wrestling / TV Reports

411’s ECW on Sci-Fi Report 9.18.07

September 18, 2007 | Posted by Michael Bauer

Welcome to the ECW on Sci-Fi! As always, I am Michael Bauer, your 411 ECW Re-capper. Now, let’s get to the action at hand.

Starting with the opening video, we go to Joey Styles and Tazz at ringside to hype the main event of Big Daddy V vs. The Boogeyman. Elijah Burke comes out and he looks pissed. He has the microphone and says he came out to congratulate the champ, but Punk got away with one as he could beat Punk 9 out of 10 times and demands another shot. Editor’s Note: HAHAHA! Try the other way around! Kevin Thorn comes out with that statement and he says Burke should step aside and let someone else get a shot. Thorn finally explains why he left the New Breed and tells Burke he’ll make him disappear. Burke tells him to back up and out comes Tommy Dreamer to the weakest pop he’s had in a month. Burke can’t remember when Dreamer won a match. Dreamer then said that he has won that title before and he wants the opportunity. But then Stevie Richards comes out. Burke calls it a practical joke and Dreamer tries to reason with him. Stevie Richards says he is the only person in the ring who did not get pinned in the last week. And that brings out Armando Estrada who says none of them are qualified yet. Estrada says all three of them will get to participate in the Elimination Chase for the next three weeks, winner gets a shot at CM Punk. It starts here with a Fatal Four Way right now where only three men will advance. I guess that means whoever gets pinned is eliminated. A referee runs down and we head to a commercial.

Elimination Chase Match – Kevin Thorn vs. Elijah Burke vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Stevie Richards

Back from the break and the match is in progress. Thorn has the advantage on Stevie Richards in the corner. Dreamer hits a suplex on Burke as Styles confirmed my guess. Thorn decks Dreamer with a clothesline and kicks Dreamer to the outside. Dreamer gets thrown into the steel steps as Burke slingshots Richards into the bottom rope. Irish Whip by Burke and Richards ducks the clothesline. Richards kicks the legs out from Burke, but Dreamer comes in from behind and hits a back suplex. Dreamer catches Thorn and gets him in the corner and mounts him for punches. Thorn reverses out of it and Dreamer gets dropped in his neck. Burke hits the trifecta of German Suplexes and gets a two count. Thorn clubs down on the chest of Dreamer along the ring apron. Richards on the second rope, Burke leaps, but Richards avoids the contact. Dreamer still down in the corner and Burke connects with the handspring elbow off the top. Dreamer rolls up Burke, but Burke kicks out at two. Richards starts kicking at the chest of Thorn, but Burke then connects with a low dropkick to the face of Richards. Dreamer grabs Richards and whips him, but Richards sunset flips him and they get a huge set of reversals for several near falls. Thorn in and hits a jawbreaker on Dreamer. Burke rolls up Thorn for two. Thorn and Burke trade blows and Burke decks Thorn with a huge right hand sending him to the outside. Richards decks Thorn on the outside and Burke goes up and over, but gets caught by both men. Dreamer with a baseball slide sends all three men down. Dreamer dives through the ropes into Thorn. All four men are down as we head to a commercial.

We are back again and Dreamer connects with a huge splash on Thorn and a sitdown powerbomb for a two count. Richards now slingshots Dreamer into the bottom rope and gets a two count. Burke grabs Richards and bodyslams him several times and drops an elbow on Dreamer. Burke then stomps the hell out of Thorn. Richards in the corner and Burke opens up with some boxing strikes. Thorn pounds Dreamer in the corner as Burke gets a two count on Richards. Thorn clotheslines Dreamer and grabs Burke. Burke gets drilled with a torture rack backbreaker that only gets two. All four men are down, but Dreamer gets up and locks in a Texas Cloverleaf, but Thorn is in the ropes. Dreamer grabs Burke and hits a fallaway slam. Thorn comes from behind and lifts Dreamer for a crucifix bomb, but Stevie nails a Stevie Kick and Dreamer covers Thorn for two only. Dreamer singled for a DDT and Burke clotheslined him with the leg sweep. Burke goes up top, but Dreamer catches him and heads up top. Richards sends him to the floor and starts chopping on Burke. Burke hangs on and Stevie goes for a superplex, but Thorn grabs Richards and powerbombs him, while Burke gets superplexed!!! DAMN! Dreamer comes off the top rope and hits a Frog Splash on Richards. Thorn throws Dreamer to the outside as Burke covers Richards. Thorn joins him and they get the three count to eliminate Richards in an estimated 18 minutes. (Estimated without an official start time due to commercials.)

Winners: Tommy Dreamer, Kevin Thorn, and Elijah Burke – Stevie Richards is eliminated

We are back and CM Punk runs into Elijah Burke. Burke asks Punk to sign a copy of the WWE Magazine and hypes up himself to get another shot at Punk. Punk says he is in a hurry and offers him good luck. Burke then wonders why since Punk said luck is for losers. Punk knows what he said and walks off.

The Miz comes down to the ring and Kelly still has the bear Balls gave her last week. They go to last week when she got the bear. The Miz has a microphone and says the men can’t get the women like he does so he presents the Extreme Expose to us, who are out to perform to an old school song, Salt N Peppa’s “Push It”. Seeing this every once in a while is refreshing, even if it the same as always. The ending was clever and as soon as it is done, Balls Mahoney comes out for his match.

Balls Mahoney vs. Mike Knox

Kelly looks really happy with Balls coming out. Mike Knox, huh? Looks like a rehash from last week. The bell rings and Balls catches Knox coming in and punches him in the gut. Balls gets shoved into the corner and Knox hits a very nice dropkick. Knox locks in a chin lock and Balls gets back to his feet. Knox turns Balls around and then inside out with a clothesline. Mike Knox covers, but only gets two. Chin lock applied again by Knox and Balls gets up again. Knox whips Balls into the corner and runs into an elbow. Balls gets the jabs going and winds up for the uppercut. Mike Knox gets the thumb to the eye and goes for the big boot, but Balls ducks. Mahoney connects with the sitdown powerbomb and gets the three count at 2:05. Balls grabs the microphone and asks Kelly out on a date, but The Miz and Expose won’t let her answer. Balls takes that as a yes, since she never did say no.

Winner: Balls Mahoney

Back from the break, Styles and Tazz hype up the main event and we get a video to show the feud between the two men, which is pretty much the same video from last week, which hypes Big Daddy V only. We go to another commercial as Big Daddy V walks to the ring with Matt Striker by his side.

Big Daddy V vs. The Boogeyman

Back again and Big Daddy V comes out with Matt Striker, followed by the bizarre Boogeyman. I seriously think his entrance is weirder than normal, if that is possible. The bell rings as Boogeyman foams at the mouth. Big Daddy V kicks Boogeyman in the gut and drops him with a shoulder block. Big Daddy V goes after the worms in the corner and Boogeyman leaps up and splashes him in the corner. Big Daddy V quickly gets the advantage again with a spinning heel kick. Boogeyman goes after Striker on the floor, but Big Daddy V squashes him along the ring apron and throws him into the steel steps. Boogeyman rolled into the ring and Big Daddy V just stands on him, using the ropes for leverage. Big Daddy V just rips at Boogeyman’s face, but Boogeyman gets up and gets dropped with a clubbing blow. He hits some more clubs, but Boogeyman just pops up. Boogeyman off the ropes and runs into a Samoan Drop, but he slips out. Boogeyman tries for the two handed chokebomb, but it ain’t going to happen. Boogeyman backed into the corner and Big Daddy V hits the huge charge. Boogeyman walks into the Scrapbuster slam and Big Daddy V hits the huge elbow drop for the three count at 3:47.

Winner: Big Daddy V

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Michael Bauer

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