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Acero’s WWE RAW Review 5.27.24

May 27, 2024 | Posted by Tony Acero
WWE Raw 5-27-24 Liv Morgan Dominik Mysterio Image Credit: WWE
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Acero’s WWE RAW Review 5.27.24  

Keep Refreshing For The Latest WWE Raw Results

Michael Ornelas is back with the actual review of the Paul Fleming Chang restaurant you always drunkenly walk by in Vegas!

I’m pretty sure this past Saturday was the first time I have ever watched a Saudi event.

After a nice recap of Saudi, we get Ludwig Kaiser in the middle of the ring to introduce us to yours and my King of the Ring, Gunther!

Cole expresses that the result is final, acknowledging that Orton’s shoulder was up, but it doesn’t matter.

Gunther wants to talk about Priest, saying he stepped up after Rhea left, and he admires that. The KotR tournament lacked prestige, and he fixed that. The World Champion is lacking prestige, too, and he will rectify that.

Damien Priest takes offense, comes out to tell Gunther that he didn’t even really win, considering Orton’s shoulder. But that’s how the MitB works, does Gunther not know how that work?

Gunther says he focuses on the facts, and the facts are he is the KotR, and if he is still champ at Summerslam, he’ll challenge for the title. As far as teaching him about the business, he’s waiting for someone to teach him anything after the bell. Because so far no one has.

Priest tells Gunther he respects him, what he does in the ring, and the IC title reign, but as the World Champ, what could Gunther teach him that he doesn’t already know? Them two at Summerslam? It’ll be war…

That’s enough talking, says Drew McIntyre because his unsheathing of the sword interrupts the two in the ring.

A CM Punk chant starts and Drew would like to address that quickly. Drew is the highlight of his return. If he didn’t injure Punk, he’d have screwed up and got fired by now.

Anyway, hello Gunther and Damien, he is Drew, and he’ll be champion in less than three weeks.

Gunther takes this as a great time to leave the ring. Priest tells Drew he’s not looking past him, he just knows what’s going to happen.

Drew says he is trying to help Priest, he wants the best version of himself. He’s spread too thin. Judgment Day is screwing up. Ever since the real leader got hurt, the group has gone to hell. Drew is here to help. He needs to focus on what’s important, on the title. Drew would like to paint a picture – Wade Barrett, Fit Finlay, The British Bulldog – they’ve won zero championships. He’s the only person to win the World Title. He will do it again. Watch Drew’s match against Roman, those fans broke him. Roman has done it all. This is Scotland, his country, and it’s time for a geography lesson: Scotland is full of psychopaths. The fans will break Damien mentally. He’s going to take the bloody title.

Priest laughs this off, wondering if this is really his game plan – to get under his skin. The crowd is going to boo him? That’ll effect him? He’s made a living proving people wrong. This won’t work. Want to talk about truths? Priest has a question, “Your wife going to be there? What’s her name?” Drew tells him to watch his words. Priest doesn’t care, just wants to see if he could get under Drew’s skin, and clearly he did. He wants to know if Priest is man enough to do something about it.

Priest is then cut off by….Braun Strowman!

Braun is over all the chit chant and ready for action.

Braun Strowman vs JD McDonagh

We return to the show with the match in progress. JD walks up the steps into the ring just to get pressed then tossed. JD tries to kick a few times but Braun hits a headbutt. Braun clubs the back hard. He tosses JD over his head like nothing, and JD lands hard. Braun with a splash, misses, JD kicks the leg, Braun with a right hand. Braun lifts JD, hits a body slam. Kick from Braun.JD with chops but Braun floors him with a single one. Brun forces JD t othe corner then hits a huge spash.

WE come back to Braun doin his little choo choo thing around the ring, thankfully without sound effects. Braun tosses JD back into the ring, hobbles in after, then lifts JD u for a possible powerslam. Finn is on the apron, so Braun drops JD and grabs Finn to bring him into the ring the hardy way.

Here comes Carlito to attack Braun from behind while the ref is distracted, Braun pulls him up then drops him on the outside. JD wit tries his darndest to take advantage, but Braun with a powerslam! Cover! 1..2…3!!!

Winner: Braun Strowman
If you want almost ten minutes of JD McDonagh getting his ass beat, then this here is your match.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 9:26

Finn Balor, JD McDonagh, and Carlito attack Braun, but he is able to send all three out of the ring. He holds his hands up high, and JD runs in with a chair. He smacks Braun across the back. The crowd chants he fucked up. Braun turns slowly, slaps the chair out of JD’s hand, and looks to attack, but JD runs out of the ring! He, Finn, and Carlito run to the back.

Backstage, Cathy is with Liv Morgan and asks Liv if she has remorse. Liv says no, she had no clue Dom would be there, but oh well. She says if she wants to hold the title proudly, she needs to beat Becky straight up, so she’ll put the title on the line in her first-ever steel cage match. The Revenge Tour isn’t over, it’s just getting started. If you don’t’ believe her, watch her.

We get a recap of Bron Breakker spearing Ricochet out of his turtleneck.

Back live and Ricochet is being checked on by medical. He says Ric is fine to compete, and Ricochet is happy about this, because he wants Bron tonight. Adam Pearce is here to tell Ricochet that he suspended Bron, so he is not here.

In comes Ilja Dragunov who tells Ric thank you, and as soon as Ric is healed, they sould go again. Ric says tonight, Ilja says he fights people and he breaks people, but he doesn’t fight broken people. Ricochet says he is money and has never been broke, and tells Pearce to make it official.

Ricochet vs Ilja Dragunov

Ricochet starts with a dropkick. Damn. He kicks Ilja, who fires back with a chop, another, corners him and hits another. Whip to the corner, he runs under, Ric hurts his ribs, waist lock, german but Ric lands on his feet. He grabs Ilja and hits some knees, waist lock from Ilja. GERMAN! Ilja with an enziguri. Ilja trise for a powerbomb, Ric lands on his feet, kicks, Ilha catches it, flips Ric, then hits a running knee, sending him to the outside.

Back from break and Ilja is beatin all kinds of ass. High kick then another German to Ricochet. Ilja spins off the ropes, but Ricochet is there with a high knee! Ilj rolls outside, Ricochet hits the ropes, flies with a suicde dive. Ricochet slides into the ring, Ilja positions himself at the bottom of the ramp, Ricochet flies for another one, Ilja catches him and drives him into the apron! Powerbomb attempt, Ricochet lands on the apron, kick to Ilja, moonsault off the 2nd buckle to the outside! Ricochet rolls Ilja into the ring, hops to the top rope, 450, roll through, big kick from Ilja, Uppercut off th ropes from Ricochet, a right, big clothesline from Ilja! He grabs the head, turns him, hits the ropes, Constantine Special! Cover! 1.2…..NO!!!! chops in the corner over and over again to Ricochet. He kicks, Ilja catches, right hand, powerbomb attempt. Hits it! Ilja cant cover! Both men down! Ilja to the top rope, goes for an H-Bomb but RICOCHET WITH A SUPERKICK!!!! Ilja up!! RECOIL!!!! COVER!!! `1..2…..NO!!!! Ricochet cannot believe it! He plls himself up, holds his ribs, heads to the top. ILJA IS UP!!! Smack to the mouth! He climbs! Grabs Ricochet, Ric with some elbows, Ilja hits his own, headbutts from Ric knocks Ilja down to the mat. Ric back up to the top rope, shooting star press! IT HURTS RICOCHET! Ricochet stands!


Winner: Ricochet via DQ
Solid outing with a sick ass spear to end it. Wonderful.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 10:29

Ilja is up to chop Bron a few times, he ducks under one, hits the ropes, and Bron hits another spear!!!

Adam Pearce runs down to yell at Bron, but Bron ignores him, smiling at the crowd. He leaves and walks up the ramp, with Adam still talking shit to him from behind. Bron finally stops, turns to stare Pearce down, then keeps walking.

WE come back to the show and Pearce is still yelling at Bron backstage. Pearce walks away, and Kiana James is nearby. Pearce wants to head to the office for a drink.

Meanwhile, Cathy is attempting to get a word with him but thinks it’ll be better to do so later.

Earlier today, The Miz and R-Truth rented out an ice cream truck for some reason.

Up come The New Day who wonder if they are still doin the raffle for a title shot, and Miz says no but Truth says yes. Truth then says the truck is closed.

Here comes karrion Cross. Kofi tells him to just challenge the match already. Cross tells Woods no, he’s here to help Woods. He needs to drop this New Day crap. Kofi has had his time in the sun. Watch AOP tonight and let Cross help him.

Cross tells Kofi he can help him retire much quicker. Woods tells him that they have AOP next week, so just wait. Cros is happy they want to do it the hard way.

Authors of Pain vs The Creed Brothers

The second th bell rings, all four men go at it. We are left with Brutus and Razar in the ring. Raza grabs Brutus and just drives Brutus into the corner upside down hard. Tag to Akam, and he drives his knee into the back of Brutus. In comes Razar and they double team Brutus then covers for 1.2..NO!!! Razar grabs the hair and the chin. Tag to Akam, who comes in with a kick to the chin. He grabs Brutus and whips to the corner, hard, then tries for a back elbow, but Brutus side steps and tags in Julius, who dives off the top rope with a right, knocks Razar off the apron, back with a kick to Akam, moonsault!

They try for the Brutus Ball but Scarlett attacks Ivy and distracts! In comes Razar and they hit an assisted powerbomb called What a Rush and a pin for 1.2…3!!!

Winners: Authors of Pain
I don’t dislike Authors of Pain, but I am still very uninterested, and a three minute match just won’t change that.
Total Rating: NR
Match Time: 2:55

Rey Mysterio gets a promo for Carlito, saying his jealousy over Dragon Lee made him bitter. His attacks were huge mistakes. Who knows, maybe Judgment Day will accept him, but he won’t. When they step in the ring tonight, he won’t find an old friend across from him, you’ll find out what happens when you cross The LWO, when you cross Rey Mysterio.

Backstage, Sheamus is walking while Braun chases JD and Liv takes a stroll.

We return to WWE’s own version of Beaker heading to the ring. He says he is out of breath walking out here, then asks Savannah what’s the crack? He’s amped up just listening to all of us. How bout King of the Ring? Did we enjoy it? Great matches. Nothing but banger after banger after banger. Sadly no Shemaus, because that little Ken Doll Ludwig smashed his knee and took him out. Is he bitter? No. That’s the name of the game, but what he is salty about is that Gunter’s coatrack just talked shit while he was waiting at home waiting to get cleared. So here is a message for Kaiser, he is back.

Kaiser is on the screen! He says it’s great to see him. He heard Sheamus complaining like usual, blaming Kaiser for his loss at the KotR. Blame Gunther, because no one stood a chance anyway, especially not Sheamus. Sheamus doenst tell Ludwig what to do, he does things on his own terms.

Sheamus tells him to shut up then asks Savannah if he should go get him.

He leaves the ring and rushes to the back for some ass-kickery.

Kaiser is waiting for him and attacks him from the side. They fight each other all the way back outside in front of fans.

Becky Lynch walks into Lyra Valkyria’s locker room and gives her a little chin up pep talk.

Lyra Valkyria vs Kairi Sane

Sane starts with a kick, Lyra catches it, spins Sane into a belly to back takedown. Back up with the waist lock, Sane switches, elbow from Lyra, kick, another kick, an enziguri, and Lyra holds her ribs. She grabs Sane, locks the hips and hits a Northern Lights. Pin for 1..2.NO!!! Lyra to the top rope! Sane hits the ropes to knock her off. Kick from Sane, another kick. She drops a kick to te back, then corners Lyra. She drags her out,headbutt from Lyra, right s missed, Sane with a right, another, backs her up into the ropes. Back first to Lyra. Sane hits the ropes. Running forearm! Sane to the apron, kicks the chest, then stomps lyra right on the damaged ribs! Ouch. Cover for 1….NO! Sane to the top rope. Lyra with a right! Sane drops her in the Tree of Woe. Sane stomps! Cover! 1….2….NO!

Sane to the top rope! She flies with the elbow, but the knees are up! Lyra with a crucifix pin! 1.2…3!!!

Winner: Lyra Valkyria
A nice consolation win that probably could have lasted longer.
Total Rating: *1/2
Match Time: 3:39

Backstage, Preist, Finn, and Carlito are talking. Priest tells Carlito to leave, this is Judgment Day only. JD is late to the party. Priest wonders if he has to take care of this, is it because JD is too busy talking to Liv?

Here comes Dom, Priest calls him Sucio, then tells everyone to leave except for Dom. What is he doing? Dom says he messed up big time. He has talked to Rhea, she knows Dom was just trying to help. He told her he’ll fix it. Priest tells him to do so tonight.

Iyo Sky is backstage, and she does not seem too happy. In come Dakota Kai and Kairi Sane. Iyo stands, stares them down, then gets up from the couch and starts breaking shit. She breaks a lamp, stomps through a table, then leaves the room, all while screaming in Japanese.

Carlito vs Rey Mysterio

The last time these two went one-on-one, according to Cole, was in 2004.

The bell rings and Carlito leaves the ring. Rey follows and hits Carlito with a right, another, then sends him back inside. Rey follows, high knee from Carlito. Whip out of the corner, hard. Rey drops to the stomach. Carlito smirks, grabs rey by the head, then whips him again. Tilt a whirl backbreaker. Cover for 1..NO! Carlito whips, Rey kicks off the ropes, springboard moonsualt, Carlito catches him, and hits a powerslam into the corner. Tree of Woe for Rey. Carlito with a dropkick.

We are BACK and Carlito is beating down Rey in the. Corner. Whip to Rey who gets tossed by Carlito with ease. Rey to the apron. Carlito climbs the corner and pulls Rey up the hard way. Suplex to Rey gets a cover for 1..2.>N!O!! Carlito with the rights over and over. Carlito corners Rey, sits him up top, and climbs. Another suplex attempt, but Rey holds on. Headbutt from Rey. He flies off with a seated senton. Moonsault off the middle rope. Cover for 1..2.NO!!! Whip to Rey, Rey ducks under, Carltio catches him, fireman’s, into a neckbreaker! Cover! 1..2..NO!!! Rey with a dropkick! 619 attempt! Carlito tosses Rey to the apron, right hand from Rey. Springboard but Carlito hits a dropkick! Carlito to the apron, fireman’s to Rey. Rey elbows out! He shoves Carltio into the post. Rey rolls into the ring. Carlito walks in.

From the crowd, Finn Balor attacks Dragon Lee! He soots him over the announce table. Rey with a seated senton to FinN! Rey back to the apron, high kick to Carlito, Rey slides through, waist lock, elbow from Carlito.

Carlito grabs the shoulders Rey drops down, Carlito sits into a pin, Rey wheelbarrows. 619 to CArltio! Splash off the top! Cover! 1.2…3!!!

Winner: Rey Mysterio
Damn, yo, how do you make a Rey Mysterio look slow as fuck?
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 10:24

Rey is upset. He grabs Finn and lays him across the table. Dragon Lee heads to the top rope to fly, but here comes Damien Priest to stop Rey! Carlito spits apple into his face and Priest comes into the ring to hit him with a Razor’s Edge! Rey is in the ring! 619 attempt to Priest! But Priest is up and kicks Rey’s head off. GOOZLE! SOUTH OF HEAVEN TO REY!

Backtage, Chad Gable is upset with Akira Tozawa. He says it’s odd that Akira couldn’t make the trip to Saudi. Don’t worry, he’s not mad, he’s just disappointed.

IN come Otis and Maxxine. He insults both of them, then says Otis has a chance to redeem himself against Reed. He’s going to beat him, right?

Otis says no matter what.

Bronson Reed vs Otis

Back from break and the big men are goin at it. Reed is quick to send Otis outside for Gable to berate him. Otis hops on the apron at 7, and Reed hits big kick. Back elbow from Otis, then he turns and hits a clothesline. Reed goes for a right, Otis blocks, hits a right, another, back elbow, whip to the ropes, reversed, misses an elbow, Otis off the ropes with a crossbody! Body slam to Reed! Otis with a splash in the corner. Reed goes down! Otis sees the chance for it. He gyrates the hips! He goes to rip the shirt, but Gable. Hops on the apron and screams no!

Otis is sad but doesn’t care! He rips the shirt! Gable gets his attention. Otis turns. HUGE kick from Reed! Senton! Reed to the top! TSUNAMI! Cover! 1.2…3!!!!

Winner: Bronson Reed
Big Meaty Men Slapping Meat
Total Rating: **
Match Time: Stopwatch Issues

Reed takes his leave but Gable grabs a mic and calls out Maxxine and Akira, then tells Otis to stay and get in the ring.

Back from the break, and the entirety of The Alpha Academy are in the middle of the ring.

Gable tells Otis tonight was his opportunity to redeem himself and he blew it. He lacks discipline, so tonight Gable will show him discipline in front of everyone. He doesn’t want to do this…

Gable starts removing his belt. He says Otis made him do this. Gable holds his belt up next to Otis, and tells Otis to grab the rope. Otis doesn’t move. Galbe repeats himself. Otis walks over to the ropes. He tells akira and Maxxine to stand there and watch. Otis has brought shame to The Alpha Academy. This will hurt him more than it hurts Otis. Gable backs up, looks to swing, but Maxxine stops him! Gable turns to her, asks her if this is too much, is it going to make her cry? Get the hell out of his ring, now. Go!

Maxxine runs out. He turns to Gable and asks if he has something to say, no stand there and watch.

Gable gears up to hit, but here comes Sami Zayn! He meets Maxxine at the top of the ramp and checks on her then heads straight to the ring. Gable tells him to turn around unless he is getting a rematch. This is Alpha Academy business. Sami stops outside the ring, then walks up the steps. Gable, still holding his belt, says this is his last chance. Do not take another step.

Sami enters the ring, then asks Gable what is he going to do? Gable is a weak little man. He has manipulated his way into chances for the title, and yet every time he did, he came up short. When he did, he blamed everyone else, all the people, his friends, Sami. This is all his fault, though. He cant get the job done.

Gable says he can do it any time he wants, he got it done last week, and would have done in Saudi if it wasn’t for Otis.

Gable goes to hit Otis, Sami stops him, grabs the belt out of his hand. Otis stands in between Gable and Sami. Sami asks him what is he going to do? How much more will he listen to from Gable? He told him last week to stop listening to Gable and listen to the crowd.

The crowd starts chanting for Otis, which causes his hips to gyrate.

Sami tells Otis to listen to his heart.

Gable attacks! Mounts! Right hands! Sends Sami into the corner, attacks with punches, Sami fights back, takes down Gable! Otis is unsure what to do. He grabs Sami, takes him off Gable. Sami yells at Otis, says this was his chance. GERMAN FROM GABLE!!! He rips off his jacket. Gable stands over Sami with his title, and the crowd chants loudly, LETS GO OTIS. Sami is laid out. Gable leaves the ring. Akira follows. Otis hesitates. He looks over at Sami, then to Gable, then leaves the ring.

WWE Women’s Championship Match
Steel Cage Match
Becky Lynch vs Liv Morgan

The Match has already begun when we come back. Liv is rubbing Becky’s face against the cage. She then tosses Becky into the cage back first. Liv pushes Becky into the cage with some boots then scrapes her face some more. Liv says hello to Rhea with a smile. Liv starts the climb. She gets to th top rope, grabs the top of the cage. Becky grabs her and pulls he rdown. They send each other into the cage face first. Liv smashes Becky against it over and over. She tosses Becky down then hops down and stands over Becky. Becky with a right. Another. Liv whips, reversed, Becky gets launched to the apron, climbs the corner, Liv hits the ropes and becky is crotched. Liv hangs Becky upside odwn and kicks over and over into the cage. Dropkick to Becky into the cage, again, a third time. She hits some shoulderes into it now. Liv goes for a final shoulder and Becky moves, causing Liv to hit the cage head first. Kicks from Becky over and over. Then she bashes Liv’s head into the cage over and over! GOOD LORD! Lol.

Becky to the top rope. Missile dropkick. Cover for 1..2.NO!!! Becky hits the ropes and hits a baseball slide dropkick into the cage! Another one! Upercuts and a spinning kick from Becky. She goes for a leg drop, but Liv moves then sends Becky into the cage.

We are BACK from break and Liv is up in the corner. Becky is with her, and she hits a nice looking Fisherman’s off the top! Both girls climb! They get to the top of the cage! They fight at the top! Liv falls down softly, Becky is at the very top. Liv climbs back up, grabs the boot, and pulls on Becky. Becky climbs back down but Liv is there to gra her for a powerbomb! Into a pin! 1..2…NO!!! Both women up! Liv goes for ObLIVion, but Becky steps aside and grabs the arm! Disarmer! But Liv sends Becky into the cage! Liv climbs! Becky is up! Side Russian Leg Sweep off the top! Cover! 1..2..NO!!!

Dominik Mysterio is here! He opens the cage door and demands for Becky to come out! Out come Finn and JD to try and yell at Dom, but Dom says he’s gotta fix this!

Finn and JD tell him to do what he wants, then Braun Strowman’s music hits! He rushes down the ramp and chases Finn and JD around the ring! Big tackle to Dom who smashes into the door, which hits Becky in the face! Liv crawls out and gets the win!

Winner: Liv Morgan
Liv did surprisingly well here, using the cage more than most I’ve seen in quite some time. The ending was fine as it tied up the show completely and gives Becky reason to be mad yet again. Liv gets a definitive end, even if she had some help.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 13:05

End Show

The final score: review Good
The 411
Tonight was an episode that suffered solely because of runtime. There was nothing bad (although I could argue that Carlito v Rey was flirting with it), and everything mattered, there was just a relatively slow-paced show for the most part, and because of this, certain lulls were very noticeable. Still, RAW continues to be a great way to spend my Monday nights.

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Tony Acero