wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s EVOLVE 108 Review

Csonka’s EVOLVE 108 Review
– Saieve Al Sabah defeated Anthony Henry @ 12:52 via pin [***¼]
– Parrow defeated Tommy Maserati @ 1:05 via pin [NR]
– JD Drake defeated Jon Davis, Josh Briggs, & Odinson @ 7:30 via pin [***½]
– Darby Allin defeated Austin Theory @ 11:10 via pin [***½]
– Non-Title Special Challenge Match: AR Fox defeated Joey Janela @ 14:05 via pin [***¾]
– EVOLVE Tag Team Championship Match: Champions Chris Dickinson & Jaka w/Stokely Hathaway defeated Tracy Williams & TK Cooper @ 13:15 via pin [****]
– EVOLVE Championship Match – Hardcore Rules: Shane Strickland defeated Champion Matt Riddle @ 28:37 via pin [****½]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
Anthony Henry vs. Saieve Al Sabah: Henry starts of flaying in leg kicks, and then grounds the action. Sabah fights to his feet, they trade strikes and Sabah looks to pick up the pace and they work into a stand off. Sabah now lays in strikes and elbows, but Henry fires back with big forearm strikes and then lays the boots to Sabah on the corner. Henry follows with knees and an XPLODER. Henry follows with a running forearm and suplex for 2. He follows with kicks, Sabah tries to pick up the pace but Henry cuts him off with a hanging guillotine. Sabah powers out into a suplex, and Henry powders to the floor. Sabah follows and connects with an asai moonsault. Back in they go and Sabah hits a running corkscrew elbow drop for 2. Sabah works over Henry in the corner, laying in rights and covers for 2. Henry fires back with chops, and then hits forearm strikes as well. Sabah cuts him off with a belly to back suplex and the cover gets 2. Henry catches Sabah with a big boot, and hits a double stomp off the ropes. The enziguri sand DDT follows for 2. Sabah to the floor, Henry follows and hits an apron double stomp. The apron knee strike follows as Henry has control back. Back in and Sabah cuts off Henry with a snap fireman’s carry for 2. Sabah heads up top, but Henry pulls him off and they trade pin attempts. They now trade strikes; Henry catches him with a big forearm and enziguri for 2. Back to the feet and they trade strikes, Henry lays in big forearms and takes Sabah up top. He follows and Sabah fights him off and sends him to the mat. Sabah flies but is met with a dropkick from Henry. Henry turns him inside out with a lariat and powerbomb for 2. Henry lays in kicks and a brainbuster and Sabah kicks out again. The crowd is not happy as they are not fans of Sabah. Henry heads up top and Sabah is up and follows him up. Henry knocks him to the mat and the double stomp misses, and Sabah hits a senton to the standing Henry for the win. Saieve Al Sabah defeated Anthony Henry @ 12:52 via pin [***¼] This was a good match to kick off the show, with Saieve Al Sabah picking up a huge win in his young EVOLVE career. It sputtered a bit down the stretch and the finish came off as a bit flat, but good work overall from both.
– AR Fox with Ayla & The Skulk now make their way to the ring to the old Public Enemy theme song. The End arrives and we have an impromptu match.
Parrow vs. Tommy Maserati: Maserati tries to fire up but Parrow just starts to destroy him. The powerbomb finishes it. Parrow defeated Tommy Maserati @ 1:05 via pin [NR] SQUASH
– Post match, Parrow powerbombs Maserati out of the ring onto the Skulk.
– Drennen now cuts a promo and he’s not a popular individual. He runs down the once famous ECW arena for being sanitized.
JD Drake vs. Jon Davis vs. Josh Briggs vs. Odinson: They all brawl at the bell, with Odinson overpowering everyone to start. He gets tossed, and Davis hits a belly to back suplex on Drake and shining wizard to Briggs. Drake then hits a suicide dive onto Odinson, and Davis chokeslams Drennen onto the pile on the floor. Briggs then busts out the over the post dive onto the pile. Nice. Back in and Odinson counters a chokeslam and pounces Briggs. Drake back in and Odinson hits a release F5, and covers for 2. Davis in with a German on Odinson and everyone is down. Briggs cuts off Davis, lays in kicks and takes him up top. Odinson cuts them off and picks up both Davis & Briggs, but Davis slips out and Germans Odinson & Briggs at the same time. Drake hits a cannonball and senton for 2. The dropkick to Odinson follows, it breaks down and Brigs hits the back breaker on Odinson. Davis in and takes out Odinson with a lariat. He and Briggs brawl, Davis counters the choke breaker and they tumble to the floor. Drake heads up top, Odinson cuts him off and Drake counters the powerbomb into a RANA. Brainbuster by Drake and Odinson is done. JD Drake defeated Jon Davis, Josh Briggs, & Odinson @ 7:30 via pin [***½] This was a very good and tremendously fun hoss style sprint, with everyone getting some time to shine and Drake picking up the big win.
Darby Allin vs. Austin Theory: No Priscilla Kelly out with Theory today. Allin attacks with a suicide dive and runs wild, knocking Theory back to the floor. Allin follows with another dive and as they work up top Theory crotches Allin and dropkicks him to the floor. Theory follows, and just fucking flings Allin head first to the apron and then powerbombs him to the post. Back in and Theory covers for 2. Theory now starts to toss Allin around; Allin keeps fighting and swarms Theory with strikes. Theory cuts him off and tosses him to the buckles. Theory has control back, but Allin again fires up and hits John Wooooooooooo and a stunner for 2. They trade strikes; Allin hits an STO and rolls into a guillotine. Theory powers up and out, but Allin gets a cradle and rolls through into an arm bar but Theory makes the ropes. The head butt and code red follows for 2 by Allin. Theory powders to the floor, and then cuts off a dive with a big left. He teases a powerbomb, Allin escapes but Theory posts him. Back in and Theory hits the dropkick and blue thunder bomb for 2. Allin fights off the TKO, and heads up top, but Theory cuts him off and follows him up. Theory hits three seconds around the world off the top for a good near fall. The crowd is finally starting to really get into it and rally Allin. Theory looks for TKO, Allin counters and works into a series of pin attempts until Theory hits the TKO for 2. Allin counters Attacksia into the last supper and picks up the win. Darby Allin defeated Austin Theory @ 11:10 via pin [***½] This was a very good back and forth match with Allin picking up a win ahead of his upcoming title shots. Allin is a great underdog/babyface story, but he’s really blossoming into a very good and complete professional wrestler.
Non-Title Special Challenge Match: WWN Champion Joey Janela with Penelope Ford vs. AR Fox with Ayla & The Skulk: They work into a series of counters and into a stand off. They work into another series of counters, teasing their finishes, and then trade strikes and chops. Janela whips Fox to the corner and he lands hard. Fox fires back and looks for a head scissors, but Janela counters and hits the Liger bomb for 2. Fox to the floor and Janela follows with a suicide dive. Fox fights back and hits a 619 and kick flip off the apron and rolls Janela back in the ring; Janela fires up and hits a wild suicide dive. Fox decides to one up him, cuts him off, and then hits a sweet tope. The crowd LOVES this. Back in and Fox hits sling blade for 2. Fox hits the twister suplex and that gets 2. The corner dropkick follows, Janela to the apron and Fox follows and runs into an STO. Back in they go, and Janela covers for 2. Janela now lays in chops, takes Fox up top and follows. Fox shoes him off and has to roll through on the 450. Fox fires up, hits an enziguri, but Janela hits the stunner. Fox manages to trip up Janela and rolls into the ring and into a brainbuster for the double down. They trade strikes, and then trade kicks until Fox hits a springboard cutter and dragon sleeper. Janela starts to fade, and just barely makes the ropes. Janela now hits the desperation superkick and the cover gets 2. Fox to the floor, Ayla checks on him, and Janela looks to attack but Fox cuts him off and hits a draping neck breaker on the apron. Back in and Fox hits the 450 for a near fall. Fox back to the ropes, Janela cuts him off and lays in elbow strikes. Janela all the way up top and hits the top rope brainbuster and Fox kicks out to little reaction, we’re going a bit past the expiration date here. They work back to the corner, Fox looks for lo mein pain but Janela cuts that off. Fox now hits a spider German and fox catcher for the win. AR Fox defeated Joey Janela @ 14:05 via pin [***¾] This was a very good match, with both guys busting their asses and doing their best to make it memorable. It felt as if thy went a bit too long and lost the crowd a bit down the stretch, but it was really good and the booking opens up a lot of possibilities for the WWN Title picture.
– Post match, Austin Theory arrives and attacks Janela. Fox tries to talk sense into his student, but Janela attacks and lays them both out.
– Janela puts over being in the ECW arena, and says it will always be the same no matter the name and the same bloodthirsty fans will come to watch wrestling.
EVOLVE Tag Team Championship Match: Champions Chris Dickinson & Jaka w/Stokely Hathaway vs. Tracy Williams & TK Cooper: The champions attack before the bell, we get a big brawl until Cooper cuts off Jaka and takes him to the floor. Cooper follows with a suicide dive and Williams works over Dickinson and chases Hathaway, which allows Dickinson to fire back and take control. The champions take the heat, isolating Williams and working him over in their corner. Dickinson scores wit a brainbuster and that gets 2. Quick tags follow as Jaka hits the elbow drop for 2. Jaka grounds the action, working a choke. Williams escapes and fires up with chops and strikes; the Saito suplex follows. Dickinson tags in and cuts off Williams. The champions have Williams back in their corner, and look for doomsday, but Williams escapes and runs them together and finally rolls for the hot tag. Cooper in and he’s on fire, running wild. The knee strike and draping knee drop scores on Jaka. He and Dickinson trade strikes but Jaka trips him up and the champions work double teams for 2. Jaka dumps Williams and Dickinson hits the powerbomb and Jaka hits a running knee strike for 2. They take Cooper up top and look for a superplex, Williams in and powerbombs Dickinson. They double team Jaka and the frog splash gets 2. Jaka fights off the challengers, takes Williams up top but Williams hits the DDT and a German/lariat combo follows for 2. Jaka takes out Cooper with a superkick, Dickinson back and Williams tries to fight them off. The double clothesline follows and Williams is fired up. Hathaway trips up Williams and he’s taken to the floor. Cooper flies in with a missile dropkick and runs wild but Jaka cuts him off with the powerbomb for 2. Death trap is countered and Cooper rolls up Dickinson, but Jaka superkicks him and Dickinson rolls him up for the win. Champions Chris Dickinson & Jaka w/Stokely Hathaway defeated Tracy Williams & TK Cooper @ 13:15 [****] While the result was never really in doubt, this was a great tag match. The action was good, it constantly built throughout, and the closing stretch had some great drama. Jaka & Dickinson don’t get enough credit for being such a great team.
– Williams lays out Hathaway post match with a lariat and gets a small measure of revenge.
EVOLVE Championship Match – Hardcore Rules: Champion Matt Riddle vs. Shane Strickland: They brawl at the bell with Riddle laying in repeated chops and an XPLODER suplex. Strickland fire back with a superkick and hits a Saito suplex. Riddle pops up and hits a German. They brawl to the floor and Riddle lays in chops and follows with body kicks. Riddle sets up a table, Strickland grabs a chair and cuts off Riddle with chair shots. Strickland lights him up with chops, and then hits a running bicycle kick. Strickland follows with rights and brawl up the ramp. Strickland slams Riddle off of the barricade, right in front of Riddle’s family, and then sets him in a chair and hits a running dropkick. Back in the ring and Strickland covers for 2. Riddle fires back with chops, but Strickland quickly cuts him off with a back breaker for 2. Riddle left hand is bleeding, and just as commentary makes mention, Strickland starts working submissions, manipulating the hand and fingers. Riddle desperately gets a takedown and lays in strikes with his right hand. Strickland turns him and takes mount, and now goes back to attacking the left arm. Riddle manages to escape, gets a sleeper, and drags Strickland to the mat. Strickland attacks the left hand to escape. Riddle tries for a kimura, but is having grip issues due to his hand. Strickland powers up and hits a hammerlock suplex to the buckles, again attacking that left arm and hand. Strickland now gets more chairs, tosses them in the ring and lays into Riddle with chair shots. He sets up several chairs and has bad intentions. Riddle kicks a chair into his face and hits a running tombstone onto the chairs Strickland set up; Strickland kicks out at 2. Strickland to the floor, Riddle PKs him onto the table, and is now fired up. He connects with a senton off the apron and onto Strickland through the table. Back in and Riddle dares Strickland to fight him and prove he can be champion. They beat the hell out of each other, and trade superkicks and Germans. Riddle hits bro to sleep and a powerbomb; the knee strike gets a great near fall. Riddle gets a chair and lays into Strickland with it. He tosses in more chairs and continues to attack Strickland. He piles the chairs up and lays in chops and Strickland falls onto the chairs. Riddle up top but Strickland cuts him off with a superkick. He follows and hits a superplex onto he pile of chairs. Strickland backs off and now hits a top rope double stomp. Strickland hits another top rope double stomp. he heads up top again and hits the third and covers for 2! Strickland is PISSED. He heads back up top and hits another double stomp and again Riddle kicks out! Strickland stomps on the hand and now looks for the arm break spot and hits it. Riddle’s sell here is great. Strickland now gets a ladder, slides it in and gets a table and brings that into the ring. Back in and Strickland stomps on Riddle’s hand and lays him out with a chair shot. Strickland sets up the table and attacks Riddle’s arm with ladder shots. Strickland sets up the ladder, lays Riddle on the table and climbs the ladder, looking for the Killshot as it were. Riddle fights to his feet and climbs the ladder with him. Strickland attacks the hand and now double stomps Riddle through the table but Riddle somehow kicks out again. They struggle to their feet, Strickland drops the kneepad and lays in knee strikes n Riddle, who keeps calling him on. Strickland hits another knee strike, but Riddle is still alive and pops up and he hits a knee strike. Strickland attacks the hand and hits the JML driver and finally puts Riddle away and wins the title. Shane Strickland defeated Champion Matt Riddle @ 28:37 via pin [****½] This was an extremely well built feud that came to its end here in a hardcore match in the old ECW arena. Everything they did to get here made sense, Strickland was the hot hand and delivered as soon as he walked in the door, and with Riddle on the way out, putting the title on Strickland made sense. The match was excellent, playing well off of their previous matches, and also playing into the stipulation extremely well without completely overdoing it and making it a garbage match. It took everything he had, but Strickland finally overcame Riddle, and considering what Riddle brought to the company, he deserved to go out like a Superman here tonight, and it was done in a way that they made you think Riddle may retain. Make sure to catch this one, it’s one of the best EVOLVE matches of 2018.
– Strickland says he wants to know where the locker room is to congratulate him. He now demands the locker room arrive and pay him his proper respect. Some arrive and they don’t seem impressed with their new champion. Strickland says that this is a historical moment and if they follow his lead, they may get out of opening matches and be a success like him. Strickland is a glorious asshole here, sort of complimenting the guys but also taking shots at them.
– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.

“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”