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Acero’s AEW Dynamite Review 1.10.23

January 10, 2024 | Posted by Tony Acero
AEW Dynamite Undisputed Kingdom, Roderick Strong Image Credit: AEW
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Acero’s AEW Dynamite Review 1.10.23  

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LETS GOOO!!!! If there’s one thing I learned this week, it’s to NOT hinder The Jinder!

It’s Wednesday, you know what that means…

Fuck YES! Starting with some Claudio!!!

WE got the Daily’s Place setup that harkens back to the Pandemic Era.

Claudio Castagnoli vs Hangman Adam Page

Page starts with a huge kick before the bell rings! Some more action in the corner gets grows Claudio’s ire, but Page sends him out of the ring for more. Claudio with an uppercut, gets whipped, reversed. Page hits the barricade hard. Huge uppercut from Claudio. Claudio whips Page into the ring, but he rebounds off the ropes and hits a clothesline. Page hits some rights then sends Claudio into the ring. Claudio with another uppercut. Suplex out of the corner. He hits the ropes. STOMP to the chest! Cover for 1..2.NO!!! Claudio drops Page in the corner and hits another stomp to the chest. Claudio flexes on the chest of Page till the ref hits three. Another of the same. They exchange righ hands in the center of the ring untul Claudio hits a flurry. Page tries for a right, then goes for the ropes. Claudio pulls the hair down, slamming Page down hard. He grabs the legs. GIANT SWING!!!!! After a few spins, Claudio locks in the Sharpshooter! He goes for the ropes, Claudio transitions into a crossface to prevent it! Page rolls into a pin for 1..2.NO!!! Page grabs Claudio with a Fireman’s! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!!! Claudio tries for an uppercut, but Page hooks the arm. A backslide gets Page 1..2..NO!!! Fallaway Slam! Claudio rolls to the apron, Page kips up with ease. He sees Claudio, runs up the 2nd buckle, and hits a clothesline! He flies over the top rope onto Claudio with a plancha! Right hands to the ear of Claudio! Claudio into the ring, Page swings, Claudio ducks and hoists him up in a press! He launches Page over the ropes to the stage!!!

WE ARE BACK!! Page rushes the corner, Claudio lifs him up and over. Page with a right, Claudio runs with a big boot! He leaves the ring and meets Page at the bottom of the ramp. Claudio with an uppercut! Another! Another, with each taking Page a step further up the ramp. Page with a right, another, he fights down some steps. Page runs off the steps then hits Claudio with a HUGE lariat, sending Claudio back into the ring. Page slings himself for a Buckshot, but Claudio meets him with a huge uppercut!!! COVER! 1..2….NO!!! Claudio with a kick to the face! Another! A slap! Page retaliates .They have a fucking slap fest in the middle of the ring!!! Slaps turn to punches, then they hit the ropes, each miss a clothesline, but Page sends Claudio over the top with another lariat! Page lands on the apron, but Claudio is on the mat. Page tries for a moonsault! Claudio catches him!! He looks to slam Page, but Page hits a DDT!!! Page climbs a stage and goes for another moonsault! He hits this one!

They end up back in the ring. Page hits a boot, climbs the top rope, flies, but Claudio catches him again! Claudio tries for a piledriver, Page reverses and hits his own!!! PIN! 1..2…..NO!!!! Page tries for a Dead Eye, Claudio reverses and sends Page face first into the top buckle! Running uppercut in the corner! Another uppercut, another, he hits em over and over, dropping Page down. Claudio pulls him up, then hits a short clothesline! Cover for 1..2…N!O!! Claudio with the elbows to the side of the head!!! He locks up for the finish, but Page lifts up and gets DEAD EYE!! COVER!!!! Page tries to shoot off the 2nd buckle again, but Claudio is waiting for him with an uppercut!!!

Claudio climbs! High kick from Page!! Elbows from Claudio! Rising Uppercut to Page!!! Claudio locks up for the bomb!!!! BUT PAGE REVERSES WITH A RANA!!! BUCKSHOT LARIAT!!! Claudio stands! ANOTHER BUCKSHOT!!! COVER!!! 1…..2….3!!!!!

Winner: Hangman Adam Page
I LOVE when two wrestlers go out there and just kick all kinds of ass for no reason other than the fact that they are just great wrestlers. We went almost twenty minutes and this shit was a beauty. I’d argue that if this was nothing but a seven minute sprint, people would still love it, but this was a gift, a gift for us, and I thank you very very much.
Total Rating: ****
Match Time: 17:07

Orange Cassidy, Dustin Rhodes, Adam Copeland, and Preston Vance vs Brian Cage, Gates of Agony, and Lance Archer

Dustin and Toa to start. Dustin with a powerslam into a cover for 1…NO! A headbutt drops Dustin down hard. Tag from Preston, who comes in with confidence. Tag to Cage, tag to Copeland. He hits a drop toe hold to Cage, OC gets the tag, crossbody, gets caught, Adam with a dropkick to help send ACage into a pin. 1….NO!!! GOOZLE FROM ORANGE CASSIDY!!! Cage shoots OC into the corner, locks the head off the rebound, STUNDOG MILLIONAIRE! Bishop gets a tag, staring down Lance, who seems upset. Tag to Toa. The try to double team but OC runs over one, and gets POUNCED by Toa!

We are BACK and Lance Archer is shooting OC across the ring with ease. OC kicks out of the corner, then stands to the 2nd buckle. Lance runs with a rising knee! Damn! He hits the corner and flies in with a back elbow, another, goes for a third, but we see JOSE on the outside grab Lance’s leg!!! JAKE THE FUCKIN SNAKE runs over to punch Jose! This gets some love from the crowd. OC WITH A GOOZLE!!!! Lance grabs the arm, twists the wrist. OC with the MOST VICIOUS KICKS IN THE GAME!!!! Lance drops him, pulls him back up for Blackout, but OC with a DDT!!!! Tag to Vance! He comes in to handle Gates of Agony!!! A big front slam to Toa. Vance runs into a kick in the corner from Bishop. SPINEBUSTER!!!! Brodie point! Vance goes for the Brodie Lariat! Misses, big clothesline an da cover for 1..2.NO!!! In comes in Dustin to fly over Cance onto Bishop!!! In comes Cage for a Drill!!! EDGE IN! Tries for a spear! BUT GETS THE IMPALER INSTEAD! Here comes Bishop to hit a gutbuster! OC WITH A GOOZLE!!! Bishop breaks it. ORANGE PUNCH! ORANGE WITH A MUTHA FUCKIN CHOKESLAM!!!!! Here comes Archer! BOSSMAN SLAM TO OC! OC rolls out! Here comes Vance with a pump kick! Archer sends Vance into a Samoan Drop! Archer tries to hit, but Cance moves and Lance hits Toa!!!

C age argues with Lance and hits him with a clothesline!! SPEAR FROM COPELAND!!!! DUSTIN FLIES WITH A CANNONBALL!!!! VANCE WITH A DISCUS LARIAT! COVER! 1..2….3!!!

Winners: Adam Copeland, Preston Cance, Dustin Rhodes, and Orange Cassidy
A big win for Vance in a match that, admittedly, started a little rough. This was just to show love to Brodie, but it also gave someone a win that could really springboard from it. Much love to Brodie.
Total Rating: *****
Match Time: 10:21

Samoa Joe is here! He is OUR World Champ, and he stands here tonight as such. Big THANK YOU JOE chant. He says no thanks is needed, he was destined for this. He says tonight, we make some changes to the championship challenger protocol. When you are champion, you become a marked man. He heard even a Devil who made a bad deal is looking for him. He says he runs things here. He says no more will you have to go onto social media and make your little hoe ass comments. He says if you are deemed worthy, you can walk down the ramp and get stomped out in front of everybody who has ever cheered for you. The new championship era is here, and for anyone who wants a piece of him, our champion will be waiting.

Swerve Strickland is out, and he’s not alone. Brian Cage, The Gates of Agony, and the dancing fool that is Prince Nana are beside him.

Swerve says this is his first time at Daily’s, but we’ll go ahead and call it Swerve’s House. A few months ago, he told Page it wasn’t personal, but he was after his spot, and he took it. So he’ll reiterate the same sentiment to Joe. This isn’t personal, he just wants the title, and he’s going to take it. However, after he takes it, and Joe makes it personal, Swerve will be more than happy to.

Swerve smiles as Joe gets in his face.

Hangman Adam Page doesn’t like the sound of all of thi, so he comes out with a scowl. Hangman says 2023 held a lot for him. He beat Moxley, reunited with The Elite, and he found Swerve. He lost sight of the title, though. In 2024, he will make it his.

Joe takes a step back as Page and Swerve get in each other’s face. Nana holds Swerve back. Page barely looks towards Joe. Swerve leaves the ring with his buddies, then page goes to Joe. What the hell is he smirking at? He hasn’t forgotten what Joe did to Page and he’ll take the title from Joe for it.

Page leaves and Joe holds his title up high.

Just as he does, HOOK! comes out!

He points to the title, in Joe’s face, and tells Joe “One Week.”

Hook leaves.

Backstage, Toni Storm is with Renee. Mariah May asks Toni if she saw the match? Toni says no, did she do an arm drag? Lol. Renee brings up Deonna, and Toni doesn’t know who that is. All these girls coming after her title. Toni wants to have a meeting with her. She hits her catchphrase, forget s a line, Mariah helps her, and Toni says now she’s ruined the moment.

Sammy Guevara is here for some action, saying “We’re home, baby!”

Ricky Starks vs Sammy Guevara

Side headlock from Sammy! Ricky reverses. They hit the ropes, Sammy hops over, ducks under, Ricky with a shoulder tackle. Ricky poses and mocks Sammy. CHOP from Ricky! He sends Sammy into the corner, attacks the gut, right hand. Ricky whips, reversed by Sammy, he hops over, back flips over, hits a dropkick, then kips up and poses! Sammy mocks Ricky’s pose, Ricky back in, hits the ropes, Sammy trips ricky to the outside. Sammy with a baseball slide. Sammy to the top rope! MOONSAULT! OFF THE TOP! He gets some love from the crowd. Sammy sends Ricky into the ring, hits some chops in the corner, shoulder to the gut. Sammy tries for an enziguri, Ricky blocks it, right to the ear, Sammy locks up in the ring and they both end up on the apron. Sammy with a fireman’s, Ricky elbows out, double underhook, but Sammy blocks and hits a HUGE chop to the chest! Another chop! Throat thrust from RIcky! HE DOUBLE UNDERHOOKS AND ROSHAMBO ON THE FUCKING APRON!!

We are back and Sammy is surprisingly in control. Ricky tries to spin him into a DDT but Sammy counters and kicks Ricky down. Cover for 1..2…NO!!! Sammy to the top rope! Ricky holds the leg! Sammy punches the abck off the top. Ricky fights him down, hits a punch to the ear, another. Ricky climbs the corner and locks up. Big elbow to Starks and he flies off. Sammy with a moonsault, but RICKY KICKS THE FUCKING FACE!! HOLY SHITTTTT! Lariat! POWERBOMB! PIN! 1…2…..NO!!! Sammy shoots Ricky into the corner, Sammy tries for a G2H, but Ricky counters into a jackknife for 1..2..N!O!!

Rope work and Starks ducks under, but a Superkick sends him reeling! Sammy pulls the legs over Ricky into a pin for 1..2….3!!!!

Winner: Sammy Guevara
This really brought me back to the early days of Daily Place. A hell of a match.
Total Rating: ***3/4
Match Time: 9:27

Sammy celebrates then watches as Ricky realizes he lost. Sammy gets down to talk to Ricky in his face. He extends the hand and they shake. Sammy has some words for Ricky, showing some respect and…here comes BIG BILL!!!!!! He attacks Sammy! Ricky with stomps!!! Here comes Chris Jericho! He attacks with Floyd! Sammy attacks Ricky on the outside! Jericho with a Codebreaker! He flies off the 2nd buckle with a dropkick! Ricky and Sammy keep the fight going as Jericho’s music hits. Jericho fights Bill into the crowd. Sammy and Ricky leave through the opposite side.

Kris Statlander, Willow Nightingale, Anna Jay, and Thunder Rosa vs Saraya, Ruby Soho, Skye Blue, and Julia Hart

Jay and Soho to start. Ruby with a slap. Jay reverses a whip attempt and slaps Runy. Spinning leg lariat to Ruby. Tag to Kris, who comes in with a body slam. She hits the ropes, low clothesline. Tag to Jay, who runs in wit a blockbuster on the ground. Tag to Willow who hits a crossody, then a tag to Rosa who hits a dropkick. Ruby up in the corner. Rosa with a right, another, she lifts and Ruby floats off. Hart gets a tag. She stares down Rosa. Skye distracts Rosa and Hart trips her up. Tag from Skye. Stomps in the corner. Tag to Saraya, who stomps some more. Tag to Ruby. Her and Rosa fight in the center. Chops from Rosa. Back elbow. Drop toe hold. Rosa hits the ropes, dropkick to Ruby. She grabs the neck, right hand in th corner, tag to Willow. Ruby to the corner, Willow wit a huge splash in the corner, turns and hits a clothesline, rolls Ruby out of the corner but Willow gets picked off the corner and falls on her back!

We are back and Kris is a HOWSE OF FIYAH!!! She clears the ring of everyone save for Saraya, who gets hit in the corner, then again with a knee. Falcon Arrow from Kris and a pin for 1..2…NO!!! Ruby hops on the apron, then enters the ring to try and double team Kris, but here comes all eight girls to do a suplex spot that is pretty dangerous, but they pull it off, with the faces getting the upperhand and dropping the heels. Good pop for it. Kris lifts Saraya, back elbow, then a right hand from her. Skye runs and tries for Code Blue, but Statlande rushes outside, Skye hits the ropes. POUNCE FROM WILLOW!!! In comes Hart to send Willow out! FLATLINER FROM JAY! Ruby in, then Rosa shoots her out. Sarayaa in to send her out! Kris with a rolling german! Tag to Hart! Tag to Jay! They go face to face! Right hands back and forth!

Hart with a sleeper! She gets backed into the corner. Tag from Skye! Jay superkicks Hart! Blue with a kick! QUEEN SLAYER FROM ANNA JAY! Skye taps!

Winners: Kris Statlander, Willow Nightingale, Anna Jay, and Thunder Rosa
This appeared to be more of a little love letter to Brodie than anything, giving Jay a win that probably should have went to Blue. Still, similar to Vance winning, IF they can do something with this win, then it will not have been for naught.
Total Rating: **1/2
Match Time: 9:04

We switch gears to Wheeler Yuta who gets a video promo, tellin Eddie Kingston he is a grown ass man and wont tolerate disrespect.

The Undisputed Kingdom is here. They place a seat down for Adm Cole who, apparently, has a story.

Roderick Strong vs Brian Keith

Strong goes in but Keith is quick to get the upperhand with a drop and some chops. They tangle up aginst the ropes. Keith hits the ropes, then a big kick sends Roderick to the apron. Keith to the apron. High kick to the chest. Chop from Strong. He drops Keith to the mat outside then back inside for some stomps in the corner. Strong hits them over and over til the ref stops him. Strong locks the head and drags Keith to the cneter. Half Nelson. Elbows from Keith break the hold. Right from Strong, right from Keith. Another form Strong. Keith with elbows till Strong hits the ropes. Strong kicks out, again, enziguri! ANGLE SLAM! Cover! 1..2…NO!!!! Strong sits Keith up on the corner. Brian with a headbutt. Another. Another. He knocks Strong to the mat! Running boot! Keith qith Diamon Dust off the top rope!!! He locks the head, double underhook!

Keith tries for Tiger Driver, but Strong lifts him up, roll through and a pin for 1..2.NO!! Strong kicks out! High knee! He locks the head and lifts up, END OF HEARTACHE! Cover! 1…2….3!!!

Winner: Roderick Strong
A sprint to keep the fire alive with the group.
Total Rating: *
Match Time: 4:19

Adam Cole with some mic time says he is not worried about any of us. Strong is a 20 year veteran. One of the most physical and incredible wrestlers alive. The International Championship has Roderick’s name on it. Taven and Bennett? Not only the greatest ROH tag champs, but currenty champs. They have never gotten the respect that they deserve. And finally, one of th most vicious men in AEW history…Wardlow. Now that he is surrounded by people who respect him, when the time is right, “WE” are going to win the AEW World Championship. Boys and girls, say hello to your new home – or new Kingdom, rather. Get comfortable, because they will be here for a long time.

Deonna Perrazo is backstage with Renee. She is a huge signing, says Renee. How is Deonna feeling? She is still on Cloud Nine, but if Toni wants to continue to pretend she doesn’t know who she is, she’ll send Toni a screener. She invites Toni to watch Collision where she will make her debut.

Here comes Red Velvet, lookin cute as ever, to challenge her.

Deonna accepts.

Falls Count Anywhere
Sting and Darby Allin vs Powerhouse Hobbs and Konosuke Takeshita

We got Flair ringside and JIM ROSS on commentary!!!

Darby and Takeshita lock up as Sting chases Hobbs into the crowd. Takeshita chops Darby on the outside as Flair watches. Another and Takeshita stares Flair down. Sting is fighting Hobbs in the crow still, beating him down towards the ring. Darby to the top rope! He dives for a coffin drop but Takeshita catches him and hits a freakin German on the outside!!!!

WE ARE BACK and Hobbs has Sting hurting in the corner. Takeshita and Hobbs grab Darby, by arms and legs and swing him into a spin, causing him to collide into the bottom rope. Sting s up! He chops each of the big men, then we get a Sting Splash to Hobbs, and he goes for Takeshita, only for Takeshita to hit him with a high knee!!! HOBBS HAS A CHAIR!! But here comes Ric Flair! He chops Hobbs! Again! THUMP TO THE EYE!!! TAKESHITA GRABS FLAIR! Sting is up! He sends Takeshita to t he outside! Darby is up! He hits the ropes, and launches himself into Takeshita!!! STINGER SPLASH TO HOBBS!!! SPINEBUSTER TO HOBBS!!!

Hobbs to the stage. Darby drags Takeshita with him up to the top of the ramp. Sting whips Hobbs, Hobbs reverses, and both of them are down. Darby with a sleeper to Takeshita. Takeshita smashes him into some guard rails. Takeshita tries for a knee, but Darby moves and Takeshita hits steel! Darby climns up high! HE FALLS WITH A. COFFIN DROP!!!! Takeshita’s gotta catch him, but the crowd loves it!

HOBBS is standing tall! He drops the straps! He grabs Sting! Hobbs walks Sting over to the edge of the stage, There are two tables set up below! Sting reverses! SCORPION DEATH DROP INTO THE TABLES!!!!! Sting covers! 1…2….3!!!!

Winners: Darby Allin and Sting
As sometimes happens in a match like this, there were some flubs. Darby’s fall off the bleachers was saved solely by Takeshita catching him, and the Death Drop only hit one table, minimizing the impact the move had. STILL, it’s Sting, and the crowd LOVED it. Seeing Flair in the ring did the opposite of pop me, but again, people loved it. This gave more of a house show feeling to the episode, but a hell of a house show feeling.
Total Rating: **1/2
Match Time: 9:54

Tony enters the ring to talk to Sting. He brings up March 3rd, and has one question – who will his opponent be?

Before he can answer, The Young Bucks’ music hits.

Matt and Nick come out in all white (Nick), and all black (Matt). They come to the top of the stage and stare down Darby and Sting.

Darby wants the match, and Flair is smiling, but Sting doesn’t look too interested.

End Show

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
Similar to the fact that they were live from Daily’s Place, there was a whole lot of callbacks to the yesteryear of AEW, and it worked. While the eight-person matches may rub some the wrong way, it was for Brodie, and we got some fun out of each. Also, having Jay and Vance win their respective matches COULD do something for them. I hope it does. The main event was fun, the opener was beautiful, and just having a match at Daily’s with the unique layout felt right and felt like home. Good for them.

article topics :

AEW Dynamite, Tony Acero