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Court Bauer on How MLW Deal With FITE Came Together

July 5, 2023 | Posted by Joseph Lee
MLW FITE+ by Triller Image Credit: MLW

In an interview with Fightful‘s In the Weeds podcast, MLW founder Court Bauer spoke about the company’s recent deal with FITE and how it came together. MLW announced a deal with FITE for premium live events back in May. That deal begins with Never Say Never on Saturday.

Bauer said: “Mike Weber and our side have had conversations for like five or six years about doing something big. The stars didn’t align for it. Finally, we have the right conversation at the right time this spring, and it just locked. It made sense for both sides to do it, so we did it. We’ve been very close over the years with doing something with FITE. I first worked with Mike when we were both at Ring of Honor in 2013 or 2014, so we’ve known each other for a long time.

article topics :

FITE, MLW, Joseph Lee