynamite 7-31-24 Image Credit: AEW

Kris Statlander recently weighed in on the growth of AEW’s women’s division and motivation to keep the momentum going. Statlander appeared on The Mark Hoke Show and talked about the division; you can see highlights below (h/t to Fightful):

On the growth of the division: “Not only are they very talented wrestlers, but they’re all just so motivated to continue on this path of this upward rise that we’re on. I think so many of us have been an afterthought, in a way, where now that we’re getting a little bit of an inch, we’re taking a mile, and we’re doing everything that we can to prove that we can hang and we can outwork other people and have a rightful spot on every single show that we’re on.”

On if there’s a rivalry between men and women for more TV time: “I mean, there’s always a desire for more time, no matter who you are. You can’t really pinpoint people against each other. We’re all working together for a company, for the better of the company, to put out an amazing product for the fans. So it’s not fair to try to pinpoint people against each other. Everyone wants to be a part of something great and something special, and we all want to put our best foot forward, and we all want the opportunity to prove that we are doing what’s best for the show and for everyone, so I think there’s just always gonna be a desire to be seen and to be as beneficial as much as possible. I wouldn’t say that we’re fighting each other or anything.”

article topics :

AEW, Kris Statlander, Jeremy Thomas