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James McAvoy Asked For a Major Scene to Be Added to IT: Chapter Two

The most recent trailer for IT: Chapter Two reveals James McAvoy’s Bill being tormented in a funhouse, and that scene was due to a request by McAvoy. The actor spoke with EW and revealed that the scene in which Bill ends up in a hall of mirrors face-to-face with Pennywise was not scripted, and came from a concern he voiced about the movie.
“We were missing a vital story beat for Bill where he dealt with his guilt that he caused his brother’s death,” McAvoy said of the scene. “I said to Andy [Muschietti], ‘What can we do?’…and literally in 50 minutes, he invented a whole new sequence. It was never in the script, and it isn’t in the book. It’s brilliant.”
You can also see a new image from the sequence below courtesy of EW. The film opens on September 6th.