wrestling / Video Reviews

411 Video Review: In Your House: Buried Alive

September 4, 2002 | Posted by Bob Barron

Just like to give a shout out to the posters at the smarks board- I give them little acknowledgements throughout this review.

Video package of Mankind v. Taker

Live from Indianapolis. Your hosts are Vince, JR and King. JR doesn’t have a mike.

This was during the JR is unhappy period where he brought back Diesel and Razor.

Kevin Kelly is with Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin’s promos were awesome back then.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley v. Stone Cold Steve Austin

Before the attempted murders, before a Samoan was paid off to run one of them over, before the three stages of hell, before the anchor tied to his ass, before the Two Man Power Trip, before ow my quad- there was always a first-

HHH is replacing Savio Vega. This is the first time Austin and HHH ever locked up, like ever. JR’s mike keeps cutting out and Vince laughs at him. Lockup- HHH with an armdrag takedown and he bows. Austin bails to jaw with a fan as they go to fix JR’s audio problems. HHH bails to jaw to the same fan. JR’s mike cuts out again. Lockup- Austin with an armdrag takeover and he tells HHH he’s #2. JR’s mike keeps cutting out. Austin with a headlock and he takes him down. Austin with a hammerlock but HHH elbows him. Austin jaws with the fans. Lockup- HHH with a headlock and hammerlock. HHH ducks an elbow but gets punched. JR says both guys are future champions and then is mike cuts out. Austin slaps him and HHH bails as the crowd chants ‘Perfect’. Lockup- HHH with a headlock. Austin pulls the hair and gets an elbow. Kneedrop-two. Austin with an armbar. Austin drives the knee into the shoulder. JR’s mike is now where King and Vince can hear him but he can’t hear it. Stone Cold with a wristlock. JR: That was a wristlock. Stone Cold with a knucklelock. JR: That was a Greco-Roman knucklelock. HHH goes to the eyes but Austin soon gets a clothesline for two and goes back to the arm. JR’s mike cuts out again. Austin pulls the hair. The crowd is completely dead which is funny cause later the crowd would explode for these guys. HHH knees him as Vince and JR discuss where they live. HHH works him over. Austin hammers away and HHH backdrops him. HHH with a suplex as they discuss Bret Hart and JR’s mike cuts out again. HHH with a kneedrop. JR is getting really pissed as his microphone keeps cutting out. HHH with a backdrop suplex for two. HHH rests as JR keeps bitching. HHH gets a sleeper but soon Austin gets on and then HHH gets one. Austin gets a jawbreaker to break for two. Austin with a stungun and top-rope FU elbow for two. Another cover-two. HHH with the high knee and kneedrop from the top gets two.
King: Does that ever get on your nerves when McMahon says 1…2..he got him no he didn’t?
JR: It’s gets a little repetitive.
Austin and HHH clothesline each other and heeeeeeeeeeeeeeer’es Mr. Perfect. Perfect flirts with Hunter’s model and HHH goes out to protest so Stone Cold comes out and kicks his ass. Austin and Perfect jaw with each other and Austin nails him with a beer. Back in- HHH nails Austin and stomps away. Perfect is leaving with the model. HHH goes for the Pedigree but decides to go after Mr. Perfect. Austin comes out but gets suplexed on the concrete. HHH goes for the Pedigree but Austin reverses and drags him so he can slingshot him into the concrete. Back in Austin hits the Stunner for the win. A bit boring but fun to watch **1/4

Video package of Gunns v. Bulldog/Owen.

British Bulldog and Owen Hart (w/Clarence Mason) v. The Smoking Gunns for the WWF Tag Titles

Owen and Billy start. Billy with a headlock and an armdrag. He taunts Owen as JR’s mike keeps cutting out. Billy keeps pulling Owen’s hair and Billy takes control. Bulldog comes in and legdrops Billy Gunn and kicks some ass but misses a blind charge. Bart clotheslines him and gets tagged in. Sunny is looking on showing off her breasts. Bulldog with a headlock and uses power but Bulldog gets slammed. Bart misses something from the top, Bulldog gets a crossbody for two. Owen tags in with a top-rope dropkick and a pinning combination for two. Owen kicks some ass. Tag Bulldog and the Harts clothesline him. Bulldog kicks Bart’s ass. Sunny is watching backstage. JR comments on her breasts as Owen works Bart’s over. Bart accidentally knocks into Billy while Billy is showboating. Billy distracts Owen allowing the Gunns to take control. Double Russian leg sweep-two. Billy beats on Owen. Sunny is watching backstage. Tag Bart who beats on Owen but doesn’t cover in a timely fashion. Billy comes in and stomps away. Gunns kick some ass but when they go for the Sidewinder Bulldog sneaks in and pulls Bart away. Bulldog brawls Bart and Owen hits Billy with a spin-wheel kick and soon the Gunns would split. **

JR is in the ring and he insults Vince and takes all the credit for bringing Bret back and leaves.

Earlier tonight Kevin Kelly talks to Faarooq (wearing a helmet) Ahmed Johnson also added his intelligent insight and Ahmed beat up Faarooq.

Mr. Perfect comes out with JR’s blessing to do commentary. King taunts Marc Mero and Sable.

“Wildman” Marc Mero (w/Sable) v. Goldust (w/Marlena) for the WWF Intercontinental Title

Goldust rubs himself. Lockup- Mero with an armdrag. Goldust musses Mero’s hair and gets knocked out. Goldust hammers away but walks into armdrag. Mero armdrags away and gets a drop toehold. Mero works on the arm. Mero with an odd looking takedwon and more armdrags. Goldust goes to the eyes and hammers away. Goldust spits at him. Mero takes him down and hammers away. Flying headscissors and Mero with a back bodydrp. Mero clotheslines him and Goldust bails. Mero flies with a somersault plancha. Mero comes back with a legdrop for two .Goldust chokeslams him off the top to comeback. Goldust sends him outside and rams him into the steps. Back in- Goldust kicks some ass. Mero comes back and a crossbody gets two but he walks into a clothesline for two. Goldust asks for the microphone:

Shut the hell up! You don’t know shut up now and I’m gonna go out there and personally stick my throat down every single one of you.

King: The only reason he’s here is cause of the WWF’s don’t ask, don’t tell policy.

Vince: STOP IT!

Mero with a moonsault for two as Perfect keeps bitching about the ref. Goldust comes back but Mero blocks Curtain Call with a rollup for two. Mero charges but gets backdropped out. Perfect leaves to go help Mero. HHH comes out after him. Goldust tries a sneak attack but Perfect nails him. Perfect and HHH jaw as Mero hits a Samoan Drop and Wild Thing (Shooting Star Press) for the win. *1/2

Video package of Sid v. Vader.

Sycho Sid v. Vader (w/James E. Cornette) to determine the #1 contender for the WWF Title

Sid gets a huge pop. You know why???


Hey- wasn’t this match supposed to happen at Starrcade 1993. Let’s go and ask Arn Anderson why this didn’t happen.

Arn Anderson: Respect for the business, Respect. I had average size, average intelligence, average carpentry skills-
Me: Kevin Nash?? Get the fuck out of here!
Kevin Nash: Scott Hall. (I kick Nash in the quad and steal his shampoo) Noooooo- my life is ruined.
Me: That’ll teach you. (Lays him out with the power of the punch)

Back to the match-

HBK comes out and kicks Cornette in the butt. Sid takes control and legdrops Vader for two. HBK is on commentary. Sid can’t slam Vader allowing Vader to kick his ass. Vader dumps Sid and Cornette nails him with the tennis racquet. Slugfest- Sid wins- and attempts a sunset flip??? Vader is all: This is for Double A!… and splashes him. Three clotheslines by Vader but Sid gives him a back suplex. Vader hammers away but Sid comes back in and kicks him in the corner and then kicks him in the face. Sid goes up top???? DON’T BREAK YOUR LEG!!! Sid comes off the top but Vader plants him. Vader splashes him for two. Vader with a top-rope splash but he pulls him up at two. Vader Bomb hits knees and Sid clotheslines him. Sid slams him and the crowd is explodes. Cornette tries to interfere but Sid crotches him. Vader tries to capitalise but Sid goes for the powerbomb. Ref is distracted- Vader ballshots him. Sid blocks the powerbomb and chokeslams him for the win. Weak ending- no powebomb? Good big man match **1/2

HBK and Sid share a warm and tender moment.

Dok Hendrix is with Sid but JR interrupts to ask the hard questions. Sid of course screws up a line but says he will do anything to fight.

Dok: No problem with the microphone then.

Vince and King discuss. Video package of Taker-Mankind.

Mankind (w/Paul Bearer) v. The Undertaker in a non-sanctioned buried alive match

Because of the stipulation this match is non sanctioned. Slugfest- the smoke makes it hard to see. Mankind takes control but Taker chucks him in the corner and kicks some righteous ass. Taker kicks him and Mankind’s hit crashes right into the guard rail. OUCH! Taker flies off the top right onto Mankind. They brawl up the rail by the gravesite. Mankind nails Taker in the throat with a shovel. Taker reverses a suplex and they go rolling down the hill. They brawl on the outside and inside. Taker chokes him with a cable. King then has the line of the night:

I haven’t seen this much choking since the Cardinals played the Braves.

King is the man. They brawl into the crowd and Taker throws him back over right on the rail. Taker flies at him with a clothesline. Back in- Paul Bearer interferes and Taker crotches himself going Old School. Mankind takes control. Taker tries to comeback but Mankind nails him with a pen and starts stabbing him with. C’mon Taker- gig. Taker takes the pen and goes to work with it- I think it’s a pen. Taker flies at him with a clothesline. Taker goes after Paul Bearer and blocks a Mankind chairshot. Bearer bops him with the urn, which Taker no-sells, but walks into a chairshot. They brawl up the aisle and on the gravesite. Taker falls in but nails Mankind with a shove. Mankind throws dirt in his eyes but Taker comes back and throws him off the gravesite. They brawl some more and Mankind gets a piledriver. He covers him but it’s a Buried Alive match. Mankind DDTs him on the chair and goes to rock in the corner wit the urn. Taker does the zombie sit-up and makes Mankind his bitch with the chair. He places the chair on his face and legdrops him. Ouch. Mankind bails. Paul Bearer moves the mats but Taker reverses the piledriver and does a reverse Alabama Slam right into the steps. HOLY HOLY HOLY SHIT! That was insane. Taker nails him with the steel steps. Tombstone to Mankind. Taker takes him to the gravesite but at the gravesite Mankind locks in the Mandible Claw. He goes to bop him with the urn but Taker chokeslams him into the grave and gets the win. ****

Taker goes to kick more ass but hey look it’s the Ruthless Aggressor- no wait- THe Executioner shows up and nails him with the shovel. The crowd chants Rest in Peace at the Executioner thus foreshadowing Gordy’s death in 2001. Team Bearer buries him alive as the lights and flicker and thunder noises are made. Triple H, Crush and Goldust show up to help. Awwwwww- isn’t that nice. Bradshaw comes out going: Ohhh man- I can’t wait to rape him. Basically they all pile dirt on top and Paul is in his glory. This takes FOREVER.

Okay- they’re still digging- this is boring. Can’t like a Bulldog match go on or something. But then a shaking noise is made and everyone runs. Team Bearer even jam a shovel into it.

In a Coliseum exclusive Paul Bearer praises Mankind who rocks in the corner. They also inroduce the Executioner.

A huge lightening bolt hits the gravesite and a hand pops out. End of show.

The Bottom Line- This was when WCW was soon to be handing Vince his ass every week. The show is decent with nothing outright sucking and one great match. It’s only two hours long so it’s worth a look due to the awesome main event.

This tape was released as Slamathon 96 BTW.



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Bob Barron

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