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James McAvoy Says He Hasn’t Been Contacted About Joining the MCU

James McAvoy played the younger Charles Xavier in Fox’s X-Men franchise, and while Patrick Stewart returned to the role for the MCU McAvoy says he hasn’t been contacted for such. There was a rumor floating around that McAvoy may be returning as Xavier for Avengers: Secret Wars, but McAvoy denied the news (with a caveat) during an interview with GQ UK. You can check out some highlights below:
On loving his time as Xavier: “It was one of the most positive experiences I’ve had with a studio. I don’t really [see them as just] money gigs. Days of Future Past I think is one of the better films that I’ve been involved in.”
On his biggest issue with the films: “My biggest criticism of what we did throughout the four movies was that after the first movie, we didn’t take advantage of the relationship between [Xavier Magneto], which really formed the backbone of the first film. So it was like, why did we just eject that massive weapon?”
On why fans think he wants nothing to do with Marvel going forward: “I’m very quick to say, ‘No, I’m done.’ Or ‘I’m not that bothered about coming back.’ Because you move forward.”
On a possible return: “I’ve definitely not got the call [from Kevin Feige]. And if I did I would definitely not be telling you.”