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Cazer’s AEW Dark Review 12.6.22
We are back for another episode of AEW Dark and this week things are looking a little slim. We only have six matches on the slate on for advertised talent we have Trent?, Dalton Castle, Athena, Jay Lethal, and Abadon listed for this episode. Even though it’s a little bare I think we could still get a solid episode so let’s get to the action!
Dalton Castle & The Boys vs. Justin Corino, Jaden Valo, & Defarge
With an ROH PPV looming it makes sense that we’re seeing more ROH talent this week, would’ve made more sense to start this a month ago honestly. Valo and Castle kick this off, Dalton’s irritated with Jaden and says he does the silly stuff before slamming him to the mat right away. One of the boys tags in and works over Valo momentarily before Defarge tags in. The other boy tags in and they hit Defarge with a tandem dropkick. Boy two with a splash and cover for one, Defarge makes the tag to Corino who is backed to the corner by the Boys, we get tandem tags as the boys set Corino up for a splash for Castle, he covers for two as their opponents break up the pin attempt. The Boys work over Valo and Defarge. Castle calls for the boys and tosses them into his opponents outside. Castle with a lariat to Corino and follows with the bang-a-rang was the Boys copy him outside. Castle with an awkward cover for the victory.
Rating: **3/4
Review: It’s a travesty we don’t see this trio more often but it was nice to see them here even if it’s a quick squash to build them up for Final Battle.
Abadon vs. Leva Bates
Abadon’s look appears to be evolving. Leva slammed to the mat right away as Abadon taunts her, Leva with a drop toe hold and has some words for Abadon herself. Abadon with a full nelson into a snapmare and she taunts as she locks in the fish hook on Leva Bates. Bates to her feet and nails Abadon with a boot to the head and a northern lights suplex as she covers for two. Abadon sent into the corner and she regains control with a strike and bulldog to Leva. Abadon charges Leva in the corner but Leva moves and nails Abadon with a series of kicks and the double knees in the corner. Leva covers for a quick two count. Leva with a german suplex to Abadon, Abadon back in control with a heel kick and enziguri. Abadon follows with the Black Dahlia and covers for the victory.
Rating: **
Review: Eh, I think Abadon has grown a lot but only some of it has been an overall improvment, some things were better when she was more scary rather than like a punk rock weirdo. She’s still scary but her ring work didn’t really showcase that, she comes and goes and has never really gotten to kick things into a new gear and i’m unsure if it’ll ever get to that point.
Brian Cage vs. Leon Ruffin
Ruffin uses his speed to avoid Cage early on but it’s short lived as Cage quickly grabs him and goes for an f-10 early but Ruffin lands on his feet. Ruffin attempts a crossbody but Cage catches him and uses him to do some lifting before tossing Ruffin and taunting him. Ruffin hangs Cage up on the corner then uses his speed to again avoid Cage nailing him with a dropkick. Ruffin runs into a backbody drop from Cage who follows by tossing Ruffin into the corner very hard. Cage sends Ruffin into the opposing corner and follows immediately with a backbreaker. Ruffin to the apron to regain composure, Cage attempts to lift him into the ring but Ruffin counters only to get shoved off the apron by Cage. Cage sends Ruffin back into the ring but he fights back with a dropkick and dives into Cage who catches him and powerbombs him into the ring post. Cage lifts Ruffin up over the top rope back into the ring with a suplex and covers for two but Cage pulls Ruffin up before three. Cage with the cigar powerbomb but Ruffin counters with an enziguri. Ruffin with a burst of offense and attempts a couple of lariats, he tries again and Cage catches him, Ruffin again with another Lariat, Ruffin with a modified cutter in the corner. Ruffin runs right into a spinning lariat from Cage. Cage with a powerbomb into weaponx and Cage covers for the victory. Prince Nana gets on the mic post match putting over Cage saying the Embassy is on the hunt and Cage calls himself the Weapon Excellence of Execution.
Rating: ***
Review: This was pretty solid but I didn’t love Ruffin getting that much offense in, I liked him briefly getting some work in and immediately being stopped, the burst of offense near the end felt odd to me. Overall though a good match and solid promo after.
Jay Lethal & Satnam Singh vs. Brick City Boyz
Sonjay cuts a promo pre match and asks where exactly Brick city is, they say New Jersey, Sonjay says that’s great because Lethal is the king of New Jersey. Sonjay says that Brick City is about to come down. Lethal kicks this off with Cruz working him over before dropping Chase off the apron. Lethal teases the tag to Singh as Cruz begs Lethal not to make the tag. Satnam lifts Cruz up and throws him to Chase on the outside. Lethal sends Chase back into the ring and he drops Chase with a black hole slam. Lethal tags in as Singh watches from the corner. Lethal with the Lethal Injection and he covers Cruz for the victory as Singh watches on.
Rating: N/A
Review: This was a simple squash it’s interesting to see the development of Singh, he’s still got a LONG way to go as he was a bit odd with some really simple stuff so hopefully he can improve on that.
Athena vs. B3CCA
Athena has a big ROH Womens World Title match coming at the PPV so expect some stat padding here. Athena offers a handshake but B3cca responds with a high five instead so Athena tosses her around as commentary laughs at her mistake. Athena stomps away at B3cca in the corner before choking her with her heel. B3cca fights free laying into Athena with a series of forearms then hits an enziguri to Athena. B3cca with a cutter out of the corner and covers for one. B3cca lifts Athena up but she counters, B3cca attempts a tornado DDT but Athena catches it and dumps B3cca to the outside of the ring. Athena heads outside and grabs B3cca tossing her into the ring steps before sending her back into the ring. Athena with a unique submission pulling at the hair before locking in the leg capture dragon sleeper forcing B3cca to submit.
Rating: **1/4
Review: This was a decent match B3cca is just ok, Athena is much better as a heel so i’m excited to see how she does against Mercedes Martinez this weekend.
Anthony Henry vs. Trent Beretta
Trent offers a handshake early but Henry wants none of it. Henry backs Trent into the corner and lays into him with a series of kicks. Trent fights back with a shoulderblock. Trent off the ropes but he’s caught with a front guillotine from Trent. Trent counters sending Henry to the outside as Trent dives on him outside and gives Chuck a nice hug. Trent attempts a spear but Henry counters sending Trent into the barricade face first. Henry with a leg lariat that sends Trent over the barricade into the front row. Henry with an inside out slam and covers Trent for two. Henry with a kick to the back of Trent and calls for a piledriver but it’s countered and Henry with a neck twist to Trent. Trent in the corner and Henry with a boot to the turnbuckle pad. Henry on the top rope but Trent pulls him down and then follows with a series of suplexes. Trent with a tornado DDT and covers for two. Henry with a suplex, Trent to his feet and attempts a suplex to the outside dropping Henry onto the apron. Trent on the outside and nails Henry with a spear. Trent with a running knee to the back of the head of Henry covering for a close two count. Trent sets Henry up top but Henry counters and groins Trent in the corner. Henry tries for a suplex but Henry is shoved off, Henry with an avalanche falcon arrow and covers for two. Henry with double foot stomp to the back of Trents head and again with a two count. Henry on the apron but Trent counters, Trent sends Henry back into the ring and covers for two. Trent and Henry exchange strikes, Trent sent into the corner but Trent with a lariat, Henry counters and nails Trent with a piledriver and covers for two. Henry rolls through but Trent counters and gets the roll up victory.
Rating: ***
Review: This was a good match but I am surprised that Henry got so much offense in and couldn’t steal a victory. I am cool with Trent winning but I do find the method of victory a bit odd, it makes sense but I’d rather they build someone up rather than give Trent a fluke win over someone he should easily beat.
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