wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWE Raw Report 10.18.10

October 18, 2010 | Posted by Daniel Wilcox

411’s LIVE WWE Raw Report 10.18.10

Championship Roll Call:
WWE Champion: Randy Orton
World Champion: Kane
United States Champion: Daniel Bryan
Intercontinental Champion: Dolph Ziggler
WWE Tag Team Champions: Dashing Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre
Unified Divas Champions: LayCool

Set for Bragging Rights:
* Unified Divas Title Match: Michelle McCool © vs. Natalya
* Bragging Rights Tag Team Match: Team Raw (Captain Miz, Sheamus, John Morrison, C.M. Punk, R-Truth, Santino and ???) vs. Team Smackdown (Captain Big Show, Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rio, Edge, Tyler Reks, and Kofi Kingston)
* World Title Buried Alive Match: Kane © w/Paul Bearer vs. The Undertaker
* WWE Title Match: Randy Orton © vs. Wade Barrett w/John Cena


Nickelback’s “Burn it to the Ground” signifies the beginning of another Monday night Raw, live!

Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler are at ringside, in HD, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada!

Teddy Long kicks off the show. Boos for the SmackDown General Manager. He’s here because he can be. He’s taking over Raw tonight. Anonymous Raw GM interrupts via Michael Cole. “Get out of my ring! Get out of my ring, now!” Long says Sunday at Bragging Rights, it’s SmackDown vs. Raw. Long has the trophy from last year brought out. Eat your heart out, because that belongs to SmackDown. Raw GM: “Get out of my ring, or else.”

Long gets in Cole’s face. The GM sends a whole bunch of emails, which Long ignores and he disconnects the Raw General Manager! Long introduces SmackDown’s captain The Big Show. Edge and the rest of Team SmackDown follow. But here comes The Miz and Alex Riley! Really? It looks like Smurf village grew up next to a nuclear power plant. He was the only Raw guy to win at Bragging Right’s last year and he will lead Raw to victory at Sunday. All the bragging rights will be coming over to the A show. Miz brings out the rest of the team. Ezekiel Jackson is back and he’s the Miz’s personal pick! Nice! No R Truth for some reason.

Team Raw hit the ring and we have a mass brawl on our hands! The fans want Bret. Team SmackDown clear the ring as Miz and co. retreat. Miz says to save it for Sunday. Big Show says SmackDown will leave willingly as long as Show goes one-on-one with The Miz tonight. Team Raw eggs Miz on and he accepts after some goading from the Big Show.

We get highlights of last week’s Miz vs. Cena match, with Wade Barrett’s verbal assault of Cena post-match.


Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre vs. The Hart Dynasty w/ Natalya

Big home town pop for the Dynasty. Expect Kidd to turn on Smith after the loss here. Kidd is aggressive from the get-go, taking McIntyre off the apron, but Cody gets him with a bulldog. McIntyre in and pummels Kidd. Outside and Kidd gets tossed into the guard rail. Back in and Cody gets the tag and a 2 count. Boots by Rhodes and Drew back in now. Kidd lands on his feet off a back suplex attempt and tags in Smith. Dropkick and a series of clotheslines by Smith. A boot takes Rhodes off the apron, and one to McIntyre followed by a leg drop gets a 2 count. Running powerslam connects but Rhodes breaks up the cover. Kidd takes Rhodes out from behind. They go for the Hart Attack, Smith changes his mind and goes for the Sharpshooter, and Kidd is pissed. The distraction allows McIntyre to take out the knee and hit the Future Shock DDT for the win!

Winners: McIntyre and Rhodes
Way too short, but it furthered an angle and gave the tag champs a win. *

Kidd walks out as Natalya tells Smith that they’re a team and they need to get their act together.

In the back, John Cena is joined by Randy Orton. Orton wants to lay all their cards on the table. He doesn’t think Cena would mind helping Barrett take the title from him. If Cena gets in his way, he will have no problem kicking him in the skull and putting him out of his misery. Cena says if he tries, he’ll break Orton’s leg off.

Commercial. On a side note, no R Truth tonight as he’s not allowed in Canada.

Ha, we get a R Truth vignette after the break to make up for his absence, complete with lyrics to his new song. Mmm Eve.

Goldust w/ Aksana vs. Zack Ryder

Jobber’s entrance for Ryder. Ted DiBiase and Maryse are out on the stage. Ryder gets caught with an uppercut early and eats the Final Cut for the loss. That was quick.

Winner: Goludst
You don’t see Goldust winning too many matches that quickly, but I guess it was Zack Ryder. I like the angle, but the match was pointless. N/R

DiBiase attacks from behind. Aksana protects the Million Dollar title, and Maryse chases her to the back. Goldust hits the final cut and DiBiase is out!

Commercial. It’s 2AM here in the UK and this episode of Raw is dragging badly.

We get a promo about the WrestleMania Reading Challenge. Vote Linda!

In the back, Wade Barrett wants John Cena to test Harris and McGillicutty tonight by giving them all he’s got, to test them, to make sure they’re good enough to join Nexus. Cena wants to make sure those are the orders. Barrett says there’s no catch. Now go get him a glass of water. Cena says excuse me, Barrett reiterates and Cena leaves.

In the back, the little kid in Knucklehead is playing on the new SmackDown game. Miz shows up and the kid says Show is going to knock him out tonight. Miz has a surprise for Show later. Big Show shows up and Miz leaves.

Elsewhere, Cena gives Barrett his water. Barrett wants him to know he’s really enjoying this, and throws the water back in John’s face. Ouch.

Commercial. 45 minutes in and we’ve had three, maybe four minutes of wrestling. This is a senseless heel turn and a Jersey Shore gimmick away from being Impact levels of terrible.

John Cena and Randy Orton vs. Husky Harris and Michael McGillicutty

The Cena/Nexus angle has been the highlight of Raw for the past few weeks, and Orton and Cena have been delivering in the ring on Raw as of late so this needs to save the first hour of the show. Generic music for the NXT Season 2 Rookies. Nexus will watch on from ringside. Cena and McGillicutty start and Cena unloads on Michael in the corner. Cena tosses McGillicutty into all the turnbuckles and then connects with a fisherman’s suplex. Harris and McGillicutty regroup on the floor as we go to a commercial.

Commercial. Because McGillicutty takes too long to type during live coverage, he’ll now be referred to as MM during the recap.

Back from the break and Orton gets to from a dropkick on MM. Cena in and he takes it to both rookies but runs into a dropkick from MM. Harris in with forearms that floor Cena. Clubbing blows in the corner and this guy has a presence. 3 point stance into a charge in the corner earns Harris a near fall. MM in with boots to Cena. Snapmare and a second rope neck snap from MM for another 2. Harris back in, shoots Cena off and hits a flying clothesline, getting 2 more. Harris applies a chinlock now as the fans rally behind Cena. A knee to the back slows that comeback. Scoop slam by Harris but a shoulder tackle misses and Cena gets the tag to Orton. MM in but takes a series of clothesline and a snap powerslam! MM rolls to the apron, Orton drags him back and drops him with the DDT. The Viper is coiled! Harris charges but gets hit with an Attitude Adjustment! RKO to McGillicutty and it’s done!

Winners: John Cena and Randy Orton
Match was decent enough, although the commercial really cut into it, but the post-match angle was, once again, excellent. **

Cena offers his hand but Barrett puts a stop to that, ordering Cena out of the ring. He tells him to stand by the announce table. Nexus surround ringside. Orton knocks Otunga off the apron and tosses Slater but the numbers catch up to him out on the floor. The four men put the boots to Orton as Cena watches helplessly. Orton tries to fight back in the ring as the fans chant for Cena. Nexus overpowers Orton in the ring and Cena is a sad panda. Slater hits his finisher and Otunga hits his spinebuster. Gabriel goes up top and hits the 450 splash. Cena pleads with Nexus to stop from the floor but Barrett orders him into the ring. Cena’s typically reluctant but follows orders. Barrett does not have all day. Barrett demands Cena hit Orton with the Attitude Adjustment. Barrett reminds Cena if he doesn’t do it, he’s fired. Orton is limp, Cena picks him up, but Barrett doesn’t want the spotlight stolen from him. Cena hands Orton over so Barrett can hit Wasteland to complete the beatdown.

Commercial. That was another powerful segment that nearly made up for the dreadful stuff that preceded it.

After the break, we get replays of what we all saw five minutes ago.

Vickie Guerrero is here! She’s the official consultant of SmackDown. She takes credit for the appearance of the SmackDown guys here tonight. EXCUSE ME! One special Superstar has a twinkle in his eye because hios eye is always on her. Dolph Ziggler makes his way out. People confuse his cockiness for confidence. He has it all, the look, the physique, the hair and the best part, the most beautiful and intelligent woman walking the face of the earth. She’s his little ray of sunshine. Daniel Bryan interrupts. He’s not a lady’s man, but even he could do better than Vickie. But if he can be serious for a minute (Calgary pops), he has the ability to capitalize on any mistake in the ring and the ability to make Dolph tap out. Bryan proposes a US vs. IC Champion match at Bragging Rights. Dolph accepts, but why wait? Dolph slaps Bryan then hides behind Vickie. Bryan tackles Ziggler to the floor and they brawl. Dolph tries to leave through the crowd but Bryan locks in the LeBell lock on the floor! The WWE Divas are out now! They surround Vickie Guerrero and throw a bucket of confetti on her. She leaves in tears. Daniel Bryan dances with the Divas! Genius! He does the splits and injures himself. He dances with each chick in turn. This segment started out terribly, but got real awesome, real quick.


Natalya vs. Alicia Fox

Lock up, break in the ropes. Cheap shot by Fox, rights and a boot floors Natalya. Fox gets tossed to the corner though and a double underhook throw connects. Sharpshooter! Massive pop! Taps!

Winner: Natalya
Again, this got no time at all. Almost a waste of time. The post-match stuff was OK though. N/R

LayCool are out to spoil the moment. They don’t like Canada. It’s cold, the beer is watered down and they always say “eh.” Harts are everywhere. They don’t belong in the Hall of Fame, they belong in the looney bin. Layla attacks off the McCool distraction and a boot from Michelle connects. Sharpshooter by Michelle! Layla takes pictures. Natalya counters and LayCool quickly bail!

We get replays of Evan Bourne being taken out by CM Punk last week.

In the back, Josh Matthews gets told off by Teddy Long for asking stupid questions. Hornswoggle leads the entire SmackDown roster out as we head to commercial.

Commercial. Lance Storm references and the Nexus/Cena angle aside, this show has been piss poor. LayCool were one of the more entertaining elements of it to be honest.

Stand Up for WWE! We get that really long video that’s been on wwe.com featuring celebs, ex-employees and all in all WWE giving itself a big pat on the back.

In the back, Cena walks! Barrett asks where he’s going. We’re not finished.


Captain’s Match: The Big Show w/ SmackDown vs. The Miz w/ Raw

Something tells me this ends in another big ass brawl. Just a hunch though. Bobby J. Thompson is tonight’s guest star. He introduces Show. Show catches Miz in the corner and chops him. Show rips the shirt off of Miz and clubs him. Miz whipped hard into the corner but catches Show with boots. Miz thrown to the floor. Show takes out a few Raw guys as they all square off on the floor. Teddy Long is out and says because we’re all here, let’s make it a SmackDown vs. Raw Battle Royal.

Winner: No Contest
No real match ere, hence no real rating. N/R

Commercial. Cole just said Long has come up with something original, yet this is the third battle royal on Raw in a month.

Interpromotional Battle Royal: Raw vs. SmackDown

I hate recapping these things. JTG is gone straight away. Riley, I think, just got tossed. Hornswoggle is playing around at ringside, attacking Cole. Nothing of note going on in the ring. Hornswoggle is on play-by-play. MVP is gone. Masters is gone. Horny on PBP is actually quite funny. Punk and Edge going at it. Tyler Reks is out. Gallows and Show toss Mark Henry. Morrison back drops Chavo to the floor, Regal is out too. Primo is out, but havlf the camera work is on the announce desk so we don’t see it. Kozlov gets tossed. The fans still want Bret. Santino is out now too. More SmackDown guys left. Gallows is out. The ring beginning to clear a bit now. Where was Vince’s announcement? Morrison and del Rio battle on the apron, then on the turnbuckle and both are gone as they connect with punches at the same time. Swagger gets tossed. Swagger pulls out Edge and applies the ankle lock. Crowd is dead. Kofi Kingston got eliminated at some point. Jackson tosses Mysterio, McIntyre and Rhodes in one go. At least they’re building him up a bit. Show is left alone with Miz, Bryan and Sheamus. Bryan gets tossed. Show gets suplexed by Jackson and Sheamus! Miz is lurking on the floor. Show tosses Jackson though, but Miz and Sheamus dump Show to the apron. They double team, come off the ropes and Edge back in, SPEAR to Sheamus! Show tosses Miz, Edge tosses Sheamus and SmackDown win!

Winners: Team SmackDown (Edge and Big Show survive)
Well I enjoyed the last few minutes. **

In the back, Wade Barrett makes Cena raise his hand in victory, to practice for Sunday.

And we’re done.


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Daniel Wilcox

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