wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s AEW Dark Review 5.12.20

Csonka’s AEW Dark Review 5.12.20
– Colt Cabana defeated Shawn Dean @ 5:10 via pin [**½]
– Jurassic Express defeated Mike Reed & Ryan Rembrandt @ 4:10 via pin [**½]
– Private Party defeated Lee Johnson & Musa @ 5:30 via pin [**½]
– 10 defeated Jon Cruz @ 2:25 via pin [NR]
– Fenix defeated Alan Angels @ 6:40 via pin [**¾]
– Kris Statlander defeated Dani Jordyn @ 4:30 via pin [**]
– Orange Cassidy defeated Jason Cade @ 3:00 via pin [NR]
– Dr. Britt Baker defeated Skylar Moore @ 5:15 via submission [**½]
– No DQ Match: Jimmy Havoc defeated Japanese Death Match Legend Dr. Luther @ 7:15 via pin [***]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– Sorry for the delay, I had internet issues following Impact last night.
– Excalibur & Taz are n commentary.
Colt Cabana vs. Shawn Dean: Colt grounds things and backs off. Lockup and Colt grounds things again and then follows with a tackle. He targets the arm, Shawn kips out and Colt cradles him for 2. Dropkick by Shawn and they work into a test of strength as Colt grounds things again, focusing on the arm. Shawn cuts him off with a big right and starts picking up covers. Colt counters but Shawn starts focusing on the lower back until Colt hits chops, jabs and the flip flop and fly. The flying asshole and superman pin finishes it. Colt Cabana defeated Shawn Dean @ 5:10 via pin [**½] Colt picked up the win as expected, picking up the rebound win, while Dean looked good again; this was a solid opener.
Jurassic Express vs. Mike Reed & Ryan Rembrandt: Marko is at ringside. Jurassic Express run wild at the bell and work double teams. Jungle Boy follows with dives and Luchasaurus follows with a German. Mike tries to make the save, Ryan then takes control and lays the boots to Jungle Boy. The Russian leg sweep follows for 1. They trade and Ryan tags in for double teams, covering for 2. Ryan follows with a belly to belly for 2. Mike tags back in and Jungle Boy battles back, hits kicks and tags in Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus runs wild and hits a flurry of kicks, Mike fires back and the choke slam and standing moonsault gets 2. He and Jungle Boy follow with kicks and the assisted cutter finishes it.Jurassic Express defeated Mike Reed & Ryan Rembrandt @ 4:10 via pin [**½]This was a solid and fun little tag match.
Private Party vs. Lee Johnson & Musa: Johnson & Kassidy begin, locking up and working into counters until Kassidy grounds him and tags in Quen for double teams. They control, dumping Musa and Quen follows with knee strikes. Musa low bridges Quen and Johnson follows with a dive. Back in and he covers for 2. Musa tags in, laying the boots to Quen and follows with a suplex for 2. Quen fires back and tags in Kassidy who follows with the swanton. He follows with a leg lariat, chops and Quen joins in for double teams. The slingshot cutter follows and Quen hits a suicide dive and tope. Back in and the flatliner follows as Quen hits the shooting star press for the win. Private Party defeated Lee Johnson & Musa @ 5:30 via pin [**½] This was another solid tag with the established talent going over to get back into the mix of things.
10 vs. Jon Cruz: They lockup and 10 shoves him down. He follows with strikes, a lariat and clubbing strikes. 10 hits the bicycle kick and dumps Cruz. 10 follows him out and misses a charge, hitting the steps. Back in and Cruz fires back, heads up top and ends up running into a spinebuster for the win. 10 defeated Jon Cruz @ 2:25 via pin [NR] Squash.
– The Exalted One, Mr. Brodie Lee arrives and is pleased.
Fenix vs. Alan Angels: They lockup and work into counters as Fenix takes control. Angels counters back, attacking the arm and Fenix escapes and then gets cradled for 2. Fenix cuts him off with the superkick, covering for 2. He grounds things and follows with neck chops, and follows by attacking the leg. Angles fires back, but Fenix cuts him off with the missile dropkick for 2. Fenix is pissed and Angels fires back, and then gets kicked in the face. Angels counters with the enziguri, dropkick and blue thunder bomb for 2. Fenix powders and Angels follows as Fenix superkicks his knee. Angels fires back with an apron clothesline and back in, follows with the double stomp and moonsault for 2. They trade and Fenix follows with the high cross for 2. the spin kick connects and the black fire driver finishes it. Fenix defeated Alan Angels @ 6:40 via pin [**¾] This was an energetic little piece of business.
Kris Statlander vs. Dani Jordyn: Dani was recently seen on the NWA Circle Squared show. They lockup and Kris follows with tackles, arm drags and they work into counters as Dani cradles her for 2. Kris boops her and grounds things attacking the arm. Dani escapes but eats an elbow and powders. Kris follows, but gets slammed to the barricade and apron. Back in and she covers for 2. She follows with strikes, uppercuts and a basement dropkick for 2. Kris counters back, hits uppercuts and a knee strike to dump Dani. The dropkick to the barricades follows and back in, the PELE connects. Kris boops her and counters into a lariat. Big bang theory finishes it. Kris Statlander defeated Dani Jordyn @ 4:30 via pin [**] This was short and OK.
Orange Cassidy vs. Jason Cade: Best Friends are at ringside. Hands in the pockets but Cade stops it, attacks and Cassidy easily counters back and controls with one hand, while the other’s in the pocket. Cassidy takes him down, he strolls around and follows with hands in the pockets arm drags and a dropkick. Cassidy grounds him with ease, thumbs up and Cade pisses off Cassidy who follows with a clothesline. Cade hits a knee strike but Cassidy cradles him for the win. Orange Cassidy defeated Jason Cade @ 3:00 via pin [NR] Hang it up Cade, a man with his hands in his pockets just schooled you.
Dr. Britt Baker vs. Skyler Moore: They go to lockup and baker claims Moore hit her in the nose, so she backs off. baker looks to take control, they trade pin attempts and Baker drops her with a superkick and follows with a suplex. Baker lays the boots to Moore, follows with kicks and chokes her out in the ropes. Baker controls with ease, working Moore’s face off the post and follows with knee strikes and a head scissors. The chinlock follows, keeping Moore grounded but Moore fights to her feet, follows with strikes and gets the cradle for 2. The running knee and fisherman’s neck breaker follows. Baker puts on her gloves and lockjaw finishes it. Dr. Britt Baker defeated Skylar Moore @ 5:15 via submission [**½] This was short and solid, with baker looking great again with her heel work and mannerisms.
Japanese Death Match Legend Dr. Luther vs. Jimmy Havoc: Kip & Penelope are at ringside; this is a no DQ match. Havoc attacks as Kip distracted Luther. Luther battled back, delivers chops and Havoc bites him. He starts attacking the arm, delivers strikes and goes back to the arm. Havoc looks for a high cross is caught as Luther hits a fall away slam. Havoc gets a chair and nails Luther several times. Looks to Pillmanize the arm and Luther tosses the chair into havoc’s face. Luther up top and flies to the floor onto Havoc & Kip. He shoots Havoc to the barricades, slams him onto a chair and hits a knee drop. It’s all Luther right now, a he delivers knee strikes and they roll back in. Big boot by Luther, he gets a chair and beats down Havoc. Havoc fires back, but Luther hip tosses him onto the edge of a chair and then slams him on the chair, covering for 2. He follows with a suplex for 2. Luther sets up chairs, lays Havoc on them and Kip cuts off Luther. Havoc attacks and he RANAs Luther off the ropes Andover the chairs. The top rope double stomp follows for 2. To the ramp and Luther hits a suplex, and then drives Havoc face first onto a chair, covering for 2. Luther follows with the camel clutch, thusly humbling Havoc, Penelope takes the ref, Kip tosses a chair at Luther and that allows Havoc to hit the implant DDT for the win. Jimmy Havoc defeated Japanese Death Match Legend Dr. Luther @ 7:15 via pin [***] I enjoyed this, Havoc has been really good on dark in 2020, Luther stayed in his lane, the stip helped and it was a fun main event.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 114. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Kevin Pantoja look at current state of NXT & review WWE MITB 2020; Jerome Cusson joins to talk Dark Side of The Ring: Cocaine and Cowboy Boots: The Herb Abrams Story. The show is approximately 149-minutes long.
* Intro
* Looking at The State of NXT w/Kevin Pantoja: 2:00
* WWE MITB 2020 Review w/Kevin Pantoja: 46:05
* Dark Side of The Ring: Cocaine and Cowboy Boots: The Herb Abrams Story w/ Jerome Cusson: 1:41:20
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– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.
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