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Csonka’s AEW Dark Review 10.29.19

Csonka’s AEW Dark Review 10.29.19
– Dustin Rhodes and Sonny Kiss defeated Peter Avalon and QT Marshall @ 10:00 via pin [**¾]
– Emi Sakura defeated Penelope Ford, Sadie Gibbs, & Allie @ 11:55 via pin [**½]
– Falls Count Anywhere Match: Darby Allin defeated Jimmy Havoc and Jack Evans @ 13:15 via pin [***½]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– Tony welcomes us to the show.
– The Librarians walk & talk on their way to the ring, running down the local sports teams.
Dustin Rhodes & Sonny Kiss vs. Peter Avalon & QT Marshall: Leva Bates is at ringside. Kiss steals Avalon’s book and sits on his back to read. Marshall tags in and Kiss follows with strikes, tags in Dustin and they lock up. Dustin follows with shoulder tackles, chops and rights. He grounds the action, Kiss tags in and follows with a springboard clothesline and standing moonsault for 2. He follows with kicks, Bates distracts him and Avalon follows with a bicycle kick on the apron. Avalon in and lays the boots to Kiss. Marshall back in and they suplex Kiss and Marshall covers for 2. Enziguri by Kiss, but Avalon grounds him. Avalon and Marshall miss moonsaults, hot tag to Dustin, he runs wild, and Kiss follows with a RANA and meteora to the floor as Dustin picks up the win. Dustin Rhodes and Sonny Kiss defeated Peter Avalon and QT Marshall @ 10:00 via pin [**¾] I love the pairing of Dustin & Sonny Kiss as Kiss can learn a lot teaming with a veteran like Dustin. The match was pretty good.
Emi Sakura vs. Penelope Ford vs. Sadie Gibbs vs. Allie: They all lock up and separate. They all work into a test of strength spot, and they all attack Gibbs. Allie follows with a cross body, arm drags and Gibbs cradles her for 2. Allie follows with a backslide for 2. Ford dumps Allie and follows with kicks on Gibbs, and the crucifix gets 2 as Sakura makes the save. Sakura now works over Ford, and follows with a Romero special. Allie slides in and covers Sakura for 2. Gibbs follows with a head scissors, Allie cuts her off until Gibbs hits a clothesline. Sakura beaks up the pin and locks on a submission on both. Ford joins in with an abdominal stretch. They break, Ford works over Allie as Gibbs lays in strikes on Sakura. Ford & Gibbs hit stereo back handspring elbows and they then brawl. Allie cuts that off and hits the siding D on Ford. Gibbs and Ford fight again, Ford hits a suicide dive and Gibbs brings her back in. The Michinoku driver follows for 2 as Allie makes the save. Allie and Gibbs brawl, Sakura rushes in and breaks up the pin. She whips Allie into Gibbs, Ford cuts her off and she slams Ford into the others but they all attack Sakura. Sakura battles back and hits the corner splash on all three and the Vader bomb to all three gets 2. Allie hits a superkick, it breaks down and everyone is down. They all trade strikes, Gibbs fights off Sakura, Ford and Allie attack and Ford follows with a cutter. Sakura follows with the backbreaker on Ford for 2. The tiger driver finishes it. Emi Sakura defeated Penelope Ford, Sadie Gibbs, & Allie @ 11:55 via pin [**½] This was solid, they all worked hard did the best with the time given to them, but it never really felt locked into a strong, cohesive flow. The win could set up Sakura for a possible title shot vs. Riho. Ford and Gibbs have a lot of raw potential.
– Cody speaks with MJF. MJF says he never felt undesirable in wrestling, but as a kid, felt isolated as a the only Jewish kid on the football team. He had coins tossed at him and was called “Jew Boy.” He promised himself to never be bullied again, and started working out and is good looking and successful, as well as Cody’s best friend.
– Tony hypes tomorrow night’s show, featuring the tag tournament finals and more. Kip Sabian comments on his trios match on tomorrow’s show. He came of like a proper, cocky asshole. He, Evans, & Angelico will prove that it’s not about the Elite.
Darby Allin vs. Jimmy Havoc vs. Jack Evans: This is a falls count anywhere match. Evans attacks and runs wild at the bell, hitting a flurry of kicks and a back handspring elbow. Havoc cuts him off and follows with the rolling DVD and dropkick. Allin cradles him for 2, and follows with strikes and the code red for 2 as Evans cradles him for 2. Havoc cuts off Allin but Allin counters back into a stunner and suicide dive. Havoc cuts off another with a chair shot and suplex on the floor for 2. Chair shots to Evans follow, Allin fires back as Evans gets sent into the crowd. Havoc dumps Allin onto Evans and Havoc hits a dive off of the barricade. They brawl into the crowd, Evans works over Havoc and Allin attacks with a trashcan. They brawl up near the stage, Evans attacks Havoc and on the ramp, Evans follows with a suplex for 2. He follows with strikes, but Havoc counters into a reverse suplex for 2. Havoc kicks Allin to the floor and follows with a cactus elbow for 2. Evans now follows with a dive off of the stage and covers for 2. Back to the ramp and into the ring. Evans tosses in chairs, but Havoc punches him out of mid-air and Allin is back and gets suplexes back into the ring by Havoc He follows with a blu-ray onto both on a chair. They work up top, and Allin & Evans hit the double stomp/Argentine cutter combo for 2. Allin gets an arm bar. Havoc makes the save and hits a tiger diver onto the chair for 2. Havoc sets up a chair, but Evans side slams him onto it and follows with a 450 on Havoc for 2. Allin slides in a table but gets kicked to the floor. Evans sets up the table in the ropes, and lays Havoc onto it. He heads up top and Havoc rakes the eyes and follows him up and piledrives him through the table. Allin his the coffin drop with the chair and pins Evans.
The win gets Allin back on track following his loss to Jericho.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 62. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Jeremy Lambert break down a great week four of the Wednesday Night Wars between NXT & AEW. The show is approximately 87-minutes long.
* Intro
* AEW Dynamite (10.23.19) Review: 5:25
* NXT Dynamite (10.23.19) Review: 43:35
* The Comparison/Who Won Week Four: 1:05:45
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– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.
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