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Booker T Praises Trick Williams, Thinks He Checks Off Every Box

May 22, 2024 | Posted by Andrew Ravens
NXT Stand & Deliver Trick Williams Image Credit: WWE

On the latest episode of the Hall of Fame podcast, Booker T talked about WWE NXT Champion Trick Williams and more. You can check out some highlights below:

On Trick Williams: “I’ve always tried to give him a little bit of advice as far as, you know, what it’s going to take to make it to that next level. But not just get to that next level, but stay at that next level. I’m talking about crashing that glass ceiling. A guy like Trick Williams being so young and ambitious, and having that meteoric rise right now definitely tells you he’s got his head on his shoulders. You know, he’s doing the little small things that I talked about all the time. ‘Let’s just go out there and know how to beat somebody up poetically. We can make some money, kid.’ Because he checks off every box. He passes that airport test. When you look at someone like a Trick where he was walking by, you got to say, ‘Man, who’s that dude? He’s gotta be somebody.’ Yes, yes, he’s the NXT champion. And he’s doing a hell of a job, man. He is.”

On Cody Rhodes vs. AJ Styles from Backlash France: “My thing is, when you look at a performer, I guess — you know, if he’s not coming out, and I don’t know, popping the crowd from a perspective, running around, doing something. I always felt like less was more. You know, less made you feel like a champion a whole lot more. Cody doesn’t seem like he’s oversaturated right now, it doesn’t seem that way. Seems like he’s on the show sporadically, but then he’s working. The matches that he’s working are high caliber matches. You know, it don’t get any bigger than working with AJ Styles.”

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit the Hall of Fame with an h/t to 411mania.com for the transcription.