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Bull James Looks Back at His NXT Run Fondly, Thinks He Might Have a Shot at Returning at Some Point

February 20, 2020 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
Bull James

The Wrestling Inc. Daily recently interviewed former NXT Superstar Bull James. During the interview, Bull James discussed his time in NXT, if he would ever return to the promotion, and more. Below are some highlights from WrestlingInc.com.

Bull James on wrestling having less big men outside of WWE: “There’s less [big men] outside of WWE. Bigger guys aren’t getting into the business anymore unless it’s with WWE through a tryout. In the indies, it’s mostly smaller guys and girls.”

James on tweaking his style depending on the size of his opponent: “You have to alter your match to help the person you’re working with to match your style. If it’s a smaller person, cool I can do that. If it’s a bigger person, cool I can do that to. If you know what you’re doing, then you can work with anybody.”

His thoughts on NXT having talents like Keith Lee and Dominik Dijakovic now: “Yeah, they’re all great competitors. The goal of this is to keep yourself fresh and compete. Obviously, an opportunity to get into the ring with any of those guys would be phenomenal.”

Bull James on leaving NXT in 2016: “When you remove that pressure cooker, you kinda rediscover yourself. It’s been freeing and fun. It’s creatively satisfying because you can do your own thing and if it gets a good reaction, then you know you did something right that night. If it doesn’t, then half the fun is going back to the drawing board.”

On if he’d ever return to NXT: “It would have to be mutually beneficial. If some place wants me, then I have to make that decision. A lot of people get caught up in the battle that’s going on with signing contracts and then asking for their release. When you sign that contract, you’re making that commitment. So, you have to be happy with that commitment. As far as NXT goes, I never had a bad thing to say about my time there. I look back at it fondly and would obviously welcome the opportunity to go back and be part of the new generation.”

James on why he never got to join the main roster: “I was never given a reason so I can’t answer that. That’s a question for the higher ups in WWE. For whatever it was, the decision was made and there was no ill-will as I left on the best of terms. I think as long as there’s a need for pro wrestlers, then I’ll have a shot at going back. Sometimes, it’s just timing.”

article topics :

Bull James, NXT, WWE, Jeffrey Harris