wrestling / TV Reports

411’s TNA Impact Report 12.04.08

December 4, 2008 | Posted by Larry Csonka

In HD where available…

TNA Impact Begins…NOW!

-The Frontline is in the back as team3D promises to stand by their side. They say to man up and stand up for themselves because they don’t want to be like the Main Event mafia. They are progress, they are the new generation and they have to take what’s theirs, for the business and for the people that pay their checks. Tonight, the new revolution begins!

-I am having wacky sound and picture issues to kick off the show.

Steiner pimping a suit jacket with his wrestling tights is spectacular. Nash says that he doesn’t give out compliments often, but 3D got one over on them last week. For some reason they decided to join the Frontline. Well Ray, he and Nash have a lot in common; they are both arrogant, assholes, and worry about themselves. They will lie their asses off to get the job done. So, let’s just take last week and brush it aside as a mistake by 3D. The “family” will give them 60-seconds to join the, if not, consider their death certificates signed.

3D makes their ay out on the ramp and Ray says that he and Devon will be AJ and Joe’s partners at Final Resolution. Now Kevin you’re right. They are arrogant and bad guys, but they do the right thing and that is standing with the Frontline. The young guys represent what is right about the business, while the MEM are everything that is wrong with the business. They stole from every company they worked for, wait, the MEM RAPED every company they worked for. Ray says they hope that they NEVER turn into guys like the MEM. They broke the code of the boys, the boys that bust their asses every night. If the MEM stays in power, there will be no more TNA and the Frontline will take them out to make sure that doesn’t happen. 3D calls out the Frontline and they appear in the crowd of the Impact Zone.

Angle says that this is all cute, and Rhino tells him to shut up. Rhino is tired of listening to Angle’s crap. At Final Resolution, it will be the end of Angle in TNA. Rhino says he is one GORE, GORE, GORE from the unemployment line. Rhino plans to make an example of Sting tonight. Rhino says Sting should be on his side, they never had an issue, but he made the wrong choice, so Rhino will kick the living crap out of him tonight. And by the time Sting realizes that, it will be too late. Brother Ray promises ass whoopings for all!

-JB is with The Beautiful People. Lauren is with JB, and they hype the free TNA Mobile Service. JB says someone will be in Angle’s corner at the PPV. Kip stops him and says tonight is HUGE because Sarah Palin is about to arrive, and they will make her a member of the Beautiful People. They hope that she brings Todd, because he is hot. But first, they have some business to attend too.

-We see #5 of Angle’s moments in TNA Wrestling. It is hard Justice 207, where Angle won all of the titles in TNA.

-JB is in Booker T’s locker room. He wants to know about the alliance with the Beautiful People and why he would defend the title tonight. Sharmell says it is all to protect her at the PPV. She then says ODB smells, while Booker says he has been training for hours, and he will defend the title anywhere time or place. He is the best in the world and will prove it tonight against Samoa Joe. Booker will prove this tonight as he beats Joe around the arena. It is old school time, street fight, like in the old days. MAKE HIM PAY, BOW DOWN, SAY DADDY I DON’ T WANT NONE NOW CAN YOU DIG THAT SUCKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?

TNA Legends Title STREE FIGHT Match: Booker T © w/Sharmell vs. Samoa Joe

They lock up to begin, to the corner and knees to the head by Booker. Joe back with rights, chops and Booker rolls to the floor. Sidekick by Booker, chops follow and Joe with chops of his own. Into the crowd they go, eye poke by Booker and more chops to Joe. Joe fires up, chops to Booker and they brawl up into the bleachers. We’ll head to a commercial @ 1:30.

Back from commercial @ 4:30 as Joe gets the knee drop in the ring and covers for 2. Booker rolls back to the floor, Joe follows and delivers head butts. Booker battles back and slams Joe head first into the steel post, and then to the steps. Forearm strikes and elbows by Booker, rolls Joe back in and then levels Joe with the sidekick and covers for 2. More forearms by Booker, Joe battles back but eats another kick from Booker who covers for 2. Chops by Booker, Joe now with chops, a whip to the corner and then the snap slam by Joe gets 2. Sharmell distracts the ref and Joe gets the rear naked choke! Booker taps, but no ref. The Beautiful People are out, they hairspray Joe in the eyes and that allows Booker to land the ax kick and that is all.

Winner: Booker T @ 9:00 via pin

  • Pretty good match overall as Booker looked more motivated than usual. The MEM winning through nefarious means works and works well, but damn, Joe’s been made a BITCH, he needs to win sometimes to keep that bad ass persona.
    RATING: **

    -The Beautiful People are rocking Sarah Palin shirts.

    -Back in the MEM locker room, Steiner promises Sting that he will hold onto the title. Steiner says 3D is not on their level, and since they don’t have enough donuts in their locker room, 3D went to the Frontline. I also think he called them fags. Angle has something to say, but that will require another in ring segment as per agreed upon in his contract.

    -Angle Moment #4: Angle vs. Nagata IWGP Title Match. That’s some good shit right there.

    -Lauren is with Joe. She says he got screwed, and 3D is here to talk to Joe. They ask him what he will do about this. Joe gets pissed, and they remind him that they are on the same side. It isn’t about winning or losing a battle, this is about the war. 3D says you can’t win every match ever, no wrestler has ever done it. They ask how many times has Flair been champion? 16. Yeah, he lost 15 times. They have been 20-time tag team champions, so they lost them 19 times. But they came back hungrier than ever. Joe is the future and may be the last of the old school hard asses, the loss is no big deal, it is time to go to war. Joe, AJ, Team 3D and the rest of the Frontline, together. MAN UP DAWG~!

    Roxxi and Taylor Wilde are her guests. Roxxi tells her story and gets censored most of the time. Wilde talks about her life, ODB likes the rusty trombone and says it is that time of the month. She says Charmin and Booker DEEZ Nutz hired the Beautiful People. She usually liked 3 on 1’s, but not in this match. Roxxi and Wilde say they have her back, and the match is changed.

    -Beer Money looks for Abyss and finds him. Storm still has the beer cooler scooter. Abyss throttles Storm, but Roode says they want to make peace. Morgan is at the gym, and Storm calls him “Mr. Monster,” and says he thought Abyss was parched, so he wanted to give him a drink, not hit him with the bottle. Roode and Storm just want to have a drink with him, but Abyss says he can’t mix his meds and booze. Abyss discusses Family Guy then they drink anyway. Bourbon and Beer Chaser for Abyss! CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG! Abyss likes the stuff in the little glass, and they give him more.

    -Angle moment #3 is the announcement of Angle joining TNA.

    -And now we have the Sarah Palin look alike arriving. The Beautiful People are so happy to have her here, and they go to show her around. It looks as if Kip knows it isn’t her, but doesn’t get to tell them.

    -We get a video package for Hemme vs. Kong, showing her training with AJ after her loss to Kong months ago. A loss where she got her shit busted up.

    -Steiner has lost the shirt now, so apparently he feels he is back in shape.

    Christy Hemme and AJ Styles vs. Amazing Kong and Scott Steiner

    Steiner and AJ to begin. Steiner in control, takes AJ to the corner and chops away at AJ. Steiner tosses him across the ring, but AJ comes back with the jawbreaker and follows up with chops. Off the ropes, counter and a big right by Steiner levels AJ. AJ manages the dropkick, Kong in and chops away at AJ. Kong wants to whoop some ass, and as AJ goes to hit her the ref stops him, allowing Steiner to attack him from behind. AJ tosses Steiner to the floor, Kong in and AJ and Hemme low bridge her and she falls to the floor. Hemme basement dropkicks Saeed, but Kong takes out the legs of AJ and he is down. Steiner back in control, drops the elbow and covers for 2 as he busts out some pushups. We head to a commercial @ 3:00.

    Back from commercial @ 6:00 as AJ tries to fight back. AJ with the back breaker and covers for 2. Steiner rakes the eyes, but AJ gets the PELE and BOTH men are down! Kong tags herself in and misses a corner charge on AJ. Hemme tags in, cross body, caught but Hemme gets her back and gets the sleeper. Kong escapes, kicks by Hemme, Steiner holds her, but AJ makes the save. PLANCHA by AJ wipes out Steiner. Kong kills Hemme with a clothesline, grabs her by the hair and then tosses her down as she attacks AJ. Kong Bomb try, Hemme sneaks out and then Kong misses the sit down. AJ slams AJ into Kong, and then Hemme gets an assisted Tornado DDT and covers Kong for the victory.

    Winner: AJ and Hemme @ 8:45 via pin

  • It had its moments, well not really. It wasn’t the worst thing I have ever seen, but it wasn’t that good either. Steiner is still struggling since the injury and looked VERY slow next to AJ. Hemme is trying, but the fact that AJ worked 85% of the match shows that they have no confidence in her at this point to work TV. So of course she is getting a title shot on PPV.
    RATING: *

    -JB is with Angle, who looks for Foley. Angle says that Foley screwed him at BFG, and Angle would cripple him, but he is giving him a pass. But if he does it again, he WILL cripple him. Foley says that Angle fired the first shot, and he just retaliated. He will do what he is supposed to do at Final Resolution and keep it one on one. Angle then says he will have someone there to watch his back, that’s a warning for Uncle Mick.

    -Angle moment #2 is Angle winning the KOTM match to win the first ever TNA World Title.

    -Abyss is getting drunk with Beer Money and wearing Storm’s hat. They then try to pimp out Jackie to Abyss, and she gives him a little kiss. Abyss says he never kissed a girl before, and asks if he is still a virgin. “Lauren, this meant nothing…” Wow, so bad, yet so great.

    Consequences Creed, Jay Lethal and Eric Young vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir, Jimmy Rave and Sonjay Dutt w/SoCal Val

    Shane Sewell is the referee, so Bashir bails and joins the commentary team. He refuses to wrestle with Young and Sewell out there, they are cheaters and they aren’t in his league. Dutt and Jay in, some counters and Young tags in. Shoulder blocks and clotheslines by Young, he talks trash to Bashir and that allows Rave to attack him from behind and then lays the boots to him. Bashir puts over Sewell but then says he will slap the piss out of him. Dutt and Rave work over Young with clotheslines, and then Rave covers for 2 as Jay makes the save. Snap mare by Dutt, he uses his wrist tape to choke out Young now. HEEL! Slingshot by Dutt, lands on his feet and then just kicks Young in the head. Running knee strike by Rave to Young, and he covers for 2. Tag to Dutt, he nails Jay and distracts Creed. Rave and Dutt run into each other, Young tags Creed and he gets a double cross body to the heels. Rolling thunder connects and a cover on Rave for 2. Rave with a boot to Creed, but Creed battles back and gets the TKO for the win.

    Winner: Creed, Young and Lethal @ 4:00 via pin

  • What ass backwards booking. You have the heel bail, and make it a handicap against the heels. It makes sense with the Bashir/Young/Sewell deal, but still, there was a better way to do it. The match was an Impact special, 4-minutes of guys working hard to try and give us something to enjoy, but not having enough time to do so.
    RATING: *¾

    -Bashir and Young brawl after the match. Young chases him off and then steals the X-Title.

    -We get a Feast or Fired video package.

    -JB is with Sting in the MEM locker room. They discuss AJ and the interview from last week as well as the PPV match on Sunday. Sting says he has a lot going on, but that is why he has gone out on the limb like he has. The thing with AJ and his dad… Good insight there Sting. He then promises at Final Resolution the MEM will act like a family, because he can trust them. Until Rhino, they never had an issue, but for tonight, Sting has to do what he does best, wrestle. Nothing will stop him from doing what needs to be done.

    -We get a video package for the MEM.

    -The Beautiful People talk with the fake Palin and Booker and Sharmell are there. Booker is in his towel and she calls him Booker the T. Booker laughs and then tells Kip to remove the bimbos and the YAK! SHADES OF STEVIE RAY!

    -Rough Cuts with LAX. They discuss the fans, and being role models for Latino’s.

    -Beer Money and Abyss are still drinking. Abyss’ phone rings, and he answers, it was Matt Morgan. Abyss wants to invite him to the party, and Storm says they are fresh out of alcohol. Abyss sees a bottle, and they SMASH it over his head. Dumb ass.

    -We get a video package on the MEM beating down Christian, Rhino and the fact that Angle wants JJ.

    -Kurt Angle moment #1 is the formation of the MEM.

    Angle calls out JJ, and here he comes to the ramp. Angle says for JJ and everyone to enjoy themselves tonight. Celebrate that this maybe his last Impact ever for TNA. It will make him more focused, like when he was training for the Olympics. All he thought about was wrestling and winning. Eat, drink, sleep and shit wrestling. But now, that was a goal he wanted. This new focus is much bigger, about one thing, Jeff Jarrett. Angle is focused on JJ more than anything he has ever been focused on before. 2-years ago he signed with TNA and ever since they butted heads, and they have never agreed. It’s allover the Internet and the papers. But then JJ was on his way out and Angle was on his way up. But Angle realized that JJ was jealous of his success. JJ dodged him all the time so that they would never have to face off. Angle finally got what he wanted, but Foley screwed him out of the win. Tonight he is here to say that it will not happen again at the PPV. He will destroy Rhino, and taste his blood. And when he is done, he will take Foley, and make him more crippled than he already is and breathing through a respirator. And then at Genesis, it will be Angle vs. JJ. Angle knows all about JJ’s three kids, they miss their mother, but Angle has no remorse for JJ. When he is down with JJ he will own him, his company and his family. This isn’t about wrestling anymore, this is about Angle being out of control. JJ says that if that is Angle’s plan, the only way he will do that is over JJ’s dead body.

    -Rhino heard what JJ had to say, and he thought about his family. Jeff’s kids are what means the most to him, and Angle has now crossed the line. He has broken every code that the boys follow. As far as Sting, well, he doesn’t know what he is capable of tonight. He doesn’t know.

    -Who is Suicide?

    -JB is with AJ, Joe and 3D. Ray says that over the last 2-weeks the people have heard enough from them. They turn the mic over to AJ. AJ says he and Joe have always been like brothers, along with Daniels. But never did he think they would fight along side Team 3D. This isn’t about respect, doing the right thing gets you respect, makes you a legend, an ICON. If Sting doesn’t want to pass the torch, they will take it. AJ vows to walk out with the world title, and Joe says that’s all there is to say about that.

    Non-Title Match: Sting © vs. Rhino

    Lock up to begin, off the ropes and a shoulder block by Rhino. Sting tries a hip toss, blocked and Rhino slams him to the corner. Rights by Rhino, lays the boots to Sting and then picks him up and slams him to another corner. Hip toss by Rhino, sets for the gore but Sting bails to the floor. Rhino follows and then slams Sting to the barricade. Rights follow and then he whips Sting to another barricade. Gore try…but Sting sidesteps him and Rhino slams head first into the barricade. Rhino is busted open, so Sting helps him out and slams him to the steps as we head to a commercial @ 3:00.

    Back from commercial @ 6:00 as Sting is in control and beating down on a bloody Rhino. Mounted rights in the corner and then boots by Sting. Rhino tries to battle back, but Sting beats him back down. Off the ropes and Rhino gets a big clothesline and both men are down. Angle rushes out to the ring and cheers on Sting. AJ is out now, Rhino and Sting trade rights in the middle of the ring and Rhino then gets the corner spear. Rhino takes out Angle, the ref is distracted, Sting gets a clothesline and gets the scorpion deathlock. Sting gets distracted, GORE GORE GORE! Rhino covers 1…2…3!

    Winner: Rhino @ 9:25 via pin

  • A pretty good main event actually. A bit short as usual, but it had good intensity, the blood fits the feud and while we can argue that it should have been someone else Rhino getting the win over Sting is big in terms of the feud.
    RATING: **½

    -The Frontline hits the ring to celebrate with Rhino.

    -PPV video hype time.

    Thank you and Goodbye: No I am not leaving the 411, but as of this week I will no longer be doing the TNA Impact Report. Things are changing in the Csonka house and with work, and some things need to go. This report is one of them. I started at 411 on May 26th 2004 recapping the weekly PPV’s and then the next week Impact. I recapped it on FSN at 3pm, on the Internet in the “dark days,” on Spike TV Saturday night and then the move to Thursday and eventually 2-hours. Through out my days at 411 I have been referred to as “The TNA Guy” due to that, and honestly it is something I have been proud of. I am not sure how many episodes of Impact that there have been during this time, I really don’t want to take the time to count, but I have recapped well over 200 of them and while they all haven’t been great, I have enjoyed the gig. Anyway, all I wanted to do is say thank you for reading the recaps for the last 4½ years and to say a simple goodbye to this part of my 411 life.

    * Fade to black…

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    Larry Csonka

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