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411’s TNA Impact Report 1.12.17
The new year has begun, and what is next for the stars of TNA? We will determine a number one contender and there is a new Knockout on her way to our fair shores. Also, this happened following One Night Only:
Hello and welcome everyone to another exciting edition of our Official TNA Impact, this is 411Mania. Your home away from home along with me, your host Aaron and the TNAlisters. Our card is subject to change, match times are not exact, add your review in the comments as Impact begins now.
The Hardys cut a promo on the Wolves. The Seven Deities have ordered them to become the best tag team in all space and time, so they have to delete the Wolves.
Ladies and Gentlemen…
EC3 has an axe to grind. He accuses Davey Richards of hitting him with a chair to cause his loss to Eddie Edwards at One Night Only. Carter calls out Wolves Nation.
And “Domination” kicks up instead.
“ETHAN!” Ethan Ethan. How’s it feel man?”
Lashley tells the fans to shut their mouths as he comes on down to call out EC3 for interrupting him last week.
Lashley proposes a Last Man Standing Match and says it’s him vs Carter tonight, winner gets Eddie. EC3 asks the Anthem Owl and Lashley talks some shit about how Carter doesn’t take anything seriously. Carter says he wants the fight now and they rush to a brawl. Security has to run and pull them apart!
Lashley is in the ring, chair in hand and Carter rushes in to punch the chair in his face! EXPLODAH on Lashley out of the corner!
Lashley vs Ethan Carter III
Last Man Standing Match
Lashley brawls with Carter on the outside and he gets in the face of some fans. He came to the arena, sans fucks once again. Out comes the table and Lashley sets it up, anything goes after all in LMS.
Ethan fires back, shot after shot and takes a throw into the apron, spine first. Lashley with the head and suplex up? No, he cannot and Ethan turns under, fireman’s carry no Lashley has up, powerslam no Ethan into the fans and Lashley dumps him over!
Over the shoulder and POWERSLAM ON THE FLOOR.
He’ll feel that in the morning.
Last Man Standing rules means the 10 count can start anywhere in the building. Referee begins, Carter is up and Lashley is all over him with elbows. He sends the man inside the ring. Lashley to the apron, takes time to taunt. Up to the top and Carter has his neck and TOSSES HIM LIKE RIC FLAIR!
CRAVATE CUTTER BY EC3! Lashley bundled over the side!
Ethan Carter III allowing Lashley to get a count, snaps the suplex onto the floor as well! Ethan for the apron cover, under the ring himself for a table for two. Romantic under this full moon. We go to commercial.
We come back as Ethan sails with the greatest of ease to land the Avalanche Splash into Lashley. Flapjack, misses the 1 Percenter, and Lashley crashes into the corner post on a failed Spear attempt. GERMAN from Ethan and Lashley is up. SPLASH again in the corner, Ethan sits Lashley up, he scales and SUPERPLEX off the second turnbuckle!
Lashley rebounds with a superplex of his own! Carter is up… SPEEEAR!!!
Ethan Carter III makes his way up and A SECOND SPEAR!
Lashley goes outside again and he begins removing a table from under the ring, he sets it in the corner as Ethan beats the count before collapsing. They trade shots, knife edge and LASHLEY hits a spinebuster with authority!
Lashley sets up the table, turns and 1 PERCENTER!!
Both men down! Brian Hebner begins the count, both men are down, Carter is up and Lashley rolls out he lands on his feet too!
Ethan has the chair, he misses and the second shot does not! Carter starts chairing Lashley like he owes him money! Carter sits on the chair and yells at Hebner to count him.
Lashley somehow makes it up as Carter is stalking him, Ethan goes up the stairs after him- he wraps in the Sleeperhold and JUMPS THROUGH THE TABLES!!
Carter misses the tables, Lashley went right through them! The fans are cheering and chanting for “EC3” Lashley beats the count! He wins!
OFFICIAL RESULT: Lashley, beats the count
Carter is down at ringside, visibly disappointed. Inside the ring Lashley celebrates before dropping across the buckles as Carter has to be helped to the back. Bobby Lashley is now our new number one contender.
Backstage Eli Drake chases Mkenzie and her people away. He and Tyrus force a hapless stagehand to read a message, calling us dummies. He says because we chanted for Drake and cheered him losing his voice, we don’t deserve him. He forces the guy to say Drake is coming in to win Race for the Case. He then attacks the guy as Tyrus keeps people back.
Aron Rex debuts his new look
Rockstar Spud sings his name. And Rex says what he realized is for years and years all these wonderful people have paid money to see him. But not one single person has ever paid to see him engage in barbaric wrestling. They all wanted to see him.
So from now on, he’s gotta lose the jacket, it’s hotter than Mariah on New Years Eve. …
He has flesh colored tights.
Robbie E comes out. He says we are thinking the same thing, what the hell is this. Rex says he’s the perfect example of humanity. Robbie talks shit to Spud and mocks him for quitting and his series of losses to Swoggle and also a baby.
Robbie E goes to attack! But he gets nailed by the rings from Rex and he slams the elbows, elbow after elbow into Robbie’s neck! Spud has Robbie up with the fish hook and REX nails the KO Punch with his rings!
Aron: As I was saying, violence is Never the answer! Good night ladies and gentlemen.
Backstage, the DCC are standing silent. James Storm says it’s a new beginning. But you can’t forget some memories.
Bram says Decay left him for dead. He doesn’t forget things like that! He wants some bloody revenge!
Kingston says memories, he has 15 years paying dues. 15 years of memories saying he’s been told he’s too violent, to extreme, he doesn’t play the game. He got the phone call from Storm. He belongs in the DCC.
James says let them tell you something. The Devil whispered in his ear. You can’t handle the storm. He whispered back, I am the storm. And we are the Death Crew Council.
Backstage, Maria abuses Allie again. She says her husband Mike Bennett will put Braxton Sutter in a body cast so she never has to worry about Allie wanting to wrestle again.
Decay vs The DCC
Abyss and Bram square off as Kingston and Steve go at it, Kingston misses a slam as Steve sends him to the corner and hits a cannonball in the corner. Abyss and Bram brawl on the outside area.
Bram and Kingston land him on his neck across the top, putting the boots to Crazzy Steve.
Double Alabama Slam as Kingston is in control, wraps the face and they slam the man back into the corner. Bram for the two count as Rosemary screams to kick out!
DCC stay in control, tossing Steve. James Storm sends the man inside after dislodging the announce table with Steve’s body.
Kingston rakes the face and drops the boot down across the trapezius and then some. Finally Abyss gets the tag!
ABYSS crushes both in the corner, James Storm is on the apron and Abyss comes out to attack as STEVE flies off the top to crash into both Kingston and Bram!
Storm cracks a water bottle into Abyss as the match is thrown out! Storm goes stalking Rosemary before he takes a chair, Abyss is sent through a guardrail! Storm and Bram send the man into the wall as Kingston and Steve go fighting to the back.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Match thrown out
Backstage Davey Richards apologizes to Eddie Edwards, saying they came from nothing, sleeping on the floor in dojos from Japan. Edwards says it’s their chance to take the tag team titles from the Hardys.
A Knockout Returns
We are here with McKenzie, and she is proud to welcome the newest KO, Brooke making her return to Impact. She says she’s been gone and had a child, and has done so much work in outside projects. She’s excited to be back and will be gunning for the Knockouts Title. Welcome back Brooke!
Miracle vs Braxton Sutter
Bennett kicks the man across the ring and keeps on him but Sutter comes back with a snap powerslam. He gets sent over the side and Maria pays the distraction as Mike cashes in with a dropkick sending Sutter to the floor.
Mike Bennett sends Braxton into the steel railing over and again, he has the head and sends the man inside. Cover, count, two.
Sleeperhold applied. The Miracle in control, Sutter starts battling back and blocks the shots to land the haymakers of his own!
Miracle on the apron, over the side, up and SPINEBUSTER float into a pin! Kick from Sutter and leaping neckbreaker from Braxton off the top!
Maria AGAIN provides the distraction and Bennett caught with the superkick! Bennett plants Braxton, M.I.P.
And Maria yells for the finish!
Maria is on the apron, she wants one more!
Maria and Allie yell at each other and Mike Bennett pauses to deliver another piledriver, Sutter reverses and flips over top to hold the bridge!
OFFICIAL RESULT: Braxton Sutter at 6:03, Bridging Pin
Rosemary says Impact is under her reign of shadows. Jade comes out and blames the mist for her loss in the cage. Rosemary says she will face Jade, but in the Monster’s Ball. Red vs Blue.
“Prepare for war you Demon bitch!”
Rosemary goes to attack but Jade kicks her off and fires with the forearms! She has Rosemary set for the Package Piledriver but Rosemary escapes with the Championship. We will have Monster’s Ball for the Knockouts Title.
In Two Weeks, Open Fight Night. Next week, Race for the Case, four briefcases will be up for grabs all with title shots, it will be a fun miniseries featuring the best of your favorite TNA Stars.
The Broken Hardys vs The Wolves
World Tag Team Titles Match
We will begin with Eddie Edwards and Broken Matt. Lockup as the World Champion gets control with the top wristlock, which Matt reverses. Eddie is able to get the tag and Davey picks the leg, Matt tags out as Davey rolls him over, Jeff comes in and starts the clap to the fans.
Lockup and headlock on Davey who takes control. He seems a little out of sorts at the response to Nero. The Wolves tag in and Eddie hits a drop toehold into a Davey Richards dropkick. Eddie is taken back as Matt tags in and beats the man down, double fly into Eddie and a kickout at two.
Hardy slams the face of Eddie into the apron, banging the skull off the pad ageen and ageen. Edwards unloads with a big knife edge, and Matt bites his hand! Headbutt from Edwards and Matt once again knocks him down.
Jeff in and whip POETRY IN MOTION from Jeff and cover by Matt no the World Champ gets a kickout. Tag Team Titles on the line and we go to break.
Back and Eddie puts Jeff down as we get an aerial shot over the ring, showing the wear and tear on both competitors. Jeffrey Nero Hardy makes the tag to his brother first, and Matt is in with sliding legdrops. Cover, no.
Eddie is still alive in this, as Davey tries to work the crowd to get them pumped up for the action. EDDIE HITS A DOUBLE RANA ON THE HARDYS!!
Davey comes in and hits a Northern Lights and Suplex on Jeff but both kick out! Davey wraps the Figure Four on Matt and and an Ankle Lock on Jeff! Matt does not submit.
Davey Richards slams a figure four kneedrop to the canvas, as Eddie drags Matt’s leg out and under to slam it into the post!
Davey and Eddie take turns slamming headbutts into Matt and Davey bangs Matt’s head into his own partners. Quick tags, the Wolves all over Broken Matt as the fans chant to get their boys back in it.
Davey runs right into a Side Effect!!
Jeff Hardy tags in and slams the fists, off the side and flying axe! Atomic Drop and Legdrops to the gut, cover and TWO.
Jeff to the fans, up and FRONT layout Suplex. …
He did the Deal?
What is that anyway Larry?
Jeff Hardy throws the elbow up as Davey runs into it and JEFF OFF THE TOP WHISPER IN THE WIND TO THE WOLVES!
Matt is run back into the buckles, colliding into Jeff. Eddie is up with the head, wraps it and Jeff is punching him down, Hardy to the top, SWANTON NO TO THE KNEES!
DAVEY suplex, EDDIE superkicks they drop the man into a brainbuster! MATT breaks up the pin!
Jeff rolls from the Double Stomp off the top and Matt for the TWIST OF FATE! Eddie breaks it up!
Hardys with the whip, Eddie beats them back and tosses Matt, throws Jeff into the air and Eddie kicks him! Setting the man for the superkick no Matt has the leg and Edwards off the side, PLANCHA TO MATT!
Davey for the control and Jeff rolls him up!
OFFICIAL RESULT:The Broken Hardys at 16:38, Rollup
That’s it for Impact, as Davey Richards is visibly angry but there can only be one set of winners and tonight the Hardys have maintained their place on top of all space and time. For all of us here at the 411, this is Aaron saying thank you thank You and please leave your comments on our Official Impact Report. It has been my pleasure. Good night everyone!
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