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Alex Hammerstone Reportedly Asked For Release From MLW

October 28, 2023 | Posted by Joseph Lee
MLW: Fusion Alex Hammerstone Image Credit: MLW

Fightful Select reports that Alex Hammerstone has asked for his release from MLW, but the company allegedly does not intend to grant it. The relationship between Hammerstone and MLW is now strained, which led to Hammerstone’s request. He has not been told if his release was granted or denied, and his current deal runs through the end of 2025.

The two sides spoke earlier this year about a buyout, as Hammerstone again relayed that he wanted to leave. The company sees this as a drop in motivation after he lost the World title to Alex Kane this year.

While he’s still under contract (for now), he has been removed from the website’s roster page. He is currently on a monthly guarantee and is also paid for every event he appears on. MLW sources noted that there were issues with an event in September, which Hammerstone asked off due to a schedule conflict. That was granted and the money for him was used for something else. Hammerstone was then able to make the show but they could no longer afford him that month.

The company wants Hammerstone to stay and MSL has been talking to him. They still see him as a top star and someone they want to build the company around. Hammerstone reportedly told MLW he was burned out earlier this year. He hasn’t worked for MLW since July and isn’t booked for future events at this time.

article topics :

Alex Hammerstone, Joseph Lee