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Acero’s AEW Dynamite Review 8.28.24

August 28, 2024 | Posted by Tony Acero
AEW Dynamite Jack Perry Bryan Danielson 8-28-24 Image Credit: AEW
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Acero’s AEW Dynamite Review 8.28.24  

Michael Ornelas checks out Perkin’s Restaurant this week with Andrew Canada, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous of their tet-a-tet, because I thought only he and I shared such a rapport. Check out the full episode and see where Perkin’s lands on the mediocre scale!! Check out Fine Dining Podcast now!

It’s Wednesday, you know what that means…

After a recap of the beautiful win from Bryan, we go live and surprise surprise, Jon Moxley is back!!! He wants to speak to someone who is nothing like him, yet shares a lot of similarities. He wants to speak to Darby Allin. It’s about time they had a tlak. He says he won’t be hard to find.

Jon leaves the ring, then thinks twice, and comes back in. He wants to tell Schiavone something. It’ll take some time for everyone to wrap their brains around this, but this is not YOUR company anymore, he tells Tony.

Jon then leaves the ring.

Maybe he was speaking to all Tonys…

We are backstage with Hook, Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe, Willow Nightingale, Kyle O’Reilly, and Tomohiro Ishii.

Mark gets some mic time to wax poetic. Let’s visit it:

You, with the French-inspired name, Renee, are lucky enough to bask in the glory that is our group of men and women. It is with a heavy heart that we admit we were not victorious this past weekend, but alas it is but a kink in the armor, not a knife in the heart, for we are here tonight to take that very kink, stretch it out across the ore, and bang it out. We start with Nightingale, more than just a bird with a song – but let her sing. Later, still, we see Ishii bring about pain unparalleled, and finally, we celebrate the knight named Hook and his decimation of one Chris Jericho.

We are infallible, we are indestructible, we are The Conglomeration.

Hangman Adam Page vs Tomohiro Ishii

Both men meet in the middle with huge forearms back and forth over and over, then they get into a chop battle until Page corners Ishii. The ref tries to break them up, so Page takes him to the opposite corner.

We are back and Page drops Ishii hard on the apron. Page goes after the head, meeting Ishii on the apron and hitting a hard chop then a DDT. Ishii hangs upside down, selling the move like a true pro. He rolls off the apron as Page celebrates. Page into the ring, Ishii, too, lariat off the top rope from Page! Cover! 1..2…NO!!! Another cover from Page. Gets 2. Page works the legs, tries for a Indian Deathlock like move on the ground. Ishii reaches the ropes. Page with an elbow, Ishii walks into them! Ishii with his own, drops Page hard. Ishii with a lock up to the ide. Elbow from Page. Page whips, reversed, Saito suplex from Ishii! Cover! 1..2..NO!!! Ishii in the corner. Hits some rights, whips Page to the opposite corner, big lariat. Ishii sits Page up on the corner, climbs, locks up for a suplex, Page attacks the gut, headbutt to Ishii, but Ishii jumps up with his own headbutt! Ishii climbs, wants a superplex, GETS IT! COVER! 1..2….NO!!!! Page up! DVD! But Ishii hits a German! Both men up! Lariats in the middle! Rights from both! Both men down!

We are back and Page blocks a right, goes for a Dead Eye, Ishii tries for a Brainbuster, Page kicks, German from Ishii, but Hangman lands on his feet, forearm, blocked, another one! GERMAN FROM PAGE!! Ishii on his head! Page to the apron. Tries for Buckshot, but Ishii stops him! HE HITS DEAD EYE! Ishii hits the ropes! Big Lariat! Cover! 1..2….NO!!!! Kick from Page, lariat from Ishii, both men still stand. Left from Page, Ishii with a headbutt! Lariat knocks Page down. He’s back up!

Lariat to Ishii! Ishii goes down! Both men stand, stagger, big lariat from Page! DEAD EYE FROM PAGE!!!! To the apron! BUCKSHOT LARIAT!!!! Cover! 1….2….3!!!!

Winner: Hangman Adam Page
Oh that was fucking beautiful! I’m so glad they got the dumb “I hit, you hit” out of the way in the beginning because everything after that was magical. Amazing opener and good win for Page.
Total Rating: ****
Match Time: 16:52

After the match, Swerve Strickland comes out. He is pissed. Page is ready for him. Swerve enters the ring. Forehead to forehead as the crowd chants for Swerve.

Swerve has a mic. He says he should slap Page into a bloody mess right now for getting involved at All-In. But instead, he came out to look Page in his face and tell him that he feels sorry for Page. Page has become a petulant little child. With every tirade and tantrum that he throws, Page gets further and further away from success while Swerve gets closer to it. Make no mistake, Swerve doesn’t have the title, but he’ll always be referred to as a World Champion. This will always be Swerve’s House. Page failed.

Page flies off the rails, screams that Swerve is not a champion of anything over and over then calls Swerve a piece of shit. He broke into Page’s home, he wrestled him 3 times and couldn’t win on his own. First it was Nana, then it was Nana and Brian Cage. The third time, it took 30 minutes and he couldn’t get the job done. Swerve is not as good as Page. What Page wants is to leave them out of it. He wants just Swerve and he, like it began, and wants him on his knees.

Swerve says how bout we lock them out and lock “us” in. All Out. Steel Cage Match.

Swerve says he did something Page doesn’t know after the fight with Joe. He drove up to his house, parked out in front, waited till the morning, and saw Page escorting his pregnant wife down the stairs, bags packed, getting in the car, and driving off to the hospital. Page was about to be a father. That’s the man Page was supposed to be. Also when he realized that he didn’t need to be focused on Page, he needed to be focused on the title, being the best in the world, and that’s what he did. Mark his words, it will happen again. But Page…Page is so focused on Swerve. He can’t win the Owen, can’t win the Gauntlet, can’t win at Blood & Guts. He challenged Page to remind the world what Cowboy Shit was all about, and instead of trying to burn Swerve’s world to the ground, Page’s career is going up in flames. So again, in that cage, what kind of man will Page be? What kind of man will he show his kids?

Page drops the mic and leaves the ring.

Jamie Hayter vs Harley Cameron

Jamie makes short work of Harley beatin all kinds of ass. Harley tries to fight back ,hitting a knee then sloppily failing at a bulldog. Jamie drops her then hits a big boot. Harley tries for Soul Food, but Jamie drops her on her ass and holds onto the wrist. She slings Harley into her arms and hits a Hayt Breaker, as Excalibur calls it, I believe. Think Rock Bottom onto the knee. She hits that three times.

Jamie hits a the Hayterade to Harley’s neck and pins for 1..2…3!!!

Winner: Jamie Hayter
Total Rating: *
Match Time: 3:19

The Learning Tree is backstage with Roderick Strong. Big Bill says colors are changing. Jericho is really proud of Hook. He finally listened to him.

Strong asks Jericho to get Kyle away from Orange Cassidy. OC is bad news. Jericho knows this. OC still owes him $7,000 for ruining his jacket 3 years ago, and tonight they will take this out of Orange, Hook, Kyle, and Briscoe.

Everyone leaves but Keith, to tell us to pay the damn price.

MJF is here and he does not look happy. He is in a lot of pain, has a headache, so he demands we shut our mouths and pipe down or he will hop the guardrail and beat the holy hell out of each and everyone in the arena. He is talking, so shut up. He lost his title, he lost his ring, and he has two herniated discs. Where were we? None of us had his back. He denounces his American citizenship, and will no longer be associated with this garbage country. The only part of this place that matters is Long Island.

He denounces us so-called fans who show no respect. After all he has done for this company and sport, he is sick of allowing us to live in lies. Speaking of liars…Will Ospreay. He cheated like a gutless little worm. This is not over, not by a longshot. He tells Will to keep his head on a swivel. One day, Will will become this close to winning the big one, and just as he is about to, MJF will cut him out at the knees with a smile on his face.

Now he will speak directly to Daniel Garcia, and yells that if he shows his face in MJF’s company —

But he is cut off by Daniel Garcia attacking him from behind! He locks the head up in a guillotine! MJF is out! Garcia drops him! He tries for a piledriver, but drops MJF and thinks better of it. He grabs MJF and drags him to the corner, lifts him up to the top rope. Garcia splits the legs and locks the head up for the piledriver off the 2nd rope like MJF did him. But here comes security to stop him. Garcia attacks them one by one. MJF watches in the corner, then attacks! He mounts for punches over and over and over.MJF celebrates. Garcia is back up! STOMPS! Garcia corners MJF agin, going for the piledriver. He lifts, flips MJF upside down, is about to hit it, but here comes CD and security goons!

MJF slinks down to the outside as security holds Garcia back.

Garcia grabs the mic. He tells MJF it is not going to be that easy. He knows MJF is looking for the ring, but he pawned it off in New York for a roundtrip to London to ruin the biggest moment of MJF’s life. Ruining MJF’s life is all he thinks about, it’s his obsession, his fetish. He wants MJF in Chicago, All Out. Beating MJF in a match isn’t enough, he wants to drop MJF on his head and to break his neck.

Garcia tosses the mic all the way up the ramp and hits MJF in the head.

Orange Cassidy and Some Other People vs The Learning Tree and Roderick Strong

Hook and Kieth to start! A big suplex sends him away, and we get a tag to OC! He comes in and he and Hook suplex Keith then he covers for 1. Tag to Kyle who gives BK a few kicks then tags in Mark. Kick to the back by Mark! Tag to Big Bill. Big chops in the corner to Briscoe. Another. We get all 8 men in the ring and they do the thing they do as we go to break!

We are BACK and Jericho is in the ring with Jericho. Jericho with a Full Nelson. OC tries for the pockets, he nearly gets them, Jericho pulls up, OC reaches again. HE GETS THEM!! Hip attack, to the ropes, dropkick to Jericho, Big Bill tries for an elbow drop, OC moves, kick to Strong outside. Ta to Keith who grabs the trunks, OC flies over his back, tags in Mark, drops under BK, hits Jericho, chops to both men, to the head, grabs both and sends them head to head! Misses a right, kicks Jericho away, pele kick to Keith. Chop from Jericho! Whip to the corner, so Briscoe kicks Big Bill away. Briscoe sends jEricho voer the top rope, Briscoe turns for a Crane Kick, but Strong with a capture and a suplex! Keith attacks with right hands over and over. Tag to Strong. To the corner. Big chop to Mark. Another. Keith with a kick to the chest, another, a third. Snapmare. Cover for 1.2.NO!!!!Mark with a chop to Mark, whip to the ropes, Kyle with a blind tag, Briscoe kicks then sends BK into a boot from Kyle. KOR attacks Bill then Jericho, then hits some rights and lefts to BK. KOR tries for an axe kick, but Strong is in to catch him. Knee then elbow from KOR. Big clothesline. Big Bill gets a blind tag. Kyle drops Keith and goes for a heel lock but Big Bill drops an elbow. Clothesline to the entering Mark, big boot to Hook. Splash in. the corner to Mark. OC in, gets slammed down with a sidewalk slam from Big Bill!

We are back and Bill gets dropkicked by KOR. Tag to Strong and JOR sends Bill over the top rope. Strong grabs a boot, Hook gets a tag, sends Strong down, then Jericho, high knee to Strong, big toss to Strong,in comes Bill, Hook grabs the hip,s but Strong kicks the back! Flatliner from Hook. Bill misses a right, T-BONE SUPLEX FROM HOOK!!!! Hook celebrates, Strong attacks the back, but gets a Northern Lights! BK breaks the pin with an axe. KOR in to kick him, then boots out the corner. BK with a ising headbutt. OC misses Orange Punch, BK captures, exploder to OC! Big kick to KOR! Mark in, kick to the gut, whip to the corner, Mark to the apron, shoulder to BK, pulls BK outside, hits the ropes, but Jericho is in to hit Mark with a clothesline! Jericho celebrates! He hits the ropes hits em again, stops in the center of the ring and waves hi. Hook in, hits a right, capture, T-BONE!!! Strong grabs Hook, Lungblower! KOR with a punt kick! KOR to the apron! Running knee to Jericho.

OC IN THE RING! Suicide dive to BK! Mark hits the ropes! He flies over the top rope onto everyone!

In the ring, Strong rolls up Hook for 1..2.NO!!! Strong with a forearm, back elbow, tries to finish, Hook lands on his ass, turns, REDRUM!!! Strong has his foot on the rope! Aubrey doesn’t see it! She blatantly walks over it but doesn’t see it…ok. Lol. Calls for the submission.

Winners: Hook, Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe, Kyle O’Reilly
That was tons of fun and a nice highlight of those that typically don’t get it, namely Bryan Keith. As for that ending, I dunno man, I get that they wanna maybe add to a story, but Aubrey blatantly walking over the leg she supposedly didn’t see was weird.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 16:33

Mercedes Mone is backstage having a party for her newest win. Here comes Private Party to say she can’t have a party without them. They bring up her next match saying Mercedes is a fighting champion.

Isaiah tries to hit on Mercedes but comes on too strong. Here comes Kazuchika Okada to stand in front of Mercedes. She asks him how to say bye, bitch. He tells her and she can’t even say that right.

Mariah May is here to have a celebration, but no, not in this city. She does want to show us what’s under her robe, though. He reveals the title and her in some lingerie. That’s enough, she says, then she leaves.

Ricochet vs Kyle Fletcher

Ric with a shove, Kyle shoves, too. Lockup into the ropes, shoulder tackle from Kyle, but Ric with a kipup. Ric shoots the legs, waist lock from behins, side hedlokc, Ric flisp back, lands on his feet, leap frog over Kyle, rana the na kipup and a big dropkick sends Kyle to the outside. Ric hits the ropes, front flip, off the ropes, goes full Iron Man and lands on his fist. Right hand to Kyle on the apron, he flies, Kyle slinks into the ring, Ric lands on his stomach, hops up and Kyle kicks him off then hits a suicide dive! Kyle with a kick that sends Ricochet over the barricade. Kyle rushes, but Ric bounces off the top of the barricade and hits a double knees to the chest! That looked nice.

We are back from break and Kyle has the upperhand. He corners Ricochet and hits a right hand to the gut. Kyle splits the legs, chops the chest, locks the head and tries for a superplex. Ric attacks the stomach. Hard headbutt. Ric lands on the apron, Kyle misses a right, Ric with a high kick, springboard lariat. Ric ducks under a right, hits his own, kick, another right. Ric with a crossbody. Springboard, flies over Kyle, ducks under, enziguri! Hooks for a Northern Lights, flips into a suplex. Kipup! Ric with a running shooting star press! Ric tries for a fireman’s, Kyle with elbows. Chops from Ric. Kyle corners Ric, Ric shoots out with a kick, rolls through, dropkick. Kyle on the floor outside, Ric hits the ropes and just dives with his shoulder into Kyle! Ric sends Kyle into the ring. Ric to the top rope. Flies, and runs into a boot. That was wack. Running high kick from Kyle, BRAINBUSTAHHHHH!!!!! COVER! 1..2….NO!!!

Ricochet stands, Kyle hits the ropes, running high knee! He tries for a piledriver. Ricochet escapes, turns, hits Vertigo! Cover! 1.2….3!!!

Winner: Ricochet
Do not take this the wrong way, but this was just a Ricochet match.
Total Rating: **1/2
Match Time: 12:06

Will Ospreay is out with a mic. He is about to speak but PAC comes running out and hits a fucking POISONRANA TO WILL!!! Hahaha holy shit!

Pac grabs a mic, says let this be a warning to ya, don’t you dare forget about The Bastard. As for Ricochet, welcome to AEW. Welcome, now get to the bc of the line. This one here belongs to Pac.

Someone tries to stop Jon Moxley for an explanation.

He says thou shall not cast pearls before swine….then says maybe just one, and in comes some chick to toss some random security guards around. Moxley stops them and says, “A lesson in humility.” The lady shoves the camera, and Excalibur explains that the woman is Marina Shafir. Oops.

We head to the ring with just a few minutes left, and Bryan Danielson rushes out, cutting his music short and hopping into the ring. The YOU DESERVE IT chants start as Bryan smiles.

Bryan says after trying and failing and trying and failing finally, Bryan Danielson, The American Dragon, is the AEW World Champion. In front of his fans, his family, and when he got to the back, his daughter said, “Daddy, this was the best day of my life.” He thinks a double-decker Peppa Pig tour bus may have played a big role, but he knew it before she said that, when he got to the back and his peers congratulated him. He knew it, that was the favorite moment of his entire career. But, when he got to the press conference, they asked him what’s next. His contract expired on August 1st. He will be needing neck surgery sooner rather than later, and his family is ready for him to come home. When he first got to AEW, one of the first things he said was thank you to the people who started this place. AEW is awesome. He has loved professional wrestling his entire life, and the fact that AEW even exists makes pro wrestling better, and has made his life better. When he thinks of all AEW did and looked to all his peers, and think of all the people who will wrestle AEW in the future, he realized it’s probably time for him to go home…


He will not retire as AEW Champion. He will fight for this title. As much as he possibly can. Granted, don’t get it twisted, as soon as he loses this, his career is over, but this won’t be any time soon, because he’s still got a lot of heads to kick in! So in two weeks, All Out, Chicago, he gets it – there’s a young, hungry locker room, and he’s got an AEW World Championship to defend, so anyone who wants a shot, come get it. First come, first served, because Bryan Danielson is here to be the best AEW World Champion of all time.

Jack Perry is on the tron. He wants to connect the dots – nobody wanted him back, nobody believed in him, including Bryan. He had to go ahead and create his own future, so he did that the day he got back, he punched Khan, destroyed Kenny Omega, won the title, and buried Darby Allin in Wembley. The only time they stood across each other in the ring, he beat Bryan and he’ll do it again. His future is to retire Bryan Danielson and whether anyone likes it or not, his future and the future of AEW are one in the same. Bryan’s future is behind him…

JACK PERRY attacks! The video was a ruse! Perry chokes Bryan up then stands to remove his jacket and shirt. Jack with a running knee to the side of the head of Bryan.

Perry holds up both titles to

End Show

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
This was a nice cool down from All-In, as we saw matches being made and stories moving forward. I thought the main event was great, Ishii and Page was amazing, Moxley was, at the very least, intriguing, and as a whole, it made me wanna watch next week. Can't go wrong with that.

article topics :

AEW Dynamite, Tony Acero