Topic: Donovan Dijak

wrestlingMLW Announces Donovan Dijak for Battle Riot VII

It's official...

wrestlingDonovan Dijak Offers His Advice for Recently Released WWE Talents

Dijak comments...

wrestlingDonovan Dijak Announces Launch of His Dijak Wrestling Academy

A new wrestling school by Dijak...

wrestlingOTT Wrestling Announces Donovan Dijak, Luke Jacobs & More For 2025 Loco Rumble

OTT Wrestling has announced the first competitors for the 2025 Loco Rumble including Donovan Dijak, Luke Jacobs, Grado and more...

wrestlingDonovan Dijak Reflects On Experience Working Under Vince McMahon

Donovan Dijak recently looked back at what it was like working under Vince McMahon and why he can't realistically compare...

wrestlingDonovan Dijak Reflects On the Art Of Ratioing Someone On Social Media

Donovan Dijak is known for his ability to ratio people on social media, and he noted that it's more of...

wrestlingDonovan Dijak Recalls Working With Mikey Rukus On His Wrestling Theme

Donovan Dijak worked with AEW's Mikey Rukus on his "Capital Punishment" entrance theme, and he recently recalled collaborating with Rukus...

wrestlingDonovan Dijak Thinks He Would Be In A Different Spot Now If He Didn’t Have WWE NXT Run

Dijak, formerly known as T-Bar, returned to NXT in November 2022 after his main roster run as T-Bar. WWE opted...

wrestlingDonovan Dijak Discusses Feeling ‘Overwhelmed’ After His WWE Release

Donovan Dijak speaks...

wrestlingDonovan Dijak Says He’s Enjoyed Working With MLW Thus Far

Donovan Dijak is finding a lot of value in his working relationship with MLW thus far, as he noted in...