wrestling / Video Reviews
CHIKARA New England Tour 2017 Review
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Kennebunk, ME – 11.17.2017
Championship Rundown
Grand Champion: Juan Francisco de Coronado
Campeones de Parejas: El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.
Young Lions Cup Champion: Ophidian
Commentary is provided by Mike Quackenbush.
Oleg the Usurper vs. Hermit Crab
Crab attacks Oleg from behind and chokes him in the corner. Crab’s overhand chop has no effect, but Oleg knocks Crab off his feet with a chop of his own. He rams Crab’s head into the top turnbuckle ten times, then does the same in the opposite corner. He scoops Crab up into a pendulum backbreaker and lands a somersault senton for two. Crab escapes a chokeslam attempt and digs his pincers into Oleg’s trapezius muscles. Oleg uses his hips to bounce Crab away. Crab comes back with a shotgun dropkick. Oleg holds onto the ropes to resist an Irish whip. Oleg instead whips Crab to the ropes and nails him with a big boot. Oleg picks up speed against the ropes but Crab cuts him off with a running back elbow. Oleg reverses Crab’s suplex attempt into a Falcon Arrow. Oleg picks up speed before splashing Crab in the corner. He splashes Crab against the ropes. He attempts to do it a second time but is shut down with a spinebuster from Crab, who turns Oleg into a Boston Crab after the fact. Oleg gets the ropes to escape. Crab yanks Oleg down by his shoulders into the mat. Crab crab walks on the middle rope. Oleg gets to his feet and pulls Crab down by his throat. Crab however breaks the grip and attempts his own chokeslam. Oleg is too big for Crab, and Oleg pulls off his own chokeslam. Off With His Head gets Oleg the pin at 6:36. The young crowd adored Oleg and hated Crab, making for a really fun dynamic and allowed even the simplest of things to get over like gangbusters. **
The Rumblebees (Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) vs. Dez Peloton (Jasper Tippins & Donald Kluger)
Darling and Huckabee will earn their third point with a victory tonight. Kluger cleanly breaks a lock-up with Huckabee in the corner. Kluger struggles to keep ahold of Huckabee who sneaks into two separate pin attempts. Kluger takes down Huckabee in a side slam. He and Huckabee trade a standing position, all the while holding onto one another’s legs. Huckabee grabs ahold of Kluger’s arm before tagging in Darling. Kluger ducks a punch and accidentally hits Huckabee. As she is apologizing, Tippins tags in. She keeps trying for the Sharp Stinger but Tippins won’t allow it. Solo takes him to the corner and lands a punch, but once again hits Huckabee. As she’s distracted, Kluger sneaks in and drives her repeatedly into Tippins’ feet. Darling rolls Kluger face first into Tippins’s feet. As Dez Peloton recover, Darling rolls out and Huckabee comes in with headbutts to both Tippins and Kluger’s chests. Kluger powerbombs Darling when Huckabee tries to assist her with a headscissors. Huckabee headbutts Kluger in the chest, but Tippins knocks him down with a clothesline. Dez Peloton try the Broken Arrow on Huckabee, but Huckabee kicks Kluger into Tippins. Finally, Darling is able to punch Kluger and NOT her own partner. With Kluger out, Huckabee swings Tippins out with his Stretch Muffler. Darling goes for the Sharp Stinger. El Hijo del Ice Cream appears ringside to distract Bryce. Kluger shoves Huckabee into Darling to break the submission. He schoolboys Darling to get the pin at 7:56 and costing the Rumblebees their Campeones de Parejas opportunity. They didn’t have much time to get into anything really substantive, but did well and had a fun story going. The best part of this was easily the Officer Magnum cameo post-match. **¼
Icarus vs. Rory Gulak
This is a rematch from “A Good Man Goes To War.” Gulak grabs a waistlock. Icarus uses Gulak’s arm to maneuver him into a side headlock takeover. Gulak reverses the headlock on his feet and brings Icarus to the mat. Icarus grabs a headscissors. Gulak shifts his hips and pulls Icarus into a cradle for a one count. Gulak gets a hammerlock which Icarus escapes with a flying mare. Icarus takes a powder to regain focus. Back in, Icarus pulls down Gulak in a double wristlock and sinches his leg over Gulak’s head. Gulak switches out and cradles Icarus for another one count. Icarus heads to the apron to avoid a corner attack. He sends Gulak across the ring with a casadora armdrag. A Lucha sequence ends with Gulak grabbing a side headlock after spinning out of Icarus’ attempted mi paso. Icarus utilizes another casadora armdrag and nails a dropkick. Icarus kicks Gulak in the spine. He ducks Gulak’s offense while taunting him wtith calls of “amazing.” Gulak counters Icarus’ casadora with a German suplex. He chucks Icarus to the floor after a kick to the stomach. Gulak misses a sliding dropkick on the apron. Icarus recruits multiple children to pull on Gulak’s legs, crotching him on the post. Back in the ring however, Gulak is able to pull Icarus up into a powerbomb. When Icarus kicks out, he puts Icarus in a high Boston Crab. He then puts Icarus in a modified Scorpion Deathlock. Icarus grabs a heel hook to bring Gulak down. Gulak kicks Icarus away to break the hold, but the damage has been done. Icarus goes for the Shiranui. Gulak escapes and applies the Gu-Lock. Icarus taps out at 12:16. This was a let down. Several times they showed signs of some sort of story materializing, yet it never did. They put a nice bow on the match with a call back to their first encounter, but otherwise there was nothing to this. *½
Aiden Aggro, Alexander Lee & The Danger Kid vs. “The Osirian Portal (“Ophidian” & “Amasis”) & Jeremy Leary
Ophidian headscissors Aggro from the mat. Aggro goes over the back to get an armdrag. He cartwheels into a superkick to send Ophidian rolling outside. Amasis attacks Aggro from behind. Lee comes in with uppercuts. Amasis tries a huracanrana, but Lee muscles him up and yanks Amasis into a headbutt. Kid goads Leary into the ring and snapmares him into a chinlock. Kid messes up Leary’s hair. Leary pulls Kid by his hair into a wristlock. Kid wristdrags Leary into his own wristlock. Leary delivers a haymaker to free himself. Kid unravels Leary into a Sling Blade. The Portal help Leary recover on the floor. Aggro and Lee give the Portal double axe handles off the apron while Kid wipes out Leary with a tope con hilo. Leary and Amasis wipe out Kid and Aggro on the floor. They cut off Lee’s attempt for a slingshot senton onto Ophidian and crack him with a tiger feint kick/superkick combo. Lee is left alone to take the Portal’s double team offense, with a helping hand from Leary. Lee escapes when he gets a pump kick onto Leary and tags in Kid. Leary accidentally assists Kid with a double dropkick to the Portal off the apron. Kid bounces Leary off the ropes and uses the momentum to pull off a German suplex. Aggro drop to holeds Ophidian onto the bottom rope where the Posse give him a dropkick sandwich and stomp to the back. Amasis saves Ophidian from being pinned. Leary bites Aggro’s hand when Aggro tries to punch him. Leary monkey flips up into a Codebreaker on Aggro. Lee wipes out Leary with a Busaiku Knee. Amasis drops Lee with a modified DDT and hits a back handspring moonsault. Kid drills Amasis with a rolling X-Factor. Ophidian pump-handles Kid up into a spin-out spinebuster. Aggro hits a snapmare driver on Ophidian. Leary brings Aggro outside with a Cactus clothesline. The Portal double Spanish Fly Lee onto Kid and Aggro on the floor! After taking some time to gain their bearings, ll six men end up back in the ring brawling. A series of knees and kicks ends with Lee giving Amasis a running headbutt to the chin. Aggro kicks Leary into a backbreaker from Lee. Kid comes off the top with a senton onto Leary across Lee’s knees. Aggro pins Leary but Ophidian breaks the cover. Leary slams Aggro on the floor as Kid ascends the ropes. Leary holds onto Kid’s leg. Amasis helps Ophidian recover and picks him up onto his shoulders. The Portal give Kid the Pyramid Plex. Leary hits the Knee Trembler on Kid. The Portal wipe out Aggro and Lee so Leary can pin Kid uninterrupted, getting his team the win at 15:56. The Posse did an admirable job in their debut, FAR better than many local attractions featured in the past. There was a lot going on this match action wise and at times was a bit tough to keep up with, but I think they struck a good balance in featuring everyone in the bout. **¾
“Mr. Touchdown” Mark Angelosetti vs. Missile Assault Man
The two competitors fight for control in an aggressive lock-up. Angelosetti holds onto Missile’s leg after blocking a kick. Missile grabs a side headlock which Angelosetti converts into a hammerlock before grabbing his own side headlock. Missile tries to escape so Angelosetti brings him to the mat. Missile tries pushing Angelosetti’s shoulders to the mat to the pin but is unable to keep Angelosetti down. Missile grabs a headscissors. Angelosetti pops out. They fight for a front facelock on the canvas. Missile gets it but Angelosetti picks him by the heel and converts into a waistlock. Missile tries pinning Angelosetti in a double knuckle lock. Despite Angelosetti monkey flipping Missile, their fingers remain laced. Missile pulls Angelosetti into a pair of shoulder blocks, then a pair of Northern Lights suplexes. Angelosetti blocks the third and goes for a Guillotine Choke. Missile suplexes his way out of it before it can be fully applied. Angelosetti escapes a high hammerlock and pulls off multiple pin attempts. Missile counters a few of them into some pins of his own, but the series ends up with Angelosetti attempting the Flea Flicker. Missile escapes and tries an O’Connor Roll. Angelosetti instead sends Missile to the floor. Missile brings Angelosetti to the floor. Angelosetti kicks Missile inside his left leg. Missile pops Angelosetti into the ropes and uppercuts him on the way down! Even though Angelosetti is able to get to the apron after being brought inside the ring, Missile catches Angelosetti mid-slingshot with his rolling Death Valley Driver! Missile then puts him in a crossface. Angelosetti gets his feet to the ropes to escape. Missile arm whips Angelosetti down into a top wristlock, keeping Angelosetti on his back. Angelosetti uses his free arm to forearm Missile away. The two men collide mid-ring with clotheslines, knocking them both down. Angelosetti side steps a running uppercut to send Missile into the corner. He uses his good arm to do so damage, as well as utilizing a dropkick and backbreaker. Angelosetti stuffs Missile with a DDT for two. Missile hops over Angelosetti to avoid a corner tackle and drills him with a running uppercut. Missile ascends the ropes. Angelosetti meets him but Missile drops down, smashing Angelosetti’s arm across the top rope. Angelosetti tumbles away from a joint lock but eats another uppercut in the corner. Missile calls for the Missile Launcher. Angelosetti instead swings out of the corner. Missile lifts him up for the Missile Launcher. Angelosetti slips out and hits the Flea Flicker for the pin at 13:44. This was a fun fight, with two evenly matched performers having a competitive match. It fit into the pre-match promo where Angelosetti said he’d hit Missile just as hard as he got hit and showcased both competitors wrestling prowess. ***¼
Xyberhawk 2000 (Sylverhawk & Razerhawk) vs. Sonny Defarge & Cornelius Crummels
Sylverhawk disorients Crummels on the mat. Crummels sneezes onto Sylverhawk after shoulder blocking him down. Sylverhawk uses a double wrist clutch to drag Crummels across the ring. He sends Crummels to the floor with an alita and taunts Defarge. Defarge comes into the ring. He snapmares Crummels into a chinlock, keeping a hold as he tags in Razerhawk. Sylverhawk twits the arm and Razerhawk comes in with a double axe handle to the upturned arm. Despite using his filthy hand and grabbing at his mask, Razerhawk is not deterred. Defarge clips his leg out of mid-air as he comes off the ropes, but Razerhawk recovers with a headscissors and a somersault senton off the second turnbuckle. Crummels yanks Defarge to the floor to avoid a pin. Crummels argues with the X2K from the apron. Defarge sneaks in and tosses Razerhawk outside before blasting Sylverhawk with an uppercut. Sylverhawk breaks through a double clothesline and dropkicks both Defarge and Crummels. Defarge grabs his leg so Crummels can shut him down with a dropkick. Defarge and Sylverhawk use this opportunity to isolate Sylverhawk in their corner. Defarge halts a splash in the corner by Sylverhawk and dumps him outside. This could have been an error given that it brought in Razerhawk as the legal competitor, but Defarge had the wherewithal to uppercut Razerhawk in mid-air when he attempted to enter with a high crossbody! Crummels and Defarge do some damage to his kidneys in the corner. Crummels brings Razerhawk jaw first into his knee before suplexing him into a running knee for two. Razerhawk creates an opening for a tag with a jawbreaker on Defarge, but Crummels yanks Sylverhawk off the apron to prevent a tag from occurring. Razerhawk catches Defarge in a crucifix and lands a superkick. Crummels tries to prevent a tag. He distracts Bryce when holding onto Razerhawk looks futile. It works, as Bryce sees no tag and makes Razerhawk remain in the ring. Defarge and Crummels hit Razerhawk with Oliver Twist and a lariat for two. Despite this, Razerhawk is able to duck an attack from Defarge and give him a German suplex. Finally, Sylverhawk tags in and cleans house. He splashes Crummels before giving him a Northern Lights Bomb for two. Defarge uppercuts Sylverhawk thrice before hitting the rebound lariat for two. Razerhawk wipes out Defarge with a back handspring elbow. The X2K hit the Xyber Splash and Xwanton Bomb sequence, but Crummels interrupts Razerhawk’s pin. Crummels headscissors Razerhawk to the floor. Razerhawk comes back in and puts Crummels onto Sylverhawk’s shoulders on the floor. Defarge uppercuts Razerhawk onto Crummels’ shoulders so that there’s three people stacked up. Defarge pulls Razerhawk in from the second rope up into a super Falcon Arrow! Sylverhawk breaks up the pin just in the nick of time. Crummels drops Sylverhawk with the Unprettier. They set Sylverhawk up for the super tandem monkey flip. Razerhawk goes to stop him. Defarge tumbles backwards over Crummels as they try to wipe out Razerhawk with a Total Elimination. Razerhawk superkicks Crummels outside before superkicking Defarge. Razerhawk then climbs onto Sylverhawk’s shoulders, with Sylverhawk still perched on the middle turnbuckle. The Air Show gets the X2K the pin at 17:27. This was a classic tag team match which successfully whipped the crowd into a frenzy in favor of the X2K. Both teams put in main event worthy efforts, including some new, impressive moves into their arsenal. There’s been a tag team renaissance of sorts this year in CHIKARA and these two teams are at the forefront. ***½
Encore Match
El Hijo del Ice Cream vs. Cajun Crawdad
A bunch of dodgeballs are introduced into the ring before the bell. Crawdad hits Hijo with a ball Crawdad claims he is the winner. Hijo says the ring is not a regulation dodgeball court and demands a rematch. Crawdad agrees but says he’s going to bring some friends. He goes backstage and returns with Rory Gulak, Jeremy Leary, Sonny Defarge, Cornelius Crummels, Hermit Crab, and Ophidian. Hijo recruits several kids from the crowd. Next to a nearby wall, the kids pelt the Rudos with dodgeballs. Hijo chases Crawdad with a ball back into the ring. Hijo hits him in the face with a dodgeball and pins him at 3:32. This ruled.
Haverhill, MA – 11.18.2017
Championship Rundown
Grand Champion: Juan Francisco de Coronado
Campeones de Parejas: El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.
Young Lions Cup Champion: Ophidian
Commentary is provided by Mike Quackenbush.
Icarus vs. Missile Assault Man
This is a rematch from “Tightrope” in which Icarus was victorious, but at that time, Icarus was “hexed.” Missile cleanly breaks a lock-up in the corner. They exchange some quick pin attempts on the mat. Missile goes for a sharpshooter but Icarus kicks him away. He goes for the Wings of Icarus, but Missile swings out and gives Icarus a trifecta of Northern Lights suplexes for a two count. Icarus again kicks Missile away to stop a potential sharpshooter. Missile lands on his feet out of a monkey flip. Icarus tumbles through a monkey flip, but is met with a running uppercut upon getting to his feet. Icarus is able to come back with a crossbody, but Missile rolls through and locks on the sharpshooter! Icarus crawls to the ropes to escape. Missile catches Icarus in a waistlock and rolls him up into a lariat. Icarus ducks the next bit of offense and scoops up Missile for the Blu-Ray. Missile escapes and hits the rolling Death Valley Driver for two. Missile avoids another Wings of Icarus and goes for the Missile Launcher. Icarus slides out and tries the Shiranui. Missile stays on his feet, but turns right into the Wings of Icarus for the pin at 6:24. This was a vast improvement from their first match, with a clear story of Icarus fighting for the Wings of Icarus and Missile trying to unload whatever offense he could in the hopes of landing the Missile Launcher. Icarus struck first and got the win because of it. A fun match to kick off the show. **¾
Oleg the Usurper vs. Jeremy Leary
Leary attacks Oleg from behind at the bell, unloaded multiple shots in the corner. Oleg takes a running forearm, then blasts Leary with his own strike. Oleg picks up speed before splashing Leary in the corner. Oleg calls for a chokeslam to the delight of the crowd, but Leary slides outside and threatens to leave the match entirely. Leary gets too caught up talking to the camera noticing Oleg following from behind. The two fight around the building, leading to Leary getting in the face of the principal of the school in which this event is taking place. Oleg dizzy’s Leary after putting a trash can on him. When he pulls the trashcan off, Leary’s “perfect” hair is all shook up. Oleg however misses a chop against the ring post, hurting his own hand. Leary pulls out a broom from under the ring to use as a foreign object, but changes his mind when he sees that Oleg has retrieved his sword. Oleg chases Leary into the ring where Bryce disposes of the sword. However, while Bryce is diverted, Leary jabs Oleg in the throat with his switch comb. Leary gets in a few shots, but Oleg cuts him off with a boot. Leary goes back for his comb. Oleg misses a corner splash. Leary spins Oleg around so he can jab the comb into Oleg’s head. Leary enzuigiri’s Oleg while Oleg is on the apron, then cracks him with a diving uppercut. Oleg comes back into the ring where Leary pokes him in the eye and gives him a Codebreaker for two. Leary leaps off the top rope, but is caught by Oleg and chokeslammed. Leary went for his comb, but the Principal takes it away! Oleg cracks Leary with the Usurper kick. As Leary is dazed, Oleg hits Off With His Head for the pin at 8:38. I love how into these shows the principal is, and I think it’s great they structured the match to have her involved in a logical way. Oleg and Leary have some solid chemistry and wrestled a fun match. **¼
“Mr. Touchdown” Mark Angelosetti vs. Hallowicked
These two had an excellent Grand Championship contest on the premiere of the Secret Season. Angelosetti goes for a quick roll-up after side stepping a corner attack from Hallowicked. He gets Hallowicked grounded while controlling his neck. Hallowicked shoulder blocks him down. Angelosetti leaps up and shoulder tackles Hallowicked as he comes charging. They fight for a hip toss. Angelosetti ends up slamming Hallowicked and splashing him repeatedly. Hallowicked gets his knees up to end the splash sequence. He misses a step-up enzuigiri. Angelosetti uses that to execute a back suplex and a Vader Bomb for two. Hallowicked grabs a snapmare. Angelosetti snapmares his way free and Magistral cradles Hallowicked for two. Angelosetti reverse leapfrogs over Hallowicked to get an O’Connor Roll for two. He armdrags a charging Hallowicked. Hallowicked tries throwing him outside. Angelosetti grabs the ropes and tries to skin the cat, but Hallowicked dropkicks him to the floor. Despite this, Angelosetti is able to drive Hallowicked back first into the ring apron. Angelosetti gets sent onto the apron, but instead of bouncing down into a DDT, Hallowicked lands an overhead chop. In the ring, Angelosetti tries an armdrag. Hallowicked resists and launches Angelosetti neck first into the bottom rope. This causes a bloody nose for Angelosetti. Hallowicked chokes him with his boot and forearm strikes him in the corner. Hallowicked grabs his leg for a pin, but Angelosetti rolls back to reverse that pin. Hallowicked kicks out and slams Angelosetti from his shoulders. Hallowicked applies a kneeling abdominal stretch. Angelosetti hip tosses his way out of the hold and uses the distance between him and Hallowicked to gain some of his bearings. Dizzy, Angelosetti approaches, Hallowicked, only to be met with a yakuza kick. Hallowicked only gets a two count. Angelosetti escapes a standing submission and backdrops Hallowicked. Angelosetti unloads some back elbows and a single leg dropkick before giving Hallowicked a quebradora backbreaker. He powerslams Hallowicked for two. Hallowicked is able to maneuver Angelosetti for the super snapmare. Angelosetti is able to roll through, however, and lift up Hallowicked into a huge spinebuster for two! Hallowicked catches a charging Angelosetti on his shoulders. He tries for Go 2 Sleepy Hollow. Angelosetti counters into a victory roll for two. Angelosetti blocks the step-up Frankensteiner. Hallowicked chops Angelosetti after placing him on the middle rope. He tries the super snapmare again, but Angelosetti swings out into a reverse suplex. He bulldogs Hallowicked for two. Angelosetti goes for the Flea Flicker. Hallowicked slips out the back. Angelosetti catches a charging Hallowicked and places him on the top turnbuckle. Hallowicked resists a superplex. Angelosetti brings him back down into the ring. Angelosetti and Hallowicked fight for a front facelock, leading to a small package. They roll towards the ropes. Hallowicked locks his feet in the ropes to keep hold of the cradle which the referee does not see. This gives Hallowicked the win at 13:35. Angelosetti protests with the referee, but the decision is final. Angelosetti came into this match well prepared for everything Hallowicked had for him and seemed to have the match won when Hallowicked took a shortcut. He has every right to be angry and want a rematch, which we would learn quickly after he would get at the Season Finale. It’s no surprise these two would have another great match. ***¼
Young Lions Cup
“Ophidian” vs. Officer Warren Barksdale
Ophidian has been champion since 10.15.2017 and this is his first defense. Amasis is in Ophidian’s corner. As Barksdale is admonishing him, Ophidian hops onto Barksdale’s back in the hopes for the Death Grip. Barksdale throws him off and unloads with several right hands. Amasis grabs Barksdale’s leg as he hits the ropes. The distraction allows Ophidian to attack from behind. He scoops Barksdale up into a backbreaker and a slam. Ophidian lands a running knee drop to the chest and a legdrop to the back of the neck before hooking him in a seatbelt pin for two. Barksdale gets in some strikes but again Amasis grabs his leg to halt his momentum. Ophidian grabs ahold of his trapezius and hits an enzuigiri. He dropkicks Barksdale to the corner and follows in with running double knees. Ophidian headstands up into a rotating elbow smash for two. Barksdale overhand chops Ophidian upon recovery. He hits a knee lift in the corner and a Western lariat for two. Barksdale calls for the Cease and Desist, but Amasis once again trips Barksdale. Barksdale comes to the floor and gets in his face. Barksdale begins throwing punches, but the diversion let’s Ophidian hit a suicide dive. In the ring, Ophidian tries a flinging 450 splash, but Barksdale gets his knees up. After some offense, Barksdale drops Ophidian with a Michinoku Driver. He calls for Obey The Law/Book Em’ when Amasis jumps up to the apron. Ophiain unravels Barksdale. Barksdale ducks the clothesline and punches Amasis off the apron. Barksdale goes for Book Em’ again. Ophidian slithers out into a grounded Death Grip. Barksdale drives Ophidian into the corner thrice to get it released. Barksdale tries Book Em’ once more, but the same counter from Ophidian gets him back into the Death Grip. This time, Ophidian hooks it from the side. Barksdale falls just inches short of the ropes and passes out at 8:32. This was a good showcase for both men, with Ophidian making the character his own and Barksdale coming off as a strong, opposing force, done in by his own desire to bust the rule breaking Amasis. I didn’t have high expectations for this match but ended up pleasantly surprised. **¾
Dasher Hatfield & The Rumblebees (Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) vs. Juan Francisco de Coronado, Sonny Defarge & Cornelius Crummels
Hatfield antagonizes Crummels and Defarge by stealing one of their hats, but gives it back before the bell rings. To show unity, not only are Crummels and Defarge wearing bow ties, but Coronado is wearing gaudy yellow suspenders. Crummels and Defarge attack Hatfield from behind while his attention is on locking up with the legal Coronado. Defarge avoids a backslide but gets swung into an abdominal stretch from Hatfield. Hatfield converts into his own backslide for two. He snapmares Defarge into a basement dropkick. He trips Defarge face first into the middle turnbuckle before tagging in the Rumblebees. Hatfield baseball slides into Defarge as the Rumblebees hit stereo hip attacks. In a daze, Defarge rolls outside, bringing in Crummels. Huckabee drops him chest first onto his knee and Darling spikes Crummels with a second rope bulldog. Coronado drags Darling to the floor to break the pin. The two trios end up standing off. Casa Dorada drop their suspenders to show they mean business. The Tecnicos combo instead trip the Rudos and trap their own legs in their own suspenders. The referee frees them from the embarrassment once they get to the ropes. The Tecnicos give them all atomic drops and triple roll-ups for two. Triple hip attacks send the Rudos crashing to the floor. Hatfield beckons for Coronado to get into the ring from him, but Defarge and Crummels drag him to the floor. Coronado knocks Huckabee off the apron and drags in Darling by her hair. She throws some kicks, but Coronado throws him out of an exploder suplex. Casa Dorada isolate Darling from her partners and wear her down until she catches Defarge and Crummels with a double DDT. Huckabee tags in and takes them both out on his own. Coronado stops his momentum with a kick to the face from the apron. Defarge spins Huckabee out into a facebuster for two. Huckabee now finds himself at the mercy of the Rudos. Huckabee headbutts Defarge in the chest and stumbles back into his own corner so Hatfield can tag in. Hatfield goes for Coronado, but Defarge intercepts and pitches him outside. Crummels drags Huckabee back in and along with Defarge hit him with Oliver Twist and a lariat from Defarge for two. Huckabee sneaks in a tag to Darling and assists her with a headscissors to Defarge. Darling kicks at Crummels’ legs before taking him down with a Thesz Press. Coronado tries to boot Darling, but Darling catches his leg. Although Coronado escapes a potential Sharp Stinger, Darling blasts Coronado with a punch to the face! She dragonscrew leg whips Coronado out of the corner, tosses Defarge off the top turnbuckle, then tosses Crummels onto him! Coronado gets caught on the middle rope and press slammed onto his partners. Crummels and Defarge back Hatfield into the corner which also traps Darling. Darling however crawls out as Huckabee sets up Coronado in a Gory Stretch. Darling comes down with a bulldog to Coronado out of the hold for a nearfall. Darling takes Defarge over with a tornado snap suplex. Crummels flies in with the Best of Times on Darling. He tries it on Huckabee who instead swings Crummels out with a cutter. Defarge blasts Huckabee with a rebound lariat. This leaves Hatfield and Coronado face-to-face finally. Coronado tries to escape, but Hatfield drags him back in. Coronado pokes Hatfield in the eyes and goes for the Tiger Driver. Hatfield slips out and pins Coronado in a sunset flip at 17:16! While Casa Dorada was the more formidable trio, Hatfield was the dominant opponent when left one on one with Coronado, which is immensely important given Hatfield is just one point away from a Grand Championship title opportunity. I liked the story the teams told and think everybody worked quite well with one another. ***¼
Mike Quackenbush vs. Max Smashmaster
Both Bryce Remsburg and Sidney Bakabella are referees for this bout, with Bakabella enforcing from the floor. Quackenbush immediately charges at Smashmaster with forearms and closed fist punches. Smashmaster shoves him away, and Bryce has to ask him to open up the fists. Quackenbush does so with an open handed shot. A threat from Bakaballa distracts Quackenbush and Smashmaster smacks him in the chin. Smashmaster tries a wristlock but Smashmaster pounds on his back. Quackenbush holds onto the wrist and does damage to Smashmaster’s arm. Smashmaster slams him, but Quackenbush holds onto the wrist. Quackenbush holds onto his wrist as he employs some shoulder blocks. Smashmaster pulls him into a clothesline. Quackenbush pummels the arm before grounding himself and kicking Smashmaster’s arm away. Smashmaster banderas Quackenbush to the apron, but Quackenbush jams his arm across the top rope and dropkicks Smashmaster to the floor. Quackenbush follows with a top con hilo, but Smashmaster catches Quackenbush and powerbombs him onto the apron! In the ring, Quackenbush is caught in a backbreaker for two. Smashmaster overpowers Quackenbush, keeping him grounded. Bakabella even strikes him from the floor! Smashmaster suplexes Quackenbush for two. He ties up Quackenbush in a Kondo Clutch. Quackenbush crawls to the ropes to escape. Smashmaster splashes Quackenbush from behind as Quackenbush stands up in the corner. Smashmaster whips him back first into the opposite corner. After whipping Quackenbush back into the original corner, he nails him with a lariat for two. Smashmaster mocks Quackenbush as he throws some light open hand chops. When Quackenbush strikes back, Smashmaster drills him with a DDT for two. Smashmaster tugs at his ear. Quackenbush evades another backbreaker and brings down Smashmaster in a Fujiwara armbar! Smashmaster maneuvers over to get his foot on the bottom rope. After taking a windmill chop, Smashmaster backs Quackenbush with force into the opposing corner while hammerlocked. He does it again. When he tries a third time, Quackenbush sends Smashmaster into the corner. Smashmaster charges at Quackenbush across the ring and ends up shoulder first into the ring post! Quackenbush strikes and kicks at Smashmaster’s injured arm before landing a running clothesline. Smashmaster remains standing even after a second one. Smashmaster jabs Quackenbush in the throat. Quackenbush catches him coming off the ropes with a backdrop. Quackenbush uses La Mistica to get Smashmaster down into another armbar. With Bakabella’s aid, once again Smashmaster gets his foot on the ropes. Quackenbush leaps off the top rope. Smashmaster pulls Bryce in the way. Quackenbush almost collides with Bryce Remsburg, but does stop in time to avoid impact. Quackenbush schoolboys Smashmaster for two. Smashmaster scoops him up into the tombstone piledriver for a close nearfall. Smashmaster lands a Swanton bomb but again only gets two. Smashmaster pulls Quackenbush to the apron. When Quackenbush fights back, Smashmaster clotheslines him back into the ring. Quackenbush throws some desperation palm strikes to little effect. Smashmaster deflects a running palm strike, sending Quackenbush spinning and accidentally palm striking Bryce! Smashmaster rolls up Quackenbush and Bakabella fast counts him for two. Quackenbush gets in Bakabella’s face, allowing Smashmaster to sneak in a second rope crossbody for another fast counted two. Smashmaster pulls Quackenbush up to the middle rope. Quackenbush kicks away to escape his grasp and delivers a trifecta of palm strikes. Quackenbush pulls him down into Quackendriver I. Bakabella counts very slowly, giving Smashmaster time to get his shoulder up. Quackenbush then puts Smashmaster in a cross armbreaker. Smashmaster taps but Bakabella refuses to acknowledge it! Smashmaster grabs Bakabella by his shirt and demands he ring the bell. Bakabella reluctantly does so, giving Quackenbush the win at 16:41.
Both on the Deep Blue Something podcast and a promo posted on Facebook, Mike Quackenbush made it clear – Max Smashmaster wanted a fight with him because in a fight, Smashmaster would win. He promised to go after Smashmaster’s left bicep, which was the injury that kept Smashmaster out of action for half a year, and he did just that. Smashmaster used his power to overwhelm Quackenbush, and tried to make him angry so he’d fall right into his trap of getting into a fight, but Quackenbush didn’t fall for it. Not even Bakabella fast counting could keep him down. Quackenbush’s worked paid off and he vanquished the biggest, baddest monster in present day CHIKARA for good. These two told an excellent story and brought a big fight feel to the match. It also stands out as being unique from all the other matches Quackenbush has had in semi-retirement. As a character, Quackenbush for a long time has talked about dealing with threats to his organization first hand and he lived up to that promise in this match. The post match leads you to believe this is Smashmaster’s final bout in CHIKARA, and if it is, it is one he can be proud of. ***¾
Sidney Bakabella calls Smashmaster a loser, saying he didn’t want to call for the bell, and slaps Smashmaster in the face repeatedly! Smashmaster lays him out with a single punch. Quackenbush re-enters the ring and calls for a microphone. He knows there is no love to be lost between himself and Smashmaster, but if this is last professional wrestling match Smashmaster ever has, Quackenbush is glad to be a part of it. He extends his hand for a handshake. After some consideration, Smashmaster shakes it. Smashmaster bows to all four sides of the crowd, and we end with a shot of Bakabella still knocked out cold in the ring.
Enfield, CT – 11.19.2017
Championship Rundown
Grand Champion: Juan Francisco de Coronado
Campeones de Parejas: El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.
Young Lions Cup Champion: Ophidian
Commentary is provided by Mike Quackenbush.
Fire Ant & The Rumblebees (Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) vs. Jeremy Leary, Rory Gulak & Sloan Caprice
Rick Roland is in the corner of the Rudos triumvirate. Gulak and Leary toy with who will start the match against Huckabee. Eventually, Huckabee back trips Leary as Leary comes off the ropes. Huckabee embarasses Leary by getting him in some pinning combinations. Leary tags Huckabee with a forearm strike before slamming him into a fist drop. Gulak enters, but after getting heel tripped rolls right back outside. Leary drop toe holds Huckabee into the middle turnbuckle. Huckabee slides out, bringing in Fire Ant who picks up the pace before taking over Leary with an alita. He walks up the ropes for a wrist drag to Leary across the ring. Fire Ant applies a Royal Octopus to Leary while messing up Leary’s hair in the process. Leary throws Fire Ant off of him and hits a Code Breaker. Caprice blind tags in. Darling stands up to him which amuses Caprice. She kicks away at his left thigh but gets mowed down with a shoulder block. He swings Darling out of a full nelson. Darling again goes back to the thigh. She tries a slam, but Caprice with ease slams her instead. Darling maneuvers Caprice into a schoolgirl trip. Huckabee jumps in but Caprice slips out before Huckabee can apply his stretch muffler. Gulak sneaks in from behind with a waistlock. Huckabee drop toe holds Gulak into a front facelock. Gulak trips him but Huckabee rolls him into a Mouse Trap pin for two. Gulak counters the Stretch Muffler hold and muscles Huckabee up into a powerbomb for two. Gulak knocks down Huckabee’s partners so he and his partners can work over Huckabee in their half of the ring. Huckabee is able to send Leary and Caprice outside and hit Gulak with a shotgun dropkick. He gets a tag to Fire Ant who comes in with a high crossbody and satellite DDT onto Caprice. Fire Ant ducks a back elbow from Leary and suicide dives onto Caprice outside. Darling tornado snap suplexes Leary. Leary avoids the Sharp Stinger and knees Darling in the head. He sunset flips her into the turnbuckles. Darling rolls out to avoid the Knee Trembler. Huckabee headbutts Leary in the chest before lifting him into a Gory Special. Darling bulldogs Leary out of it, and Fire Ant comes off the top with a double stomp to Leary. Caprice slingshots in with a roll-up, then with just one arm muscles up Fire Ant for a Buckle Bomb. Roland spins out HUckabee into a slam. Darling grabs a sleeper hold on Caprice. Caprice however scoops up Huckabee while Darling is on his back. Fire Ant frees his partners and Darling impressively pulls off a Death Valley Driver on Caprice! Gulak attacks Darling. Darling brings him off the ropes with a powerbomb. Fire Ant hits him with a Yahtzee Kick. Huckabee gives Gulak a bridging butterfly suplex for the pin at 13:57. This match felt really uneven and the wrong kind of chaotic. The big takeaway was Huckabee finally getting a pin on Gulak, but does it matter that much in a trios match few will see or hear about? This felt like a miss. *½
Dez Peloton (Jasper Tippins & Donald Kluger) vs. The Osirian Portal (“Ophidian” & “Amasis”)
Amasis sneaks attack Tippins. Ophidian drags Kluger outside and sends him into the ring post. Amasis dropkicks Tippins into a headstand senton from Ophidian. Amasis gets a two count with a running shooting star press. The new Portal beat down Tippins as Kluger rallies from the apron. Tippins takes down Ophidian with two back crackers and a neckbreaker, and also avoids an attack from Asis (after Amasis wiped out Kluger from the apron.) Tippins attempts to Climb the Summit on Ophidian but Amasis cuts him off. The Portal bring Tippins down with a Pyramid Plex for two, with Kluger jumping in and tossing Tippins outside to make himself legal. He gives Amasis a Gourd Buster and flings Ophidian face first into the bottom turnbuckle. He wipes out Amasis with a knee strike. Ophidian slips outside. The Portal bait Kluger into a dropkick from behind from Amasis. Ophidian capitalizes with a corkscrew enzuigiri. Kluger succumbs to the Slave Initiation for two. Amasis gives Kluger a neckbreaker onto his knee and Ophidian hits a running double knee strike. Tippins interrupts the pin. Ophidian tosses him outside.Kluger slides out so Tippins can come back in. Amasis catches his crossbody attempt as Kluger wipes out Ophidian on the apron. Kluger schoolyard trips Amasis. Dez Peloton give Amasis the Bike Rack for two. Ophidian comes in but is fed into Kluger’s arm so he can accelerate him into Tippins’ repeated bike kicks from the ground. Kluger wheelbarrow suplexes Ophidian but Amasis breaks his pin. Dez Peloton tandem pump-handle suplex Amasis. They hit the Broken Arrow on Ophidian twice. Amasis low bridges the top rope on Tippins when they go for it a third time. Kluger knocks Amasis off the apron and press slams Ophidian onto him! Upon recovering, Amasis sends Tippins into the ring post. Kluger pulls Ophidian to the apron and looks to suplex him into the ring. Amasis sweeps Kluger’s legs and holds them down so Ophidian can pin him at 9:59! The Whisper makes a very good Ophidian, mimicking the style of the original while adding his own flavor to the character. Dez Peloton had one of their strongest outings as a team and worked very well with this new Portal iteration. The two teams also put a nice twist on the usual tag team formula which I appreciated. ***
As The Portal are celebrating winning their third point and thus a future Campeones de Parejas opportunity, 17 runs in! Ophidian drops his Young Lions Cup at the sight of him. 17 throws Ophidian down by his arm and applies a vicious arm bar. Amasis chases him away after finally noticing what’s going on, but the damage has been done. We’d learn in a blog shortly after that 17 had broken Ophidian’s arm. The crew helps Ophidian to the back with Amasis following behind.
Missile Assault Man vs. Hallowicked
The opening exchange sees Missile go for Hallowicked’s leg. Hallowicked tries Never Wake Up early but Missile escapes his grasp. Missile and Hallowicked each get in a quick pin attempt, with Missile able to apply a hammerlock after the fact. Hallowicked switches out and tries Go 2 Sleepy Hollow. Missile trips Hallowicked and tries a sharpshooter, but Hallowicked gets to the ropes before it is applied. After trading strikes, Hallowicked attempts the Rydeen Bomb. Missile grabs his arm and brings him down into an armbar, but again Hallowicked goes to the ropes. Hallowicked almost attempts the CHIKARA Special, but Missile converts into the sharpshooter. Hallowicked makes it to the ropes to escape, then slips to the floor. Missile immediately follows with a suicide dive. Once back in the ring, Hallowicked is able to take over by crotching Missile on the top rope and cracking him with a step-up enzuigiri. He drags Missile to his feet and drives him head and shoulder first into the turnbuckles twice. Hallowicked small packages Missile for two. Missile fights up from the mat using uppercuts and snapmares Hallowicked into a crucifix pin for two. When Missile fights out of Go 2 Sleepy Hollow, Hallowicked punches him in the face and drops him chest first onto the top turnbuckle. Missile counters the super snapmare with a prawn hold for two. Hallowicked blasts Missile with a yakuza kick for his own nearfall. Missile fights through some offense and uppercuts Hallowicked in the corner. He avoids a corner yakuza kick and knocks down Hallowicked with various shots. He builds momentum with several running uppercuts and a bicycle kick. Missile struggles, but gets three Northern Lights suplexes onto Hallowicked. Missile can’t hold him down for a three count. He gives Hallowicked a rolling Death Valley Driver. Nursing his own shoulder doesn’t allow him to make a cover right away, helping Hallowicked get his shoulder up at the two count when Missile does cover. He pulls of the Missile Launcher after blocking a step-up enzuigiri from Hallowicked, but Hallowicked finds the energy to get his shoulder up before the three count, making him the first person to kick out from the move. Something about this causes Missile to go into a state of distress, causing him to rock back and forth and repeat his name. He grabs Hallowicked’s arm. Hallowicked rolls through and drops Missile with Never Wake Up for the pin at 12:28. Missile Assault Man had three excellent performances this weekend, with this being the best of the bunch. He and Hallowicked had a great dynamic and put together a match that was unique for the both of them. It’s hard to know what Missile’s distress means, and the transition from the PTSD moment into the climax felt fast, but I really enjoyed the effort here. ***¼
Sylverhawk says they have a score to settle with the creatures of the deep. Razerhawk says this issue has gone from Aniversario through trading the Young Lions Cup. They couldn’t end their issue in Chicago, but perhaps with Nytehawk by their side they can do so tonight. All they know, it it’s gonna be fly.
Xyberhawx 2000 (Sylverhawk, Razerhawk & Nytehawk) vs. Hermit Crab, Cajun Crawdad & Merlok
The Crustaceans fail to attack the Xyberhawx right at the bell. Sylverhawk takes out Crab and leaves Crawdad for Razerhawk to take out via double wrist clutch drag. Merlok mows down Merlok with a shoulder block, but misses a senton. Nytehawk’s dropkicks barely faze Merlok, who snaps up Nytehawk into a powerslam. Merlok fails another senton. All three Xyberhawx dropkick him to the floor. Sylverhawk springboard crossbody’s Crab out of Razer and Nytehawk’s arms. Crawdad interjects. Nytehawk gives him a reverse DDT. Sylverhawk hits the Xyber Splash and Razerhawk with the Xwanton Bomb. Merlok muscles Razerhawk up and powerbombs him into Sylverhawk in the corner, which knocks Nytehawk to the floor. Merlok slams Sylverhawk and Razerhawk at the same time. Nytehawk slips in from behind but gets caught and drilled into the mat. With the other X2K members licking their rooms, the Seven Seas trios take turns wearing down Nytehawk. Nytehawk eventually rolls to the floor after being slammed onto his face and chest by all three opponents at once in the Spin Cycle. Sylverhawk bravely rushes in but is beat down right away. He is punished by the Spin Cycle as well. Razerhawk is beckoned in by his opponents. Like Sylverhawk, he fights valiantly, but succumbs to the numbers game. They call for the Spin Cycle, but this time, Razerhawk headscissors Merlok into Crab! The three Xyberhawx flapjack Crab and Crawdad simultaneously. They triple superkick Merlok to the corner and all three land individual attacks. Nytehawk whips Merlok nito a tandem backdrop from Sylverhawk and Razerhawk. Nytehawk walks across their backs into a double stomp on Merlok for two. Sylverhawk pops up Razerhawk onto Merlok’s shoulders for a super Frankensteiner. Even with Sylverhawk and Nytehawk both pinning him, Merlok is able to get his shoulder up. Merlok knocks down Nytehawk and nails a mid-air Sylverhawk. A series of offense ends with all six men laying. Merlok ends up swinging Sylverhawk and Razerhawk together after ducking a double clothesline. Crab and Crawdad take them down to the floor. Merlok catches nytehawk with the World’s Strongest Slam. Razerhawk jumps in to break the count just in time. Crab Naniwa walks on the middle rope. Sylverhawk halts him and climbs up, as does Crawdad and Razerhawk. The Hawx bring down the Crustaceans with double suplexes. Sylverhawk and Razerhawk then wipe the Crustaceans out with dives on the floor. Nytehawk rolls up Merlok for two. Merlok swings him up into the Emerald Flowsion for the pin at 16:27. Both teams brought in their additional partners in the hopes of helping resolve their issues, but instead it only added fuel to the fire with Merlok doing significant damage to Nytehawk. The Crustaceans confidence was bolstered thanks to their partner, but the X2K’s tenacity did not waiver. This was a really fun and creative match. ***½
Grand Championship
Juan Francisco de Coronado vs. The Proletariat Boar of Moldova
Juan Francisco de Coronado has been champion since 4.1.2017 and this is his seventh defense. Coronado tells the Boar that he is the reason the Boar is here today. The Boar blocks his slap and tosses him into the corner. They block each others offense until Boar connects with his own slap. Coronado’s dropkicks barely budge the Boar. On his third dropkick, the Boar catches Coronado and drops him with a swinging side slam for one. Boar swings Coronado up into a Snake Eyes and mows him down with a big boot. He press slams Coronado chest first onto the top turnbuckle. Boar misses a big boot in the corner, causing Boar to tumble outside. Coronado suicide dives onto Coronado, but can’t take him off of his feet! Coronado is incredulous. Boar catches Coronado on his third dive and slams him back first onto the apron. Coronado manages to chop block Boar as Boar gets to the ring apron. Boar kicks Coronado away before he can try the Coronado Clutch. Coronado does more damage to the leg, including slamming it against the ring post. Bryce catches Coronado picking up his flag. As Bryce disposes of this, Coronado pries the middle turnbuckle out of one corner to expose it. Although the Boar halts himself from taking a drop toe hold onto it, Coronado kicks out his leg and goes back to wearing it down. Boar kicks Coronado away to stop a toe and ankle hold. Coronado springboards in, only for Boar to catch him up and hit the Baconator for two. Coronado misses an enzuigiri. Boar gutwrench powerbombs Coronado into the buckles and connects with a big boot for another two count. Coronado kicks Boar to block the Gore. He tries the Tiger Driver but Boar backdrops him. Coronado lands on his feet, hits the enzuigiri, then tries the Tiger Driver again. Once more Boar backdrops him. Coronado lands on his feet, dropkicks Boar, kicks his leg, then finally lands the Tiger Driver. However, the Boar is able to get his shoulder up. Coronado tries a swinging side headlock. Boar counters it with a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. He gives Boar an avalanche suplex. Boar gets back to his feet and hits the Gore! Coronado rolls as close to the ropes as he can so he put his foot on the bottom rope when the Boar goes for a cover. Boar goes for the Gore again. Coronado moves and sends Boar crashing into the previously exposed turnbuckle. With Boar passed out, Coronado locks on the Coronado Clutch and gives Coronado the win at 13:44. The Boar looked phenomenal here, overpowering the champion and putting him in great peril in the early going. Of course, Coronado had to cheat to win, but the match felt like it was a match that was designed to shoot Boar onto the next tier of CHIKARA talent, a tier he fits very comfortably alongside the best the company has to offer. ***¼
First it was Merlok, then it was Moose. Dasher Hatfield says his opponents keep getting bigger, stronger, and more talented, and tonight he faces the biggest and most talented of all in Keith Lee. Hatfield has never seen someone Lee’s size fly around the way he does or lift the amount of weight he has. Despite all this, Hatfield has prepared to do the impossible, and tonight his hand will be raised.
Dasher Hatfield vs. Keith Lee
Lee backs Hatfield to the corner in a collar-and-elbow tie-up, forcing Hatfield to walk up the ropes. Hatfield tries turning it around but cannot. Lee tells Hatfield “me big; you small.” Lee brings Hatfield down almost instantly in a double knuckle lock. Hatfield returns to his feet with a side headlock. Lee impressively keeps up Hatfield when he picks up the pace in a Lucha exchange, which reaches a stalemate. He tells Hatfield to “bask in his glory.” Hatfield instead goes for an abdominal stretch. When that, and two armdrags don’t work, Hatfield smacks his buttocks. Angry, Lee charges right into a pair of Hatfield’s armdrags. He uss the ropes to send Lee outside with a wrist clutch armdrag. Lee catches Hatfield right in his arms to block a suicide dive. He headbutts Hatfield in the chest before sending him face first into the ring post. Lee slams Hatfield face first into the apron before bringing him inside the ring. Lee cracks Hatfield with a closed fist to the face and stomach. He splashes Hatfield in the opposite corner, but Hatfield meets Lee with a fist to the stomach as Lee comes off the ropes. Lee prys his way out of Hatfield’s arms and back elbows him. Lee then hip tosses his way out of Hatfield’s abdominal stretch attempt. Hatfield drop toeholds Lee into the middle turnbuckle. As Hatfield charges, Lee turns him inside out with a lariat. Lee chokes Hatfield on the middle rope. Lee Beele tosses Hatfield across the ring twice. He splashes Hatfield in the corner before blasting him with a double handed chop. He repeats the process in another corner. Hatfield uses an elbow and boot to stop more attacks from Lee. He rocks Lee with two running forearms and an underhand chop. It’s not enough for Hatfield to pull off the Jackhammer, but it’s enough to give him a belly-to-belly suplex when Lee comes off the ropes. Hatfield successfully hits the baseball slide dropkick. Lee rolls to the floor and Hatfield comes after him with a springboard somersault senton! He brings Lee back inside for a two count. Lee is able to go underneath a whip from Hatfield and drill him with a single-handed spinebuster for two. Lee pops up Hatfield for the Spirit Bomb. Hatfield slips out the back and pulls down Lee into a pin, only getting two. Lee and Hatfield trade forearm strikes. Lee crashes into Hatfield with a tackle yielding another nearfall. Hatfield and Lee trade chops. Hatfield headbutts Lee in the chest several times. Lee tags him with forearm shots and asks Hatfield to show him what he’s got. Hatfield throws several underhand pitches and once again tries the Jackhammer. He fails, so he tries again for the abdominal stretch. Lee holds onto the ropes. Hatfield hits his arms down into a straightjacket German suplex! Lee weaves out of his Jackhammer attempts. Lee knocks him down with several strikes and calls for the Spirit Bomb. He demolishes Hatfield with it, and yet, Hatfield kicks out of the pin! Surprised, Lee ascends to the second rope. Hatfield strikes from the mat. Lee strikes back but Hatfield will not go down. Hatfield yakuza kicks Lee as he sits atop the top turnbuckle and brings him down with a Jackhammer! This gets Hatfield the pin and his third point at 18:54. Lee has a poise a nuance to everything he does that it all comes of as valuable. It’s not just what he does; it’s the way he does it, and the way he did it made the crowd root for Dasher that much more. Like he did with Merlok and Moose, Hatfield fought as hard as he ever has to overcome the obstacle that is Keith Lee on is quest to the Grand Championship. It should be no surprise that this was great, and as a big fan of both guys, I enjoyed the heck out of this. ***¾
As Bryce is raising Hatfield’s hand in victory, Coronado attacks him from behind with the Grand Championship! He pummels away at Hatfield on the mat, and when Bryce tries to stop him, Coronado throws Bryce outside! Coronado pummels at Hatfield some more before locking him in the Coronado Clutch. He then stands over Hatfield with his title in the air, kicking invisible dirt onto him before leaving.
Encore Match
Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) vs. Sonny Defarge & Cornelius Crummels
Crummels and Defarge attack Los Ice Creams before the bell and pitch Hijo to the floor. Defarge puts Jr. in an abdominal stretch, using assistance from Crummels. Hijo comes in but Crummels cuts him off with a crossbody. However, Hijo uses Crummels against Defarge to free his partner. Defarge is able to get Hijo in an abdominal stretch with Crummels again adding extra leverage. Crummels flubs a springboard onto Jr. when Jr. comes into the ring. Jr. whips Crummels into Defarge to help his hermano. Defarge goes for an abdominal stretch on Jr. but Jr. grabs the ropes. Crummels hooks his arm so it can’t happen again. Defarge tries to crossbody Hijo but misses. Jr. tosses Crummels to the floor. Hijo places his foot onto Defarge, pinning him at 2:54. Wat.